Woe and Time (Wednesday x Mal...

By blokmuis

21.9K 558 261

This journey starts of with the transfer of a peculiar girl, the transfer of an eccentric boy and a prophecy... More

Woe Is the Loneliest Number
Friend or Woe
Woe What a Night
You Reap What You Woe
Quid Pro Woe
If You Don't Woe Me by Now
A Murder of Woes
Not a Chapter
Woe and Time Chapter 10

Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe

6.3K 115 62
By blokmuis

Third Person POV
This journey starts with the transfer of Wednesday Addams who is currently sitting with her family in the office of Principal Weems.

Wednesday POV

"Wednesday is certainly a unique name. I'm guessing it was the day you were born?" Weems commented on the name.

"I was born on Friday the 13th." Wednesday replied with her usual monotone voice.

"Her name comes from a line from my favourite nursery rhyme, "Wednesday's child is full of woe." Her mother Morticia explained

"You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia." Weems responded with a bit of a mocking tone in her voice.

"Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" Weems said with a slight smile on her lips.

"And you graduated with your sanity intact?" Wednesday responded while keeping her eyes on Weems.

"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey, eight schools in five years." Weems said while Gomez nodded in amusement.

"They haven't built one strong enough to hold me, I bet this place won't be any different." Wednesday said while her father hastily responded to Weems.

"What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity." Gomez said to Principal Weems.

"Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday's perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception." Weems said with a smile on her face

Weems was about to continue, but was interrupted when a boy barged through the door, surprised everyone looked towards this peculiar boy.

"Ah, Mr. L/N I presume. How very nice for you to join us, I'm pretty sure it said in your letter of acceptance that you were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago.." Weems said with a bit of a snarky tone to her voice.


"Ah Yes, That is indeed correct, but I can explain the reason for why I arrived so late." Y/N L/N responded hastily while trying to think of a quick and reasonable lie.

"Do enlighten me with your explanation" Weems said with a look of doubt on her face.

"I arrived late, because.... There actually was an accident on the side of the road, a collision between two cars, so the road actually was blocked off by the authorities and that only got resolved around 40 minutes ago" he said while trying not to show any signs of it being a lie on his face.

As Y/N looked towards Principal Weems, she showed no signs of being amused by this 'explanation' and sighed.

"That doesn't sound very believable now does it" the boy said to Weems while looking her in the eyes.

"No, not very believable, but explanation aside, what matters now is that you're here so take a seat and I'll continue" Weems got the feeling that this was going to be a long day and she was correct.

"So, Mr. L/N it says here that you've had 10 schools in the past 3 years" Weems read out loud. She continues reading.
"It also says here that you've been interrupting the lessons saying that you have more knowledge of the school subjects than the other teachers, while also experimenting with dangerous chemicals not allowed on school grounds" Weems said while looking at the boy with a look of disbelief.

"That is correct, well partially correct, I haven't been saying that I have more knowledge on the subjects, I know for a fact that my knowledge is superior compared to the teachers at the previous schools and the chemicals weren't that dangerous, well most of them weren't" He said to the Principal while the ego of the boy was slightly showing.

Principal Weems was slowly starting to think that this boy was more then eccentric and only had the feeling that the boy was going to be a troublesome one.

"Moving on, I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm, Ophelia Hall" Weems informed Wednesday

Wednesday looked at her mother and asked.
"Refresh my memory, Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?"

Weems was about to continue only to be interrupted by Y/N.

"Ah, That's what people think, but actually she did it all as an act of revenge towards those that wronged her, she was also quite a good painter and pretty good at tending to the garden, but she was a feisty one if you got on her bad side.... My lord what a woman that was" Y/N explained with a smile, the boy only failed to notice the strange looks he was getting from everyone in the room.

Wednesday proceeded to tell the boy what everyone in the room was thinking.
"You tell that story like you were actually there, you sound like a madman to me" Wednesday said while still looking at the eccentric boy.

Y/N looked at Wednesday with a serious look on his face and proceeds to tell her.
"What make you think I'm not some sort of madman?" the boy showing a slight smirk on his face.

