transformers prime helluva bo...

By CJandxenaXenomorph

14.1K 125 102

this is a crossover between transformers prime and helluva boss featuring my OC'S when stolas sends two I.M... More

⚠️read first⚠️
chapter 1: the fugitive
chapter 2: robots!?!
chapter 3: meet team prime
chapter 4: suspicion
chapter 5: now everyone knows
chapter 6: Ratchet vs goetia magic
chapter 7: the demon beast hunters
chapter 8: keeping secrets
chapter 9: hatching
chapter 10: captive
chapter 11: Cash Buckzo
chapter 12: Ultra Magnus and Barbie wire
chapter 14: the lie
chapter 15: the cherubs return
chapter 16: the past
chapter 17: haunted by the past
chapter 18: a single pale con
chapter 19: falling apart
chapter 20: the plot thickens
chapter 21: Alastor's Game
chapter 22: the wrath ring
chapter 23: gone too far
chapter 24: familiar
chapter 25: the demon Cybertronian alliance
chapter 26: backstabbing liar
chapter 27: the prophecy
chapter 28: the battle
chapter 29: the endgame.
chapter 30: restoration
what happens next

chapter 13: It's not spring but it's broken

301 3 1
By CJandxenaXenomorph

(I was thinking of the helluva boss episode spring broken and when I was writing this chapter)

Stolas was introducing his newly hatched daughter Azalea while Octavia was holding Spiroz and Vintzo until Optimus and Smokescreen drove in from a portal to hell and Blitz and Caddy came out and then Loona came out very pissed off at Blitz.

Caddy: I can't believe you actually made that bet!

Ratchet: what happened?

Loona: Blitz betted off Optimus and Smokescreen.

Ultra Magnus: what!?!

The scene then cuts to a flashback to an Ally in hell and Optimus and Smokescreen were in their vehicle modes while Blitz was practicing on disassembling and reassembling a rifle in about 15 seconds until a fancy pick car with a license plate that said suck-4-life drove in almost hitting Blitz.

Blitz: Oh not a kid You suck for life Don't you You again bitch!

Verosica: Blitzo

Smokescreen: *whispers* wow who is that?

Loona: that's Verosica mayday.

Optimus prime: who?

Caddy: *whispers* Verosica mayday she's a pop star and Blitz's ex.

Smokescreen: HE DATED A SUPERSTAR!!!

Loona: be quiet.

Verosica and Blitz were fighting each other until Verosica mayday notices Optimus and Smokescreen in their vehicle modes.

Verosica: I bet you can't kill more people than I can fuck in one day for those two cars.

Blitz: deal.

Caddy: BLITZ NO!!!!!!

The scene cuts back to the present and everyone just staring at Blitz.


Miko: Verosica mayday is a succubus?

Blitz: Yes and in addition to her being a succubus she is also... my ex.

Everyone just stared in a few minutes of silence and then freaked the freak out after they processed the fact that Blitz dated Verosica mayday.

Raf: what the heck?

Jack: you dated Verosica mayday!

Blitz: yes

Felicity: The Verosica Mayday!

Blitz: why is everyone acting like that's such a shock?

Bulkhead: hello? it's Verosica Mayday

Arcee: It's you.

Bumblebee: It's because no one can see you dating verasica Mayday

Ratchet: It's just is she blind?... Suffering from some severe form of brain damage?

Blitz: okay everyone's making this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be I don't pry into your stupid personal live's.

Ultra Magnus: You do that.

Smokescreen: all the time.

Circuitjack: You do it too much.

Blitz: plus I don't like to talk about it.

Stolas: Blitzy You don't have any more feelings for her now do you?

Blitz: unless you you count calling her a drunken whore.

Agent Fowler: besides all that ratchet pinpoint a predacon bone and it turns out to be underneath the stage at a Verosica mayday concert

Blitz: Oh fuck that just makes shit worse!

At the concert

Loona and Caddy were in their human disguises luring victims they were paid to kill away from the public while Circuitjack, Arcee and Smokescreen we're just watching.

Octavia: Where's the taxidermy store?

Circuitjack: What are you doing here?

