Woe and Time (Wednesday x Mal...

By blokmuis

21.8K 558 261

This journey starts of with the transfer of a peculiar girl, the transfer of an eccentric boy and a prophecy... More

Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe
Friend or Woe
Woe What a Night
You Reap What You Woe
Quid Pro Woe
If You Don't Woe Me by Now
A Murder of Woes
Not a Chapter
Woe and Time Chapter 10

Woe Is the Loneliest Number

3.8K 76 49
By blokmuis

A/N Just a little thing, Didn't expect people to interact with this, Many Thanks Peoples :) , also I wrote the start of this chapter with only a few hours of sleep, sooo it might be a bit *bleh* , also first time that I'm sort of trying out new things.

Anyway, start the show

"How could you miss a dead body?" I said while walking with Principal Weems, The sheriff and Wednesday

"'Cause it wasn't there. No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada.
My search party looked all night." The sheriff told explaining what he found.

"Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home." Wednesday said while I chuckled at the comment.

"We saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of us." I said telling him what I saw

"Get a good look at this monster thing?" The sheriff said curious about its appearance

"It didn't stick around for a chat." Wednesday said stating the obvious

"Maybe it was one of your classmates." The sheriff said to Wednesday

"Sheriff, I find that question offensive." Weems responded not too happy

"I don't care, 'cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apart in the woods." The sheriff stated and who can blame him, three people got mailed to death by an unknown monster.

"The mayor said those were bear attacks." Weems responded to the sheriff.

"Well, the mayor and I disagree on that." The sheriff stated.

"So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed."

"I'm sorry. I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?" The sheriff said only for Weems to let out a sigh as they proceed to enter the Principals office.

"My guess is Rowan ran away." Weems said as she sits at her desk

"State troopers have put out an alert, and I've contacted his family, but they haven't heard from him either." Informing the sheriff, Wednesday and me

"Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls." Wednesday said, I mean.. She's not wrong

"What were you two doing out in the woods with him?" the sheriff asked wanting to know what we were doing in the forest.

"We heard a noise in the forest and went to go investigate. That's when we stumbled upon the attack." Wednesday said answering the sheriffs question.

"Then what happened?" The sheriff asked Wednesday

"Then we ran into Bianca Barclay, and told her to go for help. After that we each went to our respective rooms, Next thing I remember, I was awaking in my dorm." Wednesday told the sheriff

"And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?" I scoffed at the sheriffs comment

"Please, If it was a wild animal, bear or not, I would've been able to calm it down and make it leave without causing any harm."

"Thank you, Sheriff, I think Miss Addams and Mister L/N are done now." Weems said wanting this over with.

"Actually, We would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone." Wednesday said looking over to Weems

"I'm not sure I can allow that." Weems said not wanting it to happen.

"I'm sure I could take them to the station and get a formal statement." The sheriff said as there was a silence that filled the room.

"Yeah, let's go." The sheriff said with no response from the Principal.

"Fine." Weems said obviously against her will.

"You have five minutes, and everything is off the record, play nice... or I will call the mayor." Weems said as she was walking out of the room.

"Someone is trying to cover up Rowan's murder. That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene." Wednesday stated to the sheriff.

"Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer?" The sheriff said accusing the girl's father.

"My father's twice the man you are, and the only thing he murders is the occasional opera in the shower." Wednesday said questioning if her father was a murderer.

"It's been a long night. I'm tired of your games." Said the sheriff wanting to put an end to this conversation.

"We're not playing games. We're telling the truth. You want to reject our claims but you can't." Wednesday said correcting the sheriff

"Why is that?" The sheriff asked questioning Wednesday

"Because we all know there's a monster out there. And Rowan is his latest victim." I said saying what everyone was thinking.

"Sheriff?" The deputy said opening one of the doors.

"What?" the sheriff said.

"You're gonna want to see this." And as the deputy opened the other door, there stood Rowan alive and well, but that couldn't be. Wednesday and I couldn't believe our eyes. We saw him get killed, The only response that left my mouth was.

"What the f-"

(Language!!, Also Time Skip)

Here I am sitting in Kinbott's office for my so called therapy sessions.... I fail to see why I'm in need of them.

"I still fail to see why I need these so called therapy sessions, It's not like I need them" I said not being entertained seeing as I'm being forced.

"Principal Weems deemed it necessary as you have claimed to see a classmate get murdered" She said to me answering my question.

"Now then, help me understand why you two claim you witnessed a murder. Was it to gain attention?" Kinbott said not believing our claims.

"Oh please" I said gaining the attention from Kinbott.
"If I wanted to gain attention, I would've created a firework show, The good ones not the lame ones." I said only for Kinbott to return her attention to Wednesday

"Why should we bother telling you anything? You've already decided we're lying.
We know what we saw." Wednesday said not amused for being called a liar.

"Your life's had a lot of upheaval recently. It's okay to be confused about things." Kinbott said to Wednesday.

"Don't try and lure me into one of your psychological traps." Wednesday stated knowing what Kinbott was trying to do.

"No one is trying to trap you. I'm here to help you process your emotions." Kinbott said denying Wednesday's statement.

"Emotions are a gateway trait."
"They lead to feelings, which trigger tears. I don't do tears."

"Tell me how you're adjusting to school." Kinbott wanting to know how her school life has been going.

Sartre said, "Hell is other people."
"He was my first crush." Wednesday said

"Wednesday, Part of the reason your parents sent you to Nevermore is so you could find your people. Become part of a larger community." Kinbott said informing the raven haired girl.

