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previously: Nishikata, Sanae, Mina and Yukari play truth or dare again

the first dare causes Nishikata to undress in front of the girls

the 2nd dare causes Yukari and Nishikata to kiss again, and Yukari used her tongue to kiss him

Sanae asked Nishikata if he ever wanted to 'get physical' with her and he answers with yes

Sanae and Nishikata share a bed together

Yukari realises that she is in love with Nishikata

Sanae was the first person to wake up, she opened her eyes and saw Nishikata sleeping in front of her and she blushed

'Cute, I love Nishikata so much'

she smiled and hugged him and he woke up

"Morning Nishikata"

"M-Morning Sanae"

Sanae leaned towards him and kisses him again and he kisses back

"I love you, Yuki"

Nishikata turned bright red he heard her use his first name

(since his first name hasn't been revealed I just imagine it is Yuki)

"d-did you just call me by my first name?"

"yes, of course I did, You're my boyfriend t-thats not a problem is it?"

"n-no you're just the first person to call me by my first name"

"did you and Takagi never use each others first names?

"No we didn't, let's get up now"

he got out the bed and picked up his change of clothes and stepped outside the room so he could change

Sanae waited in the room and Mina and Yukari woke up soon after

"hey where's Nishikata?" asked Mina

"Yuki stepped outside to change into his clothes"

"Yuki? are you calling him by his first name?"

"yes I am, he told me I was the first person who called him that, I love him so much"

"hey do you mind if Mina and I talk in private?"

"Umm? sure I'll step outside"

Sanae stepped outside the room where Nishikata was still changing, but luckily he was wearing his pants when the door was opened

"What did you want to talk about Yukari?" asked Mina

"I think I'm in love with Nishikata"


"H-Hey, keep your volume down I don't want them to hear, I think the game of truth or dare had an impact on it, I wonder why those cards were pulled yesterday"

"Those cards were pulled because I kinda rigged the deck so that all those cards were at the top and would get pulled first"

"oh, that was your doing?"

"forget about the cards right now, you are in love with Nishikata?"

"Y-Yes I know that it wrong, Sanae is his girlfriend and now she calls him by his first name meaning they are becoming closer with each other"

"listen, You can't be in love with him, try and ignore you're feelings for him"

Yukari nodded and told Sanae that she could come back in now, Nishikata had changed his clothes but waited outside so Sanae, Mina and Yukari could change too

Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-San: rejectionWhere stories live. Discover now