LMK x Child Reader (FEM) [ON...

By FlowerFall5

84.3K 1.8K 1.2K

(This a very old book and contains grammar errors, slight cringe and some other stuff normally found in a 12... More

A Hero Is Born Part 1
A Hero Is Born Part 2
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Noodles or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
The Lotus Prince
Skeleton Key
The End Is Here!
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 1
Sleep Bug
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet'n Sour
Minor Scale
Game On
Shadow Play
To Catch A Leaf
72 Transformations
This Is The End!
On the Run
Y/N Art
Underverse story?
Christmas Special!
More Y/N Art
Happy Holidays!
Animation thing I did
First headcannon- Yandere LMK and child reader
Sorry I havent updated!
Redson last words trend thing-
Future Books + Poll
Lego Set
Y/N Season 3 redesign!
Season 3?
Random Doodle
New Book Announcement!
You guys please read-
Ask Anything!
Ask Anything Answers!

Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2

2.1K 46 46
By FlowerFall5

Time to see our boy Nezha again!


As Redson was drawing his fire circles, Y/N told the others about the jet and most importantly, Mystery. 

"So, what you're saying is, you found this smoke thing when I was fighting DBK, and it led you to a jet you used to find us?" MK said, shocked that she never told him this. Y/N nodded, and Mystery sat comfortable on her shoulder. MK stared at Mystery as it nuzzled Y/N cheek. 

Redson finished the spell, and stood, looking at his work proudly. "Hmm." Everyone looked at the fire circle from behind him. 

"So, how exactly does this work?" Tang asked, as Redson grunted. The fire demon turned towards them. 

"Ugh. If I tried to explain mystical interdimensional travel to a bunch of peasants, it'd melt your brains!" He said, poking at his head. "The little one would be able to understand it better than you all because they actually listen to instructions." He put his hands behind his back as he spoke proudly of the child he was destined to protect. Everyone looked at him weirdly, except Y/N who stared at him with curious eyes. 

"We don't have any other option. We have to trust him." 

Redson chuckled. 

"Great speech, Noodle Boy. Super motivational." He prepared to open the portal, posing dramatically in the process, making Y/N giggle a bit. Redson looked back at her and smirked as he continued. He almost fully opened the portal but was interrupted by Tang. 

"Uh, are we sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm, yes?" He asked as they all hid behind broken pieces of Redson jet. 

"Of course, they can!" Redson continued but was stopped again. 

"Safely?" Pigsy asked, unconvinced. 

"Sure. Probably." 

"Probably?!" They all yelled at Redson. 

"Well, just in case." Redson quickly ran over and grabbed Y/N by her arm, before pulling her closer to him as they all flew through the portal. The others were blown back as they entered, but managed to hold on. As they left the portal, Y/N shakily took her hands off Redson, stumbling and almost tripping before he caught her and placed her next to him, securely holding on to her. He boredly watched the rest of the gang hug each other out of fear. "I did say it'd melt your brains." He pointed at Sandy's hair, which was on fire, but it quickly went out. 

Sandy looked below the flying drone before awing at their surroundings. Everyone came to the railing of the drone, looking down at the beautiful sight. 

"The Celestial Realm." Tang said amazed, as he fixed his glasses. Y/N immediately recognized Nezha's temple and grew excited, eager to speak with him again. She hadn't seen him in a while, so this could be a nice surprise for him. 

"So, some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace. Where are we gonna find these things?!" Pigsy exclaimed as they started to land. They all look at Red Son, for an answer, but quickly realize he doesn't have one. 

Mei gasped, coming up behind him. "Red Boy doesn't know!" 

"I know they're somewhere! I'm a demon! It's not like I've been here before." 

Tang cleared his throat. "Well, in the legend, Monkey King said stole-" 

"Stole? That's not the Monkey King I know." Sand said, as Tang paused. 

"-Borrowed the Peaches of Immortality from the Heavenly Orchard so unless they did the sensible thing and moved them, they'll still be there! The pills of the Great Master Lao Tzu, Monkey King stole- uh, borrowed some of those too, they must be in Lao Tzu's alchemy lab." 

"And what about the furnace? I can't make anything without that!" Redson said, putting his hand on top of Y/N's head. Doing that seemed to calm him down, just knowing that the one who was meant to protect was near him made him feel more at peace. 

