LMK x Child Reader (FEM) [ON...

By FlowerFall5

84.2K 1.7K 1.2K

(This a very old book and contains grammar errors, slight cringe and some other stuff normally found in a 12... More

A Hero Is Born Part 1
A Hero Is Born Part 2
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Noodles or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
The Lotus Prince
Skeleton Key
The End Is Here!
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2
Sleep Bug
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet'n Sour
Minor Scale
Game On
Shadow Play
To Catch A Leaf
72 Transformations
This Is The End!
On the Run
Y/N Art
Underverse story?
Christmas Special!
More Y/N Art
Happy Holidays!
Animation thing I did
First headcannon- Yandere LMK and child reader
Sorry I havent updated!
Redson last words trend thing-
Future Books + Poll
Lego Set
Y/N Season 3 redesign!
Season 3?
Random Doodle
New Book Announcement!
You guys please read-
Ask Anything!
Ask Anything Answers!

Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 1

1.9K 45 22
By FlowerFall5

The smoke creature's name is Mystery! (Sorry if you wanted it to be something else, you can just imagine the name as something else if you want.)


Y/N walked next to Sandy as she looked around in wonderment, as they both played games and got lots of small gifts for the rest of the gang. The blue smoke creature hid in Y/N's hair. She had finally decided a name for the entity, Mystery. She thought it was an appropriate name, since it really was a mystery on what it was. Y/N never told any of the others about it, Macaque was the only one who knew about it, he didn't like Mystery at all. She had decided to have it be her little secret. 

Y/N and Sandy walked back to where Pigsy, Tang and Mei were. Once they reached Pigsy's stand Sandy dumped all the goodies on Pigsy. 

"Good cheer and happy new year! Look at all these delicious little goodies! I got enough to share!" 

"Ooh! Thanks, Sandy!" Mei thanked, looking over at him. 

"So, uh, where's MK?" 

Pigsy poked his head out of Sandy's pile. "Would you guys please screw around somewhere else?! I got a business to run so if you ain't gonna help, go bother some other noodle shop owner!" As he yelled, an orange rolled off through the sewer slits into the lair of the Spider Queen's lab.


Spider Queen paced as she spoke, evident anger in her voice as she heard the laughter from the streets. "Ugh, keep laughing. Just wait 'till you see what I've got cooking, then you'll have something to celebrate. Only one hair left. This little piece of that Monkie Kid holds all the power I need. You finished tinkering yet?" Spider Queen looked towards a male in front of a panel, pressing buttons. 

"I have constructed what you asked for. The delivery systems are operational, so long as the venom works this time." 

Spider Queen hovered over him, scowling. "The venom will work." He shook in fear as she glared at him. She walked to the cauldron and dropped the last piece of MK's hair. The green venom turned gold as it activated a spider bot, which hatched out of a cacoon bubble, but it exploded. "No. No! No!!!" She turned to the man and walked towards him in anger. "I am the queen! I am meant to rule this world! Not hide beneath it!" She pointing her sharp spider leg at his face. "It... can't be over." 

"It doesn't have to be." 

"Who- Who said that?" She looked both ways and saw a creepy shadow on the wall. "Show yourself!" 

"My apologies." A girl appeared from the shadows, her hands held together. "I just... thought I might be of service." 

"Service, huh? Who are you?" 

"I am merely someone who thinks the great Spider Queen has been absent from her throne for too long. I believe that once your rise, a thing even the Celestial Host cannot achieve will be inevitable: The final destruction of the Monkey King." 

Spider Queen pointed her spider leg inches away from the girl's chest. "Well, don't you have a sweet way of talking? Monkey King tore me from my throne, took everything I had! What makes you think it's so easy?" 

The girl opened her hand, revealing a container. "I thought maybe we could use... this." 

"My, my, my... I haven't seen one of these for a while." The Spider Queen stared at the item. 

"May I?" The girl asked. The Queen stepped back from her, before letting her approach the cauldron and pour in a potion. The substance turned blue and another spider-bot hatches, landing on one of Spider Queen's legs. This time, it didn't explode. 

"Well, well, well. Looks like you have your uses after all." Spider Queen smirked as she eyed the man. "Let's give it a spin." The man looked terrified as he stared backing up. 

"Wait, no- I helped you!" 

The spider bot crawled up to him. 

"You need me!" 

The man screamed as the spider-bot latched on to his face, as he fell back.

A bit of gore warning, so I will tell you when it ends if you don't like reading about gore.

The bot crawled into the man's back as the man continued screaming in panic. Robotic spider legs stabbed its way out of his back, tearing his flesh to free itself. It did this three times before taking control of his mind, making him look more sinister.

