The Past|JeffBarcode

By Bank_Teresa

23.1K 1K 390

Something happened to Jeff in the past that forbids him to love again, but a young man comes along years late... More

Your Gaze Through The Window
The Lighter Of The Past
Between The Delirium
I Made My Decision
I Will Accept You
Amidst Kisses And Moans I...
The Boy From The Past
Hard Choice Part 1 🔞
Hard Choice Part 2🔞
I Swear If You....
No, Don't Look
The Tenth Message
Sunny Day... I Love You

Measure Your Words

1.2K 73 22
By Bank_Teresa

Preview of the previous chapter

Barcode: P'Talay, here's your glass of water...!


Talay and Jeff look sideways at the same time, Barcode approaches Talay smiling gives Talay the glass of water at the same time, Talay smiling at Barcode.

Talay: Thank you N'...!

Jeff looking at the two, seeing his friend's interest in Barcode gave a nervous sigh, puts the paper aside, Talay and Barcode look at him, Barcode looking at Jeff, remembering the day this man took out his first kiss, Barcode didn't want Jeff to remember that moment, not after seeing that Jeff kissed him thinking about someone else, Barcode preferred to remain silent as if nothing had happened between the two of them.

Barcode: P'jeff!... P' said that made some corrections to my music... Can I see it?!

Jeff not really liking the approach between Talay and Barcode but dismissing any other kind of feelings or interests he might have, speaking calmly and friendly as ever.

Jeff: Yes, of course... Jeff gets up from the sofa and goes to sit in the chair in front of the sound production table, Barcode approaches from the side.... These are the few changes I made, you can see if you like it and you can add more if you want...

Talay seeing the two concentrated on working on the music, says going to the door.

Talay: I'm going out for a bit... I'm hungry, I won't be long...

Talay noting that the two didn't hear him.

Talay: What is this?! Did they both forget that I exist?!...

Talay disheartened at being forgotten by the two, leaves the studio.

Jeff and Barcode were making changes to the song for an hour.

Barcode sideways and standing next to Jeff who is sitting, distracted. Jeff seeing that they finished writing what was necessary.

Jeff: So we were...

Jeff turns his head sideways to look at Barcode and Barcode does the same to look at Jeff, the two of them as they do this, eyes very close, noses touching, lips almost close to each other. Barcode widens his eyes when he feels Jeff's nose quickly raises his torso that was leaning to look at the paper, but hits his head on Jeff's nose, jeff grabs his nose when being hits by Barcode, Barcode loses his balance when taking a step backwards almost falling Jeff on impulse immediately grabs Barcode's waist and pulls him making Barcode sit on his lap as he pulls him so quickly.

Barcode upon being pulled and sitting on Jeff's lap, puts one hand on Jeff's shoulder and the other grips Jeff's waist on the side of the chair.

This event lasted only ten seconds because of how fast it was.

Barcode closes his eyes as he is pulled and sits on Jeff's lap, his head next to Jeff's chest and shoulder, Jeff grabbing his nose and his other hand gripping Barcode's waist, feeling pain.

Jeff: Damn, my nose!.

Barcode opens his eyes when he hears Jeff, when he sees what he's done, worried and forgetting that he's in Jeff's lap.

Barcode: P'Jeff! Are you okay?!..

Jeff immediately looks to the side taking his hand away from his nose, the two faces are so close, Barcode squeezes Jeff's shoulder hard when he sees his face too close, Jeff feeling pain but disappearing as soon as he looks at Barcode, seeing this big eyes that he feels as if these eyes are looking deep into his soul, a little too seriously.

Jeff: How much longer are you going to stay on my lap?!

Barcode realizing where he is sitting quickly gets up, stands on his side, bends his torso, crucifying himself for what just happened, ashamed, apologizing.

Barcode: I'm sorry P'... Your nose.. I really... I'm sorry....

Jeff seeing how embarrassed Barcode is for what happened, giving a slight smile something he never did and never felt like this when looking at a young man like Barcode.

Jeff: Alright! You don't have to crucifying yourself so much about it... It was just a minor accident... My nose is fine... ( Barcode stands up and looks at Jeff very embarrassed for hurting Jeff's nose)... Let's end here .. we already finished writing the song , I'll call you when we start recording it, is that ok with you?

Barcode nodding, still very embarrassed and wanting to disappear from this awkward moment he hears between the two.

Barcode: hmm! Alright... Then I'll go home...

Barcode turning around and taking his briefcase from the sofa, Jeff gets up from his chair in a friendly and gentle voice.

Jeff: I can take you, it's too late...

Barcode not wanting to be around Jeff after what happened, lying.

