Bad Decisions || 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄...

By l3e-360

53.1K 2.4K 1.5K

[COMPLETED] ✅ "We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them."... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
Coming soon...
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five

chapter twenty

1K 49 66
By l3e-360


"Girl you look beautiful!" My friend Kayla said snapping a few pictures of me.

Today I am putting the finishing touches on my birthday event. I had to come and get the final add ons to my dress. I'm excited about my birthday. Despite all of the drama, my day is still a day to be celebrated. I invited Devale and Khadeen a long time ago when we were on good terms. I didn't tell them otherwise since then, I don't know if they're coming or not. I haven't spoken to them.

"How was Saint Lucia?" Kayla asked me.

"It was so much fun." I say smiling.

"I saw another girl in your pictures and it wasn't Lia." She says making me laugh.

I chuckle, "Her name is Stefania and we're just friends." I say shaking my head.

"Did you guys um-- Ya know?" Kayla asked winking her eyebrow.

I start laughing a little bit before nodding my head "yes" to her question.

"So do you like her?" She asks me.

"You're very curious." I say to Kayla making her shrug.

"I want to know everything." She admits. "I feel like I haven't spoken to you since before you started filming again." She said.

"I know I've been occupied." I say rolling my eyes.

"With what? Devale or Chido?" She asked me.

"Uh more Devale than Chido, but we did talk while I was in Saint Lucia." I tell her.


"Chido." I clarified. "We just had a friendly phone call."

When Chido and I talked, I could tell he was upset about a lot things. I did kind of lead him on and make him think we were going to be something more. That was my bad. So when he texted me, I called him and apologized. He said he was coming to my party and so I'm glad we're on good terms.

As far as Devale and I, I don't know what to do with that situation. We just need to end this whole situationship and go back to being the friends that we were. I don't even know if that's possible at this point. Especially because of everything that happened with Khadeen. I'm just gonna see how this whole thing plays out.

"Alright, your done. It'll be at your hotel tomorrow morning." My designer says as she hung the dress up.

I nod my head and put my street clothes back on. Kayla and I left and went to the nearest restaurant to grab some lunch.

"I love their pizza." Kayla said chewing her food with her eyes closed.

I laughed softly and shook my head. "Stop it." I giggle.

"Hey guys." I hear making me turn around.

"Oh thank you for finally joining me Lia." I sarcastically welcome my assistant.

"Sorry I had to talk to my mom." She said sitting down next to Kayla.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her.

"Um yeah, just her and my dad." She sighed. "They're going through some things." She tells me.

I frown and shake my head. "I'm sorry to hear that." She said.

Kayla rubbed her back, "It's okay babe. We can talk about Crystal and Devale instead." She says.

"No we can't." I say.

"I'd much rather talk about that." Lia says. "Have you talked to him?" She asks me.

"No." I proudly answer. "And I don't need to because I am over--" Just before I could finish my phone started ringing.

All three of us looked at the caller ID.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Lia asked smirking.

"You brought him up." I say grabbing my phone.

I answer the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hey I'm at lunch can I call you-"

"You've been ignoring me long enough." He says. "We need to go live before your party tomorrow. Fans are getting suspicious." He mumbles.

"Why?" I ask. "Because we aren't are close as we used to be? Tell them the truth." I say causing my friends to look at me.

Devale chuckled, "You don't want me to tell the truth." He said. "Let's play it safe and go live, tonight." He said.

"No I'm doing it." I object.

"Renee I'm not arguing with you about this." He said making me body hot.

"Oop not Renee." Kayla said making me glare at her.

I go back to my phone call, "Fine I'll be there when I get there." I say with an attitude.

"Bye." He said bluntly before hanging up.

I put my phone face down on the table and sit back in my seat with my arms crossed. Once I looked ahead, I saw four eyes staring me.

"Don't look at me like that." I say rolling my eyes.

"How wet did that just make you?" Lia asked me.

"Excuse me?" I say tilting my head.

"Girl your light skin ass face is so red right now." Kayla said.

