Olympians in the City: Zeus'...

By Sakiko22

409 167 2

God of the underworld named Hades, wants to destroy the Olympus and become powerful than Zeus, his brother an... More

Writer's Note
Prologue: Plan of Hades
Chapter 1: The Attack of Hades
Chapter 2: The Lost of Hermes
Chapter 3: New Life
Chapter 4: Saving Aphrodite
Chapter 5: The Destruction of Olympus
Chapter 6: Reason of Hades
Chapter 7: She's Still a Warrior
Chapter 8: Athena's Story
Chapter 9: The "O" Detector
Chapter 10: The Beginning of Journey
Chapter 11: Battle of Musicians
Chapter 12: The Grown-Up Love
Chapter 13: Apollo's Journey
Chapter 14: Apollo's Journey II
Chapter 15: Apollo's Journey III
Chapter 16: Courageous Love
Chapter 17: Words of Love
Chapter 18: Nanny Goddess
Chapter 19: Story of the Queen
Chapter 20: Story of the Queen II
Chapter 21: Story of the Queen III
Chapter 22: Story of the Queen IV
Chapter 23: Story of the Queen V
Chapter 24: Story of the Queen VI
Chapter 25: On to the Next
Chapter 26: The Village of Minjos
Chapter 27: Gods in the Village
Chapter 28: Ares and Hephaestus
Chapter 29: Ares and Hephaestus II
Chapter 30: Ares and Hephaestus III
Chapter 31: Ares and Hephaestus IV
Chapter 32: Ares and Hephaestus V
Chapter 33: Ares and Hephaestus VI
Chapter 34: Ares and Hephaestus VII
Chapter 35: The Preparation
Chapter 36: The Second War: Minjos vs Centaurs
Chapter 37: The Celebration
Chapter 38: The Secret of the Fisherman
Chapter 39: Poseidon's Secret
Chapter 40: Poseidon's Secret II
Chapter 41: Poseidon's Secret III
Chapter 42: Poseidon's Secret IV
Chapter 43: Poseidon's Secret V
Chapter 44: Poseidon's Secret VI (Larry and Dixie Love Story)
Chapter 45: Poseidon's Secret VII
Chapter 46: The Revenge
Chapter 47: Making Memories
Chapter 48: Lost in the Forest
Chapter 49: The Mission of Artemis
Chapter 50: The Mission of Artemis II
Chapter 51: The Mission of Artemis III
Chapter 52: The Mission of Artemis IV
Chapter 54: The Mission of Artemis VI
Chapter 55: A Danger in the Cave
Chapter 56: Fighting the Python
Chapter 57: In the Farmer's Place
Chapter 58: The Help of Demeter
Chapter 59: The Help of Demeter II
Chapter 60: The Help of Demeter III
Chapter 61: The Help of Demeter IV
Chapter 62: The Help of Demeter V
Chapter 63: The Help of Demeter VI
Chapter 64: Incoming Chaos
Chapter 65: Protect the Land!
Chapter 66: Payback Time
Chapter 67: Servants in the Mansion
Chapter 68: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants
Chapter 69: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants II
Chapter 70: Dionysus and Hestia III
Chapter 71: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants IV
Chapter 72: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants V
Chapter 73: Dionysus and Hestia VI
Chapter 74: Dancing in the Night
Chapter 75: The Revelation
Chapter 76: The Daughter of Hades
Chapter 77: The Daughter of Hades II
Chapter 78: The Daughter of Hades III
Chapter 79: Journey to the Underworld
Chapter 80: Encounters in the Underworld
Chapter 81: The Sacrifice
Chapter 82: The Final Battle
Epilogue: The Return of Red Army

Chapter 83: The Farewell and Reflection

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By Sakiko22

Chapter 83 
The Farewell and Reflection

Zeus was finally revived, and the Olympians' immortality was retrieved. It's about time, that all of them must return to Olympus, their real beloved home. As all the gods and goddesses approached Zeus, their king, he praised all of his beloved Olympians telling...