Barcode: Oh! No, I... I can go alone... I'm still going to stop by a friend's house...

Jeff: who is this friend? I know?!..

Barcode: No, P'Jeff doesn't know... There's no way you know him, P'Jeff and I just met a little while ago...

Jeff nodding, raising an eyebrow seeing that he was a little nosy despite not wanting to show it.

Jeff: You're right... I shouldn't ask this question to someone I've only met in such a short time... so get home well... I'll call you as soon as we start recording...

Barcode seeing that he made Jeff uncomfortable with what he said, apologizing.

Barcode: Oh! No... That's not what I wanted to say at all... I just... I'm apologize...

Jeff interrupts Barcode.

Jeff: No need to apologize, I understood perfectly well that you didn't mean that... Please get home safely...

Jeff turns his back to Barcode grabs the documents from the studio ignoring him again, Barcode a little sad, wanting to say something else but stops, turns towards the door and leaves. Jeff as soon as he hears the door close, with a rather sad look he puts the documents on the table again, turns towards the door and touches his buttocks on the sound production table, feeling uncomfortable with Barcode and with himself for allowing to feel something he swore not to feel for anyone.

Flasback: thinking about the moment he pulls Barcode onto his lap, and the moment he looks at Barcode when Barcode was on his lap.

Jeff stops having the flasback moment, he moves his head slightly from side to side, destroying any moment or types of feelings he is feeling, forbidding himself to continue having this feeling that he himself put on years ago.

Jeff: My heart has been closed for years, I won't be able to be the same as before... You or anyone else who appears will never make me change... I can't, I shouldn't and I don't want to...I don't want the same thing to happen like in the past...... I forbid myself and I will continue like this... I was made to suffer and stay in the dark, I don't need any light in life... I'm better off this way... Alone...

This day passed, and with it three weeks passed.

Jeff hasn't called Barcode during those three weeks because of the workload he has in the studio.

Jeff and several studio people are on the beach recording an MV of a famous artist, Jeff is sitting with a big megaphone directing the MV, Talay is a little distance from him enjoying the recordings, Pond and Barcode arrive on the beach and approach behind Talay.

Pond: Khun Talay, why aren't you helping Khun Jeff?! Resting again?!...

Talay turns back and is startled to see Pond and Barcode, smiling and disguising his laziness to participate in this MV.

Talay: Hey! I don't do that... You know I'm a hard worker...

Pond smiling and noting the lie in Talay's lazy face.

Pond : Of course you are very hardworking, sleeping and running away for sure...

Barcode puts a hand on his lips trying to hide his smile when he sees Talay being lazy again. Talay looks at Barcode's cute smile approaches him and touches the top of Barcode's head, Barcode looks at Talay as soon as he did this.

Talay: You look really cute with this smile!

Barcode is a little shy of Talay's praise, but smiling at him.

Barcode: Thanks, but you should take your work a little seriously, don't you think?!...

Jeff gets up from his chair and approaches the three as soon as he looks back, listening to what Barcode said, angry with Talay and ignoring Barcode.

Jeff: N'Barcode is right, you should take your work more seriously... This is not a joke we are playing...

Talay seeing Jeff's angry look, runs back and is behind Barcode, grabbing both sides of Barcode's shoulder, Barcode is surprised and smiles with Talay and looks at Jeff in front of him, a little shy looking at Jeff, Jeff looks into Barcode's eyes but ignores it looks at Talay behind him and gets even angrier, Barcode notices that Jeff is ignoring him and he gets a little sad, Talay scared of Jeff.

Talay: I ! I was just resting a little... You don't have to look at me like that...

Jeff angry with him, screams loudly.

Jeff: Go take care of the sound equipment right away.

Talay with Jeff's scream gets scared leaving immediately behind Barcode and running to the place of the sounds, Barcode sees Talay running like a scared animal starts laughing so much with so much joy, Jeff looks at this smile, dazzled by this smile so beautiful and illuminated from Barcode but then he realizes that this is not he, he stops looking at Barcode and looks at Pond wanting to know.

Jeff: P'Pond...( Pond looks at him)... What are you two doing here?! Something happened?!...

Pond gentle and smiling.

Pond: Nothing happened... Barcode told me that the two of you finished writing the song three weeks ago, I'm glad for that... and I was with Barcode next door at a restaurant... I heard that you was recording something here on the beach so I came to see it with N'Barcode...(Jeff nodding when he heard why the two of them were on the beach, Pond seeing someone he knew).... Oh! Khun is here too!.....

Pond leaves and leaves Jeff and Barcode alone.

