Tea With the Bookworm: Alasto...

By MintB0w

52K 1.6K 224

"Darling, I promise you that I didn't attempt to kiss your lips..." The imp wife of Alastor enjoys her time b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 15

1.9K 72 8
By MintB0w

Little did (Y/N) know that someone else was attentively observing her and her mother. They became furious by their chat after overhearing it. Reina found it incomprehensible that her mother would address her in such a manner. Her mother is making jokes about how close to death she was. Her hand clenched, but a grin broke out on her face. She was delighted to learn that (Y/N) isn't always endowed with supernatural abilities. Even better, she will be left alone for a bit when Alastor is away for a few days. Mother abruptly yelled for Luz, and Reina sprinted to hide behind the bookshelf beside the living room's door. Before hearing the door close, Reina hears her sister's footsteps and a few mumbles. They departed the home.

Reina emerged from her hiding place and peered into the space to observe (Y/N), who jerkily turned around and began to scan the space, making Reina jump. Reina quietly sprinted to her room as soon as she could. (Y/N) open the door and look along the numerous, gloomy passageways. She makes her way to her own room after walking down the corridor. Once she made it to location, she finds Reina leaning against her bedroom door as she passes by the photographs of her family.

"Can I help you?" (Y/N) ask her sister who stare at the ground for a bit.

"Can I talk to you in my room?" Reina indicated the door to her bedroom. (Y/N) hesitated but gave in after observing how dejected Reina was. She observed Reina exit the door and make her way to her bedroom door. She retrieved her key and inserted it into the lock. She walks in after pushing open her door. Reina threw her key on the bed as soon as (Y/N) entered.

"Reina, I'm really sorry for what I did to you. I'll never do it again." The imp bowed her head in humiliation, but they remained silent until Reina punched her sister in the left cheek. As a result, (Y/N) stumbled to the ground and clutched her cheek in disbelief.


After hitting her sister's face once more, Reina piled on top of her. She tightened the squeeze on (Y/N)'s neck by wrapping her hands around it. not letting her sister's lungs be filled with air. (Y/N) struggled to breathe and finally managed to utter a word.


"You wanna know why you little bitch!" Reina yanked one hand away from her neck and smacked her face hard as she saw (Y/N) cry out in agony. "You always have mom's attention! Even when you weren't here! It was always about you, I was ignored! I didn't exist in their world... but with you gone! You will be forgotten forever!"

Reina was being hit in the face when a fist landed on her nose, causing her to fall off the smaller imp. (Y/N) got to their feet right away to look for the escape. She sprinted to the door and fought to get it open. Her sister hissed angrily as she heard her screaming at the door. Knives were thrown at (Y/N) after she managed to push open the door, but she was able to avoid them by going to the right. She retrieved her own key and inserted it into the lock. Her sister appeared around the corner with a large knife as she twisted it and pushed the door open. When (Y/N) entered her room, she slammed the door. She closes the door, her breathing becoming labored. She was dripping sweat onto the ground from her chin. She stepped back a bit to hear her sister screaming fiercely.

"I'll fuckin' kill ya!" The door took some time to open as Reina quickly began stabbing it. (Y/N) sped to her bedroom and used her right hand to look beneath the bed after becoming alarmed when she observed the person enter through the wooden door. She swiftly pulled out a rigid box after feeling it. When she opened the box, a white rifle with red insignia on it was inside. Although it had some dust on it, she didn't worry too much about it. She entered the room as well, watching (Y/N) as if she were her prey, and because of her sister's stabbing, the door had a significant hole in it.

When Reina saw the angel gun in her sister's grasp, she stopped moving and her eyes grew wide. She briefly held her breath before giggling to herself because she is aware that (Y/N) heart is too gentle, and that (Y/N) was not going to shoot her.

Second POV:

You aim your gun at your sister as your sister took a few more steps closer. "Stop moving! I'll shoot!"

"As if! Do it, pussy!" Before abruptly smiling and hurling a knife at you, Reina yelled. This time, you couldn't dodge because you were too late. The flesh on your right shoulder was deeply wounded by the knife. You touch the spot where you were stabbed after dropping your gun to the ground. Your sister sprinted in your direction, pushing you to the ground while snarling at you in a potentially deadly manner. Your sister punched you in the face, causing nose bleeding. You struggle mightily to free your sister, but the shoulder discomfort prevented you. You cried, and the tears poured down onto the floor. Your sister smirkingly slowly removes the knife from your shoulders while licking the blood from the blade. She gave you a sly smile as she hoisted the knife in the air. "Bye-bye (Y/N)."

Your left hand tries furiously to find anything to slap your sister with as you watch her, but it touches something that is hard and cold instead. the weapon Your sister forcefully lowered her knife to stab you in the heart as soon as you grabbed it. Instead, you pressed the button, shooting her in the stomach. Your sister remains motionless and fixes her wide-eyed gaze on you. The knife is dropped next to your head as her hands start to tremble. She shook as she touched her bloody tummy with trembling hands, gasping in anguish. She was unable to accept that you had shot her. How dare you! Your sister's back strikes the hard floor after you shove her off of you. As your sister's warm blood started to blanket the chilly floor, you gently got to your feet and stood up.

"I had to do it... I'm sorry." As you took a book out of your small bookcase, your sister watched you speak softly. You took a seat next to her dying body and showed her the book you were about to read to her.


Reina loved the book as a child, and you give her a sweet grin. As you open to the book's first page, Reina watches as her eyes start to moisten. Although her attention was gradually slipping from you, she kept listening. She is finding it difficult to pay attention to you...

"What have I done?" Reina thought to herself...


"This book again? We read this already." You said happily as you watch your sister crawl onto your bed with her favorite book. 

"I know but I just love the character. She's so relatable." Reina passed the book to you, and you took it. 

"How's so?" You question her, confused on what she meant.

"Oh, ya know Coraline's first parents never gave her proper attention and I never get attention from mom." 

"I'm sure that's not true. Maybe you need to tell mom that if that's how you feel."

"Trust me, I try. Now read the book."

"Alright, alright. I will. Chapter 1..."

Reina tears fell and turn her head slowly to look at her sister one last time... Where will she go? What happens when she dies? Is there another place for her? 

"I love you, Reina." You finish the book and sag your head to give Reina a soft kiss on the forehead. Reina tried to speak, but nothing came out as her vision turned completely dark. She puts her last tear on the ground as her chest stops beating. Your hand covered her lifeless eyes and lowered her eyelids in memory of your deceased sister. Your first kill... You were unsure of your emotions. But you noticed that a few tears had dripped onto the corpse from your (F/C) eyes. You took a seat, leaned back, and kept the book near to you. You pause there for a while before picking up the book again and reading a few chapters in memory of your beloved, deceased sister.

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