NCIS: Under Covers

By sammispector

21.8K 337 15


Special Agent Who?
Very Special Agent
Doctor Sammi
Rule 12
First Dates & Confessions
Abby Knows All
Telling Tony
Always Be Specific When You Lie
There's No Such Thing As A Coincidence
When the World Stops
When Secrets Spill


1.1K 17 0
By sammispector

Tony's POV--

The elevator doors opened and Sammi and Abby stepped out in sync, both looking like that hadn't slept in years. "Whoa," I said, "you two are a mess!" "Thanks DiNozzo, that's exactly what every woman wants to hear in the morning" Abby said as she took a swig of my coffee. I winked at Sammi as she walked by and she smiled back. I was planning on asking her out again at some point today as long as work wasn't too overbearing and, judging by the lack of movement in the office, I figured it would be a pretty boring day. I opened my mouth to talk when Gibbs came by and said "grab your gear, dead marine in Quantico." I grabbed my stuff and so did Biship and McGee but before we got to the elevator I noticed Sammi grab Gibbs arm and pull him aside. "Curiosity killed the cat DiNozzo" Gibbs said as soon as he noticed me trying to listen in. "Good thing I'm not a cat huh boss?" I said as I walked toward the elevator leaving them and their conversation alone. "You seem awfully chipper this morning Tony" Biship said as the elevator doors closed. "Biship," I said feigning offense, "I am always chipper in the morning!" "Cut it out DiNozzo, whats really going on?" McGee piped in. Damn these two are nosey...."Oh nothing" I began, "I mean, nothing except that super hot girl and I totally went out last night and we are totally going out again tonight and she digs me." I wore a smirk as Bishop and McGee stared in shock. "Dammit McGee" Bishop said as she pulled a twenty out of her pocket and McGee snatched it up. "Told ya he couldn't keep his mouth shut OR his hands to himself" McGee said smiling. He patted me on the shoulder as the elevator doors opened and said "thanks for the twenty Tony."

Sammis POV---
"Maybe you're right" I said unwillingly as I stared at my Uncle Jethro's feet. "Maybe I shouldnt have fallen for Tony's act." My Uncle Jethro lifted my chin and said "what did he do?" I quickly lifted my eyes and said "he didn't do anything Uncle Jethro! I just, well I think you were right when you said we would be no good for each other." My words hung thickly in the air and I knew we had to go so we began walking toward the elevator. Not a word was spoken between us as my Uncle processed what I had just told him. "So you're going to stop seeing him?" He said but before I could answer the elevator doors opened and Tony's voice echoed in the garage. "You two were betting on me! I can't believe it! That's such bulmshi- .....Hi Boss." I looked around confused as Gibbs slapped Tony in the back of the head and then got in his car. "McGee, Bishop, you're with me" he said and in response to my confused look he added in, "well, what are you standing around for?" Everyone jumped into place and Tony and I got in the other car to meet them at our destination. "What was that all about?" We both questioned each other at the same time. I was referring to the afore mentioned bet and he to my conversation with Gibbs. "You first" Tony said so, without saying too much I simply said "just talking about my position, you?" Tony started the car and said "McDoofus and Bishop made a bet on me, no biggie." As he backed the car out of the garage and into the street he said "so I was thinking a movie tonight?" Before I could even consider the words coming out of my mouth I blurted "can't, plans." Tony gave me a sideways glance as I tried to maintain my composure and then he said "what about tomorrow?" I looked out the window and said "I've got a thing tomorrow, plus I'm kinda tired what with work and all yknow." My words hung in the air as DiNozzo turned on the car radio and we sat in silence listening to Sinatra the whole way to the crime scene.

Tony's POV---
What the hell is she doing? I thought the first date went well...I turned on the radio and let Sinatra's thick voice clear my mind, after all I was at work. When we got to the crime scene Sammi quickly got out of the car as if she couldn't stand to look at me and then headed immediately to Ducky. My eyes traced her but not enough to give me away. Bishop was taking photos and McGee was questioning some possible witnesses so Gibbs instructed me to bag and tag. There wasn't much to the scene really; a dead marine, some tire tracks, lipstick, and an empty bag of chips was really all we got. The evidence was sent to Abby as soon as we got back and I was sure this would be an open and closed case with the lipstick as a way to ID a possible suspect. We sat in the bull pen working possible angles while McGee tried to learn more about Lt. James Andrews. Sammi was nowhere to be found so I assumed she was either with Abby or Ducky trying to avoid me and doing a pretty damn good job at it. I figured my best course of action would be to just work the case and let her figure things out on her own. I mean, I liked the girl but Tony DiNozzo is the player, not the played. So I did just that and went to work on the case with my mind wandering the whole time...

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