The Doll | 18+ Only [Complete]

By Iamfeminine

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Warning: Rated-R. Mature Audiences Only! Alice, a single mother with an autistic son finds herself haunted wi... More

The Doll | Disclaimer
Chapter 1: Let's Name Him, Maxwell
Chapter 2: The Struggles of a Single Mother
Chapter 3: Old Friends And Serial Killers
Chapter 4: The British Doll
Chapter 5: Losing it Completely
Chapter 6: Fucked Infront of a Corpse
Chapter 7: Reanimate
Chapter 9: Impossible to Satisfy
Chapter 10: Deathly Desire

Chapter 8: Abyss

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By Iamfeminine

Whimpers of pain, mixed in with pleasure — echoes past my lips as my eyes watered with hot tears.

I could feel his hard cock moving inside my body, and hear the sloshing sounds my pussy made as it lubricated his cock the harder he would fuck me.

In and out, back and forth, he would slide his dick into my burning heat.

"Aaah!" I whimper as Maxwell grips my ass tightly, sliding his thick cock into me.

"Please, no more. No more, I'm so sore." I sob, my face buried in the pillow as my entire body twitched, and burned with sensitivity.

Maxwell kisses my spine, and slaps my ass before finally pulling out of me with a pop! and I shudder at the instantaneous relief that washes over my body.

Taking a deep breath, I let my body go lax as I lay immobile on the bed, incapable of moving.

I was wasted.

My brain was fuzzy, my vision was blurry, and my breathing was labored. I could hardly feel my limbs, and my insides felt like putty.

In all my years, I've never been — fucked, the way Maxwell does it, nor as long. Just having him breathe on me felt like committing blasphemy, and painted a picture that clearly showed him as the dominant one out of the both of us.

I was so deep, and so lost in my lucid thoughts that I never heard the water running in my bathroom. When I feel the bed dip under Maxwell's weight, and he lifts me off the bed, my heart jumps as I wrap my arms around him.

The bathroom mirror was foggy, and the air felt warm.

Maxwell steps into the bath with me clutched in his arms and lowers us both down into the steaming hot water.

A whimper passes my lips as the water grazes my sensitive skin, and I feel Maxwell's hand travel down my hips to push the water over parts of my body that had not been submerged underwater.

What was he doing? Was this, aftercare?

He positions me infront of him, with my back pressed to his chest. His still hard cock poking into my back.

He takes both my legs and spreads them, planting my feet on either side of him, leaving me vulnerable and exposed.

His hands come around my body, and I suck in a haggard breath as his greedy fingers travel downward.



His fingers find my clit under the hot water and presses down on the sensitive bundle of nerves.

Struggling to control my outburst, I bite my lip and throw my head back as he begins to slowly massage my clit.


Hadn't he have enough? Was making me orgasm so important to him, that he'd make me suffer like this? God, help me.

A pleading whimper echoes pass my lips, as my stomach cramps. He was gonna force another orgasm from me while we were both in a bathtub soaking, and I don't know if I could survive another.

My skin was already so sensitive, and my body was already so tense it was a wonder I was still functional at this point.

His fingers start to increase in speed and pressure, causing me to grip unto his hand as I cry out.


Again, for the umpteenth time my body was spasming uncontrollably as I came, desperately wailing his name. I was hyperventilating on my way down from my orgasmic high, feeling his warm kisses hit my shoulders repeatedly as my head swayed.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. It's just that, hearing you scream my name when you're cumming is so rewarding." He mutters kissing the back of my neck and I whimper.

"Please, no more. I can't go again." I sob, breaking down in tears, and I feel him hug me, pulling me closer to his body.

"Okay, no more." He mutters, kissing me on my crown, and I shudder in exhaustion.

We sit quietly for a while, with me clutched in his arms as he massages my thighs with his strong hands.

My heart had slowed enough for me to start breathing normally. I was tense, and anxious in his arms for a while, but I could not sense any hostility towards me on his part, so exhaling deeply, I allow myself to relax into him begrudgingly.

At this, he makes a sound of satisfaction at the back of his throat which causes me to swallow nervously.