"I like being an island. A well-fortified one surrounded by sharks." Wednesday said wanting to be a lone wolf.

"What about you Y/N, have you been adjusting to Nevermore? Have you been connecting with people like you and become a part of a larger community?"

The moment that sentence was finished Wednesday had this underlying feeling in her stomach that Y/N was probably not going to be receiving that question well, seeing as he did tell her and Enid that he was the last of his people.

"I'm sorry... What?" Y/N said to Kinbott

"Have you been adjusting to Nevermore and have you been connecting with people like yourself?" She asked him, only for his face to show that he wasn't amused by the question.

"Kinbott" Y/N said looking her dead in the eyes and switching from his normal carefree tone to one with disgust and laced with venom
"Don't act like you know me, You know nothing about me or my people." Y/N was about to continue only to be interrupted by the clock, making Kinbott look over to said clock, but before Kinbott could say that the session was over Y/N was already gone

Wednesday catching up to Y/N and starts to leave the building, only to run into Tyler.
Y/N couldn't care and continued to make his way back to Nevermore.

(Remember Take A Banana To A Party, Bananas Are Good, Also Time Skip)

"Ladies, come on! Let's work on those teeth."
"More scowl."
"This kitty is taking no prisoners."
"If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!" Enid said not wanting to lose to Bianca again.

"I would pay money to see that." Wednesday said making Enid turn around and greet her.

"Howdy, roomie!"
"I'm so glad you decided to stay." Enid said once again with her usual cheer.

"I thought you wanted your single room back." Wednesday said

"Full disclosure, I don't like living solo and Thing gives a killer neck massage."
"It's a win-win." Enid said and I can't blame her for it.

"That does indeed sound like a win-win scenario." I said gaining the attention of the two girls. While still reading my book.

"For how long have you been sitting here and what are you even reading?" Enid asked me

"About 30 minutes and it's a book about Advanced Quantum Mechanics. Now you're probably wondering how you haven't noticed me, I'm very good when I try." He said to Enid with a smile only for her to give him an eyeroll.

"What was that back there with Kinbott?" Wednesday asked me.

"What happened with Kinbott?" Enid asked curious of the situation.

"Kinbott asked him a question only for him to blow up on her" Wednesday said giving a short summery.

"Look, all I can say is that I'm not good with emotions, especially when people make mention of my people, because there is no one like me." I said as I sat in silence.
"The closest thing that would be are the vampires, but only on the aging part..... Anyway, You were about to ask Wednesday a question weren't you Enid" Wanting to change the conversation to something less depressing.

"That's right! So... why the change of heart?" Enid asked Wednesday wanting to know what made her stay.

"I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game." Wednesday said

Whoever is scheming this little game, They're probably not planning on giving the winner a trophy.

"You mean Rowan?" Enid asked Wednesday.

"We saw him get killed, Enid." I said responding to Enid's question.

"It's just, we all saw him this morning. Very much, like, not dead." Enid said, can't blame her he did look pretty alive.

"I know. Which leads me to believe I've been losing my mind."
"It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated." Wednesday said

"You're Nevermore's gossip queen. What's Rowan's story?" Wednesday asked Enid wanting to know his story.

"Other than being a weird loner... Uh..."
No offense." Enid quickly added

"None taken." Wednesday and I both said simultaneously.

"Xavier Thorpe's his roommate."
"If you had a cell phone, you could just text him and ask him." Enid said.

Maybe I should get myself a phone, but then again never really needed one.

"Yoko. Come on! Flare those whiskers."
"The Poe Cup droops for no one."

"What is the Poe Cup anyway?" Wednesday asking Enid.

"That's actually a good question, I never heard of it before, well until now" I said wanting to know of it as well.

"My entire reason for living right now. Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules."
"Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allan Poe short story for inspiration."
"You could grab a brush." Enid said excited

"Ms. Thornhill's just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?"

"I do like stabbing. The social part, not so much." Wednesday said in the typical Wednesday fashion.
"Besides, it'll cut into my writing time."

"No worries. Just as long as you're lakeside cheering us to victory on race day...." Enid said excited, only to be greeted with silence..
"Or you can just glare uncomfortably. Whatever works for you." Enid said returning back to her canoe.

"Don't worry Enid. I'll cheer you on with something cool... I don't know what yet, but it will be cool" Giving Enid a thumbs up and walking back to my dorm.

(Skipping Time, as Y/N is Thinking of Something Cool)

I returned to my room thinking of possibilities of what has been happening the past day.
Could it all have been in our heads? Or was there something larger going on.. I wanted more answers and what better way to speak with an acquaintance who is directly involved.
Knocking on the individuals door and greeted with Wednesday.

"What do you want" Wednesday said while glaring at me.

"I want to talk, also I told you I would explain the whole glowing eye..... thing" Explaining why.

"Fine" Wednesday said moving aside so I could enter the room and closing the door.
"Explain" Wednesday basically demanded.

"Well... Like you know I'm not from around here, where I'm from, well, where my father is from. Some of our people there had this sort of energy stuff, I'm not going to explain the origins of it, While your intelligence is amazing, I can't really be bothered with going to the details of how it exists, but.. It let us do things, but there is also a chance of it being agonizingly painful. I think something might be affecting it, but I'm not very sure. That's a very short summery though..." I said trying to be honest as possible.

"You're not withholding any other information are you?" Wednesday asked

"Nope, of course not what I just told you was the honest truth... Cross my hearts" I said with a reassuring smile

"Good, would be a shame if I had to end this partnership"
"Also you misspoke, I'm fairly certain you meant to say Cross my heart" Wednesday said correcting me.

