Lolli's Story/Idea Dump

By Lollipopswirl99

310 28 7

Greetings! As the title itself implies, this is where I'll be putting some of my story ideas that I discarded... More

My Old, First Sans x Reader
Just Smile Chapter 1
Just Smile Chapter 2
Just Smile Chapter 3
Just Smile Chapter 4
Just Smile Chapter 5
Just Smile Chapter 7
Just Smile Chapter 8

Just Smile Chapter 6

2 0 0
By Lollipopswirl99

Old Title; Holy S^#* , The Window!

(Old authors note)

Omg!! I'm so sorry guys,I've failed you all on this book!! Here take this chapter,take it!*Shoves chapter in readers face*

I hope this makes up for my lack of updates,again sorry. ;-;

After everyone, except sans, helped clean up you were able to help papyrus make proper spaghetti. Now you, Toriel, frisk, sans , papyrus,B/N,and the twins were sitting down to what looked (and hopefully tasted) good dinner.
Toriel and sans looked hesitatent (sorry,I can't spell •~•) at first but once you said you helped cook they dug in. This made you wonder if papyrus was a bad cook.... Suddenly a knock on the door was heard. You stopped eating, which was hard to do,and looked at the time. Your eyes widened as you quickly got up and walked to the door smiling. Mom and dad are home!

You opened the door and embraced your parents in a big welcome home hug. They looked just as happy to see you and returned the hug. Your brother then walked over and gave your parents a quick hug too. When all the hugging was done your dad sniffed the air and raised an eyebrow at you, then your mom soon did the same.

"Um, Y/N, did something happen while we were gone?" He asked, probably already knowing the answer anyways.
(Why do parents do that anyways??)
Your brother quickly coughed and seemed to speed walk back to the dining room, leaving you alone to explain. You smiled nervously while they waited expectantly for an answer.

"Well......we um, kind of had a little problem......but don't worry were fine and no one was hurt!" You said trying not to get into trouble today.

"Well fine, we'll let it slip, just the once young lady." Your mom said as they both walked into the house.

"We made food if you guys are hungry." You said, giving the food as a kind of peace offering to them.

"Alright thank you and thank God up above." Your mom said, walking to the kitchen to grab some of the spaghetti.
Your dad smiled and ruffled your hair. You (giggled/smiled).

"Yeah thanks, we were both getting hungry on the way home and your mother didn't feel like cooking." He explained while pointing at your mom who was basically breathing in the food. Even papyrus looked impressed.

"Yeah, I try, but I also had some help." You said pointing to the skeletons. Your dad seemed to have finally noticed the two new guest and walked with you towards the table.
Once you reached the table your dad cleared his throat making everyone hush and look up. Well except for your mom who was still eating. Your dad faced the skeletons and put his hand out.

"Hello I'm D/N (dad's name) L/N." He said as papyrus was the first to shake his hand.

"WELL HELLO THERE D/N,I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS,SO NICE TO MEET YOU!" Papyrus said, making your dad smile.
As sans shook your dad's hand next a farting sound came out before either one could say anything. This made Toriel,your mom,your brother,the twins,frisk,and finally sans laugh while your dad blushed in embarrassment and papyrus face palmed in rage.
Once the all the noise calmed down sans wiped a blue tear from his face and resumed the introduction.

"heya,im sans,sans the skeleton." Sans said still slightly chuckling. Your dad finally calmed down and finally answered back.

"Well sans,I can tell you'll be quite a joy to have around." Your dad said,finally not knowing what to say for once. After that he also got himself some spaghetti and ate it just as quick as your mom did with some light conversation at the table while everyone finished up the food. Papyrus offered to wash the dishes as Toriel and frisk started saying their good byes and thank you.

"It was very kind of you to let me stay here the night while frisk recovered." Toriel said giving all of you guys a hug.

"It was no problem at all." Your dad said quickly giving frisk a hug too.

"Feel free to visit us anytime." Your mom said, she seemed excited to have monster friends now. You were too. (I hope you guys do)

"Oh, we will. Frisk seems to like it here." She said, frisk nodded in agreement. They both started heading towards the door, still mumbling things adults mumbled about. When Toriel and frisk left to, wherever they lived, papyrus seemed to have finished washing the dishes and came into the living room. You all found sans asleep on one of the couches and papyrus looked at your parents apologetically.

