I Was Never Yours (Completed)

By Prerna345

111K 4.6K 1.6K

"Who are you?"she shouted at the man who stood like a rock. His face Holding zero expression "Speak up Mr. Ad... More

Cast & Prologue
1) Marriage
2) First Night
3) Welcome to New York
4) First Meet
5) The Stranger
6) Monster in Him
7) Engagement
8) First Day at Work
9) His Proposal
10) Poossesiveness
11) Paris?
12) New Friendship
13) Opposite Attract!
14) Aditya in Love
15) Drunken Confession
16) Back to New York
17) Prashant Meets Aditya
18) Regrets
19) Invitation
20) His Love Confession ❀️
21) Accident
22) The Fashion Event
23) Is he Innocent?
24) Desires at Peak
25) Secrets Hidden beneath
26) The Slap
27) She needs You
28) Knowing Him
29) In your Arms
30) Love Sick
31) Sarah?
32) Love is in the Air
33) Valentine's Day
34) Fallen Apart
35) Broken Soul(s)
36) He's Alive
37) His Past (1)
38) His Past (2)
39) Ugly Truths
40) Breaking Her
41) Getting back together
42) Sorrows
43) Vicky or Aditya?
44) The Ballroom Dance
45) Her Love Confession ❀️
46) The Punishment
47) Morning Bath
48) Office Romance
50) London
51) Fashion Week & Beach Date
52) Jealous Amu
53) Prashant?
54) Kiss and Make up
55) India
56) Village Visit
57) Festival and Chaos
58) Vikramaditya
59) Little Brother
60) Confrontation
61) Uniting
62) I Do
63) Make Love To Me
64) Baby?
65) Our Little Family
66) We Are Pregnant
67) Deal with the Devil
68) Come Back Soon
69) Counting Hours
70) I Was Always Yours

49) Hurting and Healing

1K 51 16
By Prerna345

Amulya's Point of View


"I see a very good progress in your reports Amulya"My therapist, Jennifer said making me smile.

I've been attending to her therapy sessions on Aditya's request, from the time I learnt everything about my rape. It was hard to let it go. I've spent hours talking to her about my feelings and how much I went through over the past few months.

"I'm glad you're moving on. I don't think you require more of any sessions. Aditya was your need. You got what you needed"she said.

"I know. I thought I could just run away from him and everything will be alright. But I never realised that he did everything just to be with me. I hurted him. I kept bringing up my past again and again. But- now all I want is to see him happy"

"I can understand. You went through so much. Sometimes life hit so hard on us. But every time it does, it would make sure that we would remember the hurt. That's how we build ourselves and grow strong"she said making me nod.

"Thank you for whatever you've done for me Jennifer"I said.

"I didn't do anything Amulya. You were strong enough to fight for yourself. Trust me Aditya is gonna be really proud of you"she said.

"He is"

I thank Jenni as I leave her cabin. My heart always felt lighter after talking to her.

Today night we are leaving for London. Aditya had to get done with some meetings so he left for work early. He sent me to meet Jenni along with the driver.

Finally I was feeling content from my heart. I'm getting to live a life with him. There was nothing more I wanted. Although it was hard for me to let go off the ghosts of my past, he made sure that he was with me throughout each step of healing. That's why I love him.

My Vicky.

My Aditya.

I don't know what I did to deserve someone like him. Each day he made me want more of him. I was happy that we would get to spend some time alone for few days.

Aditya made sure that he conclude most of the work, so that there won't be an interruption in our trip. I was glad that he was doing so much just to spend some time with me.

I came outside the clinic and dialled to my driver. Just then a car pulled up in front of me making me startle. I looked down as the glass windows lowered, revealing Arjun in the driver seat. My lips widened into a smile seeing him.

"Hey what are you doing here?"I asked.

"Adi told me to pick you up. Get in"he said making me narrow my eyes.

I got inside the car and looked at Arjun with suspicion.

"What?"he shrugged, seeing my stare.

"I know Aditya didn't sent you to pick me up. Tell me what's the matter?"I asked.

"God Amu. You're so mean. I thought I could spend some time with my so-called friend who forgot that I was alive and now she is questioning me"he sighed dramatically making me chuckle.

"You're such a girl"I laughed and he frowned at me. I tried to control my laughter.

"Sorry. I didn't forgot that you're alive. You're my best friend Arjun"I said, pulling his cheek.