"All of you, my dearest Olympians, you proved that we're still the highest above the mountains. I valued your courage and sacrifices. Well done, my beloved Olympians."

Then, Hermes gave back the thunderbolt to Zeus, the owner of that might weapon. The god of the Olympus gets his thunderbolt from Hermes. As he already holds his powerful weapon, Zeus smiled at Hermes and said...

"Well done, Hermes."

"Thank you, father." Hermes replied.

Both of them embraced each other and smiled, for finally, the chaos is over. After that, Hera embraced her husband once again and can't stop herself from crying. The queen of the Olympus was worried and missed her husband so much. That time, she told her husband while she feels the warmth embrace of Zeus...

"Finally, we will be together once again."

Zeus smiled at her and told Hera something...

"My queen, I apologized from what I have done to you before. I cheated and intimated with many women. I hurt your feelings, but you're still choose to stay and love me. I promised that I will stop looking for other women and will only focus on you. I love you, my queen."

Hera cried and speechless from the promise of her husband. Then, Zeus kissed his wife's lips to prove her, that he was sincere to his promises. It was such nice to see this wife and husband are met once again. After that, Zeus saw Hades standing in his throne while looking at them. Then, the god of the underworld approached his brother, the King of Olympus. That time, as Hades are already in front of Hades, he told his brother Zeus...

"Brother, I apologized from what I have done."

But Zeus just smiled and said...

"No, we must be the one to apologize, my brother."

That time, Zeus explained to all of them, through his vision, he saw all of the journey and the struggles each one of the Olympians have faced and learned as a mortal. Through that vision, he felt that pain and agonies of his dear Olympians. And most of all, he saw how their mortal friends changed them and touched their hearts. That time, Zeus realized all of the mistakes he has done from the past to mortals. That's why he regrets and promised to become a nice god to the people. He heard everything even what Hades told them about his reason why he annihilates the Olympus.

Later on, Marielle and Williams slowly approached the Olympians. As all of them saw these two, Hermes went in front of Marielle and embraced her. These two lovers faced a lot, but their relationship still prevails, for love still wins in the end. Then, Hermes holds Marielle's cheeks, looked at her in the eyes and said...

"Thank you for everything, my love."

Then, Athena also went to her mortal lover, Williams. She embraced him just like what Hermes did to Marielle, and thanked him...

"Williams, thank you for what you have done for us."

Later on, Zeus commend Marielle and Williams for the help they gave for the Olympians. Without them, then it is already the end of the Olympus and mortals as well. That's why Zeus told them...

"Mortals, the lovers of Hermes and Athena, I saw in my vision how you helped my dearest Olympians. Thanks to you, Marielle, and Williams."

"Who are we to reject and ignore the gods like you? For it is a must to help all of you." Marielle politely replied.

After that, Hades wants to talk and tell something to his daughter. That's why, he called her name and said...

"Marielle, my daughter. Can I talk to you?"

Marielle just looked at Hades and remembered how her father sacrifices himself to protect her. Hermes looked at Marielle and nod his head, as a sign that she must listen and give her father a chance. So, Marielle went in front of him, then Hades started to speak to his daughter...

"My daughter, I want to apologize from what I have done to you and your mother."

But Marielle replied and said...

"I will forgive you but will never forget about what you have done. Still, I appreciate and thankful for protecting me earlier from that dragon. Because if not, then maybe I am finished right now."

Hades smiled and understood that Marielle will never forget what he has done. But still, he was pleasured for his daughter already forgives him. That time, Hades again offered her something...

"My daughter, I want to pay for all the mistakes that I have done to you. So, I offered you to come with me and be the princess of the underworld. You will have a power over the dead and will give you an immortality. But still, your choice is a must."

Marielle looked at Williams and smiled. It is only herself who must decide about her life. Then, Marielle already decided and told Hades, her father...

"I want to live in a normal life as a mortal. My grandma is waiting for me right now, and since I already met my mom, I want to live with her peacefully."

