Chaos within the Greens

By myrakkuran

58.7K 1.5K 615

All it took was the birth of the youngest princess, followed by the King's unexpected favouritism and the Que... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chaptet 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

3.5K 114 60
By myrakkuran

Like the rest of the guests staying in the High Tide, the four siblings make their way downstairs to the Hall of Nine.

As it was expected, a crowd has already gathered there; with more still coming.

They locate Aemond easily, seated near the burning fire. Their distraught parents by his side. Helplessly watching maester Kelvyn tending to him, looking grim.

Aemond makes no sound or shows any signs of discomfort as the maester stitches his wound together. It's a deep long and hideous— stretching from above his left brow, over his left eye socket, and down to his cheek. Far worse than what Aemma or any of her other siblings thought it would be.

As the maester continued to work, the King interrogated Lord Commander Westerling and his guards and Ser Criston Cole, who were supposed to have the night's watch. Blaming them for letting everything get to this point.

He was beyond angry.

From beside the light of the hearth, their mother watched the maester closely. "It will heal, will it not, Maester?" Her voice as desperate as a mother's can get at a situation like this.

Maester Kelvyn hesitates, still focused on sewing the wound together. "The flesh will heal... but the eye is lost, Your Grace."

Their father sighs and their mother looks as though she might burst into tears. But she stands straight instead, purposefully rounding towards where her other children stood, with her handmaiden.

"Where were you?" She demand off of Aegon.

"Me?" Aegon asked confused.

The slap their mother delivers to his cheek makes his younger siblings jump with fright. Emotions of shock and fear reflected on their faces.

"Ow!" He yelped, "what was that for?!"

"That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!" She hissed, baring her teeth. Looking like an animal ready to rip Aegon to shreds.

Just then the door above opened, and Lord Corlys and his wife charged through the stairs. While Corlys looked around with a fierce gaze demanding — what's happening? His wife rushed over to their granddaughters and took them in her arms protectively.

Not a moment later, the other door across the hall opened. Princess Rhaenyra ran in. Prince Daemon was closely following, but he stayed by the door, casually leaning against it.

Rhaenyra rushed to her boys and kneeled in front of Lucerys who was bleeding from the nose, to check for his injuries before demanding, "Who did this?"

"They attacked me!" Aemond looked back and shouted from his seat.

"He attacked Baela!" Jacaerys shouted back.

"He broke Luke's nose!" One of the twins joined the competition of shouting.

From there chaos broke out, leading to the over lapping of voices. All of the children involved in the incident were shouting at the same time. Shifting the blame from one to the other. Making it difficult to understand who was saying what.

Overwhelmed, Aemma closed her ears using both her hands. Still, the muffled voices made it to her ear.

"He stole my mother's dragon!"

"Enough." The King demanded, but it went unheard as the children continued to argue.

"He was going to kill Jace!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Enough!" The King tried again.

"It should be my son telling the tale!" The Queen joined in.

"He called us—" Jacerys began but the King roared this time cutting off everyone.


The room indeed descended into silence. Leaving only the burning of the of the fire place the only noise to be heard aside from the heavy exhale of some. Daeron pulled Aemma's hands off of her ears, now that the screaming match was over. Aemma looked at her father shocked, she didn't know he had the strength in him to scream that loud.

"Aemond..." The King called, his cane struck the stone floor with each step he took towards his son, "I will have the truth of what happened. Now."

"What else is there to hear?" The Queen interjected. "Your son has been maimed. Her son is responsible." She pointed towards Rhaenyra.

"It was a regrettable accident," Rhaenyra swiftly defended, challenging the mother who's son has been permanently scarred by her son.

"Accident," Alicent repeated in disbelief. "Prince Lucerys brought a blade to an ambush. He meant to kill my son."

Aemma glance at her nephews. Her eyes settling on her betrothed— bleeding from the nose. Before they move to her brother—his left eye stitched. She looks back at Lucerys again and then back at her brother. Even a child like her understands who has sustained a life altering injury.

Rhaenyra snarled in defence. "It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves." And drew her boys closer. "Vile insults were levied against them."

That caught her father's immediate attention as he quickly questioned. "What insults?"

There was a moment of silence before Rhaenyra responded, looking at Aemond then to Alicent. Hinting, she already knew the true source of the insults. "The legitimacy of my sons' birth was put loudly to question."

"What?!" The King appears astonished.

Aemma and Daeron share a look. Not understanding why their father looks so surprised. They all know those boys are bastards. Howcome he does not?!

"He called us bastards," Jacaerys spoke up, making the room go still.

"My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace. This is the highest of treason. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders."

Sharply questioned — a decent and polite term for torture.

Aemond had turned in his seat to glare at his older sister; making his father look down at him. But it was his mother who asked the Princess, "Over an insult? My son has lost an eye." She was shocked and heartbroken, thinking — how as a mother herself was Rhaenyra asking for an injured child to be tortured.

Viserys ignored his wife. He does not seem nearly as concerned as he leans down closer to his son, stern and cold. "You tell me, boy. Where did you hear this lie?"

"The insult was training yard bluster," Alicent tried to save her son from answering. "There's lot of boys. It was nothing."

To no avail. Her husband remains unmoved.

"Aemond... I asked you a question."

So she tries to deviate the situation in a different direction. "Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The boys' father? Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter."

