Ninja light Pretty cure.

By Kinggttransform02

163 32 0

Kyoko Hanako is a lovely and energetic girl who isn't shy of express herself. Sometimes she can be an airhead... More

A blossoming start. Shine Cure Sakura.
Wisdom from the past. Cure Afrodite appere
Picnic day. Go ninja style attacks.
Lost necklace. Kyoko's big problem.
Teamwork is key. Shining soccer kick.
Lost kitten? The cure's fluffy action
A new enemy! Shining duo attack.
A big celebration! A friendship full day.
Presentation time! Aoi memory trauma.
A new pretty cure? A fan trouble
Battle of dance! The cure's shining ballet.
The duo's in trouble? The shocking cure Jade.
A day of bonding. Mukuro's story
A school to battle for. Mukuro's new experience.
Mukuro's secret admirer? Electric love in the air.
Slashing light! The cure's shining hope.
Mukuro's rival? Kendo club with style.
Kyoko's guilt. Cousin drama on the farm.
Lazy Yangso!? Little brother's fairy toy.
Our votes for Aoi. A president's shining courage.
Bless you! Kyoko's sick day.
Mukuro sees ghosts? Halloween party with the past.
Sparkling date! Carlos's special question.
Christmas time. Kyoko's shining memories.
Queen of shadows! The fight of sisters.
The three lights of hope! Let our hearts glow.
The lights of the future. Always shining.

Carlos is back!? A festival shining redemption.

3 1 0
By Kinggttransform02

Today was Hashinto town's summer festival and everyone was excited. The girls finished their ring tossing game for the evening. "This is gonna be so wonderful." Kyoko happily said while placing the toys on different shelfs. "Yes. And everyone we know will come. Will Daya come Mukuro?" Aoi said and turned to Mukuro who was painting the sign. She shook her head.

"No. He's busy with training the other ninja. But I have someone special in mind who'll come." Kyoko and Aoi looked at eachother confused. "Who is it?" Kyoko asked and Mukuro just smiled. "You'll see. Anyway I think we're ready for this evening." They all looked at their game and smiled. "It's so beautiful-yi." Yinsy said. "Very much-ya." Yangso added.

Soon they walked home to get ready for the festival. Mukuro walked inside her house and saw Carlos doing push ups in the living room. "Hey Mukuro. You're gonna get ready for the festival?" He asked and stood up. "Yes. And you too." Mukuro answered and Carlos froze before shaking his head. "No way. Your friends might see me. They won't forgive me for what I did." He argued and Mukuro then glared at him with a serious glare.

"Ok that's enough! You can't just stay here forever. And you can't know that they're not gonna forgive you unless you hear it from them. The princess of the Kingdom of light knows that you're on our side, Daya and the other ninja know. So now it's time to tell the others! So you're going to the festival even if I have to drag you there." Carlos stood completely still from Mukuro's outburst before sighing. "Ok I go." He said and Mukuro smiled.

Later that evening had Kyoko and Aoi meet up at the festival. Kyoko had a pink kimono with red and white flowers on it, her hair was also in a bun. Aoi had a light blue kimono with purple and dark blue drops on it, her hair was made into two braids. "I wonder where Mukuro is." Aoi said and Kyoko looked around before smiling. "There she is." She pointed at Mukuro.

Mukuro had a dark green kimono with bright yellow stars on, her hair was swept back with star shaped hairpins. "Hey girls." She greeted. "So who's with you?" Kyoko asked and Mukuro looked back to see that Carlos was hiding by a booth. She signaled him to come over and he reluctantly walked. "He's right here." Mukuro answered and both the girls and fairies gasped when they saw Carlos.

"Carlos!" They said and as the fairies flew out of the girl's bags. "Don't panic. He's on our side." Mukuro said and the others looked at her confused. "You mean he's not evil anymore-yi?" Yinsy asked and Mukuro nodded. Yangso glared at Carlos. "I don't believe it one bit-ya." Aoi thought a little. "Well. The last time we saw him was when we got Kitty. Then Amane showed up." Kyoko just looked at Carlos, remembering when he ran away with her cat and was gonna hurt her.

"I know what I did is unforgivable. But Mukuro here helped me. After you defeated me I couldn't return. I would have been killed as punishment. The reason I worked for Calypso was because I felt bad compared to the other ninja. Atleast I felt seen there." Carlos said and the two girls felt a little remorse for him. "We're not gonna forgive you yet. Let's see how you'll do on the festival. But if you try something. We won't let you go." Kyoko said and Carlos nodded.

They soon walked around the festival and had some fun. Carlos still felt ashamed for what he did. Kyoko and the others kept an eye on him. Soon they arrived at the ring tossing game that the girls helped with. Carlos looked on as the girls tried the game and got small prices. Mukuro held up a ring to him. "Give it a try and have some fun." She said and Carlos took the ring and nodded.

His breath slowed down as he focused on a stuffed panda. Things went in slowmotion as he tossed the ring. It flew into the air and managed to hit the panda. The girls cheered as Carlos got the panda in his hand. He smiled big and looked around. His eyes then landed on a little girl who looked sadly at the panda. Carlos looked at it and kneeled down by the girl. "Here you go kid. A little present from me." He said and handed the panda to the girl.