"It could be there in the lab, but my guess is it will be in the Jade Emperor's throne room." Tang finished, looking at his book, everyone, except MK, Y/N, and Redson looking at the book as well. 

"Wait, what?" 


Redson sat at the edge of the railing, readying himself. "Alright, then. I'll be off to grab that peach. Stay here little one, I won't be gone long. Toodles!" He attempted to leap off but Mei grabbed him by the back of his cape. 

"What? Like, we're just let you wander off on your own?" 

Redson managed to escape her grip. He pat her head mockingly. "You just wait here like an obedient, little-" Mei bit his hand and grit her teeth. 

"No, I'm keeping you where I can see you!" 

Y/N sweat dropped next to Tang, as she watched Redson tries to swing Mei off his hand. 

"I'll go for the pills. Uh, they're just regular-looking pills, right? Round-kind-of-shaped-like pills? You know, like normal pills?" Pigsy said, confirming with Tang. 

"I better come, too." Tang replied, boredly. 

Y/N looked down, wanting to say something before looking up at the others. "Hey, can I go too?" She asked, as Mystery looked at all of them with emotionless eyes. Everyone paused and looked at the child shocked, even Redson and Mei. 

"What!? No. Kid, it's way too dangerous down there." 

"Please, I-I just really want to go!" 

"Young one, it's best if you stayed here." 

"I'll follow you guys! Just please!" 

"Y/N." MK put a hand on her shoulder. "It's not safe out there, you could get hurt. So, just stay here, okay?" MK said, smiling at her. She stared up at him with eyes filled with devastation, before furrowing her eyebrows and frowning. She looked down, crossing her arms as an angry expression could be seen on her face. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she pouted, before slowly walking away from them and sitting down, her back turned to them and her head hung low. Mystery looked back at her, worried before glancing at the rest, glaring at them. MK winced as he stared at Y/N, feeling bad. He sighed before walking up to her, and patting her shoulder, but she didn't look back at him. 

"And I'll get the furnace." He spoke. Everyone (except Redson who was still trying to get Mei off him, and Y/N who was currently sitting down, and may or may not be planning a way to go anyways.) looked at MK. 

"On your own? I don't know if that's a good idea." 

"The throne room's too well-guarded." 

Despite their warnings, MK plunged his staff onto the ground and leaped off into the air, glancing back at Y/N as he flew away. The three looked up at the sky, confused. 

"You guys get the items and get back here as fast as you can. I'll stay here and watch Y/N, while also trying to knock some sense into the engines." Sandy said, as they all left, glancing back at the clearly upset Y/N. 

Y/N, who was still sitting on the floor, curled up into a ball, Mystery floating above her, trying to console her. She didn't understand why she wasn't aloud to go with them. She wasn't a kid anymore! She was a [Pre-teen/Teenager]! She's survived without her parents for this long, so why is she feeling she can't survive without her friends! It's not like she was around people a lot before her family left. She didn't have friends, she didn't need friends. She ran a solo act. So, why would she listen to them! Y/N stood up and began to sneakily walk to the railing. Sandy and Mo were too busy with a spider robot attached to the drone to notice Y/N smirking as she jumped off the drone and ran to Nezha, Mystery following close behind. 

"Hey Y/N! Come check this out." Sandy said, turning to where Y/N was supposed to be, only to find her gone. Sandy and Mo looked at each other, silently panicking. "...Oh no!"

Y/N ran as fast as she could to where MK went, running through the archway. She stopped, panting before hearing battle noises. She looked up to see MK panicking before jumping into a large furnace, he glanced at her before he fell in, making her panic. Shoot! She'd been caught. He screamed out her name before the furnace closed, and large, dog like creatures circled around the furnace. Y/N sweat dropped as she heard him bang on the walls from the inside, still calling out her name. Y/N quickly shook her head, and ran to Nezha's door. The dog like creatures bowed, greeting her as she ran past them, she yelled a quick 'thank you! I'm off to visit Nezha!' She wouldn't be gone long, just a quick check up on him, maybe a bit of small talk, before retuning back to the ship where she would act like nothing had happened! 

She opened Nezha's pink fire door, before running to his temple in the distance, panting heavily in the process. She stopped at the golden archway, placing her hand on it as she waited for her heartbeat to go down. Mystery got off her shoulder and hid behind the wall like a guard, as Y/N made her way into the temple. She slowly walked in, and looked around as a powerful sense nostalgia filled her. She looked forward and saw the one and only, Nezha, meditating. 

