Olympians in the City: Zeus'...

By Sakiko22

409 167 2

God of the underworld named Hades, wants to destroy the Olympus and become powerful than Zeus, his brother an... More

Writer's Note
Prologue: Plan of Hades
Chapter 1: The Attack of Hades
Chapter 2: The Lost of Hermes
Chapter 3: New Life
Chapter 4: Saving Aphrodite
Chapter 5: The Destruction of Olympus
Chapter 6: Reason of Hades
Chapter 7: She's Still a Warrior
Chapter 8: Athena's Story
Chapter 9: The "O" Detector
Chapter 10: The Beginning of Journey
Chapter 11: Battle of Musicians
Chapter 12: The Grown-Up Love
Chapter 13: Apollo's Journey
Chapter 14: Apollo's Journey II
Chapter 15: Apollo's Journey III
Chapter 16: Courageous Love
Chapter 17: Words of Love
Chapter 18: Nanny Goddess
Chapter 19: Story of the Queen
Chapter 20: Story of the Queen II
Chapter 21: Story of the Queen III
Chapter 22: Story of the Queen IV
Chapter 23: Story of the Queen V
Chapter 24: Story of the Queen VI
Chapter 25: On to the Next
Chapter 26: The Village of Minjos
Chapter 27: Gods in the Village
Chapter 28: Ares and Hephaestus
Chapter 29: Ares and Hephaestus II
Chapter 30: Ares and Hephaestus III
Chapter 31: Ares and Hephaestus IV
Chapter 32: Ares and Hephaestus V
Chapter 33: Ares and Hephaestus VI
Chapter 34: Ares and Hephaestus VII
Chapter 35: The Preparation
Chapter 36: The Second War: Minjos vs Centaurs
Chapter 37: The Celebration
Chapter 38: The Secret of the Fisherman
Chapter 39: Poseidon's Secret
Chapter 40: Poseidon's Secret II
Chapter 41: Poseidon's Secret III
Chapter 42: Poseidon's Secret IV
Chapter 43: Poseidon's Secret V
Chapter 44: Poseidon's Secret VI (Larry and Dixie Love Story)
Chapter 45: Poseidon's Secret VII
Chapter 46: The Revenge
Chapter 47: Making Memories
Chapter 48: Lost in the Forest
Chapter 49: The Mission of Artemis
Chapter 50: The Mission of Artemis II
Chapter 51: The Mission of Artemis III
Chapter 52: The Mission of Artemis IV
Chapter 54: The Mission of Artemis VI
Chapter 55: A Danger in the Cave
Chapter 56: Fighting the Python
Chapter 57: In the Farmer's Place
Chapter 58: The Help of Demeter
Chapter 59: The Help of Demeter II
Chapter 60: The Help of Demeter III
Chapter 61: The Help of Demeter IV
Chapter 62: The Help of Demeter V
Chapter 64: Incoming Chaos
Chapter 65: Protect the Land!
Chapter 66: Payback Time
Chapter 67: Servants in the Mansion
Chapter 68: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants
Chapter 69: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants II
Chapter 70: Dionysus and Hestia III
Chapter 71: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants IV
Chapter 72: Dionysus and Hestia the Servants V
Chapter 73: Dionysus and Hestia VI
Chapter 74: Dancing in the Night
Chapter 75: The Revelation
Chapter 76: The Daughter of Hades
Chapter 77: The Daughter of Hades II
Chapter 78: The Daughter of Hades III
Chapter 79: Journey to the Underworld
Chapter 80: Encounters in the Underworld
Chapter 81: The Sacrifice
Chapter 82: The Final Battle
Chapter 83: The Farewell and Reflection
Epilogue: The Return of Red Army

Chapter 63: The Help of Demeter VI

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By Sakiko22

Chapter 63 
The Help of Demeter VI

(Demeter's P.O.V)

Finally, we finished preparing the dinner, and everyone is ready for a meal. Turkey, fruits, wine, and more, that was the food for that coming dinner. But we realized that it's been too long since Charles didn't come back yet, so with wonder, Terry asked...

"It's been almost an hour since Charles didn't came back."

But Neal replied...

"Maybe, Jane isn't arrived yet. Let's wait for a while."

Neal was right, or maybe. So, that's what exactly what we did, we wait for Charles and Jane, and didn't touch that food when both of them is not yet arrived. We've been waiting for too long, and we don't know what happened to them. We already wondered why they didn't come back yet, so, I already told them...

"What happened, this is so strange right now."

Then, Neal decided to go where Charles is waiting, so, he told us...

"Just wait right here, I will go to him and see what happened."

But, as Neal will about to leave and went outside, exactly, Charles arrived and entered the house. But we were surprised from what we saw from him. Aside from Jane was not with him, we saw his eyes were in tears. We were intrigued from what happened to Charles, that time, Neal, the worried father, asked him...

"What happened, my son?"

But Charles just remained silenced, and his tears are kept on falling from his eyes. Neal yelled at him when his son didn't answer him, not from anger, but because of perturbation...

"Answer me! What happened?"

Then, Charles finally replied that made us upset...

"It's Jane, she broke up with me."

