My Undercover Life | ✓

By angellover254

1.7M 65.5K 16.3K

(The third installment in the 'My Life' series. Can be read alone.) Being the face of the Ace's fortune and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (NoMorebullying)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Did you know? (Extra)

Chapter 31

21.8K 1.2K 233
By angellover254

"Avery—earth to Avery!" a voice shouted, mildly familiar before I looked up to see Ashleigh standing in front of me waving a plate of sushi in her hand. My lids blinked rapidly in surprise seeing everyone already digging into their plate of California Rolls. Since when did the sushi get here?

Her eyebrows dipped down in confusion, while I continued to stare at her blankly. "What's wrong?" she asked a second later.

I smiled nervously. "Nothing's wrong."

Her eyes made their way towards the direction of the TV before looking at me. "You'd been staring at that TV since I got here," she pointed out. "Is it about the killings?"

"Kind of," I admitted, fidgeting with my hands. "I'm just worried, that's all."

She smiled in understanding. Taking the empty seat next to her brother, she gave me my plate. "Don't worry about it. You're nothing like the past victims!"

"Yeah," Ian jumped in. "If anything you're like the total opposite!"

Ashleigh nodded in agreement. "If anyone has anything to worry about it's me."

My eyes rounded, before everyone at the table dropped their chopsticks simultaneously as they turned their heads at her. "Excuse me?" I exclaimed, causing some curious looks from the nearby tables.

She paused mid-bite, before mumbling some incoherent words. Blushing slightly, she gulped down some of her water, chewing her food quickly, before looking at us. "Um, yeah?"

"What did you mean when you said, "if anyone has anything to worry about it's me."?"

"I have the same birthday as the past victims," she announced suddenly, causing Ian to drop what he was eating. He pulled her into his arms before shaking her body wildly; that crazed look back on his face.

"What the hell Ash?!" he roared shocking everyone at the table by his complete attitude change. Even though I already saw this side of Ian before, witnessing it up close was different. He seemed so unlike himself. Even his once blue eyes were a dark misty black.

"Why didn't you tell me you had the same birthday as them?!"

She shrugged, completely unfazed by his reaction. "I thought you knew."

"Like I fucking keep up with current events," he shouted, earning a gasp from Annemarie. She looked completely stunned. "You could be killed Ash!"

"No, I won't."

"Why the hell are you so confident?! Shouldn't you be scared or something? Any normal girl would!"

"Because the killer's next victims lives in Pennsylvania. He already made his mark in New York. Plus tons of girls have the same birthday—"

"—You idiot!" Ian cut her off. "Annemarie just said that wasn't true!"

Her eyes widened dramatically, before her body fell limp. "W-what?" Her voice came out barely above a whisper.

"Annemarie said all the victims went to a public high school, just fifteen minutes away from a big Prep school. Pennsylvania doesn't have any big Prep school!"


"—I can't believe you didn't tell me about this! What if he does get you? You can't fucking leave me alone like Mom and Dad did!" he cried, his eyes pooling with tears. He looked completely broken as he clenched his teeth to stifle the amount of tears, threatening to spill.

"Ian." Her eyes seemed determined. "I'm not going to leave you."

"How would you know that?" he shouted frantically. "They promise they would always protect me! But did they? No!" His voice screeched, before he stood up abruptly. "They didn't have a fucking choice, and you won't either!" he yelled, before shoving his seat aside. The chair landed on the ground with a loud bang, before Ian ran off, shoving people out of his way.

"Ian!" Ashleigh shouted, chasing after him. "Wait!"

I sat still, shell-shocked at the events that just took place. What the hell just happened? Was Ashleigh really a target? She couldn't be, right? And what did Ian mean when he said they had no choice? Did his parents die or something? Was that the reason why he's like this? Annemarie suddenly started laughing awkwardly, trying to fill up the silence. "Well that was—um something."

"Yeah," Asher agreed, his nervousness now gone. Did Ian really affect him that much? "I didn't think Ian was capable of cursing."

"Me either!" Annemarie shouted. "It surprised the crap out of me. And did you see his eyes?!" Annemarie let out a shiver, as her body shook with fear.

Asher nodded. "His blue eyes pretty much turned pitch black with anger!"

"I know!" she agreed. "I still can't believe he's still hung over that!" My ears perked up hearing that.

"Hung over what?"

"Well . . ." Annemarie started off slowly, glancing at the people around us before she motioned me to lean forward. Cupping her hand above my ear, she whispered, "You didn't hear it from me, but his parents were killed when he was only six years old."

"Wh—!?" The end of my sentence got cut off when she covered my mouth with her hand, shushing me.

"Quiet," she whispered in alarm, "it's suppose to be a secret!"

I nodded, as she lowered her hand, dropping it to her sides. "If it's suppose to be a secret, how did you find out about it?"

"I found out through my dad," she told me. "They were working on their case for a really long time, before the case went cold."

"So, to this day they still don't have any leads?"

She shook her head sadly. "No. They didn't even find the bodies. It was like they disappeared into thin air."

"No wonder why Ian's like this . . ." I mumbled under my breath. Maybe I can get my cousins to bring the case up again. He really need some closure.

"You know," Annemarie started saying, "It always amazed me how happy and cheery he was at school, but now I know he really wasn't. Seeing this side of him today, made me think. How much exactly is he hurting?"