"Yeah as if I believe that. Ever since you and Aadi had confessed your feelings for each other, you guys had ghosted my ass off. Adi even forgot that I was there. He spends all his time with you. I'm his friend for namesake"he said making me smile sadly at him.

It was true that it's been so long we've spent time with Arjun.

I held his hand and squeezed it softly.

"Don't say that. You know how much you mean to me and Aditya. We love you Arjun"I said.

"Fine. Butter me up"he said with a grin. I slapped his shoulders.

"You're such an actor"

He laughed at me.

"I thought I could talk to you for a while. I was getting bored at work and besides you guys are leaving for London tonight. Aadi told me that you were having your therapy sessions. So I sent the driver back and came to pick you up"he said.

"That's really very sweet of you"I said

"Thank you madam"he bowed making me giggle.

"How's your sessions helping you?"he asked making me nod.

"Quite well actually. Jenni was really helpful throughout the entire process"I said.

"Glad you're doing better"

"So what's up with you?"I asked, resting my chin on my palm.

"Nothing new. Work. Eat. Sleep and repeat"he said

"Arjun I know there's something else you want to talk to me about. What's it?"I asked.

I know there's something which has been bothering him. He wasn't quite himself these days. He was right that I kept myself busy with Aditya. But it wasn't entirely true that I didnt care about him. One of the reason Aditya and I are together was Arjun. He saved Aditya's life. He saved my life too.

Arjun is quiet for few seconds before he lets out a exasperated sigh.

"Is it Sarah?"I asked and he looked at me in shock.

"Woah. What?"

"Do you like her?"I asked him directly.

"What the hell put that idea in your head Amu?"he groaned.

"Relax I just wanted to know"I said.

Arjun and Sarah had been close over the past few months and they spend most of their time together. I assumed at one point that they liked each other. But I knew that sarah wasn't completely healed from everything which includes her heartbreak. I very well knew how much she loved Aditya.

"She's my good friend. I'm just been supportive of her. I can't even see her that way. She was in such a terrible state you knew right?"he said. I nodded silently.

"I hope she's doing okay"I said. Deep down I was feeling guilty that I was the one behind this state of hers. If I wouldn't have walked into Aditya's life, he would have got a life with Sarah and they would have been so happy. But still.


"She is"he said.

"Is it Amrita?"I asked. I wait for him to pass me another look of shock but he didn't. That made me smile.

"Amrita?"I asked again and he nodded.

"Do you love her?"I asked.

"I don't know. Its just- I have no idea what the f*ck is happening with me when I'm with her. I feel alive. I feel so good Amu. I'm not sure if it's love but- I like her presence around me"he said making me blink in shock.

"You have a crush on her Arjun"I said excitedly.

"Geez I don't know. What I'm I supposed to do with it?"he hung his head low and let out a breath.

"What do you mean? You should talk to her about it. Tell her you like her. Let's see what she's gonna say"I said.

"Its not that easy Amu. I mean- I know I have to do something about it. I have to talk to her but something is pulling me back. I have no idea what it is. Besides she's here only for few days and after that shes going to return back to India"he said, disappointed.

"You won't know what's in her mind until you talk to her about it. Amrita is a good girl. She's definitely going to understand your feelings. And who would say no to you? You're a handsome hardworking businessman"I smiled at him.

"That's the problem Amu. She's a police officer and she likes to keep everything simple. I don't know if she would be happy with me. I'm so f*cked up right now"he said, biting his lower lip.

"Arjun I'm sure everything is going to be okay. You're going to talk to her about this and you'll let me know whatever she's going to say. Remember my words, she's going to return your love"I squeezed his hand again. He smiled at me.

"Mom and Dad like her so much. I don't want her to go Amu"he said.

"You can't ask her to stay back here Arjun. You know she's a dedicated police women. She was here for work and yet stayed back so that she could spend some time with all of us"I said and he was disappointed again.

"We'll figure out okay? You need to talk to her first. Everything is going to be fine"I gave him a hug.

"I feel better after talking to you"he held my hand back and gripped it tight.

"You like her and still asked Amrita to act close with Aditya. Seriously?"I glared at him and he laughed.

"She told you that?"

"Aditya did. You're really stupid"I said.

"Hey I wasn't jealous of aadi. I just wanted you to realise your feelings for him. And it did work right? You've to thank me instead idiot"he said making me shake my head.

"I still can't believe that you're in love"I grinned and he laughed at my face.

"Me too"

Aditya's Point of View


I sighed and sat back on the chair, truly exhausted. Finally I had managed to sum up all the works, so that our honeymoon would be a peaceful one. I don't want any work to get into my time with Amu.