"Yes. Where is Ser Laenor?" Viserys fell for it, eyes looking to his eldest daughter.

"I do not know, your Grace. I... could not find sleep... and had gone out to walk," Rhaenyra answered defeatedly. Now she appears to be in an awkward position.

And it certainly does not escape Alicent's eyes as she observes the princess carefully— Rhaenyra looks somewhat disheveled. Her hair is slightly out of place. There are dusts of sand on them and her clothes are creased and wrinkled. Hinting light on the factor- mayhaps she had been lying on the beach. Not to mention, Prince Daemon was right behind her when she came in.

Oh Alicent is now confirmed what the wretched Princess had been up to. And she isn't the only one, Ser Criston Cole is also smirking, in ways which implies judgement and scorn.

"Entertaining his younger squires, I would venture," the Queen snipped, making some people around smirk and snicker as the insult registered.

"Aemond... Look at me," Viserys directed his attention to his son, making the injured boy meet his father's angered, hardened gaze. "Your King demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?"

Aemond does not speak first. Aemma and Daeron grasp each others hands when their injured brother move his eyes to their mother. The King then follows Aemond's gaze, eyes settling on his Queen. And she appears frightened.

It was as if a collective breath was held.

The gathered crowd already predicted the King had heard his son's unspoken words. But that was when the boy proved them wrong.

"It was Aegon." By shifting the blame on his older brother, he saved his mother.

Aemma was familiar with this trait of his. He had done that before to save her from Helaena's anger when she killed one of her bugs.

"Me?" The three siblings felt their older brother's surprise as he looked shell-shocked to be thrown into the eye of the storm.

The King now turned his sight onto his eldest son, growling. "And you, boy?" He walked to him. "Where did you hear such calumnies?" But when his son did not answer, nor meet his gaze, the King shouted.

"AEGON!" Helaena, Daeron and Aemma all flinched at once. "Tell me the truth of it!"

With a trembling voice, Aegon began, "We know, father. Everyone knows... just look at them."

The hall was engulfed in silence by the Prince's words.

It is the truth that no one has dared say out loud, until now. Although everyone present knew and talked about it behind closed doors; but they all avoided discussing it publicly.

Alicent Hightower and her children quietly applauded Aegon for the bravery he showed in that critical moments. It was the first time he fulfilled the role of the eldest son and big brother.

The King silently surveyed the room, carefully assessing the face of the others and chose not to pursue the topic further.

Like everyone, he too was aware that the boys in question looked nothing like their Targaryen mother and Velaryon father. Instead they bore a striking resemblance to the late Commander of the City Watch, Harwin Strong. However, as a father with power, Viserys must show this premeditated blindness and play into the role of oblivious fool.

"This interminable infighting must cease at once!" His cane punctuated his words. "All of you! We are family!" He only glanced at Aemond briefly before turning his gaze to the room again. "Now make your apologies and show good will to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your King demands it!"

Nobody spoke nor made a move, because the King's words did not feel truly fair. Aemma looked at her brothers and sister to watch for their reaction. Helaena's face showed sadness. Daeron looked upset. Aegon kept his head bowed low and Aemond was so full of anger and animosity, which he could not express with the current pain coursing through him. And little Aemma was still trying to figure out what to feel at the moment; because all she could think of was creative ways in which she could spit on her father.

She watched the old man move away from Aegon and walk past her mother, who was almost in tears. A look consisting emotions of frustration, hurt and disbelief crossed her face as she spoke next.

"That is insufficient." The King turned, hearing his Queen. "Aemond has been damaged, permanently, my King. 'Good will' cannot make him whole."

"I know, Alicent," the King admitted regretfully. "but I cannot restore his eye."

"No, because it's been taken!" The Queen agreed bitterly.

"What would you have me do?" The King growled back, frustrated.

"There is a debt to be paid," She decided, and the room went still. "First I shall have one of her son's eye in return. Second I want my daughter's betrothal be broken this instant!"

The crowd muttered with discomfort as the King approached the Queen, "The matter of Aemma's betrothal can be discussed later. And as for your ridiculous demand... my dear wife..."

"Ridiculous demand!" The Queen spat bitterly and reminded her husband desperately. "He is your son, Viserys. Your blood!"

"Do not," Viserys warned. His voice is low, commanding, and leaves no room for argument. "allow your temper to guide your judgement."

Having said that the King turned, intending to leave the hall when his wife spoke once more.

"If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will. Ser Criston... Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon."

Criston Cole straightens but remains unmoving, deciding what to do. Lucerys panics, calling for his mother. Viserys call for his wife, trying to make her see sense, but she brushes him aside. As all her senses have stopped working by now.

"He can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son."

"You will do no such thing," Rhaenyra threatens the Knight, shielding her boys.

"Stay your hand," The king demands.

"No, you are sworn to me!" The Queen snaps. She is burning in fire coursing through her veins, generated from outrage.

All eyes turned to the Knight.

Criston Cole hesitates meeting the queen's gaze. "As your protector, my Queen," He reminds her slowly, politely refusing.

"Alicent, this matter... is finished. Do you understand?" The King leers fiercely.

The Queen says nothing, only glaring furiously. The King then takes the opportunity and direct his words to everyone gathered.

"And let it be known: anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra's sons should have it removed!"

"Thank you, Father."

Not a soul dares argues after. And for a moment it appears as if the matter is truly closed. Until the Queen yanks the Valyrian dagger from her husband's belt and charge towards the boy responsible.