"Maxwell? I — I have a question." I mutter silently, chewing on my lips as I gather the nerves to speak to the man sitting behind me.

"What is your question, Alice?" He asks quietly, his hands coming up to clasp around my shoulders. I stiffen nervously at his touch, but exhale a rugged sigh of relief when he begins kneading the tension from my muscles.

"Um, you said you're a reanimate. What exactly is that?" I ask curiously, still unsure of what he was. The only thing I  was certain about is that, he wasn't human, he couldn't be. But, he also wasn't alien, which left room for so many unanswered questions.

Who and what was he? How did he even come to be here? How did he have a british accent and british features?

"I'm a reanimate object. I was created a very long time ago by mages who wanted children without going through the birthing process. So, they made me. They used blood magic to grant me consciousness, but it wasnt fool proof, so I'd always revert to being a doll, which originally, I am." He mutters conversationally, as he strokes my shoulders repeatedly.

"Hm, and you said — you gain your consciousness as per your owners desire?" I ask softly, my interest piqued at his explanation.

"Yes, that is correct."

"So, if I desired you to reanimate to a doll, would that happen?" I ask carefully, trying to pick out any change in his mood from the question I had just ask.

"It would." He mutters plainly, and i exhale a long breath.

"I don't understand. How come it seem you can reanimate at will?" I query silently, arching a brow in wonder as my mind travels back to the first night we had sex.

When I woke up in the morning, he had returned to being a doll.

"I cannot. Matthew is my owner as well, so I reanimate according to his desire also." Maxwell mutters, his hands halting in their ministrations on my body, and I sigh deeply in content as he begins running a big hand up and down my naked thighs once again.

"That explains why your a doll one time, and human the next."


"How human are you?" I suddenly ask after a brief moment of silent.

"What do you mean?" He ask, and I hear the confusion in his voice. Turning in the bathtub to meet his gaze, I watch as his eyes trail my body as he watches me closely, almost like a predator stalking his prey.

"Do you feel emotion? Do you have a heart?" I clarify, waiting for his response. He cocks his head, his blue eyes trained on me as he considers my question.

"I'm as human as any other man. I have feelings." He mutters pointedly with accusing eyes, causing me to purse my lips, and lower my head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry."


Looking up I notice he was no longer looking at me, instead his gaze was focused on the ripples being created in the water whenever he dipped his finger in there.

"Um, Maxwell?" I call out softly, attempting to gain his attention.


"Do you know anything about the killings that have been happening recently?" I finally ask, and I watch as he freezes at my question. His head slowly lifts to gaze at me with a blank expression, and I shiver at his gaze.



A horrified exhale passed my parted lips as I tremble at the lack of his answer. His silence was all the confirmation I needed to know that he was the guilty culprit. He was definitely the one responsible for all the deaths, but considering what he is, and what he's already told me, if it were true.. who could possibly desire him to kill?

Was it Sharon, his previous owner? Or was it something he himself wanted to do once he was reanimated as a human?

"What did you do with the body?" I ask silently, looking away from him. I had not been allowed to leave my bedroom since that traumatic event took place, and I had noticed that there wasn't a stench that indicated that a body was laying around outside my bedroom door.

The police hadn't even barged in and tried searching the house like I was praying that they would've. This alone was a clear indication that something had happened while I was unconscious.

What that something was, I wasn't sure.

"It was disposed of, don't worry about it. No one will be able to trace him back here." Maxwell mutters coldly, and I swallow hard as I meet his icy blue gaze.

"And the police?"

"Taken cared of, they won't be bothering us ever again."

"What did you do?" I ask nervously, keeping my eyes pinned to the pyschopath before me.

"Just advised them of your descripancies." He mutters mockingly as he stands. His long cock dangling proudly between his muscular thighs.

"What discrepancies?" I query frantically as I watch a sinister smile spread across his lips.

"You worry too much darling, come now, lets get you dried off." He mutters darkly before reaching for me.


Everything felt unreal, and weird.
As I walked through the familiar halls of my home, nothing felt the same. The atmosphere had long shifted from light, to something very eery and heavy.