Already past two days kept me busy with meetings so I barely got time for her. I received a call from Arjun saying that he had dropped Amu back home and she's expecting me. We had a flight to catch tonight and it's already evening.

I asked nidhi to mail me the details of the team who would be joining us for presenting the London Fashion Week. I quickly grabbed my things and my car keys and walked towards the lift. Just then I thought of Sarah. Tonight I will be leaving and I won't get to bid a proper goodbye to her. I decided to meet her real quick so that I won't be late. Arjun already told me that amu was waiting for me.

Sarah's cabin was next to Arjun's. I left my things with one of my guards as I walked towards her cabin. I couldn't find Sarah anywhere and room was empty. Just then I was about to turn back and go, my eyes fell on the lying tablets all over her table.

I stepped closer and took one of them in my hand. They were sleeping pills and a lot of them were already taken.

Is she taking sleeping pills?

"Aditya?"Sarah's startled voice made me turn.

Her face grew pale as she found me holding the tablets.

"What the hell Sarah? How long have you been taking these? There's a limit to these tablets you know that right? It could affect your nervous system so badly. What were you thinking all these while?"I asked.

"I-I don't take them that often"she said and tried to take them off my hand.

"I could see the date you purchased them. Don't lie to me"I huffed as I took them all and dumped them into the bin.

"Aditya please-"I cut her off in between.

"No. I can't let it happen. You were doing fine Sarah"i said

"I'm not doing fine. I'm just pretending that everything is okay. You don't know what I'm going through right now. I feel- I feel horrible. Really very f*cking horrible"she said, leaning to the wall of the cabinet. I froze.

There was few seconds of silence engulfing us.

"Do you think it's easy for me to see you somebody else?"she asked softly. My heart pained. I didn't knew what to say.

"I know you doesn't love me. You love amulya. She loves you back. Even I want to see you both together but- no matter what, it still hurts Aditya. It hurts so much"tears rolled down her cheeks. I took deep breath to compose myself.


"Sarah"I trailed off. I didn't know how to make her feel better.

"Its okay aaditya. I didn't say it to make you feel bad. Its not your fault. You've been liking her since your childhood. I just happened to come into your life for few years"she said.

I walked towards her and rested myself near her, leaning to the wall.

"You're important to me sarah. No matter whatever happened between us, it won't change"I said and she nodded

"Its a hard time for me. Dad being in prison adds more of it. Mom doesn't talk to me much. She still blames me for dads situation now and keeps telling that I had trapped him for you. I don't know why she doesn't understand that whatever dad did was wrong and he deserved the punishment"she said.

"I can talk to your mom if you want"I said

"Its okay Aditya. There's no point in prooving anything. I just have to accept it and move on"she smiled sadly, looking at me.

I stepped closer and held her shoulder.

"You deserve all the happiness in this world. I promise I'll never let you down sarah. I will be there with you as your friend, no matter whatever happens. Please try to be happy- for the sake of us. I want to see you happy"I said.

Tears wet my eyes too. Sarah looked on for a moment before engulfing me in a tight hug. I hugged her back.

"I'm trying"she said rubbing my shoulders.

We stood in each other's embrace for few more seconds before pulling away. She smiled looking at me.

"You'll meet somebody soon, who'll love you the way you deserve and trust me, he will be the luckiest guy in this world"I said.

"I don't know about that. But I'm definitely lucky to have you and Arjun in my life. Thank you for everything Aditya"she leaned and kissed my cheek. I smiled faintly, gripping her hand. It was Sarah's gesture of love.

"Please don't take those pills anymore. Its my request. You're not this weak sarah. Please fight for yourself. I know you're strong enough to deal with all this mess"I said.

"I'm trying Aditya. Don't worry. I will be fine"

I nodded hesitantly even though deep inside I was drowning in regret.

"I have to go. Amu is waiting for me. I'll text you when I reach home"I said.

"Yeah sure. Have a safe journey. Tell Amulya, I said hi"she said smilingly.

I looked at her once again, before exiting her cabin. I think about sarah all the way back home. My heart felt heavy. I thought she was healing. Arjun always made sure that he's with Sarah. Its true that I left her when she needed me the most. But amu was in worse condition. I couldn't loose her.

No matter how many excuses I try to develop, I'm the one responsible for Sarah's condition right now. Nothing is going to change that. A deep sigh left my lips.

