La Vida De Y/N

By -auratae

23.1K 498 49

"Hola, mi nombre es Y/N, y esta es mi vida." You smiled at the camera. Being married to the best defender in... More

Capítulo 1: La Primera Vez
Capítulo 2: Los Sacrificios
Capítulo 3: Que Vamos A Hacer?
Capítulo 4: Mi Vida Antes
Capítulo 5: Mi Vida Ahora
Capítulo 6: Feliz Año!
Capítulo 7: Madre Solo Hay Una
Capítulo 9: Tíos, míos
Capítulo 10: Lo Que Sabía, Lo Que Sé, y Lo Que Sabré
Capítulo 11: Malta
-Temporada 2:-
Capítulo 1: Mundial
Capítulo 2: Sorpresa!
Capítulo 3: Feliz Cumpleaños A Ti!
Capítulo 4: Azul, Amarillo, Águila
Capítulo 5: Cambio
Capítulo 6: Bebé? Bebés!

Capítulo 8: Qué Padre tan Padre

1K 23 1
By -auratae

"La gente siempre me decía, "nunca va a estar", "un futbolista no va a ser un papá presente", "te va a engañar," "un futbolista no es hombre para hacer vida," blah blah," You rolled your eyes as you spoke.

"Pero cuando veo como es Kevin como papá, sé que escogí al mejor hombre." You smiled. "Y es un esposo maravilloso," You said.


"Buenos días!" You said as you walked into Kevincito's room. He sat up from his head rubbing his eyes. You couldn't help but laugh at his messy hair.

"Vente, vamos a despertar a tu hermana," You said, waiting for him to get out of bed.

"Buenos días!" You said, walking into Rori's room. To your surprise she was already up, she was sitting up on her bed.

"Ay mi amor, ya estabas despierta?" You asked, walking towards her, sitting on her bed and patting her head. Her hair was also a mess.

She just nodded her head, too early to talk. You could tell that she was still tired.

Kevincito sat next to his sister on her bed, watching her as she rubbed her eyes.

"Vamos a despertar a papá?" You asked, mischief in your voice.

The kids nodded their heads excitedly.

"Vamos," You said, holding in a laugh.

The three of you tiptoed to your bedroom. You opened the door and you all ran to jump on the bed.

"Buenos dias," Kevin laughed as he felt the kids begin to jump on the bed. You had decided to lay down next to him.

"Nos dormimos un ratito más?" You said, wiggling your eyebrows. The kids didn't even bother to answer the question, they just ran to lay between you and Kevin, quickly covering themselves with the blanket. You took that as a yes.

You and Kevin both turned around to face each other, the kids still in the middle. He reached over the kids to hold your hand. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"Te amo," He said, his thumb caressing your hand.

You smiled at him before falling asleep.

-interview with Kevin's mom-

"Kevin, él es alguien que siempre prioriza a su familia," She said. "Al principio de la relación de el y Y/n, si estaba preocupada porque Y/n vivía en los Estados Unidos, y como todos yo también me preocupaba de cómo iba a funcionar su relación," She said.

"Veía a Kevin muy triste cuando Y/n se iba, me preocupaba, siempre me preguntaba si le estaba causando distracciones en el fútbol." She spoke with honesty.

"Pero veo ahora que felices son, y cómo se quieren, y mi corazón está en paz." She smiles, nodding her head as a way of approval.

-interview with Diego-

"Cuando Y/n tuvo a Kevincito, recuerdo que él estaba en su entrenamiento, y corrió como si fuera no se que," Diego said on the verge of laughter. "Salió echo la chingada," Diego laughed.

"En serio, nunca lo avía visto correr asi," Diego said. "Le llamaron, y correle, patitas para que las quiere." Diego laughed.

"Uy y cuando nació Rori, dios mio, no se callaba el pinche Kevin, siempre con su "que mi princesa esto," "y mi niña aquello," Rori es la luz de sus ojos, pues es su primera hija," Diego rolled his eyes.

"Y con Kevincito, apenas y nació el pobre niño, y salió a decirnos "le vamos a poner como yo!" está loco el Kevin," Diego said.

"Siempre se la pasa diciendo, "Kevincito va a ser como su papá," ojala y no, pobre niño va a estar todo menso si sale como el papa," Diego sighed, rolling his eyes jokingly.

-interview with Kevin-

"Yo escogí el nombre de Kevincito," Kevin smiled proudly. "Y Y/n, escogió el nombre de Rori." Kevin explained. "Pero Y/n siempre había dicho que al primer niño le iba a poner como el papá, o sea como yo," Kevin said, once again smiling proudly as he pointed at himself.

-interview with Memo-

"Ver a Kevin chillar, es algo que no pasa mucho," Memo says. "Pero cuando nacieron los niños, chiyo ," Memun chingo" Memo says, remembering the way Kevin cried happy tears both times that he had introduced the babies to the team.