"Ahem" Weems cleared her throat to bring the attention back to herself once more.
"As I was saying you'll be assigned to your mother's old down, unfortunate for you Mr. L/N it appears we don't have any dorms available in the male dormitory, so you'll have to be assigned to the Ophelia Hall dorm as well, lucky for you there is an empty storage room that isn't being used anymore" As Weems finished her sentence both Wednesday and Y/N showed confusion, expect Wednesday was better at hiding it than Y/N.

Y/N eyes widened, only for him to quickly recompose himself and asked why, but he realized that it was probably due to his late transfer that was the cause of him being placed in a storage room.

"Principal Weems, is this because of me being transferred mid-term isn't it" Y/N said with a neutral expression on his face. Only to be completely ignored by the Principal.

"Should we go meet your new roommate?" Weems said to Wednesday with a smile on her face.

(Insert Scene Transition Here)

As Morticia enters the room she gasps at the bright colours of the room
"It's so... vivid" Gomez said as everyone entered the room.

"Howdy, roomie." Enid said as she looked at Wednesday with a smile.

"Wednesday, Y/N. this is Enid Sinclair." Weems said informing the two of them

"Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale." Enid asked with concern in her voice.

"Wednesday always looks half-dead." Her father said answering Enid's question

"Oh, Welcome to Ophelia Hall, Not a hugger. Got it." Enid said while still wearing a smile on her face.

Y/N was starting to get the feeling that he was being forgotten by the people in the room.
"Uhm. Hello, I'm here as well... I'm the one that's going to be placed in the storage room on this floor...At least I believe so" Y/N said making his presence known to the bubbly blonde.

Enid feeling bad for not noticing the boy starts to apologize profusely, only for the boy to state that it's alright and that no harm is done.

"Please excuse Wednesday, She's allergic to colour." Morticia said while examining the room.

"What happens to you?" Enid asked with concern in her voice

"I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones." Wednesday flatly said

Enid showed a slight amount of worry on her face, while Y/N let out a slight chuckle

"Luckily, we've special ordered you a uniform, Enid, please take Wednesday and Y/N to the registrar's office to pick it up along with their schedule, and give them a tour along the way." Weems asked Enid with a smile on her face.

Wednesday on the other hand turned around to her parents with an unpleasant look on her face and walked away, while Enid skipped past them and caught up with Wednesday, Y/N followed only to stop in the doorway and said.

"Nice to meet you both by the way, have a good day" as Y/N ran to catch up to the other two.

(I Need Another Scene Transition Here!! Thanks!)

"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us.
Outcasts, freaks, monsters, fill in your favourite marginalized group here." Enid explained as she was giving the tour around Nevermore, Wednesday didn't seem to care, but Y/N was quite interested by all of this information. Thinking to himself how he never noticed everything that was being explained to him

"1791, that was some year. You know The French Revolution was something else, almost got caught up in their little war, luckily I'm pretty good at running." Y/N chuckles to himself as he finished speaking only for Enid to look at him like he wasn't right in the head.

"You can ignore him, It's pretty clear that he's just mad, You can also save the sanitized sales pitch, I don't plan on staying here for long." Wednesday said uninterested.

"Why not, it seems quite entertaining staying here." Y/N said while looking around with curiosity and a grin on his face.

"This was my parents their idea, Oh look, there's my mother smirking at me.
They've been looking for any excuse to send me here. It's all a part of their nefarious, yet completely obvious plan." Wednesday said with an unamused tone in her voice

"What plan?" Enid asked with curiosity lingering in her voice.

"To turn me into a version of themselves." Wednesday answered

"In that case, perhaps you can clear something up." Enid asked while making Y/N more curious on the topic.
"Rumour's been swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your parents pulled strings to get you off." Enid stated waiting for an answer.

"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" Wednesday said while Enid's eyes went wide.

"Welcome to the quad." Enid said while she showed a smile.

"It's a pentagon." Wednesday pointed out.

"It appears you're correct on that one" Y/N confirmed while still being curious.

"The whole snarky Goth girl thing might have worked at normie school, but here things are different." Enid said, quickly following it up with
"Let me give you a wiki on Nevermore's social scene." Enid said only to be interrupted by Wednesday.