"Nezha." She said, her voice filled with relief of seeing her old friend. Nezha quickly opened his eyes and stared at her, shocked. She slowly walked towards him as he stood, before wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him. He slowly wrapped his arms around her, secretly enjoying her presence. She eventually let go of him, staring up at him with a small smile. 

"Lotus? H-How are you here? I didn't touch the brooch." He asked, confused on how in the word she was in front of him at that moment. 

"Oh, uhh.. Me and a couple of friends are here." She said, trying to figure out an excuse. 

"Your friends? What are you all doing here?" He knelt in front of her, making her even more nervous as he studied her. 

"They needed to, uh... Borrow some things." 

"What things?" 


Nezha sighed at her nervous silence. "They aren't doing anything destructive or dangerous to the Celestial Realm are they?" 

"No! They wouldn't do anything like that. Just don't worry, I came for you after all." She said, before poking his nose. He dead panned at her childish gesture, before standing up at full height. "You're really tall, and you look very young. How come?" Y/N asked curiously, looking him up and down. 

"Well, I look you because my body is young." He explained, as Y/N stared at him with a dot-eyed expression. 

"Yea, that's what I asked dude." She said with sass as she put her hands on her hips. Nezha chuckled at her, finding how she has changed a bit since they had first met. 

"No, my body is eternally twelve, so it doesn't age, only my mind does. As for my height, I've just always been tall." He explained, making Y/N look up at him in awe. 

"That's really interesting!" She said, looking up at him in wonderment. 

They both soon heard a large crash and looked towards the temple's exit. Nezha took his spear off his back and pushed Y/N behind him, protecting her. Y/N quickly realized where the sound came from, and grew disappointed, she didn't think she'd be leaving too soon. She quickly ran out from behind Nezha's back and ran to the flying drone, only to be stopped by Nezha as he grabbed her arm. 

"Wait! Where are you going!?" He said, as she quickly broke free from his grasp. She stopped at the archway of the temple, turning back at him while running in place. 

"Sorry, I gotta go! Call be back here soon, so we can talk more next time, alright!" She said, before quickly running off. 

"WAIT!-" Nezha extended his arm, but could do nothing, but stare as Y/N ran off. He sighed, before his arm fell to his side. He felt something on the side of his belt, and looked down at it, seeing a small, folded paper poking up from it. He grew confused as he grabbed it, and inspected it. How did that get there? He opened it, and his eyes widened on what was on the paper. It was a drawing of him, a very detailed drawing, with Y/N's signature on the top left corner. He smiled as stared at the drawing.


MK curled up into a ball in the furnace, alone. "There is no way I can do this. I can't do anything on my own." Something glowed to his right, making him turn to it. Silhouette of Monkey King appeared on the glass mirror. "Monkey King! I knew you'd-" The glow settled to his own reflection. "Oh. Perfect!" He smushed his face on the glass. "Perfect! Just who I need! Useless MK! What have you got to say, huh?" 

"Um, that's not how mirrors work." His reflection spoke. 

"Ooh, ooh, what? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm going crazy. Yep." 

"Stop that! Listen. Every time we get in trouble, we turn to Monkey King or our friends or someone. They tell us a story and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well, now we're on our own. It's just... you." 

MK looks at his staff, frowning as he sat up. 

"Hey, did you know uh Monkey King was trapped in here once too?" MK's refection said, looking over at him. 

"Yeah. Difference is he was thrown in and I jumped!" 

"True. But you know what he did?" The reflection appeared in the opposite mirror as he spoke. "He stuck it out, found a way out. Ended up getting his Golden Eyes of Truth too." 

MK looked down, still not buying it "Well, I'm not the Monkey King, okay?" 

"You're right. You're the Monkie Kid. You've got to figure out your own way to win. So do it." MK's reflection looked at him with a proud smile. 

"But... What about Y/N. Maybe I was too hard on her. Ugh! I ruin everything" MK said, as the reflection kept smiling.

"Cmon, you don't ruin everything! Y/N loves being around you and the others, she's just.. A bit upset." 

