F.I.S.T. Foreign Intelligence...

By devoncruz23

2.7K 497 90

The world is seemingly at peace on the surface, beneath that are the operations committed by militaries acros... More

1: Burning Sword
2: Big Ben & London bridge
3: F.I.S.T.
4: First Day Of Training
5: Getting Information
6: Extraction
7: Meet the Dr
8: France I
9: France II
10: France III
11: Aftermath of France
12: French Operators
13: Intel
14: Crashing The Party
15: Ambush
16: The Past
17: Old Friend
18: Assault on Transport
19: Tel Aviv Aftermath
20: Operation Desert Arrow
21: Operation Ocean Spear
22: Back Home
23: Heart and Minds
24: Information for Free
25: Dead end
26: Summer Blade
27: Bonds
28: Just a Conversation
29: Punch for a Favor
30: Prepping for Mexico
31: The Devil You Know
32: Welcome To Mexico
33: Motorcyclist
34: The Next Step
35: Reynosa
37: Getting Mendoza
38: A Night In Puebla
39: What We Want
40: Diablo Muerto
41: Back On Track
42: Northern Trident
43: First Come, First served
44: Operation Rapid Thunder
45: Quick Violence
46: A Loss
47: Hades
48: A Gift
49: Evac gone Hot
50: Stealth, Attack, Survive
51: Plan Of Retaliation
52: Canada's Finest
53: Operation Bitter Venom
54: Wolf's Complications
55: A Normal Day
56: Back In Action
57: Trident's Fang
58: Interception
59: Operation Winter Shield
60: Operation Burning Hammer
61: A Well Earned Victory
62: A break
63: Stake Out
64: The General's Son
65: Parabellum & Epilogue

36: Answers

25 8 0
By devoncruz23

June 10th 2022
Covert Base in Reynosa
2:21 PM

Danilo is standing before the make shift interrogation rooms each holding Santiago and Antonio separately.

Ebenezer: "They behaving?"

Danilo: "Other than the occasional glare or slur? They're just peachy... You sure you up for this though?"

Ebenezer: "Believe me, I'll know where to hit em where it hurts." He says as Danilo takes his word for it.

Ebenezer enters the interrogation room holding Santiago who glares up at him.

Santiago: "The hell do you want?"

Ebenezer: "information on where Christian Mendoza is and any other associates of yours in Los condenados."

Santiago scoffs hearing this.

Santiago: "And what makes you think I'm gonna tell you anything?"

Ebenezer: "Lemme answer that with another question, what do you think happens to dirty cops like yourself in a country like Mexico or Israel? It's not pretty I'll tell you that much."

Santiago however doesn't seem that intimidated by this threat which Ebenezer notices.

Ebenezer: "Tough guy huh? Gonna be all the funnier seeing you beg by the end of this." He teases with an unsettling smirk.

Santiago tries retorting but eats a backhand against his jaw as one of his teeth feels loose. He spits after this towards Ebenezer who stoically grabs him by his hair with both hands.

Ebenezer drives his knee right into Santiago's jaw knocking out a tooth or two. Santiago can't process this with Ebenezer continuing the onslaught of strikes and he's really laying in these strikes showing no mercy.

Danilo is watching in surprise as he thought Taina was ruthless in interrogations. Ebenezer continues to look at Santiago without a care in the world for Santiago.

Ebenezer: "Still wanna be a tough guy?" He asks touching his knuckles which are in slight pain.

Santiago spits blood at Ebenezer landing on his cheek.

Ebenezer: "Hmph... Maybe this'll get you talking." He says swiftly plunging a knife into Santiago's left kneecap as he yells at the top of his lungs from this.

Ebenezer casually turns walking away as Santiago pulls the knife out of his knee cap and tries approaching Ebenezer but falls over. Ebenezer turns and steps on the blade keeping it in place.

Ebenezer: "You see when you stab someone in the kneecap? It tends to fuckin hurt and makes walking a pain in the ass or kneecap in your case... I whittle you down till you're nothing but a husk repeating the same words if you keep this up." He states indifferently.

Santiago looks up at Ebenezer seeing his cold eyes looking right into his soul almost.

Santiago: "The way you're doing this? It feels personal."