It was almost like you could sense that I had something malevolent at home dealing with, and right now that something malevolent was watching me closely as he leaned against the wall observing me from across the hall.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into the living room. It was spotless.

It looked like a crime scene had never happened just a few nights ago, right here in the middle of the living room, infront of the TV where my son would have his cereal and watch cartoons in the morning.

I didn't know how he managed it, but Maxwell had been able to dispose of the body without leaving a trace behind of Austin.

Clothes, Jewelry, His firearm — gone. It was almost like, he was a fever dream, except I knew better.

This was bad. Maxwell was dangerous as a human, and if I didn't play my cards right he could become a danger to me and my son, and I knew deep down that this wasn't a risk I could take.

But what could I do? Calling the police never worked, because whatever he said to them had thrown them off effortlessly.

A sudden ding! at the front door sends my heart shooting through chest. I jump in fright at the unexpected sound, throwing my hand over my chest as I breathe deeply trying to calm my heavily beating heart.

I wasn't expecting anyone today, and I definitely could accept any visitors right now.

Looking over at Maxwell, I notice that he was watching the door closely, and I swallow hard at the stoic expression on his face.

"It's okay, I'll send them away." I murmur softly in his general direction, as I turn to walk towards the front door.

Yanking it open, I groan internally as my son's father smiles back at me sheepishly.

"John? What are you doing here?" I ask in confusion. He had already been here earlier this week, and that was a horrible enough visit.

"Hey, I came to see the kid. Take him to the park, to kick some ball. And, I wanted to give you these." He mutters, sliding his hand from behind his back to reveal a beautiful bouquet of roses.

My mouth false open in surprise as I'm left speechless at his gesture. He hadn't bought me roses in years.

"I hope you like them, I want to apologize for my behavior the last time I came by." He mutters solemnly, and my mouth slams shut as I gaze out at him nervously before glancing over my shoulder.

Sighing a breath of relief when I didn't see Maxwell behind me, I turn my gaze back to John.

"These, are gorgeous. But I'm sorry, I can't accept these, you have to leave." I mutter quietly, staring into my ex-husband's eyes with a pleading gaze. 

"What?" He frowns, dropping the bouquet to his side.

"John, now is not a good time. Please, you have to go." I mutter, pulling the door closer behind me, so he wouldn't be able to see beyond my back.

"Why? Do you have someone in my house?" He suddenly asks, arching a angry brow at me. I swallow hard at the expression on his face, and panic when he forces his way pass me after shoving the bouquet into my arms.

"John." I call out quietly, my heart rate sky rocketing as he walks through the hallway with strong, determined steps.

This man was looking for trouble, and he didn't even know what he was getting himself into.

"Where's my son?" He grates out pensively, coming to a slow halt as he bends the corner leading to the living room.

I stop in my tracks behind him, my brows creasing in worry as I glance over at Maxwell who stood unmoving, with an blank expression on his face, as he stares down at John from the bridge of his nose.

"You should've listened to the lady, and left when she asked." Maxwell mutters coolly, the silent threat in his voice not missing my ears.

I swallow nervously at his words as I begin to fidget on my feet.

"Who the fuck are you?" John growls angrily, approaching Maxwell with a hard stare.

Looking him up and down, I watch as John narrows his eyes challengingly at the man who stood before him, sizing him up.

"Wait, I've seen you before. You look familiar." He mutters, his voice darkening — and that was my cue to once again, step in.

Planting myself between the two men, I look to my ex-husand pleadingly.

"John, Matthew isn't here. He's at my parents house. You know where they live, you can go—"

"Hey, easy now. Why are you so eager for me to leave all of a sudden? What, you and Mr. Tough Guy here got plans?" John mutters arrogantly, motioning towards Maxwell who still stood eerily silent, staring down at John like he was a bug, that needed to be exterminated.

John grips both of my shoulders, and pushes me to the side. He then steps head to head with Maxwell, a hard glare etched on his face.

"What is it man? Have you been fucking my wife?" John barks suddenly, shoving at Maxwell's chest.

"John!" I scream, panicking.

Maxwell stumbles back for second wordlessly. When he looks up, he had a crazed look on his face, and a sadistic grin.