"HUMANS IT WAS NICE TO MEET YOU BUT IT IS GETTING LATE AND SANS BEING THE LAZY BONES HE IS,NEEDS SLEEP." Papyrus explained while he picked sans up. Sans held onto papyrus just like a baby would and you thought that looked adorable.(no, not THAT kind of adorable. Well at least not yet) Papyrus paused for a moment and just looked at his brother in a kind way, maybe he thought the same thing, well the thing about sans being a baby, that is.

"Oh, we understand, thanks for the food and washing the dishes." Your mom said while rubbing here stomach to show it was good.

"Yes,thank you and feel free to visit any time papyrus." Your dad said walking papyrus to the door.

"YOU'RE VERY WELCOME HUMANS,BUT DON'T BE SAD WHILE IM GONE,ME AND MY GREATNESS WILL BE BACK!" He said as he stepped outside, sans moving a little.

"Bye!" Your and your whole family said as papyrus put sans in his red convertible and drove off, waving bye one last time.

~~Time skip~~

You wake up to the sound of someone (knocking/ringing the doorbell) and get up to answer it.
You quickly (Pat your messy hair down/put on some shoes/change clothes) then rush down to the door. You look through the little peep hole (is that right?) And smile when you see it's Papyrus. You open the door to let him in just as he picks you up for a hug.

"GOOD MORNING HUMAN,Y/N,I THE GREAT PAPYRUS AM HERE TO GRACE YOUR MORNING WITH MY PRESENTS!" You slightly chuckled at his reasoning. But before you could say anything he quickly adds.

"BUT I HOPE I DIDN'T DISTURB YOU OR ANYTHING!" He said,showing his sudden concern.

" Of course not Papyrus,(I missed you here/ I wanted to see you again)" You said as his smile somehow got bigger. You walk with him into the living room and sit down at a couch.

"Um, Papyrus,is there another reason your here?" You ask, trying to sound polite. Papyrus suddenly seemed to have remembered something and jumped up excitedly.

"WHY YES I DID,THANKS FOR REMINDING ME!" He said while putting a hand to his chest.

"YOU SEE,WHEN I GOT HOME LAST NIGHT I TOLD MY FRIEND,UNDYNE, ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. SHE SEEMED TO BE IMPRESSED BY YOUR BRAVERY AND YOUR FAMILY'S KINDNESS!" Papyrus said, sitting back down. After a minute of silence,your were still processing what happened, papyrus cleared his.........throat?

"...... ANYWAYS! I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET HER?" He asked excitedly while waiting for your answer.
You thought about this for a moment but it wasn't like you could say no to Papyrus for anything.

"Hmm, (alright/alrighty)!" You answered, smiling along with papyrus.

"WOWIE, ALRIGHT THEN! IN FACT........... YOU CAN MEET HER RIGHT NOW!" He got up and cuffed his hands around his mouth.......jaw? Meanwhile your sat on the couch helplessly as the scene unfolded in front of your eyes.

"OH, UNDYNE!!!" Papyrus shouted, sealing your fate. (P.s. play song here. If you like :) )

Just then something or someone smashed through your window, did a flip in the air, and landed on their feet in the center of the living room. You looked up at them with wide eyes only to see that the window breaker and Papyrus acted like breaking windows was a normal thing to do. The window breaker looked like a blue fish person that wore a black tank top and slightly ripped jeans. 'They' looked female, had bright red hair, fins on the side of her face, and an eyepatch over her left eye.
Once out of your shock you finally spoke.

"A-Are you undyne?" You asked as she basically towered over you like just like Papyrus but,a bit more intimadating.

"Yes,I'm undyne! Nice to finally meet you!" She said holding out her hand. You shook her hand back,still a little shaken.

"Nice to m-meet you too." You said,letting go of her hand. She gave you a big toothy grin as you heard a door,no,two doors being opened quickly and loudly. It was your family. Undyne quickly turned her head to meet your parents and brother who were frozen in place when they saw her and the no longer existing window.

"Holy S*#$! The window mom!" Your brother said,being the first to react. Your parents both gave him a stare and a quick "language young man!"
You looked at undye only to see her start to sweat a bit, you'd be scared too if you were the one who that broke the window.

"Uh, hi, I'm Undyne." Undyne said, trying to be polite.

(Old authors note)
Hope you liked that chapter, again, sorry for not updating in so long.
So many things happened to me a few days ago and I've just been busy figuring out what to do about it. •~•'
Anyways see you in the next chapter!

Words: 1638

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