Resulting in the second chaos for the night.

"Alicent!" Viserys screamed.

"Stay with the King!" Harold Westerling demanded of Criston Cole as he followed the Queen. "HOLD YOUR APPROACH!"

Talya took hold of the Queen's two young children and moved to back of the hall. Helaena came with them. Aegon was lost amongst the crowd.

Rhaenyra stepped forward and took hold of Alicent's hands.

Many were shouting and pushing forward to see what was unfolding. Amongst the sea of adults Aemma and Daeron struggled to see what was happening. But they understood far too much was happening at the same time. Lucerys's frightening scream could be heard. Criston Cole held back by Daemon Targaryen. Their mother and half-sister grapple with one another in the middle of the room. Their words portraying the situation to be more about themselves... their feud, than collecting payment for the boy who just lost an eye.

The Queen screamed in rage before the women ultimately pushed away from each other. The blade comes down, slashing through the Princess hand in the process. Hitting the ground with sound that was ominously loud against the abrupt silence.

Everyone watches... shocked and stunned by what has happened.

The uncomfortable silence continued as everyone waited for the next move to be made. Nobody did, only Prince Aemond stepped into the circle, earning the attention of all those lingering.

"Do not mourn me, mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye..." He glanced at his half-sister and his nephews, with an expression that was unreadable but felt eerily deadly.

"...but I gained a dragon."

The oldest and the largest dragon alive is now the mount of a scorned boy.

Dangerousness and severity of the situation finally sank into the minds of the adults— Princess Rhaenyra, Princess Daemon, Lord Corlys, Otto Hightower and many more.

But possibly the thought does not cross the mind of the King.

"This proceeding is at an end." As he declared, putting an end to it all. But it was evident, that it is not over. In fact, it was far from it.

People begin to filter out of the hall, returning to their chambers. Aemond move in to hug his mother and comfort her. Soon his other siblings followed, embracing their mother and injured brother.

Soon after, Aegon and Helaena returned to their chamber with Daeron and Aemma. Aemond did not return with them.

Through Cole they were told that Aemond would remain in their mother's care for the night.

"Is it possible for me to see him?" Helaena asked the knight and he nodded disapprovingly.

"I'm afraid no one is allowed near him at the moment, my Princess."

The Princess no longer argued, accepted the decision she was told. But who said everyone was as obedient as Helaena was.


The following morning Aemond woke to a strange sensation. It felt as if someone was blowing air to his face.

Shooting his remaining eye open he was proven right, when he caught sight of the pink puckered lips too close to his face.

Angry, irritated and on impulse, he gave the body a hard shove on the chest. Sending the figure almost flying off of the bed.

Aemma yelped.

"What are you doing?!" Aemond growled, furious. He cared not why she was here, but the fact that she was, and has been able to see him in his most vulnerable state made his blood boil.

"I'm trying to help you." She fired back, sitting up straight.

"By blowing air to my face?" He rolled his singular eye.

His reaction made his sister blink. Never did she take him for someone ungrateful. It seemed to her, as if gaining a dragon has changed him over night. He went to bed as Aemond but woke up as another person.

"You got hurt. Septa Lira taught me, blowing air over wounded surface helps with the pain."

For some reason those words only fuelled his already raging fire. First and foremost— he wasn't simply injured. It's no mere cut that it can be soothed by blowing air over it or rubbing ointment on it. Seven hells he lost an eye! Half of his vision is gone forever. Now he must pick up everything from scratch, relearn how to survive with one-eye. And this delusion idiot here thinks she can help by blowing air to his wound. What a jest!

Determined to help, Aemma was closing in on him again but Aemond pressed a hand to her chest and kept her at a distance.

"I didn't just get hurt, I lost my eye. So blowing air would do no good."

"Then what can I do to help?" No, she wasn't ready to give up.

"Actually you can do something..." the realization suddenly hit him. "Since your bastard betrothed is responsible, why don't you bring me his eye." He suggested bitterly. In hopes that it would make her upset and leave him be for now.

But sometimes words have opposite effects. Mayhaps it was one of those times.

Aemma stared at him for few good moments. Aemond did not deter, he too glared back until she suddenly hopped down the bed and ran out of the chamber.

Clenching his hands to tight fists Aemond let out a frustrated groan. Feeling disgusted with himself for taking his rage out on his own little sister who, in good intention came to help.

He laid back down on the bed and blackly watched the ceiling with his single eye. He may have told his mother not to mourn him, but he certainly is going to, and perhaps forever will mourn his eye. How can he not? When he's left disfigured and ruined for life. Oh he can already imagine the horrific names and titles the gossiping court will come up with. How the maesters will describe him in the future.

His sulking does not last long. Aemond Targaryen's chain of thought is cut short when the sound of a horrifying scream, from a familiar voice, tears through the peaceful silence of the castle.

Like any normal person Aemond also reacted— he shot up on the he bed swiftly, with brow raised in concern. Although he couldn't exactly point out who the voice belonged to, but he was damn sure it was one of those Strong bastards.


His throat went dry. Desperately praying to whoever was listening to keep his sister miles away from whatever it is that's taking place.

No sooner than the screams died down Aemma ran back to the room. Aemond sigh in relief— as long as his sister remained unharmed. He did not give a shit about anything else.

"What's happened?"