I didn't even realise that I reached the mansion. I stepped out and walked inside. Some of my workers were carrying our luggages outside the hall. The flight was still 3 hours away.

I walked inside the room to search Amu and found the bed empty. Suddenly I felt two arms wrapping around my waist. I smiled feeling Amu behind me, hugging me from my back.

"I missed you"she snuggled closer to me.

I turned to face her and pecked her lips slowly.

"I missed you more sweetheart"I scooped her in my arms.

"Did Arjun go?"I asked.

"Yes. An hour ago. What took you so long?"she asked playing with my buttons.

"I had lots of work to finish Jaan"I kissed her neck and trailed it down her throat. Amu held me tightly as her breath quickened.

"How did your session go?"I asked, licking her skin near her collarbone. Amu gasped feeling my warmth.

"Um..m- gre-at"she arched her back and ran her fingers through my hairs.

I left her neck and looked up at her face. She was flushed and her cheeks resembled the colour of the tomato. I grinned and kissed her forehead.

"I'm gonna take a shower"i said and she made a disappointed face. I tried to control my laughter.

"We still have time no?"she asked, burying her head in my chest.

"Yes jaan everything is done. But i really don't want to miss the flight by making love to you. So- be a good girl and stop making me loose my control"I bit her nose slowly.

Amu left my hold and turned her face away.

"Yeah..go away. Just imagine how many hours we've to spent in that flight without even touching each other. It really isn't a big deal for me. But how are you gonna stop yourself Mr. Aditya Devansh"Amu smirked playfully looking at me. I'm still in shock at her boldness.

"I think we'll just see"she came so close to me. I stared at her for a while with a small smile playing in my lips.

Amu stepped back and tried to walk away but now I'm no more in control. I lifted her off her feets making her yelp with the sudden action.

"Challenging Aditya is a bad idea sweetheart" I said and threw her into the couch.

"Ouch. Did I awake the beast?"she asked frowning.

"You'll have to see"I climbed on top of her and kissed her lips.

Amu kissed me back with equal passion and started unbuttoning my shirt. I helped her in getting rid of my shirt and vest. Her fingers trailed my bare torso. I groaned and went to kiss her neck. The smell of her perfume hit my nostrils. I removed her top in another minute and ran my lips over her cleavage.

"Aditya- ah..let's move to the bed"amu gasped as I rubbed her clit above her jeans.

"Let's just go with the flow. Don't stop me sweetheart"I unhooked her bra and let my tongue devour her assets.

Amu caressed my hairs as I kissed her body, tenderly. I let my lips touch each part of hers. She was quick to respond to my touches. I got rid of our remaining clothes and entered into her. We made love passionately and I don't know for how long.

I carried amu to the washroom and helped her in cleaning up. I took a quick shower and got ready quickly.

It was almost seven in the night. Amu stepped outside the dressing room and I drew a breath seeing her. She wore a high waist jeans and light blue crop top.

"I really don't think we need to leave right now sweetheart. Do we have time for another round maybe?"I asked, hugging her by her waist

"Stop being so shameless"she blushed and pushed me away.

After making sure that everything is packed we left for the airport. Amu was so excited and from her face I could see how happy she was. I made a mental note to make this trip memorable for her. After a while I called to inform Arjun that we're on our way to the airport.

Amu and I checked in half an hour early before the flight. I texted Sarah that we've reached and will be taking off soon. I was feeling bad as I left her in that situation alone. I also texted Arjun to take care of sarah while I was away.

"You okay?"amu asked, noticing my face.

"Yes Jaan"i smiled, putting my hands around her waist.

"Sure?"she asked again. I leaned and pecked her lips.

"Never been so better"

The announcement was heard and we headed inside, occupying our seats in the first class. Amu wrapped her hands around my arm and rested her head in my shoulder. I leaned my head to hers and smiled.

Anticipating the best time I could ever give her.

To my Amu.


Precap : "I wanted a lot of things from life before I met you, until I realised that you being here with me is more than anything I ever wanted"

Some romantic updates on its way 💓 Excited for their moments?

A much required update for all those readers who missed Arjun and Sarah. Since majority of them chose Amrita for Arjun I'm going ahead with their pair 💕 For all those who wanted Sarah to pair up with Arjun i just wanted to let them know that Arjun is someone who values friendship over anything. He always wanted Adi to end up with Sarah so his romantic connection towards Sarah has the least chances. So I've paired him up with Amrita and would give you all a sneak peek into his love story too. Stay tuned for more.

Thank U ❤️

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