By crownsmist

20.6K 851 665


๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ dead girl walking
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ the land of the living
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฎ someone take me home
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฏ the grave digging crew
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฑ i've got this anxious feeling
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฒ chaos rising
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿณ creatures of the night
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด virgin shamed
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿต where your loyalties lie
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฌ the rise and the fall
๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ invisible wounds

๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฐ back to normal

1.3K 56 27
By crownsmist

ミ☆ chapter four; back to normal
[ season 3, episode 1]


"Allison, did you invite us just so you could get out of that double date?" Jiayi questioned, visibly offended.

"It was not a date!" Lydia defended, her voice raising an octave. "It was a group thing."

The Argent arched a brow at her best friend, who had her eyes on the road. "Did they know that?"

Since Amara had reunited with her family, she had been practically forced to adjust back to her life and try to make up for the lost time.

She had reunited with Jia after a day or two after she return. She her best friend since she was young. Her parents weren't exactly aware of how close Jia and Amara were.

Jiayi came from a family of werewolf hunters, so, it only makes sense that they don't bond well with a family like Amara's, one that protects werewolves.

That didn't stop the two from becoming best friends, though. They had instantly connected in kindergarten when Jia lent Amara her purple colored pencil after Stiles Stilinski had accidentally stepped on hers. They became inseparable.

Despite their feuding families, they were able to remain friends, and both sides couldn't see why their children had to share the detestable feelings that they held for one another. That was their common ground.

Amara couldn't say the same for the Argents, though. Her last memory of them was when they had attacked Deucalion's pack and blinded the man permanently. Not long after, he convinced other packs to betray their betas and form a stronger group.

An Alpha Pack.

While Amara didn't like this, she blamed the Argents for it, since they were the ones to ambush the werewolves when all they wanted to do was coexist in peace. Not to mention the fact that it was Kate who started the fire that killed multiple people, even some who were innocent. The family was also to blame for the fire that killed her.

That's why it took so long for her to warm up to Allison Argent. Her name brought up bitter memories, ones that Amara never wanted to relive. It was a while before the Jheung girl could find it in herself to see that Allison wasn't like them. Same for her father. They had made it clear they were done hunting after all the loss they had to endure following Scott McCall's transition into a werewolf.

Jia's parents stopped being so active in that field as well after the fire. Innocents died, when in reality, the intention was to protect those who were innocent. It wasn't something they wanted to be apart of. They couldn't say the same for the rest of their family tree, as they were just as heartless as hunters like Gerard and Kate. That was something that would never change.

Jiayi still picked up on lessons from her parents, just in case a time ever came where it was necessary for her to utilize such lessons.

Amara had been informed about the Alpha Pack returning, along with the fact that Derek had two missing betas. She had been briefed on everything, but she was told not to tell anyone about any of the information that was given to her.

She didn't. She had bigger things to worry about, anyways. Like explaining where she had been for the past six years and somehow finding a way to get back to normal.

But she still knew that she wasn't human. Something had undoubtedly changed in her, and the brunette feared that one day, whatever was locked inside of her would emerge at the wrong time, and she'd cause irreparable damage. It was practically torture remaining in the dark of her own capabilities. She didn't have heightened senses, as far as she knew, and if she did, they certainly took their time on making an appearance.

But for now, she had school to worry about, and luckily, Lydia Martin, who had somehow gotten nicer, was one hell of a tutor. Amara knew she'd struggle in school, but it was a start, and it could've been a lot worse.

Currently, Amara, Allison, Jia, and Lydia were in a car, heading to the movies. It was originally supposed to be a double date that Lydia had set up for her and Allison, but the Argent invited the two so she could avoid putting herself back out there. It was likely because Scott and Allison were still reeling from their breakup.

Lydia eased into a stop when she approached a red light. "Okay, fine. It was a date. But it's not like it was an orgy."

Allison laughed breathily in response to her best friend's words.

Amara's jaw dropped slightly. "I can't believe we're second choices. That's hurtful."

"Please," Lydia teased, looking at her friend from the rear-view mirror. "Like you two actually had anything better to do."

Amara and Jia shared a look. Jia shrugged, "Fair."

"Oh, my gosh," Allison gasped suddenly, her head snapping away from Lydia's direction and onto the road. She continued to curse as the three girls turned to where her eyes had wandered to see a familiar blue jeep right next to their car. "I can't see him, not now."

The sight of Stiles waving cluelessly at the car made Jia scoff and roll her eyes in disbelief. In Amara's absence, the two had grown relatively close, along with Scott. She had been somewhat involved in their trio, but she drifted from them after Scott found out her family hunted his kind and Derek Hale pressured him to keep his distance. She remained close with Stiles, though. Jia trusted Stiles with her life, as he knew things that others didn't.

They were often mistaken as a couple, but whenever anyone would ask, Jiayi would gag dramatically for almost an entire minute while Stiles watched, unappreciative of her very unnecessary reaction. She had made it incredibly clear that she held no interest for the boy, even though he had crushed on her for about a month before realizing that all they'd ever be was friends.

"Lydia, go," Allison pleaded, slapping a hand over her eyes out of embarrassment. "Just go!"

"But the light," the strawberry-blonde haired girl protested, watching the light closely and anticipating the moment the color changed.

Amara sighed. The event unfolding before her was hard to watch. "Nobody's even here. Just drive."