She did not respond. Instead hurriedly climbed onto the bed and dived straight into his lap, making space for herself in his arms. It appeared as though she was trying to mould their bodies together.

At first Aemond wasn't sure as to what she was doing, only then he noticed how vigorously her body was shaking. She shook with the fear she felt. He could even hear the sound of her teeth grinding. He looked down, she looked like a scared kitten trying to seek comfort in her mother. He realized, she was trying to hide. But from what?

"Aemma, are you alright?"

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled.

His confusion peaked. "Why do you apologize?"

"Sorry I couldn't get you his eye..."

"You don't have to. I didn't mea—"

"I asked him politely at first. Told him to give you an eye. He refused. Then I tried to convince him, but he still refused. I thought I could hurt him a little and take his eye. So I pushed him down the stairs—"

"What?!" Aemond exclaimed, pushing himself back to get a good look at her. "You did what!?"

"— and went after him as he fell. But I couldn't make him open his eyes. He's bleeding and not responding."

Fear shot through his spine. "What have you done! You imbecile!"

"I tried to get one of his eye like you asked me to." She innocently defended herself.

"Has anyone seen you?"

She thought about it, chewing her lower lip and batting her lashes. "I think not."

"Are you certain?"

"No..." She drawled, like how Aegon does.

He said no more, just pulled her back into his arms and rested his face above her head. His mind plagued with ideas that could be implemented to save her. Sadly none of which seemed quite suitable for the mess she has landed herself in.

After everything that had taken place last night, Aemond remains unsure whether Aemma can truly be saved. If he got no justice being the victim himself, he couldn't even fathom what awaited her. While it's true their father doted on Aemma, but that alone is not enough for that man to stand against his eldest daughter and her bastards. It was the hard lesson Aemond learned yesterday. It matters not which side is in the right and which side is in the wrong. Their father's partiality remains brutal as the throne he sits upon.

His hold on his little sister tightened protectively as the sound of commotion outside became louder.

Soon their mother walked in, with their grandsire only a step behind. Her distraught appearance has changed since last night. She looks slightly better...fresher.

"What's the matter?" Alicent raised a brow, not expecting to find her youngest here.

The boy said nothing, yet somehow his mother was able to read him like an open book. And soon as she had done that, her face paled.

Alicent rubbed a hand over her face. From her son getting maimed last night and getting no justice by his own father to now this mess... it was turning out to be the most dreadful morning. Every little voice in her head seemed to be screaming and jumping to the worst conclusions on what could happened with her daughter. And she did not dare hope. Even when her little girl is so doted upon. Considering how things unfolded, Alicent in her heart could only assume the worst. At least the weight of the broken expectations would not be so suffocating then.

She stormed over to the bed and forcefully pulled her frightened daughter out of her son's arms and gave her two hard-tight slaps across the face.



Her father and son exclaimed in unison.

Aemma began to cry but her mother showed no sign of restraint. In fact she raised her hand higher to put more force into the slap. But the others got in the way.

"Alicent calm down!" Otto shouted, pressing a firm hand on his daughter's shoulder in order to keep her away from his granddaughter.

But that did not stop Alicent from screaming. "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!"

"Mother please..." Aemond shielded Aemma with his body.

"Didn't you learn anything from last night? Look at your brother, LOOK AT HIM! He's destroyed for life. Still I couldn't save him. Couldn't give him the justice he deserved. And all your father offered was 'Good Will'. How do you think I can save you after you've thrown one of those bastards down the stairs—"

"Control yourself Alicent. Get a hold of your emotions."

She paid no heed to her father's words. Aemma's sob came out louder but it had little effect on her mother, who had no strength to comfort her.

"Do not delude yourself to think Rhaenyra and your father will let it pass just because they have coddled you so far. Get this into your head you fool— You mean nothing to them now!"

Right when Alicent finished the heavy door swung open. Lord Commander Harold Westerling finally making an appearance.

"I'm here to collect the princess." He declared.

Aemma took shelter behind her grandsire's tall frame in hopes that the bald man would not find her.

Sadly it was pointless.

"Come with me Princess, your father awaits you."

Aemma looked at her mother only to find her looking the other way. Then she looked at Aemond, he looked unsure and frightened. Finally she met her grandsire's gaze. Unlike the first two people he appeared confident. He even walked her towards the awaiting commander, muttering the words in her ear.

"Fear not, nothing will happen to you."

"But Aemond—"

"You're not Aemond! Or any of your other siblings for the matter... you're special to your father, don't ever forget that."


The same crowd that had been present last night, had once more gathered at the Hall of Nine.

Difference was, only this time some figures have switched places. For instance: instead of Aemond Targaryen, his nephew Lucerys Velaryon is the victim now. The boy was unconscious, laying on his mother's lap on the ground, as maester Kelvyn, who had earlier treated his broken nose and his mother's slit hand, once again worked on him.

Ironic how Princess Rhaenyra currently wore the exact same expression of distraught, desperation and helplessness that Queen Alicent wore the night before. Her face scrunched up like an approaching thunder cloud, her breath hitched in the back of her throat since the moment she followed her son's scream and found him lying on a fresh pool of blood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Maester Kelvyn..." She called the man softly. "Will he live?"