"I don't want him hurting, Anne!" Asher cried, tugging at her arm. "What can I do to help him feel better?"

"I don't know Asher," she said, before forcing herself to smile when she saw the smile being wiped off. "Maybe you could bake him some of your world famous cookies?" she suggested suddenly.

Asher's forest green eyes brightened at mention of his cookies. "That's a great idea! I'll bake a whole bunch and give it to him on Monday!"

I laughed. "Does that mean you guys will finally sit with us during lunch now?"

Asher turned his face towards me. "Of course! I need to make sure he's alright!"

"You must really like him, don't you?" He blushed deep red, his cheeks turning scarlet. He nodded shyly, hiding behind Annemarie.

"Trust me." She chuckled. "Asher really likes Ian."

I smiled widely. "Believe me I know."

"Hey!" Asher's cheeks got even more redder. "I can't help it! He's just so damn cute!"

"I know right—"

"—Avery, is that you?" a voice called from behind, cutting the rest of my sentence off. My eyes rounded hearing Hunter's voice. Shit. Does that mean Bradlee's near too?

I turned around slowly, praying to God Bradlee wasn't standing next to Hunter. I heaved out a sigh of relief when I just saw Hunter standing there was a Starbucks drink in his hand.

"Hey Hunter."

His smiled widened seeing me. "It was you! I knew I recognized your hair."

The corners of my lips lifted upwards, as I returned his friendly gesture with a smile of my own. "Thanks. So, what exactly are you doing here?"

"My sister dragged me out here." He looked annoyed. "She wanted to grab lunch and watch a movie."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Where is she?"

He pointed behind him. "Probably with Bradlee and Lilee."

My eyes widened dramatically when I heard my name. Why was Bradlee with another girl named Lilee? Was this a friend of his? Or maybe, was this the girl he liked . . . ? It couldn't be, right? He couldn't like anyone, right? "W-who is he with—"

"—Lilee," Hunter repeated, not fully grasping the situation here. "I see that you're also out with friends." He smiled behind me. "It's nice to see you guys again."

"You too!" Annemarie chirped while Asher nodded silently. "And while we'd love to stay and chat, we need to get going," she said as she shoved her last tiny roll of sushi down her throat. "Asher's mom is picking us up soon, so we can't be late."

"Yeah. My mom's nuts about being on time." He chuckled. "We'll see you on Monday." He waved before leaving with Annemarie.

"You know," Hunter uttered when they were completely gone. "I don't think I ever heard that kid speak a complete sentence without stuttering before."

"That's because Ian's around."

His eyebrows knotted in confusion. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Never mind." I laughed. "It's nothing."

"If you say so." He shrugged quickly, before taking a sip of his ice coffee drink. "So, want to hang out with us until you have to go?"

"Um, I'm not—"

"—Hunter! Where the fuck have you been?" another familiar voice yelled, before jabbing Hunter in the chest with her finger. "I told you over and over again to not wander off by yourself without—" She paused her yelling, seeing me. "Avery? What are you doing here?" Ailee asked.

"I was with Ashleigh, Ian, Annemarie and Asher before they all left."

"Ashleigh?" she asked. "You mean Ian's sister, Ashleigh?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "You know her?"

"I wouldn't say we're the best of friends but we're definitely in the same social circle," she said before turning her attention back on Hunter. "I'll forgive you this time, but seriously Lilee and Bradlee were looking all over for you!"

"I'm sorry, okay! I saw Avery, and I wandered off!"

She rolled her eyes at him. "Whatever, just don't do it again."

"I won't," he groaned loudly. "Geez."

"Geez, yourself!" she copied his tone of voice before sticking her tongue out at him. "You're really annoying—"

I drowned out the rest of their bickering when I saw Bradlee rounding the corner. I froze, seeing his smiling face, laughing at what Lilee had just said. He looked so carefree—so happy, something I haven't seen in a long time. And when I heard him speaking to her, my heart snapped into two. It hurt. It hurt so badly. Seeing them together felt like someone was punching me in the stomach, as they forcefully rip it in half from the inside out. All I could do was stare at them as they enjoyed each other's company, laughing at whatever Lilee just said.

I was about to turn away when Bradlee decided at that moment to glance my way. Our eyes locked for a split second, before his soft blue eyes narrowed down in anger. Breaking our eye contact, he went back to talking to Lilee, ignoring me completely. Grounding my teeth together, I ignored Hunter's calls, marching my way towards Bradlee. I don't even give a fuck anymore. He needs to freaking explain himself.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I demanded, pushing Bradlee with all my might. I was able to knock him off balance for a little bit before he caught himself.

The girl was at his side in a matter of seconds, making sure he was okay. Her eyes flashed hatred at me. "What the hell is your problem?! Why did you push him like that?"

I ignored her, narrowing my eyes at Bradlee. "Well, aren't you going to answer me?"

His dark eyes clouded over, before they flared with fury at me. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along, whispering something to her before turning his back on me.

Holding back my tears, I ran after him. My hand caught his wrist, halting their movements. "Bradlee, why the hell are you so mad at me? What the hell did I do?!"

His icy blue eyes turned even more cold, freezing me in my tracks. They were emotionless, as they pierced through me with cruelty.

Before I even had time to react, he leaned towards me, muttering the four words I never thought I'll hear from him.

"You're a fucking liar."

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