"Nope, I know what I said, Cross my hearts. Remember I'm not from here, I got two hearts" I said while I quickly read through one of her books. Turning towards her I see her with a confused look. Knowing the confusion I grabbed my stethoscope out of my pocket and gave it to her, so that she could see for herself. Seeing her confused look turn to a surprised look was quite entertaining.

"Believe me now" I asked her, as Wednesday gave me my stethoscope back

"The more I hear from you and the more you explain, the more I get intrigued by your existence" She said with a slight smile.

"Wow, coming from you that says something" I said chuckling
"Now then, onto business, How do you think Rowan survived and what does this picture have to do with us?" I asked her while picking up the image with us two in it.

"I don't know, better question is how did you know we were in the forest?" Wednesday said wanting to know why. Putting the picture back on the desk

"Would you believe me if I told you that I had this loud obnoxious ringing in my head and a vision, no it wasn't the fireworks that night that were the cause of the ringing?" Gaining a surprised look from Wednesday, so it seems she knew something.

"What about you?" I said to Wednesday returning the question to her.

"I had a vision before the fireworks started." She said to me, which got me thinking.

"What did you see in your vision." Wednesday asked me

"Uhm, I saw the quad of the academy on fire, a falling book and a raven.. Of course I saw Rowan being covered in blood screaming in pain."
"I assume you saw the same thing?" gaining a nod from Wednesday

"You don't think our visions are connected right?" I said unsure

"I don't know, but that would save time explaining when it does occur." Wednesday said

"Not wrong, anyway we should speak to Rowan. Getting answers directly from the source is the easiest way"

(Small Time Skip?)

We didn't know where Rowan was hanging out, so we went to ask Weems about it, hoping to get some information.

"We need to speak with Rowan. We can't find him." Wednesday asked Weems wanting to know where he was.

"It won't be possible, I'm afraid. He's been expelled." Weems said informing the duo.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Never you mind. He'll be on the first train out this afternoon." Informing us that he'll be leaving this afternoon.

"What were you doing out in the woods with him?" Weems asked. Did she forget that we already said what happened or something.

"We told you already. We heard a noise, and went to investigate." Wednesday said, only for Weems to not believe a word of it.

"That excuse might have placated the sheriff, but you can't fool me."
"You had a psychic vision, didn't you?" Weems said to Wednesday making her release her frown.

"I realized you might be having them when we passed by the accident and you knew that poor farmer had broken his neck. Your mother started having visions around your age. They were notoriously unreliable and dangerous. I remember at first, she thought she might be losing her mind. Have you spoken to her about them?"

"Clearly the person withholding information here is you." Weems said trying to be clever, sorry lady, but I'm in the room.

"May we go now?" I said kind of wanting to leave.

"Not until you've picked your extracurricular activity. We want our students to be well-rounded."

"I'd prefer to remain sharp-edged." Wednesday saying what I was thinking.

"I took the liberty of putting together a list of clubs that have openings."

"How thoughtful." Wednesday said. Was that sarcasm I hear?

"You two need to have picked one by the end of the day."

"Oh joy" I said sounding 'very enthusiastic'

"I'll be keeping my eye on you. No doubt you'll find something that tickles your fancy." Weems said looking at the both of us.

"The last person who tickled me lost a finger." Wednesday said as we were leaving her office.

"Well.... Not tickling you, seeing as I like my fingers the way they are."

(TIMESKIP!! Sort of)

Wednesday and I were walking towards the quad where one of the clubs was located.

"Weems is clearly trying to keep tabs on me. Keep an eye on Rowan."
"Don't let your fingers out of his sight." Instructed Wednesday to Thing as Thing went another direction. We continued to walk towards the first club.

"Your fingers out of his sight I see what you did there" I said to Wednesday, only for her to glare at me, making me chuckle. Approaching the club we are greeted by Bianca Barclay, of course it had to be her.

"Weems said you'd be stopping by. But to be honest, after your performance at the Harvest Festival, drama club might be more your speed." Bianca said to us gaining an annoyed look from me.

"After we asked for your help, who did you tell? The sheriff?" Wednesday asked Bianca

"You think I'd trust normie cops? I went straight to Weems and let her handle it." Informing the two of us.

"Anyway, let's get this audition over with. What are you? Alto, soprano or just loco?" Bianca said making the choir laugh at her remark.

Wednesday inhaled and created a high pitched note making me flinch at the sound of it.

"What was that?" Bianca asked confused.

"A note only dogs can hear." Wednesday responded.

"Or beings with heightened senses" I followed up with.

Walking away, Wednesday motioning for me to follow to the next club.

"Next time when you're doing that, please give me a heads up" I said to Wednesday only to be ignored by her.

"Huh. You actually showed up. Ever shot a bow and arrow before?" Xavier said being surprised at our arrival.

"I shot one back in the day, Even got complemented by Robin Hood himself. Those times were quite fun." Responding to Xavier's question.

"Only on live targets." Wednesday said also responding to him.

"Okay." Xavier said unsure how to respond, he started to show how to use the bow and arrow.

"Square stance."
"Load the arrow like this, yellow side out."
"Three fingers."
"Pull back and... let it fly." As he released, the arrow flew through the air hitting the target.

"Any questions?" Xavier asked us.

"When's the last time you saw your roommate Rowan?" Wednesday asked Xavier.

"You mean the one that was killed by a monster? The Harvest Festival. I haven't talked to him since. But his side of the room was all packed this morning."

