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previously: Sanae scold Takagi for how she treas Nishikata and tells her to leave him alone

Nishikata changes his seat so that he is sat with Yukari, Mina and Sanae instead Takagi

Yukari catches Sanae staring at Nishikata and Sanae confesses to her that she likes Nishikata a littles

Nishikata was ready to walk to school and meet Yukari, Sanae and Mina at the school but he suddenly got a text from Sanae

hey, Nishikata want to walk to school together? Mina and Yukari are already there and i want t walk with you

he texted her back:

sure where do you wanna meet?

she texted him back saying that she would be by his house in a few minutes so they could walk together

after a few minutes, Sanae had arrived at Nishikata's house and they began walking to school together and Sanae continued to stare at him in secret without him noticing and she wanted to hold his hand again

"hey Nishikata do you want to hold my hand again?" she asked holding her hand out

"N-no it's fine you don't have to hold my hand," he told her

"But I want to hold your hand," she said under her breath but louder than she expected

"W-wait, you want to hold my hand? why?" he questioned her

"D-did I say that out loud? I-I didn't mean it like that" her face started turning red


"L-lets just finish walking to school, but can we still hold hands?" she held her hand out towards him again

"o-ok then" he grabbed her hand and they walked to school together holding hands again

they finished walking to school, stopped holding hands before anyone saw and met up with Yukari and Mina at school and began talking to them

"Hey Yukari can I talk to private for a second?" asked Sanae

"sure" they both walked to somewhere to talk in private leaving Nishikata with Mina

"What do you want to talk about Sanae?" she asked

"do you think I should ask Nishikata on a date?" she asked her face turning red

"oh my god yes you definitely should tell him about your feelings and ask him on a date I'm sure he'll say yes," she told her

"ok thanks" they both walked back Nishikata and Mina and Sanae aked Nishikata to talk to her in private 

they both walked to somewhere private to talk to each other and so Sanae could tell Nishikata she likes him

"Hey Sanae what did you want to talk to me about?" asked Nishiktata

Sanae started blushing as she got ready to tell him about her feelings

"N-Nishikata I- umm" her face turned redder 

"What's wrong?"

"umm, this is hard to say, but I-"

he looked at her confused not knowing what she wanted to say

"Nishikata I... I like y-you" she said hiding her face

Nishikata began blushing too and he didn't know what to say

"D-do you like me back?" she asked

"Um I-" he tried hiding his blush

Sanae looks at him worried she will be rejected but-

"I like you too Sanae" he smiled gently



Sanae hugged him while showing a small smile on her face and Nishikata hugged back, meanwhile, Takagi was spying on them and was filled with jealousy and wanted Nishikata to be her girlfriend instead of Sanae 'that should be me! I wish I hadn't turned him down, if I didn't he would have been mine, NO! he will be mine I know a part of him still loves me' she kept spying on them but was stopped when she was almost spotted by them so she ran in the other direction so that she wouldn't be seen

suddenly Sanae asks Nishikata a surprising question

"hey, Nishikata can we kiss?" she asked hiding a blush

"W-what? umm, s-sure" he blushed

hearing his answer Sanae pulled him into a gentle kiss and he gently kissed her back and then  suddenly they heard a 'CLICK'  sound and they stopped kissing and saw Yukari holding her phone and taking a picture of the kissing couple

"h-hey!" shouted both Nishikata and Sanae in unison

"so are you guys dating now or what?" asked Yukari

"you guys did just kiss," said Mina

Nishikata and Sanae both started blushing again but did say that they were dating and Yukari and Mina loved the idea of them being together and them dating


Nishikata was at his house he got a text from Sanae

hey Nishikata

he texted her back:

Hey Sanae

she texted him back:

how are you feeling? also, what's it like being my boyfriend?

he texted her back:

I'm feeling okay and it's good being your boyfriend, what's it like being my girlfriend?

she texted him back:

I love being your girlfriend and I love you

 he texted her back:

I love you too

they continued talking for a while and it eventually got late and they had to go to sleep and they stopped texting and got ready to sleep

while Sanae was lying in her bed she was thinking about Nishikata and Takagi's friendship, she knew he didn't like Takagi anymore but was still worried about them being together since she didn't want Takagi near him, after thinking about it for a while she eventually went to sleep

Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-San: rejectionWhere stories live. Discover now