She smiled big and looked up at her mom who signed with her hands. The girl signed something to Carlos and the mom spoke. "She says thank you. This is Himiko. She's deaf, but I love her no matter what. And I'm Hanami Koja." The mother said and smiled at Carlos. Carlos smiled back and looked at the mom and daughter. "I'm Carlos. It's a pleasure meeting you." He said and bowed, only to lose balance and fall on his face.

The mom and daughter giggled a little and Carlos did too. "Well we gotta go and look at the rest of the festival." Hanami said and Carlos smiled. "Hope to see you again." He said and the Hanami nodded in agreement before walking off with Himiko. The girls walked up to him. "Seems like you found someone special." Mukuro teased and the others giggled as Carlos blushed. "Yeah. You're right." He said and smiled at Hanami's direction.

Mukuro smiled that Carlos was getting to be happy. Then a green and yellow light appered around her. Amane watched this and smirked. "A light orb from a pretty cure. Seems like gold." She said and took up her pendant. "Lights out!" She said. But Carlos saw this and quickly pushed Mukuro out of the way. The girls and fairies got shocked.

Just then a black and white light orb flew out of him and into the pendant, making his eyes darken. "I'll never be worth something." He said as the girls saw Amane run away. They quickly ran after her to an empty area. "Amane! Give back Carlos's light orb at once!" Mukuro said and Amane smirked. "Caring for someone who used to be your enemy? Sure here you go." She and held up her pendant.

"Rise warrior of darkness. Rise up, Mega Darkaro!" Amane yelled and the black and white light orb turned fully black before flying out together with both the metal and dark crystal before turning into a monster. It looked like Carlos with armor. Also with dark orbs around it's body. It's skin was made of dark crystal. " Mega, Darkaro!" It yelled.

Kyoko stepped forward. "Girls. Let's go!" The others nodded.

The girls and fairies flew around in a pink, blue and green void and smiled. "Inner lights. Illuminate!" They all shouted and lights appeared from them, making pink, blue and light green round crystals. "Yinsy." Kyoko started. "Yangso." Aoi then added. "Change up!" They both said and the fairies shined before turning into a round circles with a hole in the middle. Their arms and heads was still there, together with Yangso's tail. "Light crystal ready." They all three said before Kyoko and Aoi threw their crystals at the fairies who caught them in their arms. And Mukuro put it on the pendant making the star on it glow.

The crystals glew and both Kyoko and Aoi grabbed respective fairy as Mukuro held up her pendant. "Pretty cure, light up!" They all shouted and light appered around them. Their outfits appeared. It was their gloves, dresses, shoes, earrings and necklaces. Then their hair changed too. Yinsy and Yangso then flew onto Kyoko's and Aoi's waists, where Yinsy earned a pat on the head. And Yangso earned a high five. Mukuro put the pendant on her chest and it glew.

Kyoko landed on the ground with cherry blossoms flying from her. "The blooming light of passion. Cure Sakura!" She said and did her pose.

Aoi landed on the ground with water drops flying from her. "The splashing light of wisdom. Cure Afrodite!" She said and did her pose.

Mukuro landed on the ground with sparks flying from her. "The sparking light of justice. Cure Jade!" She said and did her pose.

"We ninja of light will protect everyone's shining hopes and dreams." They all started and stood in a pink, blue and green void. "Ninja light, pretty cure!" They ended and pink, blue and yellow sparks appered around them.

They started to fight and Amane watched. "Are you really gonna save the hopes and dreams of someone who was your enemy? You're just wasting your time." She said and the cures glared at her while they kept fighting. "He may have been bad before. But some people deserve another chance." Jade said and kicked the Mega Darkaro in it's legs.

"Carlos's hopes and dreams are as important as everyone else." Afrodite punched the Mega Darkaro in the back. "And Carlos has shown that he can change and we'll do anything to help him. And we're not wasting time on him. He deserves to be helped." Sakura said and got the finishing hit on the Mega Darkaro's face before it got knocked out. All three summoned their swords. "And we won't let you say otherwise!" They all said.

All three where in a dark void with their colors as stars. "Shine. The three blades of hope!" They said while holding their swords. The blades glew in their respective colors. "Blade of passion!" Sakura yelled and cut through the air with cherry blossom flowers flying after the blade. "Blade of wisdom!" Afrodite yelled and cut through the air with water drops flying after the blade. "Blade of justice!" Jade yelled and cut down with a lighting bolt following the blade.

They all held the swords up that glew stronger. "Let our shining hope slash through darkness." They all said and jumped into the air, towards the Mega Darkaro. Lights in their respective colors appeared around them. "Pretty cure! Shining triple slash!" They yelled and slashed the air one by one. The three slashes went together and hit the Mega Darkaro.

It's skin cracked before it exploded into light, making the black and white light orb fly back into Carlos, which made his eyes turn back to normal as his hopes and dreams came back. Amane looked at the cures as the metal and dark crystal returned to the pendant. "You're gonna fail one day." She said and teleported away.

The cures transformed back into their civilian forms and ran back to Carlos. "Carlos you're okay." Mukuro sighed in relief and Carlos smiled. "Yes. Thank you." Kyoko walked forward. "No. Thank you for protecting Mukuro. You've really changed." She said and Carlos smiled. "The fireworks are starting. Come on let's go." Aoi said and they all ran to see the fireworks.

Everyone smiled big at what festival they had. And Mukuro was very happy that Carlos had a great time too.

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