Gore end, you can continue reading comfortably now. :)

He is transformed into a Spider Demon and bowed before the Spider Queen. 

"My Queen." 

Spider Queen chuckled as she watched him kneel in front of her. "Now that's more like it!" She turned towards the girl, pointing at her. "Okay, Little Miss Mystery, what's the catch?" 

The girl walked up to her as she spoke. "I simply wish to see you fill your destiny, my Queen." She bows before her, making the Queen smirk. 

"Well, alright then." Spider Queen summoned the rest of her spider army, laughing evilly.


Up above, fireworks erupted in the sky as a parade was happening. Mei and Tang sat on Sandy's shoulders, as Pigsy and Y/N stood on the ground next to them. Mystery, still hidden in Y/N's hair, peeked out to look at the fireworks. Luckily, no one saw it. 

"Oh, man! MK's really missing out on all these awesome floats! There's the dragon! There's the monkey!" Mei pointed out, awing at the various float in the air. 

"Yeah, and there's the spider!" 

Y/N grew confused as Sandy said that. No one mentioned a spider float. 

"Spider? Pfft. There's no spider in the zodiac. It's probably just an eight-legged rooster or a-" Tang pauses as he sees a spider float, drifting in the air. A tarp flies off the top of the float, revealing the Spider Queen and her army of spider demons along with a girl. 

"Spider Queen!" 

Y/N looked at the strange girl, narrowing she eyes as she felt she recognized her. The girl looked back at him and smiled calmly. Mystery leaned towards the strange girl, its smile growing wider. 

"Would you look at that? Everyone here to celebrate the Year of the Spider! Go let them know their Queen is back. And bring the little one back to me!" 

Everyone ran off, screaming. Unfortunately, the spider demons and bots catch up and infected everyone. Meanwhile, the Spider Queen shot our webs and activated her Spider mech. Sandy, Pigsy, Mei, Tang, and Y/N found themselves cornered. Mystery hid deeper in Y/N's hair, unnoticeable. 

They all started running away from the crowd around them. Mei grabbed Y/N's hand and started running to Sandy's boat. Y/N struggled to hold Mei's hand, but eventually lost her grip in the crowd. Y/N fell to the floor, her bandages loosened off her arm. She looked up terrified as the crowd surrounded her. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she looked at the possessed spider people extending their arms to her, attempting to grab her. Y/N put her arms above her, shielding her eyes, as Mystery whimpered as it hid. 


The crowed froze before moving out of the way for another spider demon. Y/N uncovered her eyes and looked at the man, a tear running down her cheek. He stood in front of her, before extending his hand in front of her. His skin and was lavender, while his hair was a lime green. He had four mechanical spider legs coming out of his back. He wore a black lab coat with a lime lapel.

"My Queen ordered me to bring you to her. My name is Syntax." He said. Y/N reluctantly grabbed his hand, and he lifted her up. She looked up at him with glossy eyes, and he put his hand on her tear-stained cheek, cleaning it. He smiled at her, making her stare at him with big curious eyes. 

"Oi, Syntax! Where are you!" Syntax frowned as a voice called out to him and he turned his head to see his companions. He pulled Y/N close behind him as he fully turned around. Y/N peeked from behind to see two other spider demons. 

One of them was a large muscular lavender-skinned Spider Demon with four eyes and spiky black hair. The other had four lime green eyes. He wore a black jacket with dark grey fur trim, and purple pants and a belt with a lime green buckle. 

"Have you found the little one yet? We can't find her." The larger one said. He then noticed Y/N observing him, and he smiled, waving at her. Y/N blinked at the spider demon, before attempting to wave back at him, only to be stopped by Syntax. 

"What are you doing fooling around! Give her to me so I can bring her back to the Queen." 

"I will bring her to the Queen. You, Huntsman, can go and find the others. And take Strong with you." 

Y/N watched as the two got into an argument. She sweat dropped as she heard them yell at each other. Mystery floated out of its hiding spot, as Y/N looked at it. Mystery then transformed into a horse, and lifted Y/N on to its back. Y/N squeaked in surprise as Mystery galloped away from the spider demons, alerting them. 

Mystery galloped out of the city and to a dock. Y/N hopped off of Mystery as it turned back into the small smoke creature. "I didn't know you could do that." Y/N said panting, as her adrenaline went down. Y/N then looked around. 

"Where are we?" 

Mystery drifted over to a small jet next to a nearby building. It looked at Y/N, as Y/N looked back at it, smirking. 

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Y/N asked, her hands in her pockets.

Mystery nodded and hopped on Y/N's shoulder as Y/N sat down in the small jet, taking off into the sky.