"Of course he will live Princess. The prince's injuries may not be fatal, but I must warn you before hand that the recovery will take time. At least three moons of full bedrest is mandatory. As he has four broken ribs, the left leg is also broken and the right arm is completely dislocated from the shoulder. Miraculously though the head remains unhurt. Even though he is bleeding from the side of his temple, it is no cause for concern."

Maester Kelvyn's reassuring words washed a wave of relief onto the faces of Princess Rhaenyra, Ser Laenor, the King and Lord Corlys. All of them finally releasing the breath they did not know they were holding until now.

But the moment of relief was cut short. As all eyes moved to the young Princess just as Ser Harold Westerling arrived with her.

Some eyes, including the ones belonging to the King and Lord Corlys softened upon sighting the nervous fidgeting girl. Prince Daemon however kept his face exactly how it had been last night— like he was seeking entertainment. Whereas his daughters, alongside Jacaerys were full on glaring at Aemma. As for Princess Rhaenyra... she avoided looking at her sister, keeping herself focused on her son.

Turning sideways, Aemma saw her other siblings— Aegon, Daeron and Helaena quietly standing behind the chair their father occupied.

"Bring her over here Ser Harold." Petting the spot on his lap, the King ushered Commander Westerling to place his daughter onto his lap.

The man did as the King asked and stepped back.

"Aemma's... do you know why you have been summoned?"

Aemma blinked at the unexpected soft tone of her father, understandably surprised.

Truth be told, Viserys did not intend for his tone come out this soft. Nonetheless, holding back on his crumbling composure became increasingly difficult when Aemma would not remove her gaze from him. Looking at him like he is the only person in this crowded room, that matters to her.

Under the intensity of her gaze Viserys felt his heart skip a beat. This is exactly how his Aemma used to look at him.

"Father..." She trailed off hesitating on what to say.

"Fear not, nothing will happen to you."

Her grandsire's words echoed in her mind as a reminder that she must choose her next words very carefully. Because her mother cannot save her. How can she — when she could not bring justice for Aemond after what happened to him. It would be utterly foolish to expect her siblings to do something when they have no power and her grandsire would not risk his position for something so futile. And the rest would not even lift a finger.

She was on her own; and Aemma understood that factor very well.

"You're not Aemond! Or any of your other siblings for the matter... you're special to your father, don't ever forget that."

"Father... I'm scared." Having her vision blurred with tears, Aemma finally said what she wanted to. All the while keeping her eyes trained on her father, captivating him in her hypnotic gaze.

The question that was asked and the response given did not match. But the King's melting heart took no note of that detail. Actually not many people did. But Daemon Targaryen, Vaemond Valaryon and Otto Hightower did not fall into the category of many people.

"You have no reason to be scared darling. Luke shall be alright in no time." Viserys assured his girl, wiping away her tears using his thumb.

Standing near the entrance Alicent and Aemond exchanged a look, as they beheld the sight before them. Neither of them could comprehend how is the King still so gentle with Aemma, considering what she has done...? Similar type of confusion graced Rhaenyra's features too. As she tried to make sense of what happened to her father's sense of justice. Her son was attacked! He could have died! But her father seems more concerned for the person responsible for it.

Jacaerys cannot completely say he did not see this coming. As much of a doting figure his grandsire seems to be toward them, but these days in Aemma's presence, those affection fades to nothing. So, for his brother's sake the young Prince decided to take matters into his own hand. If his grandsire was blind to his daughter's faults, he would point a finger and show it to him then.

"It was her!" Attention in the room switched to the brunette boy as he quickly threw the accusation at Aemma. "First she demanded an eye from Luke, and when he didn't agree, she pushed him down the stairs."

"No I didn't push Luke." Aemma denied, bravely facing the boy who had pointed the accusatory finger at her. "He tripped and fell."

"She's lying! I saw her push Luke with my own eyes!"

At that Rhaenyra looked to her sister. Looking every bit like the Stranger ready to collect her soul.

"Did you ask for his eye?" She demanded.

"I didn't push him!" Aemma shook her head vigorously. Eyes twitching in irritation.

"Did you ask for my son's eye or not?! TELL ME THE TRUTH!"

Aemma flinched, drawing closer to her father for protection. By far this is the most harsh tone of voice someone had ever used against her.

"RHAENYRA!" The King roared.

The mentioned woman looked at her father. His eyes were ablaze with a fury she had seen only a handful of times, but never directed at her. But now, in this moment, while her son lay unconscious and his daughter is responsible for it; he seemed unwilling to defend her. He wasn't willing to say that Aemma stepped over the line, and will be held accountable. Instead what he actually said was,

"You're scaring the poor child."

Aemma seized this opportunity to bury her face into her father's chest. As if it was the safest place for her to hide.

"That poor child pushed my son down the stairs. He could have died, your Grace."

Viserys would never forget the look in his heir's eyes in that moment. The pure, unbridled rage that was aimed directly at the child of barely four years of age, who could barely differentiate the right from wrong.

"She tried to take my son's eye. I'm trying to find out where she's learning such brutality from. Who's corrupting her innocent mind." Having said that, her eyes moved over to the figures standing by the door— the Queen and her father, the Lord Hand. Indirectly shifting the blame on them.

"You're trying to blame me and my father! When I had spent the entire night sleepless, tending to my son who had been maimed by your son—" Alicent did not get to finish what she intended to say, as Aemma briskly cut in between.

"Luke also took my brother's eye. Where did he learn such brutality from?" She retored, exactly mimicking Rhaenyra— in tone and in expression.