"It is not." I say touching my cheeks. "And if it is, it's because I'm hot--"

"And bothered." Lia joked.

I looked at her and shook my head. I covered my face from the embarrassment. My legs were crossed, but between them I could feel myself getting warmer and wetter.

"I'm not going over there." I say anxiously biting my bottom lip.

"You don't gotta convince us." Kayla says. "We'll know if you go live tonight." She says.

"Yeah we will." Lia says staring at me.


I walked into the kitchen and smelled whatever Khadeen was cooking. It smelled good through the entire house. A smile formed on my face as she turned around.

"Are you cooking for me?" I ask.

"I'm cooking for everyone." She said.

"Are you trying to poison me?" I ask my wife.

"No." She simply responds. "I'm just feeding my husband and his girlfriend. When is she coming?" Khadeen asks making me laugh.

"She's not my girlfriend." I say slapping her ass.

"Are you sure about that?" She asked me.

I nod my head.

Hopefully Crystal decides to come because I'm trying to fix everything. I don't want her to be upset about anything on her birthday. I think if we go live the fans will be less suspicious and they'll think we are on good terms. My plan works for all of us including Khadeen.

"Since we're not mad each other anymore can I come back to our bedroom tonight?" I ask softly caressing Khadeen's ass.

She turned her head around and looked me in the eyes. "Sure." She said but then she paused. "Let's see how the live goes and then we will see where you'll be sleeping." She suggests.

I bite my lip as she pushes her ass against my rising member. Khadeen and I haven't had sex since she she had sex with Crystal. That's been awhile. Clearly I've been getting mines with Crystal while we were filming but I don't know what Khadeen was doing while we weren't speaking. She came clean about cheating on me last night, but like I told her, I don't really care. I'm not in the place to judge her.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"That's probably her." I say letting go of Khadeen's waist.

She nodded. "Okay." She said.

"Be nice."

"I am." Khadeen says.

I walk out the kitchen and to the front of the house. I could see Crystal though the side windows. So I opened the door and let her in.

"Let's get this over with." She said with an attitude.

I was too busy looking her ass in the grey biker shorts she was wearing.

I just know she wore those over here on purpose.

"You couldn't wear something else?" I ask staring at her ass. 

"Stop looking." She said walking into the living room. "Come on let's do this ." She says. 

"Do what? Oh- The live! Right." I say pulling out my phone. 

Crystal looks at me and shakes her head. I sit down and look her up and down. 

"You don't want to do this downstairs?" I ask. 

She sighed, "Fine. Come on." She says. "Where's Khadeen?" She asked. 

"You gonna say hi?" I ask smiling. 

"Yeah.. I'm not that rude." Crystal says turning around. 

"She's in the kitchen." I tell her. 

Crystal walks in the kitchen and I follow her. I was scared about what was about to happen so I stayed by the hallway. I didn't feel safe leaving them alone together. 

"Hey Khadeen." Crystal said clearing her throat. 

"Crystal..." Khadeen said looking at the stove. 

"How are you doing?" Crystal asked my wife. 

Khadeen sighed, "We don't have to pretend we're friends." She says. 

Crystal smiled and looked at me, "Good." She said. "I don't know how much longer I could've kept that up." She said before walking to my man cave. 

I look at Khadeen who had started typing on her phone. I didn't say anything, I just left out and followed Crystal downstairs. 

"You need a drink?" I ask Crystal.

"Yeah sure." She said sitting down on the couch. 

I poured us both half full glasses of Crown Royal and made my way to the couch. Crystal was reclined with her feet up. 

I looked at her and shook my head. 

"What?" She asked. 

"Can you pretend to be interested when I start the live?" I ask putting my hand on her thigh. 

She looked at my hand before removing it. "Yeah whatever." She said grabbing her  glass. 

I propped my phone up and went to Instagram waiting for Crystal to warm up a little bit. 

"Can we wait for the liquor to kick in?" She ask stopping me. 