"She could get hurt! Or worse, killed! A-And I wouldn't be able to do anything." Mk yelled, hyperventilating as he clutched his head, worst possible scenarios played in his mind of Y/N getting hurt. "I shouldn't have been such a jerk to her. She probably hates me now." MK said, as he looked down at the floor, defeated. He sighed. "It's no use. There's no point in continuing if she isn't going to be with me." 

His reflection looked at him, sympathetically. "Y'know, how about you check your right pocket, I think you'll find something in there." MK looked at the mirror in confusion, before putting a hand in his right pocket. He felt something and pulled it out, revealing a folded up piece of paper. "Go on, open it." The refection said, as MK looked at the paper curiously. He opened the paper, revealing it to be a drawing of himself, Y/N's signature on the top left corner. As he stared at the paper in shock and amazement, his reflection chuckled. "See, they care about you, a lot. So, get out there and show them who the real Monkie Kid is!" His refection encouraged, smiling confidently. 

MK took the staff and gazes at his reflection one last time before going back to use the staff. "Here... comes.. Monkie Kid!" He created a Lion mech, which takes the furnace and ran off with MK on its back. "Sorry! I-I'll bring it back when we're done saving the world! Honest. Promise. Totally gonna do it. Okay, bye!" He bursts out the temple and Lion Guardians chased him. He prayed to God that Y/N was with the others.



Sandy looked over to Pigsy and Tang running towards him, and they jump on board. 

"Pigsy! Tangy! You got the pills!" Sandy yelled, as Pigsy laid on the floor, exhausted. 

"Uh huh! We also have spiders!" Tang pointed at Huntsman running towards them. "They followed us here!" 


"Where are the others?!" Pigsy yelled, before they heard another voice. 


They all turn to see Mei carrying Red Son with Strong Spider after them. 

"Start the engines! It's time to go!" Tang said, as Mei hopped on board with Redson. 

"What about MK?" 


They see MK being chased by the Lion Guardians. "Start! The! Drone!" Sandy hesitated to start the engines. 

"What are you waiting for!?" Pigsy yelled, as the spider continued to race to them. 

"Guys, I know this is a bad time for this, but I can't find Y/N anywhere!" 


"Hey! Wait for me!" 

They all looked again to see Y/N riding Mystery the horse to the drone. She quickly hopped on, as Sandy started the engine. Huntsman tried to jump as the flying drone started to drift away, but Strong Spider pulls him back. 

"What are you doing? I could have made it!" 

"Aw, sure you could, buddy. Huh?" 

Behind them, MK leapt for the drone with the lion mech and yelled as made it. They blasted off to the mortal realm, as Huntsman and Strong Spider stared at where they went. Huntsman growled as he broke free from the others grip. 

"The Queen ain't gonna be happy about this." 

Strong Spider taped him on the shoulder, as he looked back and saw the Lion Guardians behind them. "Uh, nice monster doggy?"

Y/N panted, wiping the sweat of their forehead, before MK tackled them in a hug. 

"Y/N! I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OKAY! WHAT WERE YOU DOING BACK THERE!?" He yelled, as Y/N sweat dropped. 

"Uh, I wanted to explore." Y/N lied, hopping he would buy it, but alas, he didn't. He let go of her and frowned. 

"Y/N. why did you leave?" He asked, as everyone looked at Y/N, waiting for an answer. Y/N sweat dropped at the stares she was getting, before sighing. 

"I... I went to visit a friend." She admitted as the rest looked at her in surprise. 

"Wait, so you've been to the Celestial Realm before?" Tang asked, making Y/N nod. 

"Yea, when MK was having trouble focusing, I went to the market, where this man gave me a flower brooch for free. After that I went home with it, and ended up in the Celestial Realm, where I met someone who helped bring me back. I just wanted to see him again, and talk. I didn't think I'd be gone for long... I'm sorry for lying to you guy." 

The gang looked at Y/N shocked as she told the story. She looked down and played with her hands, Mystery on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck to make her feel better. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up, seeing MK smile at her. 

"It's okay, as long as you're safe, it's fine. Though, you should've told us this before." He hugged her, as she looked at him. She soon returned the hug, smiling.


"So, uh, what now?" Tang asked, scratching his chin while staring at the furnace. Pigsy, Mei, and MK peaking at it from behind him. 

"We find a place to lie low, make the antidote, and save everyone." MK planned, making the other stare back at him confidently. 

"Ugh, you're back to your disgustingly, enthusiastic self. What happened?" They looked up at Redson as he spoke. His arm was around Y/N who was next to him, holding her protectively. 