MK fell from the sky as Huntsman and Strong Spider were about to attack the rest of the gang on Sand's boat. 

"Guys! You're okay! I thought you've been turned into gross spider thingies. They're. Everywhere!" He trembled, turning away and hugging the staff. "I can still feel them crawling all over me." 

"Kid, focus!" 

"Yep! Working on it!" He calmed himself, before facing the spider demons again. 

"We found the Monkey King's apprentice, exactly where you said he'd be." Huntsman said through the communicator. Mk looked at him as he spoke, scared. 

"Oh, no." 

He ran off to the boat and the others pull him up. The spider-demons race towards them. 

"Sandy! It's now or never, old buddy!" 

Sandy found a remote on the chest he was looking in. "Found it!" He ran outside and pressed it. It played a cat's meow. 

"Uh, Sandy?" 

"Give it a minute!" 

A loud boom was heard and a giant drone helicopter flied over them. 

"They can't escape!" Huntsman yelled as Sandy tossed everyone aboard but not before Huntsman threw on a tracker. The group zoomed off, leaving the spider demons behind. 

"So, what do you guys think? Been saving it for a rainy day." 

"Real cool, Sandy! It's awesome for taking in... the horrifying vistas." 

"Spider Queen captured Monkey King." 

Everyone looked at MK shocked. 



"That's not possible!" 

"Yeah, her and this weird skeleton thing, she got him and then I-I didn't even try to help. He lost and then-" He paused, looking down. 

"It's okay, MK. We got this. We can beat her-"

"She beat the Monkey King, Mei! We don't got this!" He backed away, apologetically. "I'm sorry, I just— I don't what to do." He sat down, curling himself up in a ball. 

Pigsy put his hand on MK's shoulder. "Kid, no one ever does. Not really." 

"But we're going to figure this out." 


"That's right, little man. Just as soon as we deal with that!" 

Redson flew his plane towards them, screaming. 


Sandy punched the jet, busting it into pieces. 


Sandy dropped him, cringing. 

"Get him!" Mei yelled, before they all pounced on him. 

"Get off me, you filthy peasants!" 

MK stomped up to him, hands on his hips. "What are you doing here, Red Son?" 

"Yeah, spill! You one of the Spider Queen's henchmen now, huh?" 

"Henchmen!?" Redson yelled, before throwing everyone off him. "Not that any of you would care but my father was captured by that eight-legged freak! So, if you'll excuse me, I'll just steal this ship and be on my way." 

"Wait, what?! That's not-" 

"Ugh, fine! Will you let me steal your ship so I can go save my father and also the world from this spider menace... Please?" 

"Are you serious?!" 

"You can't steal the ship!" 

"Pretty convincing." 

They all yelled at him, (except Sandy) as he grimaced.

"Well, I can't use mine! It's busted!" He sighed. "One thing I do have is this." He pulled out a vial of green liquid, holding it up to all of them. "The Spider Queen's venom. It's turned everyone into her slaves but I can make an antidote. However, I'll need supplies and the only place to get them is." He pointed up at the sky. 

MK looked up in wonder. "Space." 

"No, you Noodle Brain! The Celestial Realm!" 

"The Celestial Realm?! The realm of heavenly deities and immortal beings?!" 

Pigsy tugged Tang back by his scarf. 


"So, if you get to spa- uh the Celestial Realm, you can fix all of this?" 

"Kid, you're not really considering this, are you?" 


"WHAT?!" Mei and Pigsy looked at him in disbeif. 

"MK, are you serious?! It's Red" She paused, looking for the right word. "Boy!" 

"He's literally a demon!" 

"Oh, pretty rich coming from Pig Man in the blue thing!" 

MK looked at his staff, considering his options as they fight. He soon looked up and faced them. "Let's help him." 

"Huh?" They all looked at him, stopping their arguments and fighting. 

"What other choice do we have? Look, Spider Queen won't see this coming. It's the best plan we've got. So, I say let's help a demon rob the Celestial Realm." 

Mei, Pigsy, and Red Son glare at each other. 

"Guys, look!" Sandy yelled, pointing at something. The rest looked up to see what he was referring to. A small jet flew after them as they panicked. It was a [Favorite Color] jet with a cloud symbol on the right side. A figure with a yellow smiley face mask hopped out of the jet, and stood before them, the jet crashing down below. The figure took off their mask, revealing themselves to be Y/N, Mystery on her shoulder. She stared at the group before she spoke.

"Hey, guys. What did I miss?"


[To Be Continued]

Words- 2489

{Next Episode: Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2}


The first part is done!😀

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