"No I don't think that's a good idea." I say shaking my head. 

Crystal sighed, "Devale I don't even understand how you're comfortable right now!" She says pushing me a little bit. 

"You're drunk already aren't you?" I ask leaning back. 

"Nobody's drunk. You're drunk." She said mushing me. "You're stupid too." She says. 

"Why am I stupid?" I ask curiously. 

"Because you don't know when somebody really loves you. You use me all the time." She slurred. "That's why you're stupid." She says closing her eyes. 

"Okay Crystal we don't have to do this, never mind." I say laughing. "Did you drive?" I ask her. 

"Maybe..." She said. 

"That's not safe." I tell her. 

"I'm kidding, I took an uber--" 

"That's not safe either." I say. 

"I have my mace." She argues. 

"As drunk as you are, you might mace yourself." I seriously joke. 

Crystal tried to stand up, but stumbled a little bit. I stayed sitting down and reached up to grab her waist. 

"Sit, sit down." I say forcing her onto my lap. 

Crystal wiggled in my lap before sitting still. She turned around and grabbed my face. 

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked me. 

"You know where the bathroom is." I tell her. 

She turn arounds and fully straddles me. 

"Everyone thinks we should stop seeing each other." Crystal whispers. 

"What do you think about that?" I ask her. 

"Umm no." She says smiling. "Devale I have a secret." She says. 

"What is it? Can I know?" I ask going along with her game. 

"I love you." She revealed in my ear. 

That wasn't a secret. I feel like everybody around us knows that. 

"I love you too." I tell Crystal. 

Her face lit up and a wide smile spread across her face like I'd never seen it do before. 

"Go get Khadeen." She said. 

"For what?" I ask her. 

"Because I want to show you how much I love you." Crystal said getting off of my lap. "I still haven't forgotten how all of this started." She says. 

"How'd it start?" I ask her licking my lips. 

"You wanting me and your wife-" 

"You're drunk." I tell her. 

"Just a little bit." She whispered. "Come on go get her." 

She eventually pressured me into going upstairs. Khadeen was still in the kitchen. 

"Did you guys start yet?" She asks me. 

"No." I simply respond. 

"Why not?" Khadeen asks me. 

"I think she's trying to have a threesome." I whisper to my wife. 

She started laughing loudly before covering her mouth. 

"Crystal? Is trying to have a threesome?" She asked seeming to be caught off guard. "Why?" 

"Because she's drunk."  I tell Khadeen. "But she's asking for you." 

"Come on." Khadeen said grabbing my hand. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"To give her what she wants." Khadeen said. "Devale it's gonna be fun." She said moving her shoulders side to side.

"Or cause more drama." 

"So what?" Khadeen said. "Yolo.. isn't this what you wanted?" She asked me. 

I sigh deeply and grab her waist. "I don't want either of you getting jealous." I confess crossing my arms. 

Khadeen chuckled, "You don't get jealous.." She warns me. 

Those were her final words before we both walked downstairs to the mancave. Crystal was laying on the couch with her hoodie off, staring at the ceiling talking to herself. 

"I heard you were asking for me" Khadeen said walking up to her. 

"Hey sexy," Crystal said sitting up. 

She grabbed ahold of my wife's waist and looked into her eyes. She sat up on her knees and kissed Khadeen's lips. 

The two women started making out and I leaned on the couch, watching for my entertainment. I didn't even feel like I needed to join. Khadeen pushed Crystal down on the couch and got on top of her. I watched as Crystal's hands made their way to her ass pushing her between her legs. I could feel myself becoming harder and harder by watching the two rub their bodies on one another. 

"Okay that's enough." I blurt out standing up. 

The two women looke at each other and started laughing. 

"Are you getting jealous baby?" Khadeen asked pulling my shirt.

"Man ain't nobody getting jealous." I say chuckling arrogantly. "I can have both of y'all right now." I brag. 

Crystal bit her lip and continued rubbing on my wife. 

"Come get us then." 

Should I give y'all a full 3sum scene? 


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