All of us were speechless and broke for Charles as well. It was all sudden and unexpected, even if I have met them just days ago, I can feel their true love for each other. I don't know the reason, but I can feel that there is something behind all of these. That's why I asked him without hesitation...

"Can you tell us why, Charles?"

But, instead of telling us what happened, he can't take the pain that he felt anymore, so he just went in his room without telling any single word for us. We are just there, standing and felt bad for him. Then, as Charles is already in his room, the three of us decided to follow him, not because of we will interrupt him, but we will comfort him.

As we opened the door, we saw him crying in his bed, while the darkness was consumed his whole room. Neal was in sadness for his son, I and Terry felt the same way. Then, I stared to Neal and nod my head as a signal that he must sit behind Charles to comfort him. We are just standing at the opened door while staring at Neal approaching his broken son. Charles is kept on grieving, for he really loves Jane so much. As Neal already sit beside him, he told Charles...

"My son, I don't even expect that all of this is going to happen. But, that's life you know, it is not always about happiness. Sometimes we will face sadness and disappointment. But tragedy came not because to destroy us, but to make us learn and stronger."

But Charles can't control the anger he felt as well. It's because of Johnny, the father of his lover, their relationship is ended. So, he speaks to all of us with anger...

"It's because of his arrogant father! Why will he not let us love each other freely and happily?"

Neal was not surprised when he heard that it was Johnny who is the reason of everything. But he asked the reason...

"Why, my son? Did you know the reason why Johnny decided it for his daughter just like that?"

Then, all of us find out what happened and all of the reason about everything. Charles told us, that Jane was planned to be married to Johnny's business partner. All of it was planned, and Jane was tried to refuse and fight for her love for Charles. But Johnny is such an arrogant and ruthless man, he was enraged to Jane as she didn't agree to this marriage. Instead, this Johnny who called as the father of Jane, threatened his daughter. If she refused the marriage, he's going to bring chaos and destroy the farm of Neal. Jane can't do everything but to accept the marriage to protect Charles and Neal from that chaos and threat that will come upon them. And that was the reason why Jane broke up with him.

Neal was angered from Johnny's disgusting decision for his daughter. Johnny is even willing to kill or injure someone to manipulate his daughter and to get everything he wanted. Neal can't accept it and can't stand it anymore. So, he already planned to do something for this Johnny's rudeness...

"That's it! I must do something to that damn Johnny!"

But Charles stopped his father. For he already decided to let Jane go, and he don't want any trouble that will happen. So, he told his father...

"No, dad! For the sake of peace, we already decided that it should be happen. Please, don't do everything for the sake of this farm, and for me as well."

Then, I decided to go near them to help Neal to comfort his son. I agreed to what Charles told him, so, I tell Neal...

"He's right, Neal. If you do something to Johnny, then everything will become worse."

Neal realized that what his son said is right. So, he tried to calm himself until his anger was vanished. As a father, Neal was guilty for he can't do everything for his son right now. I understand him, for he is a father, but that is the best thing to do.

I looked at Charles and I felt pity for him. I want to do something for Charles, so, I called his name and tell him...

"Charles, listen to me."

Then, I kneeled in front of him and hold his hands. We looked at each other from eye to eye, and he felt some comfort that time. I will try my best to heal his broken heart, so, I told him this...

"Charles, if I am only still a goddess, then maybe, I already helped you in this problem you are facing. But I am so guilty that I can't to everything this time. Just like your father said, life is not always about happiness, sometimes, sadness, failures, and disappointment came to your life. I know your mother will be in grieve if she saw you like that. This time, there's nothing that I can help you, but only this; Since your mother is not here by your side, from now on, I will stand as your mother. I know you never felt how it feels like to have a mother but let me feel you what it feels like. So, I hope you will not resist, Charles."

After I told him that, those words hit his heart. He can't control his emotion that time, so, his tears were burst and embraced me tightly. I was moved as he did that, then, Charles thanked me...

"Thank you, goddess Demeter!"

"Don't call me Demeter, but mom. I am already your mother, right?"

Neal was glad from what I have told to his son. He was so happy for Charles, so he smiled and deep inside, he wants to thank me for everything that I did not just in his farm, but also for his son. It was indeed such a good feeling when someone helped you, but it is better if you helped someone in need. That's what I exactly I felt that time, my heart felt some warm when I saw everyone was glad from the help that I gave them. Finally, Charles will know what it feels like to have a mother, and I promise that I will never fail him.

Two days have passed, it was morning, Charles slowly feeling alright from the pain that he felt from break up with Jane. But it's strange, why Neal was not around inside the house? It was only I and Charles was there. We are drinking tea that time for breakfast, it was still early for Neal to work in the farm. That's why I told Charles...

"It's too early for your father to went in the farm."

But Charles just smiled, and I can feel that they are hiding some secret or something. Then, he told me...

"Well, maybe."

That was just his response, and it's kind of strange for me. But I didn't think of it anymore. Instead, I just enjoyed that taste of the tea for that breakfast. We still didn't finish our tea that time, but Charles already decided to go in the farm with me. So, he told me...

"Mother, come, let's go in the farm."