"I got a new power." 

Everyone, even Redson stared at MK surprised. 

"The power..." Redson leaned closer, making Y/N do the same "-of self-reflection." 

Mei, Pigsy, and Tang awed, but Redson turned away in disgust, grumbling as he pulled Y/N closer to him. 

"So! Where we headed?" Mei asked, excited. 

MK put his foot on the railing before pointing in the distance. "Set a course.. for Flower Fruit Mountain!"


"What do you think, big guy?" 

Demon Bull King growls, glaring at Monkey King who was currently tied up in spider web. 

"Enjoying the party?" 

"She would never have subdued me had you not given her the power she needed." 

"Or it's just that she captured me first 'cause I'm her favorite." 

The Demon Bull King roared in anger, his energy being slightly drained by the webs. The others trapped in the webs also had their energy slightly drained, as the result of DBK's rage. Spider Queen climbed down from her web, looking pleased. She then looks over at Lady Bone Demon, Huntsman, and Strong Spider, as they arrived at the door. 

"My Queen." LDB started, as Huntsman and Strong spider sweat dropped at the Queen's possible reaction. "It seems the Demon Boy and the Monkey King's protégé are working together." 

Spider Queen hopped off her web, looking at LDB with a pleased smirk. "So? What can they do? This city is mine!" She laughed evilly, as LDB interrupted her seemed victory. 

"Perhaps you should-" 

"Enough!" The Queen scowled at her. "I don't need you coming here being a party pooper. You know what we need to do? Celebrate! Bring in the Year of the Spider in style!" As the Queen finished, the door slowly started to close. 

"As you wish." As you wish, LDB said, slightly glaring at her with glowing blue eyes, as a flash of her true form appeared before the door fully closed.


As Redson finished making a circle on the sand with a stick, he laughed. "I, Red Son, will find the powers of the Celestial artifacts with the Spider Queen's own venom, save my father, and reforge the world as I see fit!" He laughed evilly, while standing on a large rock. MK and Mei stared at him amazed, while Y/N clapped at his speech, boosting his ego even more. 

"Red Son, that was amazing!" 

"Such a good hero speech." 

"Villain speech! And perhaps my best of all time!" He gloated, putting his hand on his chest, and standing proudly. 

"Okay, so what do we do now, guy?" Pigsy asked, making Redson look over at him. 

"We do nothing. I add the ingredients in a very precise order-" 

Y/N looked next to her to see that MK disappeared from her side. 

"-You wouldn't understand." 

"Uh, there's only two more ingredients, Red Boy." Mei reminded. 

"And I already chucked them in." Everyone turned to look at MK, who threw both the ingredients in carelessly. 


"You're welcome!" 

The liquid in the furnace emit a gold smoke making everyone start coughing. MK and tang stood over the antidote bubbling in the furnace. 

"Ooh, I think it worked." 

"Alright." MK jumped down from the furnace, and put his hand on it. "Time to take the fight back to the Spider Queen and end this nightmare once and for all." 

"How? Those spider people aren't just gonna line up for a sip." Pigsy asked. 

"And even if they did, are we forgetting about Spider Queen? She defeated the Monkey King! How are you-" 

MK clenched his hand as he looked over the others, determined (He is filled with DETERMINATION). "We'll find a way! We always do." 

Everyone looked at him, filled with confidence. 

"Well, I might have an idea." Sandy added, pulling out a remote from his beard and presses the button. Water shooters popped out from the flying drone, making Mei cheer. 

"With this, we might have a chance!" MK yelled, before they blasted off with the antidote on board.


Green and purple fireworks exploded in the air as Spider Queen laughed. The possessed Spider people putting on a spider parade as The Queen and her loyal followers watched. 

"Oh, here comes the spider float! And the spider dancers! This is how you rule the world!" She grew confused as she looked over to see a Monkey King sign in the crowd. "What is that?" 

"I don't know. It's not on the approved parade schedule." Syntax replied, looking through the papers on his clipboard. 

The carboard picture fell, revealing MK and the gang flying into the sky on the giant drone. Lady Bone Demon disappeared in blue smoke, causing Spider Queen to look at where she once stood, surprised. 

"If it isn't Spider Queen throwing herself a party, prepare to meet your doom!" MK cackled, lighting flashing behind him. 