Hades smiled and respected his daughter's decision. That's why he replied to his daughter...

"I understand, my daughter. If that what makes you happy, then I will respect it. I will guide you always and will help you if you need me."

"Thank you, father." Marielle smiled and replied.

That time, Marielle started to call Hades as her father. But she's not that close to him. Still, Marielle and Hades embraced each other. The god of the underworld was pleasured as he felt that warm embrace of his daughter. It is such a good feeling as a father, and that is what Hades felt right now.

Then, it's about time to leave the underworld and return to the Earth. Marielle and Williams went near the Olympians, then Athena and Hermes touched them in their hands. Hades watched them until they were disappeared and returned to the land.

After that, the Olympians, with Williams and Marielle, arrived and appeared in the seashore where Stella lives. Then, inside her old house, Stella felt that someone was arrived in just front of her house. She believed that the Olympians successfully regained their immortality and power. Therefore, she immediately went outside her house to see it. There, she saw the Olympian gods and goddesses returned with their power and glory. She also saw her daughter and brother as well with them. Stella was delighted as she finds out that all of them are fine and successfully retrieved their power.

Stella approached them and embraced Marielle, for she was relieved as her daughter was safe and alive.

"You made it, my daughter." Stella told Marielle.

"Yes, we did it, mom." Marielle replied.

Then, Marielle told her mother about how Hades protected her against the dragon and how she fights that beast. And most of all, the Olympian's immortality was recovered, then they defeated and killed the dragon. Stella was amazed from her daughter's bravery when she fought that dragon.

But it's about time, that the Olympians will return to the Olympus. So, Zeus told to Marielle, Stella, and Williams...

"Mortals, again, with all of our hearts, we thank you for the help you gave us "

The three of them just smiled back at Zeus, then the Olympians walked in far away meters. But Hermes and Athena stayed, to say farewell to their lovers. First was Athena, she went to Williams and embraced him.

"Williams, I will never forget the love we shared for each other. Thank you and I love you." Athena cried and told her lover Williams.

"You can finally live in Olympus peacefully, go and enjoy it." Williams told her.

Then, Athena gave something to Williams, it was the "O" Detector that she made. It was the remembrance that she will left for Williams. The goddess promised that she will guide him always wherever he went to. Williams got that detector and kept it, for he will use it to remember Athena and their journey. Then, Williams kissed Athena's forehead, as a farewell for her.

While Hermes, also went near to Marielle, his lover. The two lovers embraced each other, and Marielle cried as the time of farewell was now came upon them. She will never forget those memories and journey they've been together, and most of all, that night when they danced in Mr. Luke's bar. Marielle holds Hermes' cheeks and says to him...

"Hermes, my love, even if we separated, you will be the only man that I will love."

Then, Hermes told her...

"Marielle, whatever might happen, I promise that I will watch you and will meet you. For I am now a god and can do everything I want with you."

Then, Hermes smacked Marielle's lips. After that, Marielle told Hermes, that she believed this is not yet the farewell for them. She still believed and hoped that they will be forever until their last breath. Hermes felt the same way, for love must be strong whatever might happen.

After that, Hermes and Athena walked away and went with their fellow Olympians. All of them encircled and looked up the sky. Then, Marielle, Williams, and Stella saw the Olympians are ascending in the skies and suddenly disappeared. Now, the Olympians are returned in the Olympus finally. Stella, Marielle, and Williams are left in that seashore, with many memories with them. It was such unforgettable journey, they learned and been through a lot. It's about time to return in their normal life and live peacefully.

When they returned in the motorhome bus, Marielle went inside the bedroom. She saw that place was already empty and remembered when the Olympians are still there with her. She even remembered all the memories with them, she felt empty that time just like how empty this room was. She suddenly missed all of them, especially Hermes. Then, Marielle lay in her bed and get her wallet to see the picture she got with the Olympians and Hermes together in the amusement park. She can't stop crying as she saw that picture, how she wished that she would get back in that time. But it's already ended anyway, it's about time to return in their normal life. So, they will go back to New York City where they lived and where Grandma Linda is waiting for her.