On the beach there are some divers who are having fun with parachutes, Jeff looks at Barcode but Barcode wasn't looking at him, he was looking at the sea enjoying seeing the waves and the sound of the sea, the hair flying along with the wind and cover his face, this landscape that Jeff was looking at in front of him is so natural, so special and impossible for him to touch.

Jeff thinking: I need to get away from what I'm seeing.... Gameplay...

Barcode looks at Jeff and smiles shyly, very strong wind hit the parachute making the ropes that grabbed the parachute come loose, the young man who is on the parachute falls, and the parachute also but falls in another direction, Barcode looks up and widens his eyes when seeing the parachute falling towards the two, Barcode approaches Jeff in an attempt to dodge the parachute, but.

Barcode: P'Jeff watch out...!

Barcode falls on the sand on the beach and Jef falls on top of him and the parachute covers the two from above, Jeff has a phobia, he can't stand being in a closed place even if it's just a parachute, feeling suffocated Jeff starts desperately trying to remove the parachute huge that is on top of the two, he on top of Barcode, unintentionally, rolling with the parachute rope and also making the rope rotate around Barcode, Barcode tries to take the huge parachute off them even with Jeff on top of him.

The two were tied with the parachute rope.

Barcode seeing that Jeff is restless and that he doesn't stop moving and spinning with the rope on top of him, quickly and with a little force grabbed both sides of Jeff's shoulder, spun and climbed on top of him, Jeff stays surprised completely forgetting his phobia on see this young man on top of him, Barcode looks into Jeff's eyes, his half-open lips and the long hair that covered his eyes and face.

Carefully Barcode takes the long hair out of Jeff's face and looks into his surprised eyes, Barcode gives a slight smile showing calm in his eyes and a security for Jeff.

Barcode: Calm down P'jeff... This is just a parachute, nothing will happen to you... I'm here...

Jeff was extremely surprised by the voice and felt a sense of security he had never felt before. Barcode stops looking at Jeff, slowly he started to remove the rope that is around him, then gently removes the rope that is around Jeff, Jeff lifts a little so that Barcode can remove the rope.

The two manage to remove the rope that is around them, get up and take the parachute off them, Barcode looking and grabbing the rope with a calm and serene look, Jeff a little embarrassed by the behavior that he considers so inappropriate and that he did in front of Barcode.

Jeff: N'!... (Barcode looks at him)... I apologize for my behavior which was not pleasant...

Barcode smiling at Jeff's embarrassed look who was trying to hide the embarrassing moment.

Barcode: P'Jeff has phobias right?! That's normal, I understand that... My sister has it too, I know how to deal with this kind of people... You don't need to apologize to me...

Jeff got silent when he hears Barcode, Talay and Pond approach the two worried by what they saw in the distance, the parachute falling on the two.

Talay: N'Barcode are you okay?!

Pond: Are you two okay?! Nothing happened to you?! Aren't you two injured?!..

Jeff upon hearing and seeing Talay only concerned about Barcode.

Jeff: You just met N'Barcode?!... Great friend that you are...

Talay smiles when he sees his friend's jealousy.

Talay: What is it?! Are you jealous of the friendship I have with him?!..

Angry Jeff.

Jeff: I'm your friend... You should be worried about me too...

Talay happy to see Jeff get jealous of his friendship with Barcode.

Talay: Oh! My friend wants a hug from me wants...

Talay tries to hug Jeff, Jeff feeling repulsed in more of a friendly way, ignoring his hug, turning his back on him and walking away talking at the same time.

Jeff : No thanks... That's enough... Let's get to work...

Pond watches the two go, turns around, worried about Barcode.

Pond: N'Barcode.... (Barcode looking at both of them smiling, looks at Pond) .... Are you okay?! Didn't you get hurt?!

Happy Barcode.

Barcode: I'm fine P'pond... Thanks for worrying about me...

After this day three days passed.

Jeff is in the studio, in the production room a little distracted by what happened on the beach, not enjoying knowing and noticing something in Barcode that day, much less feeling a warm and welcoming feeling coming from it, thinking about Gameplay and getting annoyed with Barcode, stressed Jeff gets up walks, opens the door but stops immediately when he sees Barcode bump into him, the two open the door at the same time, Barcode lost his balance ending up grabbing both of Jeff's arms and putting his head on Jeff's chest.

Barcode surprised by what happened lifts his head and looks over at Jeff's face, Jeff looking at Barcode from below, Jeff is a little taller and Barcode's body is leaning down, with the two faces close to each other, seeing the look that bothers him so much, Barcode quickly walks away from Jeff apologetically.