"Rowan's always been a little off, but, uh, the last couple weeks he's been more erratic." "You know, telekinesis can mess with your head, you know. He's..."

"It started to freak me out." He said, who could blame him. You'd never know what they'd do.

"So what's the deal with you and Tyler?" Xavier asked Wednesday

"I'm sorry, were you the only one who got to ask non-archery questions?" Xavier said to Wednesday.

"There is no deal. He was doing me a favor driving me out of town." Wednesday told him

"Yeah, word of advice. Steer clear." He said.

"Why? Because he's a normie?" Wednesday asked him wanting to know why

"Tyler and his friends are jerks. They can't stand that this school's propping up their Podunk town." Xavier said with slight hate in his voice.

"He seemed nice to me" I said responding to his statement.

"Says the boy whose life was served on a silver platter." Wednesday said

"Hey, girls in glass houses..." Xavier said wanting to sound clever.

"Should throw bigger stones." Wednesday said cutting him off.

"At least I'm not an elitist snob." Wednesday said as she threw an apple into the air and releasing the arrow, hitting the apple and landing a bullseye.

"Wow, nice shot. You'd give Robin a run for his moneys" I said complementing Wednesday.

"Ouch." Xavier said being hurt by the comment the girl made.

As Wednesday and I left Xavier and continued to the next club. Something about bees.
As we approached the club, we noticed quite a lot of beehives.

"Huh, nice hut, I always wanted a little hut, never had the time to build one." I said

"Are you interested in the ancient art of beekeeping?" The unknown boy said

"Eugene. Eugene Ottinger."

"Founder and president of the Nevermore Hummers." Said the boy known as Eugene as he went to shake our hands.

"Wednesday. Wednesday Addams."

"Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you"

As we introduced ourselves, I noticed the lack of people, either we were late or he's the only one.

"Am I late or is it only you?" Wednesday said as she was observing the lack of people.

"The hive life isn't for everyone. Most kids are afraid of venomous insects.
"Are you willing to feel the sting?" Eugene said.

As we both stood there with our beekeeping suits on. Eugene went on to inform us about the history of bees and their production of honey. Only for Thing to pop up and say that Rowan was about to leave. Wednesday and I both quickly changed out of the suit and back into our clothes.
I felt bad for Eugene so I quickly wrote him a note saying that something urgent came up and that we had to leave.

Hurrying after Wednesday we managed to catch up to Rowan before he was about to leave.

"Rowan! We need to talk." Wednesday said

"Wednesday, I'm not allowed to speak to anyone." He said to Wednesday.

"You had quite a big mouth when you tried to kill us"
"Told us we were destined to destroy the school, remember?" I said to Rowan

"Where did you get that drawing?" Wednesday asked him

"I just went into the woods to clear my head."
"Then you guys came after me." Rowan stated.

"Wednesday, Y/N"
"You shouldn't be here." Thornhill said to us

"Yeah, back off and leave me alone." Rowan said trying to close the door, only for me to stop him from closing it.

"I may have a soft spot for you humans, but that doesn't mean I will accept that tone" I said with a hint of venom, I noticed that he turned pale from my tone of voice. I went to close the door of the car.
"Have a good trip" I said with a smile on my face.

As Rowan was leaving we saw Thing climb onto the bumper of the car to keep his sights on him. Or is it fingers?

(Sometime Later In The Greenhouse)

Luckily I found a spot for Wednesday and me to sit, so that shouldn't be a worry for us.
Bianca made a comment about Wednesday making a friend, even if it's a plant, only for Wednesday to bite back and say that she prefers quality over quantity.

Wednesday walked to the table I was sitting at, only for Xavier to call out to her and say that there was a spot next to him. Sadly for him, he got ignored by her and Wednesday took place next to me.

"Wednesday, Y/N, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants." Thornhill said excited.

"Now... who can tell us the name of this beauty?" Thornhill asking the class for

"Dendrophylax lindenii." Wednesday said

"Otherwise known as the ghost orchid." Bianca said following it up by Wednesday.

"First discovered in Cuba in 1844" Wednesday said, turning to see Bianca starting to gain a sour face, Now I just had to jump in.

"And if you want to get very specific on when it was discovered, then that would've been 20th of October 1844, funny bit of information for that day. The temperature for that day was just right for the plant. I said gaining some confused looks. While giving a smirk.

"Very good, You two." Thornhill said complimenting the both of us.

"You may have competition for first chair, Bianca." Thornhill said to Bianca, gaining some subdued laughs from the rest of class.. Bianca on the other hand wasn't very amused.

"Wednesday, perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities." Thornhill asked Wednesday.

"Resilience and adaptability."
"It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." Wednesday said responding to the question.

"But its mere presence can change the ecosystem, causing the established plants to reject it." Bianca said and from the tone of voice, I knew that she wanted to let others know that she was better.

"Oh joy" I said while sighing and holding my head, knowing what's to come.

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked." Wednesday said, following it with a snarky remark.

"Nothing a Weedwhacker couldn't fix." She said, making me chuckle out loud.

"You can most certainly try." Bianca said with a calm, but agitated tone.

"Are we still talking about flowers?" Xavier asked.

"Honestly, a flower that can bite back, now that just screams excitement!" I say a bit too excited. As the rest of the classroom starts to laugh at this.

"Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights."
"Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." Thornhill said continuing with the lesson of the day.

(Advancing Time Some More or as most know it. TIMESKIP!!)

"We have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching us like a vulture circling a carcass."

"And you want me to cover so that you can return to the scene of a crime that didn't happen?"