The people watching were left stunned by this particular tait of the young Princess.

In spite of her denial it was evidently clear by this point that Aemma had a role to play — whether the boy tripped or he was pushed. Even the King understood that. However, he refused to believe Aemma acted on her own accord. He could swear on his dead wife's memory that his little girl is no vile creature. No! Somebody else must have been pulling the strings.

Feeling suspicious, Viserys raised an intrigued brow when his eyes went over to his injured son. He swore to himself that the punishment will be unimaginable if the boy had somehow brainwashed his sister for the dirty task.

"You have nothing to fear Aemma, no harm will come to you, your father guarantees." The King began, caressing his daughter's face. "So speak freely, tell us, did Aemond...?"

"Aemond what?!" From the end of the hall the Queen spoke up. Holding her boy in her arms protectively. "Finish the sentence Viserys. You think Aemond made Aemma do the task for him."

Viserys presented his logic. "I am looking at all possible aspects wife. It's nothing personal."

Aemma pulled back and looked at her father baffled. Pursing her lips, she frowned, "What would Aemond do with his ugly brown eyes. They don't match with ours."

Some amongst the crowd chuckled at her insult. Vaemond Velaryon being one of them.

"That isn't the point Aemma. What I am trying to find out is whether someone set you up for a trap."

"No." She replied with one simple word that stood for an entire sentence.

"So if Prince Aemond did not set you up that means, you acted on your own Aemma..." Rhaenyra was not asking, rather she was stating. " tried to harm my son and meant to kill him. This is a punishable offence and I would urge your Grace to—"

Sound of soft groans cut her off. Making the older Princess divert her attention to her lap. Everyone else followed, only to find the unconscious boy to be awakening.

"Luke..." Rhaenyra pulled her son closer.

In no time his senses returned and he looked around confused before managing to ask, "Where am I...? What happened...?"

"She pushed you down the stairs." His brother replied pointing a finger at his betrothed.

"Now that you're awake lad, why don't you tell us what happened?" The King encouraged.

"But I already told you grandsire, Aemma pushed him down the stairs because Luke wouldn't give her his eye."

It took a moment but Lucerys finally got a grasp of what situation they were in.

"It's not true! I didn't ask for his eye nor did I push him. He tripped." Aemma continued with her denial, foolishly. Forgetful about the fact that the main person in question is now awake and can debunk her claim.

And he could have! He really could have.

But instead, what he does is...

"She's telling the truth. I tripped." He defends her.

Now that flipped the situation entirely. People could no longer predict where this trial is headed. While some looked very impressed by the young man's ability to side with his betrothed. Others especially his own family appeared to be gravely disappointed.

The tension was thick, almost suffocating to the point one would think that the Hall of Nine had turned into a prison.

"Luke..." His brother trailed off in confusion and to some extent in disbelief. Not understanding why his little brother was defending the culprit that tried to harm him.

"Also, Aemma didn't demand I give my uncle an eye." Another lie. "She was simply expressing how hurt she has been for what I did to her brother."

"Stop lying Luke!" Jacaerys interjected.

"I'm not lying." He said to his brother and mother weakly before turning in the direction of the King. He tried to sit up but the maester prevented. "It's not Aemma's fault. She did nothing wrong. Please don't be upset with her grandsire."

The truth was almost buried, as the piles of lies got heavier. However, from the depths of this pool of lies one truth finally emerged. That is— Viserys made the right decision in choosing this boy for Aemma. Today, even after his daughter's horrible did towards him the boy woke up and defended her, showed his loyalty. Further cementing the father's theory that there could be none better suitor for his daughter than Lucerys Velaryon himself. Simultaneously, it also became clear how unfit and undeserving Aemma is of this boy.

Viserys closed his eyes tightly and bowed his head. He was both disappointed and ashamed, mixed with a conflict of doing what is right and the promise of his heart.

Therefore, taking into consideration the betterment of everyone, with a heavy heart he declared the end of Aemma Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon's betrothal.

Following the announcement came the heavy silence that no one dared to break but young Lucerys Velaryon.

"Please don't end our betrothal, grandsire." He pleaded. "I admit, it was all my fault. I hurt my uncle. And for that I am really very sorry." He tried to sit up again disobeying the maester's instructions just so that he could look at the person in the eye. His father, Ser Laenor understood and helped the boy. Which in turn earned him a glare from his wife.

Lucerys then turned to Aemond, who stood between his mother and grandsire. "Uncle, take whichever eye you please. I want to settle the debt."

"Luke!" His mother harshly whispered. But he ignored her.

Instantly all eyes turned to Aemond. Eagerly anticipating his response to his nephew's generous offer.

The one eyed boy looked at his mother, then his grandsire before ultimately focusing on the boy responsible for turning him half blind and now was offering him his own eye as peace treaty.

In his head Aemond counted his options.

Option one: he could accept his nephew's offer, then take out an eye of the boy who's half his age. And probably go down in history known as the Maegor The Cruel of his generation.

Option two: he could be the bigger person and refuse the bastard's generosity.

Now that he knows how little the bastard values his eyes, he no longer wants it. He wants what matters to the boy the most—

Aemond finally besets his gaze on his sister, seated on their father's lap biting her nails. Their mother's bad habit now passed on to her.