Octavia: me Jack, Felicity and Raf were trying to prevent Miko from doing anything stupid and also that's a wee taxidermy store or nearby

Felicity: what's with you and taxidermy!?!

Octavia: I like it.

Blitz and the others were waiting for Loona and Caddy to bring their victims on a roof

Loona sees her target humans outlined in red in her vision. Loona smirks and strolls over to a tall man wearing sunglasses. She moves a finger towards his chest Then give him a flirtatious grin. She motions behind and to a private ally way and leans towards a wall. The man reaches out to grab her in lust but is shot in the head by Blitz spying on the roof. He gives Loona a thumbs up.

Caddy lures a woman with a flirtatious smile. Leading her into the back of the alleyway, the woman tried to pounce on her but was quickly stabbed by Millie.

A blonde man runs to Loona in an ally way with a hungry lustful look on his face But was caught in a noose by Blitz.

A brown hair man leans in to kiss Caddy but Millie knocks him off the room with a kick. The man falls into a dumpster that Millie slammed shut.

A fat man walks down the sidewalk and a flower pot smashes into his head.

Blitz kills a woman with a knife, Millie kills a white haired woman with a spiked baseball bat, and another woman gets shot in her head.

Caddy lures two people into an alleyway and ever so slightly slits both their throats and rips both of their jawbones off at the same time. The game puts the bodies in blood stained dark trash bags closing them.

In the background Millie jumps on another body while Arcee, Circuitjack and Smokescreen watch meanwhile Octavia, Jack Raf and Miko were at a taxidermy store.

Blitz: That's 19 kills in the bag!

Arcee: Great you have 19 kills now we need is the predacon bone underneath that stage.

Blitz: I know cee but I to see that waily snatch orgasm that many---

Verosica appears in her human disguise. On the stage.

Verosica: alright everyone! Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some BITCHIN' BAD CHOICES!?!

The audience cheers in a fanboy rips his shirt off and has Verosica mayday's name written in his chest.

Fan boy: Verosica!!

Verosica: this is your final boarding call. All aboard.

Verosica sings "Vacay to Bonetown". "Fuck you Blitzo" appears on the screens. Blitz growls like rabid animal, literally foaming at the mouth as well as Caddy.

Caddy: that bitch!!!

Verosica:🎵 pack your bags. Sun's out. Take a vacay, babe. Take it straight to bone town.🎵

The other humans make out with others around them. Kiss, hug, grind on each other a disguise succubus a part of Verosica's crew shows a human a popsicle with semen-like saliva on it as several other succubi and incubi grin and sneak up on the humans as Verosica keeps singing.

Verosica: *off screen* 🎵 V-time, free time, baby relax. Self-care, no hair, Brazilian wax. Horny up succu-bus to the beach. Catch some rays while catching some D.🎵

Arcee, Circuitjack and Smokescreen were watching them from an alleyway

Smokescreen: how famous is she?

Circuitjack: clearly famous AF.

Arcee: let's not talk about this hopefully Blitz has his ear Peace in *turns on comm link*. Blitz don't get distracted.

Blitz: *turns on ear piece* god DAMNIT! I can't Arcee that bitch started her goadish mating call we can't get to the predacon bone through all these sex maniacs and we got to pick things up if we don't want Optimus and Smokescreen to be at her orgy parties. Is he on the list Loonie?

Loona: huh yeah I- I think so?

Loona Then walks towards Verosica's hellhound Vortex and Caddy follows her Make sure she stays on the job.

Blitz: good

Blonde idiot: what are you a leprechaun?

Blitz: pretty cool isn't it *cuts the man in half* But you sure shit ain't going to tell nobody All right next one Loonie Wait where--...?

Blitz then sees that Loona and Caddy are nowhere in sight and he panics.

Blitz: wha-- wha-- wh-- *distraught with tears in his eyes* WHERE IS MY BABYYYYYY!?!

Millie: look!

Millie points to Loona and Caddy walking towards Vortex and Blitz's fatherly dread turns immediately into seething anger and Smokescreen also sees it and immediately gets jealous.

Verosica: now who wants a piece of this?!

Verosica mayday then tosses her Beezlejuice bottle and it falls into a nearby alleyway and a stray Chihuahua finds it and drinks the Beezlejuice and rapidly grows into a monster it looks more demonic by the second.