"It did happen Enid, I'm pretty sure of it, unless something is wrong with me, well, more than normal" I said to Enid being sure that it did happen.

"I have beekeeping club this afternoon."
"I need you as decoy." Wednesday said to Enid

"Sorry. Two strikes."
"I'm busy and bees totally creep me out."
"Why don't you ask Thing? Wait, you can't because he's mad at you." Enid said to Wednesday not sounding all too happy

"Why's he mad? He's the one who screwed up." Wednesday said not knowing why there was a problem.

"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up."
"He feels like you don't respect him as a person." Enid said explaining why Thing was mad at Wednesday.

"Technically, he's only a hand." Wednesday said, As I was about to laugh at the comment I noticed Enid give me the be quiet look. Getting the hint I did just that.

"Wednesday! He's your family."
"And he would do anything for you."
"Go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you." Enid offered.

"I'll just stay and wait here" I said getting a raised eyebrow from Wednesday.

"Why is that?" Wednesday asking me.

"Oh, you know, thinking of helping Enid out a little bit, but do pick me up when you're planning on going to the woods. I got quite a good nose, so I'm probably of some use to you" I said

"Be prepared for when I return" Wednesday said as she proceeded to walk to her dorm.

Sitting down and grabbing my book out of my pocket and continuing where I left of, only for Enid to show a look of surprise and confusion on her face.

"How did that book fit into your pocket?" Enid asked

"They're bigger on the inside" I said to Enid not looking up while reading my book of Advanced Quantum Mechanics.

As sometime passed Enid asked me why I didn't go along with Wednesday.

"Okay, I wasn't really going to help, I just wanted to continue reading my book" I said hoping she would buy the little lie.

"Right.... And now the truth?" Enid said not breaking eye contact.. I knew I should've made a better lie.

"How did you know?" I asked Enid surprised. I thought I was quite believable.

"I didn't, I was bluffing, but it seems I was right. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, Promise" Enid said truthfully.

"Maybe getting all emotional is making me predictable" I said with a little chuckle. Looking into Enid's eyes.

"Oh alright, fine, I didn't want to tag along, because... because it hurts too much. Seeing people with their family. It sadly reminds me that I have no one, none of my own kind, If I could've gone back, then I would've but I can't... That's sadly not how time works." I say with a sad expression showing on my face.
"Like I said before, emotions are something I lack the skill in" I say smiling while looking at Enid.

I see Enid thinking about something, probably processing what I said or something like that, as I was thinking I got broken out of my thoughts when Enid spoke up.

"While I may not be a part of your people, and I don't know what it's like growing up alone, what I do know is that I'm always willing to listen to you. Doesn't matter what it is, We're friend aren't we, So that's the least I could do" as Enid said that she went in for a surprise hug, I was a bit surprised with the hug, but still accepted the gesture.

"Oh, Enid. Aren't you just something else" I said laughing as we broke the hug.

"Enid Sinclair, I thank you with both my hearts" I said to her smiling and being thankful.

As time went on Wednesday returned and told Enid that Thing and her had patched things up again. Enid accepted Wednesday's terms, so we started walking to the beekeeping club.

"If Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word." Wednesday said to Enid instructing her for what to do.

"Payback is going to be a bitch." Enid said not sounding very happy.

"I'd expect nothing less." Wednesday responding to Enid.

"But how are we supposed to cover for you" Enid said looking at me.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I got that figured out" As I placed a small device in the corner of the room. Turning the device on it starts to project an identical copy of me in the beekeeping outfit.

"How did you do that it looks identical to you?" Enid asked very surprised and attracting a curious look from Wednesday and Eugene was quite excited at what he saw.

"I'm very good when it comes to technology" I said confidently. Wednesday walked over to Eugene.

"Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb." Wednesday said to the boy

"Snitches get stung. It's hive code." Eugene said.

"I like your loyalty buddy" I said to giving him a pat on the back.

"Besides, I should be thanking you guys."
This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed."
Other than bees." Eugene said being quite happy.

"Shocking." Wednesday said monotone

"I've always had a thing for werewolf chicks." Eugene stated.

"The chance that Enid ever becomes romantically interested in you is less than 1%." Wednesday said to Eugene speaking hard truths.

"So I've still got a shot?"
"Yes!" Eugene said hopeful.

"I like your optimism Eugene!" I said giving him a thumbs up making him laugh.
"We should get going, before it gets too late"

(Scene Transition to the Woods)

So, here we are again.. In the woods.. again.. Wednesday heard a grunt only for her to be grabbed by... Tyler? The source of the grunt was the sheriff walking with a dog.. Trying to find a trace of something, I see quite clever.

"Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your scent." Tyler explained to Wednesday.

"Thanks. How'd you throw them off?" Wednesday asked Tyler.

"Uh..." as Tyler let out a chuckle

"Coffee grounds?" Wednesday asked the boy

"Deer-hunting hack."
"One of the perks of being a part-time barista." Tyler said informing her.

"Clever" I said giving him a pat on the back, only for him to jump at my appearance.

"Where did you come from?!" Tyler said shocked, I showed him a little device which looked like a wristband.

"Little something I created, It plays tricks on the mind, You know, great for when you're a magician" I said getting a slight confused nod from Tyler, obviously he wouldn't get it.

"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." Wednesday said

"He doesn't tell me shit." Tyler said answering her.

"Ouch" responding to Tyler's answer.

"You must think it's weird I'm stalking him." Tyler said to the raven haired girl

"No, I consistently stalk my parents." Wednesday said without any bit of hesitation.