Before I could blink, Maxwell grabs John's arm and twists savagely it behind his back, ripping it from its socket.

The loud pop! and the ear shattering scream that erupts from John's lips had me throwing the roses across the room as I rush forward.

"Maxwell!" I scream in a panic, grabbing hold of Maxwell's arm in order to gain his attention.

"Stop, please. Don't hurt him, please. He's Matthew's father, please." I beg profusely, my eyes welling up with frightened tears.

As much as I couldn't stand John, I didn't want Maxwell to hurt him. He was still Matthew's father, and I couldn't let him get murdered for acting on impulse propelled by his arrogant ego.

Maxwell turns to look at me, his nonchalant gaze never leaving me. After a brief while he finally releases John, shoving him away from where we stood.

Panting heavily like a wounded dog, John grip his dislocated shoulder, and turns to glare murderously at Maxwell.

"You just assaulted a lawyer asshole! I'll be seeing you! You, watch your back!" He mutters threateningly to Maxwell before his accusing, angry eyes slide over to me.

He turns to leave in a flurry, slamming the door shut behind him as he went.

Maxwell was glaring daggers at the door. He was pissed.

"Maxwell..." I mutter softly, trying to gage his mood.

"I'm gonna kill him." He grits out menacingly, and I begin to tremble as I clench and unclench my fists nervously.

"No! You can't! He's Matthew's fath—"

"Come on, you and I both know he's never been much of one!" He grounds out angrily before turning his fiery gaze towards me.

"I know! I know, but still...You can't hurt Matthew's dad. Please, don't do it." I plead to him earnestly, reaching out to grip his arm tightly as I meet his sharp blue gaze.

"You said you gained your consciousness from your owner's desires right? Well, my desire is that you don't go after John." I breathe softly. Maxwell frowns at my words, before a sly smile cuts across his face.

"That's not how that works, Alice." He mutters mockingly, turning his entire body towards me. He was towering over me by an inch, and we were standing so close together I had to tilt my head up to look at him.

"Please, don't hurt him. For my sake." I mutter, reaching up with both hands to touch his face as I step closer to him. I feel him stiffen in my arms, and that was all the encouragement I needed to begin stroking his strong jawline tenderly.

"Please." I breathe in a whisper, tipping on my toes to press my lips against his pleadingly.

Maybe if I could distract him, he'd forget about everything.

"Please, don't hurt him." I mutter again, pressing my lips to his once more. Maxwell's tensed muscles finally go lax under my touch, causing my heart to stutter inside my chest.

"Hmm.." He breathes deeply, a low rumble vibrating in his chest.

"Promise me you won't hurt him." I murmur, pulling away to look into the eyes of the man standing before me. He leans in for another kiss, which I dodge by pulling away once more, denying him the touch of my lips.

He frowns deeply, his brows creasing as he grips my hips tightly to pull me flush against his chest. Still, I remained unwavering in my demands.

"Promise me."

"Fine, you win." Maxwell finally mutters after a while, and a bright smile spreads across my lips, as my shoulders relax.

"Thank you." I mutter relieved, as he pulls me in for a deep kiss which I accept, timidly.

"Thank you so much." I breathe against his lips, the kiss getting hungrier the longer we stood in the living room, wrapped in each other's arms.

Maxwell, was a good kisser. His tongue was dominant and his touch was possessive.

It was intoxicating, and consuming. Something, that I'd rather enjoy on a regular day, but — I was still hurting and sore from the many times before that he'd taken me.

Pressing my hands to his chest, I struggle to push away from him with a groan of discomfort as my thighs rub together.

"Maxwell, please stop." I breathe softly, unable to meet his eyes.

"Alice, are you denying me?"

"No, its not like that." I mutter quietly, trying to inconspicuously withdraw from him. But Maxwell wasn't to be deterred.

"Oh yeah, then what is it like darling?" He mutters darkly, stepping towards me, causing me to take a step back, and hit the back of my knee on the couch.

I gasp in surprise as my body drops clumsily to the couch. Sitting, I look up at the man before me timidly.

"I just, I'm sore..."

"You being sore has never stopped anything before." He mutters softly before leaning over me with a teasing grin.


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