Loona starts an awkward conversation with vortex and Smokescreen watches and gets even more jealous than he transformed into his vehicle mode and drove behind Loona, Caddy and Vortex and started honking his horn

Vortex: is this the car my boss made the bet on.

Loona: yeah it's mine sorry if that makes things weird.

Vortex: her beef still ain't mine I'm still not paid enough to care.

Smokescreen sees Loona blushing at Vortex makes him more jealous and he almost runs Vortex over and Loona got inside the car and forced Smokescreen to drive away. Once they were with Arcee and Circuitjack Loona got out of the car and Smokescreen transformed into his robot mode.

Arcee: Smokescreen what were you thinking?

Circuitjack: clearly he wasn't because he was being jealous.

Loona: Smokescreen this is no time to get jealous

Smokescreen: I just wanted to see what was so important that you'd be distracted from your job of keeping me on the team!

Caddy: yeah Loona and last time I checked Smokescreen is your guardian You imbecile.

Loona: What I can't take a break for like 5 seconds.


Smokescreen: yeah Loona, and since we hang out together I thought you would care to some extent.

Loona: fuck, Smokescreen why can't you stay out of my face for like five minutes?!

Smokescreen: because I'm your guardian and that should mean something!

Loona: Oh, What does it matter?! It's only Optimus's order!

Smokescreen: it still counts!

Loona: Well, it shouldn't! I didn't need you then ASSHOLE!!! I don't now!

Smokescreen: enjoy your break Loona I'm gonna go be emotional.

The scene then cuts to Octavia and the other kids coming out of the taxidermy store with Octavia holding a bag full of taxidermy. And walked back to The place where Arcee and Circuitjack were hiding and where Smokescreen was being emotional. Millie came by holding a very drunken Moxxie.

The giant Godzilla sized Chihuahua monster appears

(I give credit to the artist I found this on Pinterest)

And it crushes a relaxing human, spreading blood everywhere. The human scream and run away blitz sees everything After strangling a man and the other Autobots drove out in their vehicle modes and the demon dog used it elongated tongue and grabbed Smokescreen in his vehicle mode and Moxxie and ate them both

Millie stabbed the monster dogs tail and then climbed on the beast runs up on its back climbs in an opens it's jaw to see Smokescreen stuck at its throat and Moxxie punching its uvula. She reaches out her hand forward towards Moxxie, who briefly gives a high five until Millie grabs a hold of him and slices the dogs tongue freeing Moxxie

Smokescreen transformed into his vehicle mode and Millie sliced the monster dogs throat and got in the car and Smokescreen drove out of the slit of the mutts throat.

Smokescreen and Millie safely landed on the ground and drove to Blitz and Moxxie. Loona was relieved to see that Smokescreen was alright. While Octavia and the other kids we're just lying on the ground pretending to be dead bodies

Verosica: Blitzo

Blitz: Oh, perfect. That must be the whores!

Verosica: that was handled rather ... Obvious... Don't you think

Millie: I don't think this belongs to any of us.

Millie then tosses the flask back to Verosica and Verosica gave it to another succubus.

Millie: would be a shame if anyone would find out you were behind a giant monster dog in the human world

Moxxie: Oh Satan you're gonna be so FUCKED!

Verosica: yeah, well... you three nast ass gremlins will be in shit for not being in disguises.

Moxxie: *face plants* a human called me a possum. I am not a *face plants* possum.

While Blitz what's negotiating with Verosica to let them keep the cars Caddy was in the middle of retrieving the predacon bone from underneath the stage.

Caddy: I got it and wow if I had a nickel for every time we won the bet because an animal was mutated by Beezlejuice I'd have like two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened two times.

At the nemesis

Wheelie felt tortured being Stella's servant and went to Striker and Predaking to try to forget about all the things Stella ordered him to do

Wheelie: I hate it so much.

Striker: why is he with us?

Predaking: because every time we leave him he follows us.

Wheelie: it has been a literal hell serving that bird so those fuck shits wouldn't kill me But now I want that I want death.

Wheelie then went on an entire rant for hours on how horrible it is being Stella's servant

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