The betrothal maybe broken now, but Aemond is well aware by nightfall it will become unbroken again. Regardless, it hardly matters. Besides it would be so much more satisfactory to take the girl - the bastard likes so much, over his shit of an eye.

It was in that moment the scorned boy made up his mind...

He wants Aemma!

He wants her just as much as he wanted a dragon of his own.

But he's smart enough to not share it out loud. Just the way he did not share his plan to claim Vhagar. Because if he did, he wouldn't have had her today.

Similarly, if his father even caught a whiff of his intention, he would wed his sister to the bastard this instant and send her off to Dragonstone. Which is why he must keep his lips sealed and form an appropriate plan in his head.

"I don't want your eye. You can keep it nephew."

So Aemond choose the latter option; where he could be the bigger person and in return earned the respect of everyone, including his father.

Then, when the opportunity arise he will make Aemma his, just like he made Vhagar his.


The plan to return to King's Landing was put to hold for another day.

To make sure the damn day passes without stirring any further regrettable accidents; Queen Alicent Hightower took extra precaution. She put all her children back inside the assigned chamber and had Ser Criston Cole stationed outside to make sure none of them step outside or no one goes in.

The following morning, the group of blonde children marched to the section of the beach where their dragons resided.

Aegon led, his usual lackeys Aemma and Daeron following closely. A few steps behind them were Helaena, firmly holding onto Aemond. The bandage on his face has not yet been opened. It will be though after they reach King's Landing for the Grand-Maester to examine the condition of the wound.

Sunfyre and Dreamfyre were circling the area above water whilst Vhagar remained on the beach lounging lazily.

The group froze after reaching a certain point. Too scared to take another step towards the gigantic beast. Only Aemond kept moving. His eyes shining with joy and pride as he ran towards his dragon.

Sensing her new rider approaching Vhagar raised her head and greet him. Showing others how their bond have been strengthening with every passing moment and interaction between them.

Helaena watched in awe, proud of her brother's achievement. But Aegon, Daeron and Aemma all gulped simultaneously as they started at the massive dragon in disbelief.

Aegon was still coming to terms with the fact that the dragon-less twat, is now the rider of the largest dragon alive. Such twist of fate it was. Daeron was also proud of his big brother but a little scared at the same time. Never did he think one day his brother would be the rider of Vhagar. Aemma on the other hand did not share either of her brothers view. She was left quite unimpressed. As she found the old dragon to be nothing spectacular (appearance wise) like the other dragons she has seen so far. If anything, Vhagar looks more like a mountain. A part of her wondered was it really worth it for Aemond to lose an eye for something that looks so eyesore.

Soon as the other two dragons landed, Aegon and Helaena were trotting towards them. Aegon ordered Daeron to follow, since the latter rode with him on their way here. But the younger boy failed to hear his older brother's call, too focused on the new dragon who rejoined their family.

"Aemma..." Aemond called, as he ran over to her. "Come, ride with me."

The mentioned girl blinked, trying to process her one-eyed brother's offer. Eyeing his stretched arm, waiting for her to take. She looked at Daeron for suggestion, and he encouraged her to take it.

"Go Aemma, this way all of us can fly back home. It will be so much fun."

Aemma considered the idea. Daeron's right! All of them flying back home sounded fun. But then, she looked at the dragon she would have to mount... and he hesitated.

"Is it safe?"

"Absolutely not!" The three children turned hearing their mother's nearing voice. And found her and their grandsire striding toward them.

"Nobody is riding that thing today." The Queen declared firmly.

"I will ride Vhagar home, mother." Aemond put his foot down making his point very clear. And Vhagar growled behind him, as if she was in agreement with the rider.

"Not under your current condition Aemond, please, you're very weak." Alicent tried to reason but it was not enough to convince her son.

"I'm fine mother!" He shot back, beginning to get angry. "I will always have strength to ride Vhagar!"

"Let him ride his mount Alicent." Her father came in support of his grandson. "Let the lad bond with his lady friend."

Alicent closed her eyes in defeat. Wordlessly agreeing, but not without adding her own terms and conditions.

"Fine! But not alone, Daeron will stay with you." Then turning to her youngest boy, she instructed. "Make sure you hold him tightly."

"Understood mother." Daeron was already beaming at the prospect that he would be one of the first to ride Vhagar with Aemond.

"Aemma can come with us too." Aemond tried to take hold of his sister's wrist. But their mother grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back.

"Definitely not!" She said turning around on her heels and already walking away with her daughter. "Aemma is too young to go on rides. Your father will never agree. She will take the ship with us."




The same time as the ship sailed the dragons took to the sky.

Standing on the deck holding her mother's hand Aemma watches Dreamfyre and Sunfyre as they fly above. Then a shadow passes overhead, eclipsing everything in its path. The two dragons and the ship beneath them all were covered under Vhagar's large body.

"Mother look!" Aemma jerked her mother's arm pointing her to look above.

Alicent follows and with proud eyes she watches the three dragons around flying above their ship. Her two boys on Vhagar's back are the mere size of small insects.

"Which one of the dragon is your favourite mother?" Aemma asked curiously, keeping her own eyes glued on the golden coloured one.

"All of them are my favourite." Came her mother's reply. "Just the way I love all of you the same way."

But for someone who claimed all of them as her favourite, Alicent Hightower certainly has her eyes specifically set on Vhagar.

"That can't be true!" Aemma argued. "There must be one you find most beautiful and the one you think is the ugliest."