"Now that's a hero speech!" Redson yelled, holding onto a lever. 

"Wow, MK, you're handling your spider phobia so well." Mei said, as Y/N nodded, holding onto another lever. MK started to sweat as he looked down nervously. 

"I'm internalizing a lot of stuff right now. Release the antidote!" 

All of them pull their levers, releasing the antidote. The spider bots attached to the possessed people fell off, causing the crowd to cheer. 

"It's working! Let's finish this!" Mei yelled, before they all jumped off the flying drone. 

"You reign of horror is-" MK trembled as Spider Queen stood, menacingly. "Over." 

"Oh, Monkey Boy, you're nothing without your master. There's nothing that can stop me! Nothing!" Spider Queen powered up her mech with the energy that those trapped in the mech provided for her, as she grew more powerful. MK leaped at her with the staff but she stopped him and shoves him back, making him crash into a wall. 

"MK! Gummy, stay back!" 

The Spider Queen cracked her neck as the rest of the team jumped at her but she caught them all in her webs. She stood over Y/N who was trying to help MK get up and fight, laughing evilly.


Demon Bull King, still tied up, hung from the webs with closed eyes. 

"It's a shame, really. You being trapped here. No one to protect poor little Princess Iron Fan." Monkey King taunted, making DBK's eyes shoot open, turning purple. 

"My wife doesn't need protecting! She will decimate all in her way!" 

DBK's anger started to break the webs, giving Monkey King an idea. 

"Oh yeah? How about your half-baked son? Spider Queen's gonna eat him alive all because you were too weak." 

DBK's anger manages tear wholes through the webs. 

"Hah! It worked! Excellent!" 

Demon Bull King grabbed him making him shout out in surprise, as he slams him to the ground. 

"Buddy! I was just getting you angry so you can-" 

"I know what you were doing, simian!" DBK ripped off the remaining webs from Monkey King, and started to walk away. 

"Wait. Where are you going?" 

"To find my half-baked s.. son." He rammed into the wall of the base breaking it. 

"I've honestly missed that guy." Monkey King admitted, before the Lady Bone Demon makes herself known behind him. He looked back at her, glaring. "So, you thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them." 

"There are so many moves I have yet to play." She smiled sinisterly. 

"You should have stayed buried." He scowled, before attempting to punch her but she disappeared. 

"I will rip the memory of you from this world." 

She appears behind him and showed him visions of the world being destroyed, with MK fading away. Y/N then appeared in the vision, being held by strings in the air as her lifeless eyes showed no emotion. 

He tried to hit her again, only to find her gone. He growled at her disappearance, looking down to try and understand what she had just showed him.


Spider Queen approaches MK and Y/N, speaking. 

"Hmm. After all I've won and lost and won again, you think I was really gonna let some boy take it from me. Bye bye, problem child." She quickly pushed Y/N out of the way as she prepares to take MK out but her powers go out. "Oh!" She looked up to see the base losing power. "No. My powers!" 

DBK burst out of the base. "I am no one's slave!" He crashed onto the ground, and sent everyone flying, freeing them in the process. He goes to Redson and ripped off the webs. "Father." Redson said, relived that he wasn't hurt.

Y/N smiled as they were reunited and help Redson stand, before smiling at DBK. DBK nodded at her gesture turned to the Spider Queen, furious. Mei squirmed, still trapped in the webs, before Redson freed her with a small flame. 

Spider Queen laughed, her helmet falling off. "All of you together can't beat me! I am the Queen!" 

"Oh yeah?" Everyone looked up to see Monkey King walking down the walls. He takes the staff and freed MK. "Well, I'm the King." He walked to MK. "Turns out, I'm not so good with spiders either." He held the staff in front of him, as MK grabs it. 

"If I can't rule this world." Spider Queen used her web to lift her back on to the base. "No one can! I'll level this whole city!" 

MK and Monkey King jumped into the up air, both holding the staff. 

"Alright, kiddo! It's now or never!" 


They swung each other towards Spider Queen in the air with the staff. "Here! Comes! Monkie!" Monkey King threw MK towards Spider Queen, smiling. "Kid." 

Spider Queen yelled as MK destroyed the base. He flies into the air, but because of gravity, he starts falling. As Monkey King turns into a bird and catches him, they still continue to fall quickly. Demon Bull King leaps up and grabs them both as the base exploded protecting them from the impact. Meanwhile, Redson used his fire powers to protect the others from the explosion. DBK landed on the ground, as MK thanked him. 