"But I didn't finish my tea yet." I replied.

Then, he just pulled my arm and told me...

"Come on, just do what I said mom."

There's nothing that I can do but to do what he has told me. I stood and went outside that house to go in the farm. But, as we arrived in there, the farmers and even Neal can't be seen around that farm. I have no idea what was happening, so, I asked Charles...

"Where is everyone?"

But Charles replied...

"Look at the ground mom, you will see some roses down there."

As I looked down, I saw one rose just near in my feet. I was surprised from that rose, then, Charles explained me something...

"You will see many roses scattered in the ground, and as you can see, those roses have a pattern and guiding you in a direction that you must go. So, follow those roses mother, it will be your guide."

I felt some excitement that time, I can feel it, there is a surprise that will happen. So, I listened to what Charles have been told me. I followed those roses that scattered with a pattern in that ground. I keep on following that roses patiently, it's been minutes I am doing that. Until I saw the final rose, I knew that this will be the final place. Then, I started to look in the front, and there, I saw all the farmers in the tree. There is Neal, who holds a bouquet of roses, and Terry, holding a guitar. My eyes were teary, and I closed my mouth with my two hands from surprise. As I already saw them, Terry started to play his guitar and Neal started to sing.

It was such a good feeling when I heard his voice singing. My tears slowly fell from the happiness and love that I felt. That melody, calming voice, and lovely song touched my heart. Love was indeed powerful, even the gods weakened if it hits him. Love is for everyone, mortals or gods, everyone deserved to be loved.

As Neal done from singing, he went in front of me and gave me that bouquet of roses he's holding. I'll accept it with all my heart, for I was glad from his surprise and serenade for me. As I already hold that bouquet of roses, Charles told in front of me...

"Demeter, the goddess of farmers, all of these are dedicated for you. I know I am just a mortal; I have no godly power like you. But I can do everything to show you how I love you. I can fight Heracles for you, and I am willing to harm my life for you. Because I believe that there is no barrier must stop between the mortals and gods when it comes to love."

The farmers teasing us from the sweetness of our love for each other. Neal even proud to proclaim his love for me to all of them. Then, after he speak to me, he holds my hand and asked...

"Can you be my lover, Demeter?"

I smiled and cried from the happiness that I felt. Yes, I am really love him, so why should I waste his love for me. So, I accept it and replied...

"Yes, please be my lover."

Neal was so delightful as I accepted his love for me. All of the farmers overjoyed and celebrated from our love for each other. Then, we embraced each other firmly, and felt our warm love. That was the beginning of our relationship, as a lover. That time, I almost forget about Olympus. If I will not be destined to return back in Olympus, then it doesn't matter to me anymore. For I am already happy in this mortal life, with my new lover Neal and my son, Charles.

In that whole week of living in Neal's farm, our love grown more like the crops in the farm. But of course, aside from our love, our mother and son relationship with Charles are grown too. In that days and week that came upon us, I never failed to let Charles feel of having a mother in his life. I am the one who cooks a meal for them, I am always listening to Charles want to say and giving him some advice. I never failed to do my role as a mother, for I can see that Charles was so happy with me. It was his first time to feel to be completed.

But the situation of the farm becomes better. The sales increasing more and more, while from Johnny's, the karma came upon him. His farm was kept on declining, and he even can't accept it. But, if his farm's sales have no improvement, then he planned something evil to our precious farm. While Jane, his daughter, and the ex-lover of Charles, were so happy as she heard about the success that came upon Neal's farm. But her marriage is coming soon, and deep inside, she's still loved Charles with all of her life. She's just unfortunate enough to have no freedom, but she's hoping that she will get rid of this kind of life. Someday, the freedom will come upon her.

That weeks are already passed, which is this day, while Terry and the farmers are harvesting the crops in the farm, It was Neal, Charles, and I was there inside the house resting while drinking a hot tea again. We're having some conversation, and that is about the situation of Charles right now. He was proud to say that he was moving on progressively from the breakup that happened. We were happy as we heard it, but it was just a week since their relationship was ended. There is a possibility that the come back might happen. So, I asked him...

"But what if the unexpected things happened, there is a comeback happened to both of you? What are you going to do?"

He just smiled and replied...

"If that must happen, then let it be happen. For now, I am still happy for I can feel what it feels like to have a mother."

I was pleasured when he said that. I can really see it, that I never failed to be his mother. But, later on, Terry knocked the door and called Neal. It sounds like he was in excitement, so, I told Neal...

"Come and quick, my love. It seems that Terry needs from you something."

So, Neal stands and opened that door. While I and Charles are there in the living room and keep on chatting. But it was a very surprising things that happened. Neal was returned with so many strangers behind him. Then, one of them called my name, and as I looked at them, I was surprised from what I have saw. Because it was you, my dearest Olympians. I saw all of you, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ares, Hephaestus, and together with your two mortal friends. But I didn't see some Olympians like Dionysus and Hestia. It was such a surprise, and it was such unexpected. Because finally, all of you found me, my heart was filled with joy and hope. But I am about to leave these people that I considered like my family. For, it is a must, for the Olympus is my real home, and I am still the goddess. 

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