Until one month have passed, after that unforgettable journey...

In the residence of Stephen, a friend of Apollo, here is Daphne, packing her things up for her study in Harvard University. She was so excited for her new journey in life, while her parents are so proud for her as well. As Daphne was already prepared, Stephen told her...

"Daphne, just take care always and good luck. Me and your mom is so proud of you."

"I know I can do it, dad. Because I believe that Uncle Apollo will guide me."

Then, Stephen and Mary Grace smiled, then embraced their daughter Daphne. But they didn't know that Apollo was there, happily watching them. Just like what he promised, Apollo will guide them, especially Daphne, who has the same name of the woman that he loved but unfortunate enough to get her heart. Still, the god was delighted as he saw Daphne is about to fulfill her dreams.

While in the clinic, here is Jayson and Cecille, the parents of deceased Stacy and the family that Hera was served. Jayson consulted his wife to a doctor, for Cecille felt sudden dizziness and nausea. Jayson thought that there is something wrong from Cecille. But he didn't know that there is good news that will come upon them. That time, the doctor told them...

"Mr. Jayson, I want to congratulate you. For your wife Mrs. Cecille was confirmed as pregnant."

Jayson was surprised and glad as they will have a child once again. Because of the excitement, Jayson looked at Cecille and said...

"Finally, we will have a child once again!"

Cecille was happy like him of course, for she will finally become a mother once again. Because of that, the husband and wife embraced each other. While Hera, their nanny, watching them with happiness and she's the one who bless them to have another baby. For it is a reward for helping her when she became a mortal.

While in the village of the Minjos, here is Kevin, training using a sword by Captain Paul. While Sandra was proud as she saw that Kevin is fighting like her late husband Anthony.

"Well done, Kevin. You are indeed the future supreme leader." Captain Paul commends him.

Then, the village was more improved, and the poverty was vanished from them. Their weapons such as swords, spears, bows and arrows became stronger. They maintained what they've learned from Hephaestus and Ares. All the villagers lived with freedom, while Ares and Hephaestus are watching them with pleasure. Just like what they have promised, Ares and Hephaestus are guiding this village, and the citizens are believed in their presence and guidance.

In the seashore, where Poseidon lived when he became a mortal. Larry and the fishermen are working peacefully. They caught so many fishes even if Marcus or also known as Poseidon left and went with the Olympians. Larry, Russell, and the fishermen believed, that Poseidon is guiding them. Actually, they are right, Poseidon is watching them with delight. The god of the sea will never forget how these fishermen, especially Larry, helped him in his struggles.

But, later on, Poseidon remembered something. He said to himself that time...

"I guess I have one more job to do."

And what Poseidon means was Medusa, who also known nowadays as Madam Melissa. She was there in the rest house, observing her fishermen in the sea. Later on, Athena and Poseidon appeared behind her. Medusa was surprised as she saw the god and goddess once again. That time, Medusa told them...

"It's you, Lord Poseidon and Goddess Athena!"

"Yes, it's about time to fulfill my promise, Medusa." Athena smiled and told her.

Then, Athena closed her eyes and used her godly power to remove the curse from Medusa. But there's nothing happened. Still, Athena tried it once again and Medusa feels that there's nothing changed. Therefore, Poseidon suggested...

"I guess I'm going to help you, Athena."

Then together, Poseidon and Athena used their godly power to remove Medusa's curse. Later on, the madam can feel that there is something changed from her body. She immediately removed her scarf in her hair, and the snakes are slowly vanished and turned into a beautiful golden hair. She removed her sunglass and felt that her power to turn anyone into stone when they stared at her was gone finally. Medusa became a beautiful woman once again, just like before. So, she cried from happiness and thanked Athena...

"Goddess Athena, thank you for helping me!"