"Hey, wait, what really happened the other night at the festival?"
"Look, I swear I won't say anything to my dad."

"I thought Rowan was in danger."
"Turns out I was wrong."
"Then he proceeded to use his telekinesis to try and choke us to death."

"Holy shit. Wh... Why would he do that?" Tyler asked concerned.

"No clue. That's when this monster came out of the shadows and gutted him." I said searching the area for anything.

"Whoa. Whoa."
"So... So you really saw it?"
"And it didn't try to kill you?" Tyler said surprised.

"Yup" I said with an audible pop.

"It actually saved us from Rowan. That's the part we're trying to figure out."

"We came here to find something that can prove he was murdered and that we haven't lost our minds."
"Yet." Wednesday added to her sentence.

We continued searching for a bit, only for Wednesday to find Rowan's glasses.

"These are Rowan's." Wednesday said about to pick them up.

"I knew it was a cover-up." Wednesday said, as her head shot back facing the sky, I knew what was going to happen and right on que. There it was the loud obnoxious head ringing, the regeneration energy, followed by the vision.

It looks like Rowan was having a little feud with Xavier. That book that Rowan is holding must be where the page came from. As the vision switches once more to Rowan and Xavier it looks like Rowan completely flipped and pushed Xavier against the wall.

"You okay?" I hear Tyler say to Wednesday. Followed by me sitting back up gasping from the shock. Gaining the attention from Wednesday who looked at me wanting to confirm what I saw, I nod my head to let her know I saw the same.


So, after the whole adventure with the vision, we decided to search for that one purple book, so here we are in the library.

"I keep seeing that same purple book." Wednesday said as Thing was searching around he found a purple book.

"The cover was darker."
"More like a day-old contusion. Keep looking." Wednesday informed the hand, receiving a thumbs up from Thing.

"I don't usually find students in here looking for actual books." Both of us turning around to the source of the voice only to see Thornhill.
"Most sneak in to make out." Thornhill said chuckling

"We accidentally walked in on two vampires fanging."
"I can't unsee that." Wednesday said

"Nope, neither can I" I said as I had shivers thinking back.

"Is there something I can help you find?" Thornhill suggested.

"Have you seen this before?"
"It's a watermark from a book I'm looking for." Wednesday showing the mark on the paper.

"I think it's the symbol to an old student society. Um... The Nightshades." Thornhill said remembering the name.

"Like the deadly flower. Color me intrigued." Peaking Wednesday's interests

"I was told they disbanded years ago." She said informing the duo.

"Any idea why?" I said, wanting to know the reason.

"Sorry." Thornhill said apologizing for she didn't know the answer.

"I was very impressed with your answers in class today." Thornhill said impressed.

"My mother is a carnivorous plant aficionado. I assume I get my red thumb from her." Wednesday said

"I was just in the neighbourhood when the plant was discovered" I said while still looking for the book.

"Are you and your mother close?" Thornhill said asking Wednesday.

"Like two inmates sentenced to life on the same cell block." Wednesday said referencing that it feels like prison.

"I know it can't be easy... showing up mid-semester."
"I've been here a year and a half, and I still feel like an outsider." Thornhill telling us.

"Because you're the only normie on the staff? Enid told me." Wednesday said to Thornhill.

"To tell you the truth, I've never really fit in anywhere. Too odd for the normies, not odd enough for the outcasts."
"I thought Nevermore would be different, but there's still a handful of teachers who will barely acknowledge me." Thornhill said in a somber tone.

"I'm sorry" I said with sympathy towards the teacher. Gaining the attention from Thornhill.
"Humans are cruel, when it comes to things that are different, instead of accepting the differences, they do the exact opposite and shut them out... Which sadly leads to meaningless disputes" Stating the truth, Thornhill giving me a nod of approval.

"I act as if I don't care if people dislike me. Deep down... I secretly enjoy it." Wednesday said

"Never lose that, Wednesday." Thornhill said to Wednesday.

"Lose what?" Wednesday asked confused

"The ability to not let others define you."
"It's a gift." Thornhill stated.

"Doesn't always feel that way." Wednesday responding to Thornhill.

"The most interesting plants grow in the shade. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, the door to the conservatory is always open." Thornhill said as she walked away.

"Didn't see that one coming, but then again the real world is cruel" I said walking up to Wednesday.

"Now then, we didn't find anything here, so you know what that means, right" I said to Wednesday.

"You're thinking of going to Rowan's dorm room and search for any clues there" Wednesday said as I grew a smile confirming she was correct.

(3, 2, 1 TIME SKIP)

Wednesday and I sneaked into Xavier's dorm room, waiting for him to go for a shower seeing as he does the occasional run. We heard the main door open and close, following with the bathroom door, that being our que to start.

"That purple book has got to be around here somewhere."
"Start investigating." Wednesday said as the three of us started looking around, Thing looked around in the bookshelf, I looked through Xavier his book, only to be greeted by drawings, obviously, flipping through the book I noticed a drawing of Wednesday.

"Good drawing, bit creepy, but still good" I said in a whisper.

Wednesday grabbed a UV torch and turned off the lights to search for any sort of thing. She started investigating by searching Rowan's side of the room, she started looking under the bed only for her to notice fingerprints on the floorboards underneath it, opening it she discovered a mask.

"Rowan's full of surprises." She said.

"So it seems" I said taking a peek over her shoulder to look at the mask. She started putting the mask in her bag. We were about to leave only to be interrupted by a knock on the door. Wednesday hid under Xavier's bed, while I used the perception filter and standing as still as possible to avoid making any noise. Wednesday looked at me thinking I was going to get caught.
Xavier left the bathroom and he let out a sigh, as he proceeds to walk towards the door, not seeing me. He was greeted by Bianca.

