Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-San:...

By campbelljimmy55

3.7K 125 115

Nishikata confesses his feeling to Takagi but things don't work out because she thinks his confession is a jo... More



107 4 1
By campbelljimmy55

(I haven't done much writing in a while and my writing ability has gone kind of bad, but I'm trying to get back into it now so if this chapter is bad, I'm sorry. I also don't remember too much about this story at the moment.)

Previously: Sanae told both Yukari and Nishikata that she was pregnant

Takagi blackmails Sanae that she will show the whole school the pictures of them so that she can have sex with Nishikata

Sanae returned to Nishikata with her fists balled and a lot of anger boiling inside her "Y-Yuki there is a problem, a REALLY big problem."

"What's wrong?! Did Takagi do something? If she hurt you-" Sanae puts a hand on his shoulder and looks down.

"She...  She is threatening to show those photos of us together to the entire school if I don't let you have sex with her."

"What?! S-She can't do that! What is wrong with her!" Nishikata was looking like he was going to scream.

"We need to do something about her because I am not allowing either of those outcomes to happen. So we should think of a plan to deal with her."

"What if we stole her phone so she can't use the photos?" Nishikata suggested, already having a small plan.

"How exactly would we get to it to do that?"

"Well, We pretend to accept her deal and when she is tricked we get the phone? That's all I've really got."

"It works I suppose but what if she hurts you?"

"I have a feeling she wouldn't do that, but I don't know for certain so you should come with me just in case because I refuse to be alone with her. I don't even want her near me."

The 2 nodded at each other and spent the rest of the school day together and hanging with Yukari and Mina.


Nishikata, Sanae, Yukari and Mina were all walking home together and Sanae grabbed Nishikata's arm and started walking in the other direction. "Sorry guys, we have to go this way so we'll see you both tomorrow." She waved at them and the 4 separated.

"Okay let's make sure we're ready for this, We go to her house and you pretend to accept her deal, I'll sneak in behind and steal her phone and when I do you and I will run the fuck out. That work?"

Nishikata thought "Yeah it works, let's go."

The 2 approaches Takagi's house and Nishikata rang the doorbell and she answered almost immediately.

"Nishikata! You came!" She acted all 'Happy Happy' around him like she hadn't done anything and even tried to hug him. Nishikata took all his effort to not just shove her away in disgust but was able to fight through it before she grabs his hand and pulls him into her house.

Sanae snuck in behind and saw her pulling him into her bedroom.

"Okay Nishi~ Come here~" She grabs his face and starts kissing him. Nishikata didn't kiss back which Takagi hated. "TONGUE NOW!" Nishikata shook his head at her. "Don't shout at me!"

Sanae could be seen creeping into the bedroom behind Takagi which Nishikata saw. He knew Takagi catching her would be bad so he tries to distract her.

"I'll shout at you if I want! Now GIVE. ME. YOUR. FUCKING. TONGUE!" She grabs him by the chin and pulls him into a hard kiss and pushed her tongue into his mouth, Nishikata wanted to throw up but gave her what she wanted, since it would end sooner if he did.

Sanae got the phone undetected and signals at Nishikata to get out of there. That's when he noticed a flaw in their plan, How the fuck would he actually leave now?

Sanae had already gotten out of the room and was waiting for Nishikata outside Takagi's house. Nishikata was still inside and Takagi was done kissing him and tried pushing him onto the bed.

 "G-Get off me! I'm not doing this!" He tried shouting at her, which made Takagi slap him across the face. 

"Don't you dare! You are already here and don't forget what I'll do if you refuse. Now take off your pants!"

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" He tries shoving her away, knocking her to the ground and ran past only for her to grab his legs and pull him to the ground too.

"You're not leaving- AF!" He kicked her in the face and got himself back up and ran out of her bedroom and she chased him out.

"NISHIKATA! COME BACK HERE!" He made it out to where Sanae was. "QUICK! We need to go no- HMF!"

Takagi grabbed him from behind and held him tightly with her hand over his mouth.

"Let him go you crazy bitch!" Sanae screamed at her and was ready to fight her.

"Is that my phone? You stole my phone?!" Takagi had seen Sanae holding it in her hand.

"Fine, I see how it is so I'll give you some options, Hand over my phone and I'll let go of Nishikata or else."

Sanae growled at her. "Or else what?! Let him go!" She took a step towards her and Takagi took a step back.

"Do I really have to answer that?" She tightens her grip on Nishikata as he tried to fight her off but was unsuccessful.

"Phone now!" Takagi said in the most threatening voice she had. Sanae gave in and hand the phone over and Takagi threw Nishikata into Sanae. "Now you both decided not to listen and will suffer the consequences, See you at school tomorrow."

She walks back into her house and slams the door shut, Nishikata and Sanae started walking away from her house. "Oh, this is bad." Nishikata said, "This is very very bad... SHE'S GOING TO SHOW EVERYONE!" He started panicking a small amount.

"C-Calm down I think she could have just been threatening us right? Because if she actually did that she'd have no power over us? and couldn't blackmail us into letting her do anything right?"

"I hope that's the case... If not..."

The two of them went to their own houses and into their bedrooms to think about this all, both were very angry at Takagi.

The next day

Nishikata, Sanae, Mina and Yukari were walking together to the school and as they made it through the gates everyone was silent and staring at the group, whispering to each other.

"What's with all of them?" Mina asked after noticing them

"I don't know, weird," Yukari commented and the 4 walked into the school building and went to their shoe lockers were Nishikata found a note in his locker.


Nishikata stares at the note for a few seconds, not even realising what it meant.

"No... No no no... FUCK!"

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