"Hmmm..." The woman thought about it for a moment but still couldn't bring herself to choose. So she ended up disappointing her daughter with her diplomatic answer. "I think they're all beautiful in their own ways."

"No, you're wrong. Sunfyre is the most beautiful one. And Vhagar is the ugliest. Look even her wings have holes."

"Aemma sshhh!" Alicent immediately crouched down and put a finger to her lips, asking her daughter to be quiet.

"Do not say these in front of Aemond. Otherwise, he will feed you to his dragon. Do you understand?" She warned, but in a lighthearted jesting manner.

Aemma bobbed her head. Then looked behind her mother as she noticed a familiar figure waiting. Alicent turned following her daughter's gaze, and to her dismay Larys Strong stood not too far, watching them with a creepy smile.

Uneasiness shook the Queen to her core.

Sighing, she called for her knight and handed him her daughter, instructing him to take her inside while she dealt with the Clubfoot.


The next couple moons after returning from Driftmark, passed quite peacefully. Settling everyone well into their lives.

Viserys has been spending his time between attending state affairs and in his chamber, where he spent in the company of his youngest child while working on the large replica of Old Valyria he spends his free time putting together.

Alicent always stays by Aemond's side, as he is still recuperating. Aegon is hardly in the Red Keep, most of his time are spent in the Street of Silks. Helaena keeps herself busy with her bugs and other times she assists her mother in taking care of Aemond. And Daeron's time has been divided between his lessons, training, and bonding with his dragon— who has began to fly but nearly not big enough to carry his rider.

However, as it have been proven over time, that peace is never long-lasting when Targaryens are involved. Therefore, the red Keep was once more shaken up when one morning raven arrived with the devastating news...

Ser Laenor Velaryon has died.

The King was heartbroken. None had expected the impact of the news to hit so hard on him. Interestingly though, many believed it had less to do with the unfortunate death of the young man and more to do with the fact that his eldest daughter is now a widow.

Viserys immediately began planning another trip to Driftmark. Even though his family was absolutely not in favour of the idea. Most of them have still not managed to get past the traumatic event. Aemond is still physically weak and under the constant observation of the maesters. Leaving his Queen not in the right mindset to step her foot back onto that accursed place. But Viserys wouldn't listen.

Fortunately for everyone, except the King, midway into planning the second Driftmark trip, he caught a fever and became even weaker. As a result of which, the maesters strongly advised him against another hectic journey. So the royal family did not partake in the funeral. Instead condolences were sent from the King, Queen and the Hand of the King.

And then, by the next moon came another raven. This time, from Dragonstone, bearing the disturbing news:

Princess Rhaenyra had wed her uncle, Prince Daemon.

The impression it made on the both the Prince and Princess's image was a negative one. People around put two and two together and reached their conclusion.

Quickly rumours began to spread as many were convinced that Ser Laenor death was no coincidence. He was murdered by the rouge Prince, by the order of his niece. As he sat as the only remaining obstacle between the two Targaryen.

The atmosphere grew dark after Viserys came to know about the marriage. He gave their union no blessing.

Everyone was surprised by the King's unrivalled, unmatched, unmeasured wrath. It was unlike anything the court had ever seen. No one had expected the ever willful-blind Viserys Targaryen to be this upset with his firstborn for marrying her uncle. Given, he made no objections when one after another her sons were born with the features of the Strong family.

It was reaching a point where his anger was beginning to take a toll on his ailing body. It came as no surprise, when, in that critical moment the only person who had managed to calm him down was his remaining Aemma.

From there she toppled over Princess Rhaenyra, blowing out her name like candle in the wind and acquired her long reigning position as the King's most beloved child.


A.N. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Not sure if you are surprised by the turnout of the events, but allow me to explain:

Aemma's actions: Jace's perspective as to what he was 100% the truth. Aemma thought she could hurt him a little and take his eyes out. But as Luke lay there unconscious Aemma neither knew how to take out his eye, let alone get him to open it. So she ran back to her brother.

Luke's action: now this boy has been getting trained to love and prioritize Aemma before all else. Naturally he began to like her a lot. And the situation thrown their way was one where he saw the opportunity to pick Aemma above all else. So not only he defended Aemma but to resolve the situation he apologized and gladly offered Aemond an eye.

Now Aemond's actions: He understood instantly what matters to Luke the most and that's precisely what he wants- Aemma. I'm sure if canon had situations like this he precisely would do the same. Plus what fun is there in taking something that's so easily offered (referring to Luke's eye.)

Anyway, now we're jumping into the main storyline. And no, next chapter isn't going to focus on the events of episode 8. The next few chapters will be all about the Green and them growing up. The events that will be covered are- Aemond's 13th birthday, Aegon and Helaena's wedding, The Baratheon girls, Aemma growing up, Daeron leaving for Old Town etc etc.

Although there maybe slight delay in the next update as I finally have to work my brain and figure out what sort of connection Aemma will have with the grown Aemond. clearly the Aemond before the accident and the grown up one are different people. Which means Aemma can't go on bullying him or looking down on him anymore. Once he evolves from the bullied kid to rider of the biggest dragon and becomes the best swordsman. But I'm sure it's going to be a difficult transition for her. — of course suggesting are welcome. If you have any ideas feel free to pitch in.

That would be all for now, see you all in next update.

Happy new year everyone.

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