"El ama a sus hijos mucho," Memo said, smiling at the camera.

"Cuando veo cómo son Y/n y Kevin como papás me siento orgulloso," He said, a big smile on his face. "Yo vi a Kevin crecer en el hombre que es ahora, y no se, me siento muy orgulloso de él," He says, nodding his head as he speaks to the camera.

-interview with you-

"Kevin aunque llegue tarde y cansado de sus entrenamientos, sea, lo que sea, si los niños quieren jugar, o platicar con él, él siempre les dedica tiempo," You said.

"Cuando le dije que estaba embarazada," You smile as you remember that very special moment. "Dios mio, no dejaba de sonreír," You say.

You paced around the room. The pregnancy test in your hands. You had taken it earlier this morning, while Kevin was at practice. You had been feeling off lately and not to mention that you were late.

You didn't know how to tell him. You were happy, beyond happy, but you didn't know how he would feel or how he would react. His career was taking off right now, and he had been traveling a lot lately with Mexio's national team.

You felt like you were going to be sick again, this time, you didn't know if it was because of the baby or because you were so nervous. You ran to the bathroom, rushing to the toilet.

You knew that you had to tell him. You were married for god's sake. He couldn't just leave you, right? No no, of course not. Kevin isn't like that. You knew that he would never leave you. He wasn't like that.

Would he be upset?

You heard the front door open and it felt like your heart sank. You had to recollect yourself. Quickly standing up and brushing your teeth. You hid the pregnancy test in your back pocket, going to greet him.

You would just tell him, and however he would react, you would be fine.

Your feet felt heavy with every step you took. You could feel your heart beating out of your chest.

Why are you so afraid?

"Hola amor," He said as he went to put his training bag away. When he came back he looked at you with a worried expression. "Que tienes?" He asked, stepping closer to you and cupping your face in his hands. "Estas palida," He said, moving your head around to get a better look at your face.

You didn't say anything, you just grabbed the pregnancy test and handed it to him. He looked at you confused until he realized what he was reaching out for.

He looked at the test, his eyes widening for a second before he looked up at you.

"Estoy embarazada," You said. Your voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

He took a closer look at the small screen on the test, as a way to confirm what you had just told him.

He was silent for a moment, which made the nervousness in your stomach feel worse. You were about to become sick again, you could feel it.

You looked at him, nervously biting your lip.

You saw how his lips turned into a big smile the longer he looked at the pregnancy test. He looked up at you again, his eyes were watery.

"Voy a ser papá?" He asked, smiling.

You slowly nodded your head, his smile made a wave of relief hit you.

"Voy a ser papá!" He exclaimed running to hug you. He picked you up and spun you around. You laughed, also feeling tears in your eyes. When he put you down, he hugged you again.

"Te amo, te amo," He repeated over and over again after every kiss he placed on your lips. You smiled as he kissed you over and over again.

"No estas enojado?" You asked him.

"Por que me enojaría?" He looked at you as if you had grown two heads.

"No lo se, no arruina tu carrera?" You looked down at your hands. Your fingers were playing with your rings.

"Claro que no," He laughed. "Este es el mejor regalo que me puedes dar," He kissed you again, reassuring you as he cupped your face with his hands.

"Seguro?" You asked him.

"Si," He looked at you with the most serious look on his face. "Amor, estoy en las nubes de la felicidad y de la emoción." He smiled. You could tell that it was a genuine smile by the way his eyes shined. His smile made you smile as well.

-interview with Kevin-

"Cuando te dijo Y/n que estaba embarazada, cómo te sentiste?" The camera man asked Kevin. He was sitting in front of the soccer field. The thousands of stadium seats behind him. He was sweaty from the training he had just gotten out of.

He smiled at the question. He was more than happy to talk about his kids and about you.

Even if opportunity wasn't presented to him, he would always find a way to bring you and the kids up in the conversation.

"Sentía que iba a explotar de la emoción." He smiled at the camera. His smile lines were very visible as he had the biggest smile on his face. "Ser papá, era unos de mis más grandes deseos," He says. "Y Y/n lo hizo posible y ahora soy el hombre mas feliz del mundo." He is still grinning at the camera. His hands on his lap as he speaks.

"Claro, cuando nació Kevincito estaba tan nervioso, pues era nuestro primer hijo y no sabia que hacer," He admits, he was playing with his fingers, his hands still on his lap.

"Kevin, tienes una llamada de tu esposa, es urgente," The secretary of the team said as she walked towards the group of guys that were warming up before practice. Her words made Kevin nervous as he rushed over to the lady who was holding out a phone for him.

"Bueno?" He spoke to the phone. He knew that you were about to pop at any moment, which is why he was hesitant to go to practice but you always told him to go, and that you would let him know if anything happened. Both of you just never expected that something would happen today.

"KEVIN!" You yelled at the phone, the pain hadn't increased, but boy were you in pain.

He pulled the phone away from his ear, startled from your yelling.