Lydia still seemed uncertain until Stiles rolled his window down to speak. The girl stepped on the gas without hesitation. Once they were past the two boys, Allison sighed in relief, still watching the rear-view.

"You alright?" Lydia questioned, her voice laced with concern. Allison nodded in response.

Mars and Jia stared into the window behind them, waiting to see what the boys planned to do. When they came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the road, Jia's eyes narrowed. "They just stopped...for no reason."

"Okay." Allison turned to the back of their car for confirmation. "Lydia, stop. We need to back and talk to them."

"Uh," Jia chuckled, her eyes switching between the ladies in the front seat. "Or, we could go see that movie."

"I second that," Amara agreed, willing to say anything to escape the awkward mess she found herself in.

Lydia ended up stopping. She placed her car in park, turning away from the road so she could look to the back of the vehicle along with Allison, waiting to see if they'd do something first.

"Why would they stop?" Allison furrowed her eyebrows.

Lydia exhaled. "It's Stiles and Scott. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?"

The Argent pursed her lips. "Maybe we should go bac-"

Screams echoed throughout the vehicle when something crashed right into the windshield, rocking the entire car violently. Glass shards scattered everywhere, and despite the prickly feeling, the girls piled out of the car, shaken up.

Scott and Stiles had ran over to the group in no time. Stiles checked on Lydia and Jia, while Scott made sure Amara and Allison were unharmed.

"It came out of nowhere," Lydia cried. "It ran right into us."

Scott was understandably more concerned with Allison's wellbeing, but Amara wasn't upset about it. She muttered a few words of reassurance to Scott, letting him know she was fine, but Allison seemed to be a lot more affected than she did.

After a few seconds, Allison nodded at her ex-boyfriend. "I'm okay."

"Well, I'm not okay!" Lydia said, attempting to catch her breath. "I am totally freaking out! How the hell does it just run into us?"

Scott reluctantly made his way towards the front of the car, trying to get any sort of explanation as to why a deer had ended its own life. Lydia stared into the distance. "I saw its eyes right before it hit us. It was like it-" She paused, conjuring the right words. "It was like it was crazy."

"No, it was scared," Scott corrected, using his senses to pick up a scent. He placed his hand on the deer to get a better understanding. "Actually, terrified."

Amara swallowed thickly. "Of what?"

Scott looked at the full moon behind him before staring back at the group. "I don't know."


"I'm fine, I swear," Amara told her parents for the thousandth time, staring into the mirror as she straightened her jacket. "Well, as fine as one can be when their first day of high school is junior year."

"At least we're starting high school together," Jada said, which seemed to be an insult, but truthfully, it was a way to calm her own nerves.

"You were always the smartest in your classes," Michelle complimented, noticing her daughter's face falling. "You'll catch up just fine."

"I doubt that," Amara replied. She believed she'd pass just barely for most of her classes, excluding English. She had always excelled in that subject and judging by Lydia's tutoring sessions, that was something that didn't change.

The sound of the front door opening let Amara know that her dad was ready to drop them off at school. She would've much preferred to drive to school like most kids her age were doing, but that wouldn't be for another year most likely. She couldn't get her license yet and could only hold on to a permit that made her feel like a Freshman.

Amara picked up a piece of bacon from her mom's plate, earning a look from her. An apologetic smile flashed across her features before disappearing out of the door to catch up to Jada, who had already started walking towards the car.

The sun was annoyingly bright that day. However, Amara did enjoy the feeling of warmth it brought to her skin. Her eyes went up, gazing at the source of the heat, the blazing sun.

Jada's eyebrows lowered, watching her sister. "What are you staring at?"

Amara kept her eyes on the sun, tilting her head in confusion after a few seconds. "The sun. My eyes don't burn."

Jada looked up at the sun momentarily, her orbs flickering back down to the ground when she felt the burn of looking directly at it. Her nose scrunched up as she eyed her sister, who was still staring at the sun as if she was waiting to go blind.

"Weird," Amara muttered, her leg raising to lift herself onto the passenger seat.

For the entire car ride, it was quiet. The silence was loud, making it unbearable for all three people seated in the vehicle. Amara's leg was bouncing due to none other than anxiety.

Her return had caused quite the stir in Beacon Hills. The mysterious animal attacks were one thing, but a girl returning from the dead after six years? That was new.

To make matters worse, no official explanation came out. If it had, it would've been a lie. But, staying silent was Amara's choice, as she had hoped it would calm the whirlwind of rumors. All it did was add more fuel to the fire.

In a way, she was popular before the first day of school had even began. It just wasn't in the way she had planned. Her parents had offered to give her maybe an extra week off school multiple times, but missing anymore days was something the girl could not risk.

Jintao stopped at the curb of the school. Once he entered park, he turned to his two daughters.

"If anything goes South, call me or your mom," He instructed. The concern was evident in his eyes. Not that he could be blamed. He had no idea why his daughter was back, and he feared that whatever brought her back had the intention of taking her again. Maybe even Jada.

"I can promise you that the grim reaper won't come looking for souls in the middle of school, appa," Amara replied, hoping to cease her father's nerves.

"I know." he shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner's of his lips. "I'm just worried."

"We have two werewolves at this school, and probably more," Amara reassured him.

Jada raised a finger. "And a Stiles."

The older sister pointed with her index at Jada in agreement. "We'll be okay."

no isaac content mb yall 🙁

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