Ebenezer: "You were a cop, made a vow to uphold the law and protect the innocent... Instead you choose to be an obedient dog to Los condenados for easy money... I wonder... How many cops did you have to kill cause they wanted to bring you to justice or got too close?"

Santiago shoots daggers at Ebenezer who still is stoic in his expressions.

Santiago: "you don't know shit about me Israeli."

Ebenezer: "And I don't care to learn about you Santiago, I only care about the information you have, so spill it... Or I'm gonna be the last face you ever see."

Santiago tenses up feeling like he's staring death in the face.

Danilo leans against the wall not watching the interrogation after seeing Eben stab Santiago in the the knee. It's been about thirty minutes since he's done this and sees Ebenezer exit the room.

Danilo: "Please tell me he talked."

Ebenezer: "He talked alright but it wasn't that crucial but it turns out Antonio would know how to find Mendoza." He explains which disappoints Danilo.

Danilo: "Alright... Get it over with but try not to kill him."

Ebenezer: "No promises." He says entering the interrogation room as Antonio is sitting calmly.

Antonio looks up at Ebenezer and scoffs lightly.

Antonio: "You must be my interrogator, try all you want, I'm not gonna talk." He says rather confidently.

Ebenezer: "Hmph that's what Santiago said, didn't take me that long to prove him wrong though." He states casually while circling around Antonio.

Antonio scoffs hearing this with a chuckle following.

Antonio: "That's cause Santiago is a fuckin softie, which is why he didn't know when you got him to talk." He says as Ebenezer hums lowly.

Ebenezer: "Well I guess it's a good thing he sold you out then." He replies sitting before Antonio. "What's your story huh? Come from a poor family so you tried cutting it as a cop but realized it wasn't enough."

Antonio shakes his head at the attempts at mind games. Ebenezer grabs hold of Antonio's index finger as he uses pilers to grab onto Antonio's fingernail and begins pulling.

Antonio grunts lowly which eventually turns to yells with his fingernail being pulled right out.

Ebenezer: "Where is Christian Mendoza?" He asks calmly with Antonio spitting in his face.

Antonio: "Fuck off back to Israel puta." He growls as Ebenezer does the same to Antonio's middle fingernail only he takes his time.

Ebenezer eventually removes the fingernail as Antonio grunts to himself as the pain is terrible but he's not gonna give him what he wants.

Ebenezer continues interrogating Antonio doing everything he can think but is unsuccessful in getting Antonio to talk. Ebenezer looks over at the bloody and battered Antonio trying to think of a way to make Antonio vulnerable.

Ebenezer's gaze eventually lands on Antonio's left hand and sees a wedding ring which unfortunately gives him an idea.

Ebenezer: "You're married huh? Should I bring in your wife and see what she knows?" He asks seeing Antonio's demeanor changes hearing this. "I guess I should." He says turning around to leave.

Antonio: "Hey hold it! Leave her out of this."

Ebenezer stops in place and turns looking Antonio in the eyes.

Ebenezer: "Tell me what I want to know and I'll leave her in peace and maybe you'll see her again." He offers as Antonio curses to himself.

Antonio: "Alright fine, the entire police department here is under Los condenados and Mendoza oversees everything that happens in Reynosa and answers directly to some business woman or something I don't know her name."

Ebenezer: "And where is Mendoza now?"

Antonio: "He owns a shack outside of Reynosa and I think he has a tunnel that goes under the border to where his family lives but I don't know for certain if that's his living space."

Ebenezer nods thanking Antonio exiting the room with Danilo looking curious.

Danilo: "A tunnel that goes below the border and into the US? Sounds like something you'd find in a crime show from the gringos." Which earns a chuckle from Eben as they walk together gathering everyone else and explain the situation to them.

Leonard: "Huh, and you're sure Antonio isn't bullshitting you?"

Ebenezer: "if he is then it's gonna be the last time he speaks."

Everyone awkwardly glances around.

Mustafa: "Based off of Armando's description? I doubt he's gonna be alone but there's no guarantee he'll be there."

Lyra: "Then we lure him in, have Antonio set up a meeting with him at the shack or wherever he decides best."

Danilo: "I like the way you think chica, let's do it." He says smiling as he's more than ready to get this pendejo.

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