Athena smiled and embraced her faithful priestess Medusa. Finally, Madam Melissa or also known as Medusa, can finally leave in peace and normal.

While in the forest, where Michael and his family lived, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt watching them with delight. For these family are taking care of the unicorns they hunted. It was such a surprise that one of the unicorns were pregnant already. That's why Michael told Lana, Bryant, Ruby, and Jaylen while inside the garden where unicorns are found...

"We must take care of these unicorns until their species were spread. For that's what Artemis wants to happen."

"Yes, dad! And Sister Artemis will be proud of it!" Bryant replied.

These family kept their promise to Artemis. That's why the goddess is protecting and blessing them, as long as she can.

While in the farm of Neal, all the farmers are harvesting and working together. Demeter is guiding them by growing and maintaining their crops in the farm. Here is Neal, Charles, and Jane, watching the working farmers and believed that Demeter is blessing them.

"I know Demeter is here with us, and still showing her love for all of us." Neal told his son and Jane.

"She became a mother to me, and I believed that she's watching us." Charles told them.

"Without her, then maybe I am still living with my tyrant father and married that man I never loved." Jane added.

Finally, Neal and his family live in peace, and Jane already lived with them too. There is no more chaos in that farm since Johnny was arrested and the minotaur was killed and defeated.

While in the mansion of Mr. Luke, the family are in the garden drinking the wine together. Mr. Luke's company's sale was increased because of Dionysus' wine. That time, their bond in each other became closer. Then, Kyla believed that Dionysus and Hestia are still with them, that's why she said...

"Mom, dad, I believed that Dionysus and Hestia are here with us."

"I also do, my dear." Mr. Luke replied.

They are right actually; Dionysus and Hestia are watching them with a smile on their face. The god and goddess are guiding and protecting them. And they will never forget how these mortals helped them in their struggles.

Later on, all the Olympians returned in Olympus. Zeus asked them if how their visit in their mortal friends is. Then, all of them tells how their mortal friends are living happily and improved right now. They told Zeus that they will always bless them to repay the help that gave to them. But they realized that Hermes is not around that place. So, Aphrodite asked...

"Where is Hermes anyway? I didn't saw him at the whole time."

"You already know where he went, don't ask it." Zeus told her.

That time, they are now realized where Hermes have been to. It was already afternoon, Marielle was in her room at the apartment, looking at the skies in the window. Later on, there is someone knocked on her door saying...

"Marielle, I cooked some snacks for you."

Then, as the door was opened, it was Stella, her mother. She went with Marielle and Williams after that journey, for Hades will never harm them anymore. Stella carried a tray and with a plate of sandwich and juice on it. Marielle smiled and appreciated the effort of her mother. As Stella put Marielle's snack in the table, her daughter told her...

"Thank you for the snack, mom."

Then, Stella replied to her and said...

"It's about time to let you feel the love of a mother."

The mother and daughter have a little chat that time. Then, later on, Stella left the room after that, to let her daughter eat that snack she prepared. As Marielle was just alone there in her room, there is someone calling her...

"Marielle, I'm here."

Marielle looked at the window, and she saw Hermes floating in the air. She was smiled for finally; she saw her lover once again. She immediately went in the window and told Hermes...

"It's you, my love!"

Hermes lend his hand to Marielle and said...

"Come with me, and let's roam around the planet."

Then, Marielle gave her hand to Hermes and come with him. Together, they fly around the skies while Hermes are grabbing her in Marielle's waist. Marielle is enjoying the view of the cities while they were up in the sky. These two lovers are enjoying that moment together, until Hermes while carrying Marielle, stopped in the top of the building. The two lovers are looked at each other through their eyes, then Hermes told her...

"I love you, Marielle."

"I love you too, Hermes." Marielle replied.

Then, Hermes and Marielle gave each other a smack. Their journey must be ended, but their love was still prevailed and continues. That was the story of Hermes and Marielle, their love was still alive and remained stronger. It seems that there are really no one can stop their love for each other, even the destiny and time. 

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