That famous knock

By gaia_girl6

308 24 16

Just the life of an ordinary woman but one day, there is a knock at her door. It's a story about a dream I ha... More

The knock
A friendship blooms
Pictures to each other
Date and unwanted media
Breakfast and dresses
Night club and a fight
Staying the night
I'll fix this
Fan Meet
Texts back and forth ❤️‍🔥
Practice ❤️‍🔥
Lost control 🔥🌶️
Dinner and a show
Pitch it!!!
The Sisters of Saturn
You're dating Robbie Kay?
Triple Date
Triple Date (part 2) ❤️‍🔥
Bare me a child 🔥🌶️
Wedding day
Pictures and honeymoon 🔥🌶️
Happy news

Are you single?

7 1 0
By gaia_girl6

[night of January 8th]

{Colins P.O.V}

Dani, Hannah's sister, is very different from Hannah. She is sarcastic and slightly darker than Hannah, who is like a walking rainbow. She is still sweet but Hannah is more innocent. That's not the right word. Dani isn't afraid to be a bitch whereas I don't think Hannah has the ability to be one. We took Alena on a walk because it seemed like her parents needed some alone time.
"So do you think they are done fucking yet?" Dani said while Alena was on a swing set.
"Probably. Let's head back, maybe they made food. You know, while we were gone."

Dude seriously. I'm pretty sure they were a bit busy." She has a nice laugh. I shrugged.
"You never know." I winked at her, she blushes.
"Oh, I saw you and your cast mates with Hannah on YouTube the other day. She was singing." Dani said.
"Yeah, she has an amazing voice. Do you sing?" She nodded.
"Yeah I do. Actually, my voice perfectly compliments Hannah and vice versa."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, while we were in highschool, we were in choir and we were placed into the sections depending on what our vocal range was." I looked at her confused.
"Three sections? I thought women only had two."
"Most people think that. So there is soprano, a second soprano, and alto. A second soprano has two different directions it can go. Hannah is a second soprano soprano, meaning she sings the harmony when it's higher than the melody. I am a second soprano alto, meaning I sing the harmony when it's lower than the melody." I nodded in understanding.
"And that's why your voices compliment each others? Because you harmonize separate octaves?"
"Yep. I have the perfect song to show you when we get back to Robbie's. You know, it's odd being with a celebrity and not getting, you know, murdered or something."
"Is it a bad odd?" I asked as I pulled Alena out of her swing and placed her on my hip.
"No, it's good." She said as she looked at Alena and grabbed her hand. Alena looked at me and smiled. She placed her hands on my eyes.
"Blue." I chuckled.
"Yes little lady. My eyes are blue. And so are yours." She tapped my shoulder.
"Blue!" She looked at Dani.
"Ni ni!!!"
"Yep, Aunty Ni Ni. What's up, my little lady bug?"
*Chime*  Dani's phone goes off.
"It's Hannah. She said come back and she made dinner. You son of a gun, how did you know?"
"I don't know. I wonder what she made."

{Robbie's P.O.V}

I was still laying in the bed, processing everything that just happened. We haven't known each other for very long but that isn't stopping me from falling completely in love with her. And I don't want to stop it. She can act, meaning she could be in movies. I'm gonna make her a star.
"Robbie, can you bring me my dress? I texted Dani, they should be coming back!" I heard some sizzling. I put my pants back on and brought Hannah her dress. She was in her underwear and shoes, while she didn't take off while we were having sex. I went behind her and kissed her shoulder. Then I looked down at what she was making.
"I raised your stuff sorry."
"No you're fine. Very fine." I kissed her neck then handed her the dress. She slipped it on and continues to make whatever she is.
"Go put something on the Television please."
"Anything in particular?" She smirks.
"Well I have been watching 'Once Upon a Time' with Dani, I would love to continue it." Oh great.
"Sure thing, umm how far along are you?"
"We are near the end of season 2. Which means you are coming up my dear."
"Fuck." I laughed at my reaction.
"I don't know what you are worried about. You are a great actor." The oven went off. She grabbed some mits and pulled out some Tator Tots. She left the oven open and set it for 350° and had a large pot next to her.
"Go sit down." I nodded and happened to look in my sink.
"Why is there aluminum foil in my drain?" She picked up her pan, grabbed a lid, placed it over the ground beef, and poured the grease into the foil.
"Let it cool down and throw it away." I never thought of that.
"I'm almost 30 and I'm just now knowing about this? That could have saved me so many jars." She laughed.
"Go put on my show or you will be punished." I smirked rushing back to her side.
"Well now I wanna be a bad boy." I whispered in her ear, biting it, causing her to shiver. We heard the door open and I walked into the living room.
"There's my little princess!!!" Alena runs up to me and jumps into my arms. I look at Dani and she is blushing but looking in a different direction.
"What's wrong Dani? You look flushed." Colin said. She just pointed at me and I chuckled.
"Don't see shirtless men often?"
"No, I don't see attractive shirtless men often." Colin smirks and starts grabbing his shirt.
"It is getting a little toasty in here." I know what he is doing.
"Well then, why don't you join the shirtless party Colin?"
"I need to use the restroom!" Dani rushes out of the room as soon as Colin's shirt is off.
"Are we cruel mate?" He asked me.
"Who cares? Two extremely beautiful women are interested in us and we can make them flustered. Why should we stop?" She comes back out and her white shirt is off and she is only wearing her pants which are now shorts, her combat boots, and her purple vest.
"What? It got hot." Colin looks at her and has his mouth open. Hannah comes out.
"Dinner will be finished in 30 minutes. What the hell is going on in here?" Dani walks over to her.
"Apparently, they were hot so they took their shirts off."
"Excuse me love but Robbie already had his shirt off. You were right Dani. Look, your sister looks like a leopard." Hannah blushes and covers her neck.
"It's not just there my love." I say to her. Dani looks down at her legs.
"Robbie, good lord." She said rubbing Hannah's arms because of how bad she was blushing.
"Don't worry Hannah, I know how to get our minds off of those marks." Dani smirks at Colin.
"Are you single by chance?" He asked.

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