"You're not supposed to be up here." Xavier said letting Bianca into the room.

"Good to see you too." Bianca said greeting him.

"How'd you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?" Xavier questioning the siren.

"Not while wearing this." Showing him the amulet.
"Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once?" Bianca said feeling hurt.

"What do you want, Bianca?" Xavier said wanting answers.

"To see how you're doing."
"I'm sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close." Bianca said saying she was sorry about Rowan.

"Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?" Xavier said questioning Bianca.

"You were the one afraid he'd do something to Wednesday, Isn't that why you've been following her like an eager-eyed puppy?" the siren said.

Well, at least I'm glad he cared about my wellbeing. I said to myself.

"Or is there something more?"
"Seriously, what do you see in her?"
"You have a thing for a tragic goth girls with funeral-parlor fashion sense?"

"Maybe it's because she hasn't tried to manipulate me." Xavier told the siren

"I make one mistake, and you can't forgive me."
"She treats you like crap, you can't get enough." Bianca said not getting why he's interested in Wednesday.

"Why are you fixated on Wednesday?" Xavier asking Bianca.

"Because she thinks she's better than everyone else."

"Besides, I'm fairly sure she's more interested in that weirdo that's always following her around."

I don't always follow her around, we just got the same interests.

"I can't wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch her werewolf roommate crumble."
"It's gonna be a Poe Cup finale to remember." Bianca said.

She better not have done anything to upset Enid.. If she did, then I'll make her regret it.

"I hate to think what you've got planned." Xavier said not liking it.

"My game's already started."
"I like to win."
"Is that so wrong?" Bianca said confidently.

"And you wonder why I broke up with you." Xavier said giving her the reason why.

"You used to love my killer instinct."
"We were good together, Xavier."

"Were we?"
"Or is that just how you wanted me to feel?" Xavier said to Bianca, only for Bianca to look hurt by his comment.

"Trust me, Wednesday Addams is not the girl of your dreams."
"She's the stuff of your nightmares." Bianca said leaving the dorm room.

Xavier left to go to the bathroom, as he closed the door, Wednesday and I made our escape from the dorm and walked back to Ophelia Hall.

"So, how come you weren't noticed by Bianca and Xavier, but I could see you clear as day.. Explain" Wednesday said, well, it was more like a demand.

"It's a perception filter, like I said with Tyler, it plays trick on the brain. It's useless however when facing someone intelligent, it pretty much renders the filter useless. That's the reason why you can see me, you're not just intelligent, but also quite perceptive." I said explaining how it works to Wednesday.

"I see" Wednesday said with a nod of understanding.

We reached Ophelia Hall and started to climb back up to the room, as we opened the window we greeted with a crying Enid.

"Where have you been?"
"I'm literally having a heart attack right now."
"Yoko's in the infirmary!" Enid said being very upset.

"Enid, breathe, tell us what happened" I asked her trying to calm her down.

"Garlic bread incident at dinner."
"She had a major allergic reaction. She's out of the Poe Cup."
"I don't have a co-pilot." Enid said upset while walking back and forth

"Don't tell me-" I said only to be cut off by Wednesday

"It wasn't an accident. Bianca's behind it." Wednesday said confirming my suspicion.

"How do you know?" Enid asking us.

"Doesn't matter." Telling Enid

"We are going to take her down tomorrow." Wednesday said to Enid

"Wait. You're joining the Black Cats?"
"You're willing to do that?"
"For me?" Enid said not believing what Wednesday just said.

"I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat." Wednesday said what I was thinking.

"Yeah, but mostly you're doing it because we're friends, right?" Enid said asking us.

"Of course we are, my bubbly friend!" I said gaining a smile from Enid

"How does she keep winning?." Wednesday asked Enid.

"It's a real brain cramp. The past two years, no other boat has made it across and back without sinking." Enid told us how she won the past few years.

"Sabotage." I said stating the most obvious answer.

"There are no rules in the Poe Cup, and she is a siren, which makes her master of the water." Enid explained to us.

"Then we just need to beat her at her own game." Wednesday said smirking

"First of all, Enid, You better start smiling again, because you being upset doesn't suit you" As I said that giving her a hug of comfort and so she did, she started smiling once more.

"Now then, second of all, it's time to show the siren what a Time Lord can do, because if there is one thing I despise, that's being underestimated, we shall and we will win this." I said confidently as I walked towards the door.

"I take it that's what your people are called?" Wednesday asked making me turn around.

"Well, not exactly. All Time Lords are Gallifreyan, but not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords, it's confusing I know."

"Anyway moving on. Wednesday you focus on the canoe, I'll create some nifty tools to be used during the game." Getting a nod of understanding from Wednesday and we both went our separate ways.


Ah, It seems the day has arrived. Time for some fun.

"We're all set." Enid telling us

"Good. Thing's in position." Wednesday said

"All preparations are ready" I said towards the two

"Wanna tell me what you three were up to?" Enid asked wanting to know what we did.

"And spoil the surprise?" Wednesday said not spoiling the fun.

"Speaking of surprises, your costume's in the tent." Enid said telling her about the costume.

"Costume?" Wednesday asked unknown of her surprise.

"Oh, now this I got to see" I said as I let out a chuckle.

"OMG, you look purr-fect! Only thing, where are your whiskers?" Enid wanting to know why she didn't have them.