"Thank you-" MK looked up, realizing who's he was thanking, as he sweat dropped. "Bull- Demon Bull King- Mr. King, sir?" He sees the sky and they all look at the lights lighting up the skies. "Whoa!" 

Everyone awed at the sight, as Monkey King transformed back into himself, and stood on MK's head, pointing up into the sky. "Hah, now those are New Year's fireworks!"


Everyone gathered at a cliff, enjoying the rest of New Year's, and looking up at the sky. MK and Monkey King sat on the edge next to each other. 

"We should really get better at not smushing the city." MK said. 

"Eh, priorities." 

They both laughed. 

"You did really good today, bud?" 

"Are you okay? After-" 

"It's fine, bud. It's dealt with. Want to tell your friends to take it down a bit?" He peeked over his shoulder at Tang who is gawking at him. Y/N sweat dropped as she watched as Tang fanboy over Monkey King. She stood next to Redson, who was ruffling her hair. 

"Hey! Daddy Bull King! Your baby Red Boy did real good hero work today!" Mei called out, making Redson embarrassed. Y/N chuckled at his behavior. 

"No! No! For the last time, I am not a hero!" 

Mei laughed at his outburst, before Y/N turned to him. 

"Really? Wow! Great job Redson. I always knew you'd make an amazing hero." Y/N said, as Redson turned to her, groaning. 

"Not you too." 

Y/N and Mei laughed even more. 

"Father, let's never tell Mother anything that happened today?" 

"Agreed. Come along... Son." 

"S-Son?" His eyes grew wider in pride, before composing himself and turning to Y/N, patting her head. "I hope to see you soon once again, young one." Y/N nodded and stepped back as Redson and DBK left the scene in a large fire tornado. Y/N sighed before walking to the others. 

"Where did Monkey King go? Huh?" Tang saw a box of treats left by Monkey King, as he shrugged. "Oh. Well, don't mind if I do."

MK watched Monkey King flew off as a bird, Y/N standing next to him. 

"Happy New Year's, Monkey King." He smiled, putting his arm around Y/N's shoulder before walking to the rest of the gang. 

"Ooh, yummy!" 

"Wait, no! Don't eat that!" 

"Tastes like hair." 

Y/N quietly laughed at the interaction, before looking back up into the sky, admiring the lights. Mystery floated next to her, also looking up at the sky. MK looked at it, feeling something was... Off about it. Mystery turned back to him, and its smile grew wider as he felt a bit unsettled by its staring. His eyes then turned blue as he saw visions of Y/N being held down by chains as a music box played a soft but eerie tune in front of her. Strings wrapped around her tightly, but she sat completely still like a statue. She stared at the music box, her eyes flashing different colors, as LDB's true form stood behind her, laughing evilly. 

MK soon snapped out of it, and looked at Mystery as it slowly turned back to look at the sky. MK breath heavily as he tried to comprehend what he had just witnessed. He frowned at the blue entity before calling Y/N's name. She turned her head and looked at him curiously. 

"C'mon, let's go celebrate with the others." 

She nodded, before walking next to him as they went to the rest. MK glanced at Mystery one last time, seeing that it was trying to pretend that nothing had happened. He felt uneasy the rest of the time, constantly glancing at it, only to find it staring back at him. He would need to tell Monkey King about this later.


Down below, Spider Queen sobbed at her defeat. 

"Where were you?! What happened to my destiny?!" 

"Your destiny has not been changed or diminished." LBD walked closer to her. "Your enemies have done exactly what we needed." She brings in the large furnace, used to make the antidote. "And now, my Queen, the real game can begin." She smiled as the screen faded to black.


As Y/N slept peacefully, Macaque, who was currently a cat heard a shuffle. He opened on eye seeing Mystery float below the floorboards. He stared at where it went before falling back to sleep.

Mystery floated down into the Spider Queen's lair, floating in front of LDB. As it silently communicated with her, she smiled as everything was going the way it needed to. "Great job, keep on watching her. Everything is going according to plan." She sinisterly laughed as she held something in her hands. It was a music box.

[To Be Continued]

Words- 5,769

{Next Episode: Sleep Bug} 


I've finally finished this.   

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