Barcode: P'... P'Jeff, I'm sorry... I opened the door, I didn't know...

Jeff angry with everything and not liking what he is seeing and feeling, turns his back on Barcode, speaking a little irritated at the same time.

Jeff: What are you doing here?!...

Barcode was startled by the way Jeff never spoke to him.

Barcode: Me!... I came to see how we are going and when we are going to record the song... It's just that, p'Jeff not...

Jeff with his back to Barcode, speaking with irritation, being rude to Barcode, interrupts him.

Jeff: I said I'll call you when I start to want to record, you didn't need to come here... (Jeff turns and looks at Barcode, showing an indifferent look).... Or did you just come here for something else ?!

Barcode seeing the rude way and the way Jeff is behaved to him, not liking Jeff's insinuation.

Barcode: What do you mean by that P'Jeff...

Jeff walks towards him slowly, talking at the same time, Barcode seeing the look in his eyes and the way he talks starts walking backwards.

Jeff: You... You think I didn't notice?! You think I didn't notice your look at me?!....

Barcode: I don't know what you're talking about!...

Jeff without stopping walking forward making Barcode walk backwards, being bold, gave a smirk.

Jeff: Don't pretend to be unnoticed, you're not a child... You're old enough to understand what I'm referring to... pretending to be shy, showing yourself to be someone else.... you don't fool me ... you're attracted to me, you like me don't you?... your smile, the way you look at me like you're exploring my whole body... ( Barcode slams his back against the door, Jeff does a kabedon on Barcode, putting the other hand in his pants pocket, giving an indifferent look ) .... But let me warn you something... (Jeff gets even closer to Barcode's face and lips).... I'll never feel the same that you feel much less for a person who looks at me in a way that is too explicit and excited.

Barcode seeing the indifferent look and the words that are hurting him right now, angry at Jeff's teasing and insinuation that he is a pervert tries to slap Jeff while talking at the same time but Jeff pulls his hand out of his pocket and grabs Barcode's wrist.

Barcode: Who do you think you are to tell me this?! ...( Jeff pulls Barcode closer, lips together, nose almost touching, Jeff looks at his lips and then into his eyes, Barcode makes the same movements that Jeff just did, the two even angry with each other couldn't help but feel a huge tension of wanting to kiss) .... You're practically called me a... What makes you think I like you?...

Jeff takes his hand out of the door and puts it in his pocket, lets go of Barcode's wrist and puts it in his pocket too, being sarcastic with words that are somehow true.

Jeff: And you don't like?! Am I lying?!

Barcode not liking Jeff's behavior at all, getting irritated by it, lowers his head.

Barcode: Gameplay...

Jeff's eyes widen when he hears this name from Barcode's mouth,

Barcode raises his head angrily with Jeff.

Jeff: What did you say?!

Barcode: What you heard well... Do you think I'll like someone who already loves someone else... ( Barcode not knowing the truth, very angry with Jeff, he's never been like this with anyone ).... Gameplay is his name right?! Why don't you waste your time with him instead of talking nonsense like that?!... Or did he leave you?...

Jeff furious with Barcode for saying this grabs and pulls Barcode's wrist at the same time grabs the other wrist as he pulls him, grabbing both wrists, yelling and being rude and wishing him the worst.

Jeff: You! shut the fuck up.... Who do you think you are to say his name?! mince your words when talking about someone you don't know.... (Jeff releases a wrist and grabs Barcode's neck making Barcode hit his back against the door) ...You don't know anything about my past and his, measure your fucking words before you say shit again... Let it be clear I will never like an idiot like you...

Sad Barcode, feeling pain in his wrists and neck, angry at being offended by this man in front of him.

Barcode: Let go of me....(Barcode pushes Jeff, angry at being almost strangled by him, breathing fast and panting)... Let me be very clear to you too... (Barcode rehabilitating the breathless voice).. ..I don't feel anything for you....( Barcode faking a sarcastic smile) ... Oh! Is it the way I look at you that makes you think like that?... (Barcode takes a step showing an indifferent look, fixing and being face to face with Jeff) ... If so, you are very mistaken. .. I just feel sorry for you.... From the day I saw you from the moment I looked into your eyes I saw pain inside them... I was just curious to know why I see so much pain in your eyes. .. And now I understand why.... It's your past that torments you.... (Jeff irritated with what he just heard)... I really don't know anything about him and much less about a man like you.

Angry Barcode turns his back on Jeff, opens the door and leaves the room furious with Jeff.

Hey everyone how are you all today?🤗

This is the first time that I don't take long to post a chapter, it hasn't even been 4 days😂

I hope you liked today's chapter, next chapter with no date🤓

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