"Que paso?!" He asked in a worried tone.

"YA! YA ES TIEMPO! APPURATE!" You yelled again. His eyes widened.

"YA?" He asked.

"QUE NO ME ESCUCHASTE?!" You yelled, aggravated that he was taking too long to get to you.

"YA VA A NACER!" He yelled excitedly, catching the attention of his teammates that cheered for the great news.


He quickly ran to the door not even grabbing his stuff, he just rushed to the locker room for his phone, wallet, and his keys.

The other team members looked at him, some shocked, some in amusement, and some in worry.

For legal purposes, he would never admit how fast he drove that day. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. He was nervous and worried. Nervous because he didn't know how to be a dad and worried because you were in pain.

When he arrived at the hospital, he sprinted to the room you were in. His cleats clanking against the hospital floor. He didn't have time to change.

"Llegue, ya llegue!" He said as he ran towards you. You laid on the hospital bed, your face scrunching up in pain.

You reached your hand out, urging for him to hold it so you could squeeze it,

He let you hold his hand and every time you squeezed it and it felt like you would break it, he didn't say anything.

He saw your mom and dad sitting on the couch in the room. His mother hadn't arrived yet.

"Estas bien?" He asked you.

You just looked at him.

"Enserio Kevin?" You asked him sarcastically before another contraction hit you and you squeezed his hand again.

He just smiled at you, trying his best to hide the pain he felt when you squeezed his hand.

The first thing Kevincito saw when he was born was you and Kevin in his Mexico practice jersey.

"Esta hermoso," Kevin said, smiling as tears fell down his face. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Hiciste un buen trabajo, eres muy fuerte amor." He whispered against your temple, before placing a kiss on your lips. You had tears rolling down your face as well.

"Y cuando nació Rori, dios mio, desde que nació Rori, ella ya era la princesa de papa," You laugh.

"Ya Kevin!" You spoke on the phone, you were calmer this time, having a better idea of what was going to happen but you still yelled from the pain and the nervousness, because no matter how many kids you pop out, the nervousness never gets any better.

"YA VOY PARA AYA!" Kevin was the one yelling this time. He was even more nervous this time for some reason.

"YA VA A NACER MI PRINCESA!" He yelled with the biggest smile on his face. His teammates cheered for him as they watched him run away from the field and towards the building. He once again sprinted to the locker room, grabbed his wallet and keys and he was out the door.

He was huffing and puffing when he arrived at the room. You looked much calmer than when Kevincito was born.

"Estas bien?" He asked, making sure that you were comfortable, at least the most comfortable one can be when they're about to give birth.

"Eh," You said, trying to sit up a bit more, the pain in your lower back was beginning to get worse as time kept going by. Kevin rushed to help you sit up, you used his arm for support.

"Ya va a nacer mi niña," He said, making you smile.

When Rori was born, the first thing she saw was you and Kevin in his Pachuca practice jersey.

"Es perfecta," He looked at his newborn daughter in awe, completely mesmerized by the tiny baby in your arms. "Se parece a ti," He smiled as he looked at you. He was laying on the hospital bed, next to you. The two of you in absolute awe.

You smiled at him, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"Gracias, por darme dos hijos hermosos," He said before placing a kiss on your temple and caressing the side of your head.

"Mami!" Kevincito was brought into the room to meet his baby sister.

"Kevincito, hola amor," You said, smiling brightly at the toddler.

He just smiled. He looked at the tiny baby in your arms. He looked confused but also curious.

"Mira, es tu hermanita," Kevin said, getting up to go pick Kevincito up to bring him towards the side of the bed so he could get a better view of his baby sister.

"Hola," Kevincito moved his tiny hand at the baby. You and Kevin smiled at each other as you watched Kevincito look at his baby sister.

"Gracias," Kevin repeated as he looked at you. He felt as if you had just given him the world and more. The world, the stars, the sun, the moon, the whole galaxy.

-interview with the kids-

"A mi me gusta jugar fut con mi papa," Kevincito said. He sat in front of the black backdrop, his little sister sitting next to him.

"El juega barbies con migo," Rori said, she clapped her little hands as she smiled.

"El es su jugador favorito?" The cameraman asks the kids.

They both shake their heads no.

"QUE?" Kevin was behind the cameraman and when he heard the kid's response, he stood up from his chair.

The kids laughed at their dad's actions.

"No soy su jugador favorito?" Kevin asked in disbelief.

"CHUCKY!" Both of the kids yelled at the same time.

"No lo puedo creer," Kevin gasped.

-interview with you and Kevin-

"Te amo," Kevin had his hand on your knee as the two of you sat in front of the same black backdrop from before.

"Yo tambien," You said, turning to look and smile at him.

"Gracias por darme unos hijos hermosos y perfectos." He said, once again thanking you for the biggest gift you have given him.

You smiled at him shyly.

He hugged you tightly before giving you a kiss.

-end credits for this episode-

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