"Ask again, and you'll be down to eight lives." Wednesday said responding while giving her a glare.

As all the teams prepared themselves, Weems stood on the podium and started her speech.

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup."

"This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years."

"Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk."

"First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges."

"Let the Poe Cup begin!" Weems said as she finished her speech and started the games.

Weems started the games and all the teams went left their stations, seeing as this was my que I disappeared into the crowd and went to my station.

I was observing the race, only for one of the teams to be pushed aside and have their canoe broken in pieces.

"That doesn't look right.." I said grabbing my scanner to search under the water for whatever was in there.
"Time to see what we've got" I said out loud and it seemed there was indeed something swimming in there around. Grabbing the radio I contacted Wednesday.

"Madman to Raven. Come in Raven, over" I said while preparing the other tools.

"Raven here, over" Wednesday responded

"It appears there is a big fish on the loose in the water, no doubts about it they're obviously friends with Bianca, over" I said relaying the information to Wednesday

"Understood, over" Wednesday said continuing on with the race.

"Looks like the joker rejects arrived first" I said while looking through the binoculars. The black cats arrived second, and it seems like Bianca isn't on land yet. I looked over to the boats as the remaining jokers got up and left... Strange, Enid walked over to the boat and slashed it, my guess, Thing did a thing and Enid took advantage of the situation, clever.

"You know, this would be a bad place to start getting a vision" I said to myself and I had to say it, because I could feel the regeneration energy acting up again, meaning that it was going to happen again.

"You've got to be kidding me" I said as I fell backwards onto the dirt.

I woke up to the crypt of Crackstone and noticed Wednesday there as well.

"Well, this is new" gaining the attention from Wednesday.

We looked around and out of nowhere a carbon copy of Wednesday popped up. Who only said

"You are the key" as the both of us woke up again. I was still at the same spot, meaning Wednesday was at the crypt.

Looking through the binoculars I saw the other two teams leave, followed by Wednesday and Enid.

I let out a laugh as the boat of the Jokers started to slow down and eventually came to a halt.

I noticed that Wednesday installed some.... Javelins? on the side of her canoe, but they were being pushed away presumably by Bianca her siren friend.

"Now then, it's my time to shine" I said to myself as I activated the electric shield, obviously not enough to kill someone and it's range is very limited, buuut it should still be shocking for our siren friend, and I was correct, the moment I flicked the switch, the water underneath the canoe lit up and the black cats were on their way once more.

"Madman to Raven, Come in Raven, over" speaking through the radio once more.

"Raven here, over" hearing her respond to me

"You might want to enjoy this little show with Bianca and her boat..." I said smirking at the incoming fun.

Activating a little drone and making it fly towards Bianca and her team, they were confused at the sight of the machine, but they soon were shocked when they saw my face on a holographic display.

"Hello there Bianca, I hope you're doing well, sorry to say this, but that ends here. It appears you've made a dear friend of mine upset. I told you not to make an enemy out of me, but it seems like you didn't take my warning. I hope you enjoy the swim back." As the display shut itself down.

"Geronimo" I said as I pressed the red button, the drone fired a laser and made a big hole into their boat. Taking in the sights of their boat sinking, I gave a little bow to the black cats, who were on their way to the finish.

I made my way back to crowd and noticed that it was filled with applause. Walking over to Wednesday and Enid I congratulated them on their win.

"Well done ladies" only to be hugged to death by Enid.
"Enid, Can't, Breathe"

"Oh, sorry" she said as she let me go.

(Small Skip In Time)

After everyone moved to the quad, Weems started doing a speech.

"The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore's most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share."
"Community, perseverance, and determination."
"And we certainly saw those values on display today."
"Congratulations to Ophelia Hall!"
"As a former resident, I will be happy to see the cup back on the mantle after all these years." Weems finished with the crowd applauding and cheering for the victory.

I noticed Wednesday walking away and proceeded to follow her.

"Yo" gaining the attention from Wednesday.

"What are you doing down here?" Curious why she was here.

"Hiding, People keep randomly smiling at me, it's unsettling." Wednesday said

"That tends to happen when you win something like this" telling her these things happen.

"You better prepare yourself, Weems is incoming" telling her for the coming danger.
"Anyway I gotta go, still got somethings that I want to do in my room, see ya later" Taking my leave.

(Sometime Later at the Edgar Allan statue)

"Good Evening, Wednesday" I said as the girl approached the statue.
"I take it you've noticed it as well?" receiving a nod from the girl.
"Well, then let's get to it" stepping away from the statue, so Wednesday could do her thing.

"His penchant for riddles was legendary."
"And this might be his most cleverest yet."
"Because it's not a single riddle."
"Rather, each line is its own separate one." Wednesday explained, she started reading the lines that were written down and for me to give an answer to the riddles.

"The opposite of moon." Sun.

"A world between ours." Nether.

"Two months before June." April.

"A self-seeding flower." Pansy.

"One more than one." Two.

"Its leaves weep to the ground." Willow.

"It melts in the sun." Ice.

"Its beginning and end never found." Circle.

"Every rule has one." Exception.

"The answer will give a sharp cracking sound."

Wednesday stood in front of the statue and snapped twice, the statue started to move and revealed a secret door. I do love a secret door.

"Well done Wednesday!" I said impressed, walking towards the statue we walked down the stairs and into the room.. There were a lot of books and pictures around the room. Wednesday observed the bookshelf were it seemed like one of them was taken out of it.
She grabbed it and put it into her bag.

Only for us to get kidnapped by our mysterious kidnappers.

"Oh, how very fun this will be"

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