"I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent clichés." Wednesday said

"Well, then use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of disdain.
There are many flavours of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners and Scales.
Those are the Fangs, AKA vampires.
Some of them have literally been here for decades." Enid said informing the two newcomers.

"Being around for decades huh, I sure know how that feels" Y/N mumbled to himself in a sad tone, unknown to him a certain raven haired girl caught wind of his words.

"That bunch of knuckleheads are Furs, AKA werewolves, Like me!
Full moons get pretty loud around here, That's when Furs wolf out.
I suggest you pick up noise-cancelling headphones." Enid explained, Y/N was about to comment only to be interrupted by Wednesday.

"I'm assuming Scales are sirens?" Wednesday guessed only to be proven right by Enid.

"You catch on quick, And that girl, Bianca Barclay, is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty. Although her crown's been slipping lately."

"I'm going to be honest here, Not a very big fan of royalty people" Y/N said with a slight bit of venom in his tone.

"Why not, If I may ask" Enid asked with curiosity lingering in her voice.

"Most royals that I've come across have had egos bigger than the universe and trust me on that one, the universe is a very big place, anyway you were saying" Y/N said trying to return back to the original topic.

"She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe.
But they broke up at the beginning of the semester.
Reason unknown." Enid said unsure.

"Fascinating." Wednesday said while keeping her usual monotone look.

"I know, right? My vlog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip." Enid excitedly said speaking of her vlog.

"Yo, Enid! You're not gonna believe the dirt I heard about your new roommates." Beanie guy said as he approached the blonde girl.

"She eats human flesh, Chowed down on that kid she murdered and the dude apparently blew up multiple school rooms with his chemistry class. You better watch your back." As beanie guy finished speaking, Enid turned away to reveal Wednesday, How he didn't see Y/N is a mystery that no one seems to know.

"Quite the contrary. I actually fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets." Wednesday said while Y/N continued to explain his situation.

"Actually I didn't blow them up on purpose, it was a scientific accident involving delicate chemicals. Everything would've been fine if the teacher didn't mess around with them, It's common knowledge where I'm from!" as Y/N was finishing his rant.

"Ajax, these are my new roommates, Wednesday and Y/N"

"Whoa, You're in black and white.
Like a living Instagram filter." Ajax said while being amazed, only for him to be interrupted by Enid as she pushes him away.

"Ignore him. Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned.
He's cute, but clueless."

"It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you two
You two should really get on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok." Enid said with excitement in her voice only for Wednesday to disagree with her comment.

"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation." Wednesday said as she starts to walk away towards her family. Leaving the Enid and Y/N alone. Enid turns to Y/N still waiting on an answer on her question.

"Hmm? Oh, right.. I'm just really good at avoiding social media don't really have a need for it, call me old fashioned." Y/N said while still curious about the academy. Only for himself to remember that he still doesn't know where the storage room is at.

"By the way Enid, You don't happen to know where the storage room is right?" Y/N said with a hopeful look in his eyes. Lucky for him Enid did know where the storage room was and proceeds to show Y/N to his so called dorm, as they reached the door to the storage room Y/N discovered that it was quite a big room, So Y/N was quite pleased with this.

"If there is anything else you need you know where to find me" Enid said while offering her help if it was needed, Enid offered a hug and to her surprise Y/N accepted and thanked her for her help. Saying their goodbyes Y/N was left alone in his room.

(Small time skip)
Still Y/N POV

As some time has passed it seems that Y/N has put all of his stuff in their respected corners. Now you may be asking where he was keeping all of his belongings, Bigger On The Inside pockets... Don't question it I didn't invent them, I merely improved them for more storage.
It was at that moment he realized something strange.

"Wait a minute, Why am I narrating what I'm doing?! Strange" He said to himself leaving him confused.
"Now then, I need to get-" He was interrupted when he randomly started hearing music coming from Enid and Wednesday's room, Y/N being curious decides to finish building his contraption and start investigating.

As Y/N was walking towards his neighbours he noticed their door open and voices coming from the room. Two of them being Enid and Wednesday and another voice that he didn't recognize.

"That means keep your claws to yourself, and no smothering people in their sleep.
Are we clear? Great talk." The mysterious lady let out a chuckle and turned towards the door only to see Y/N in the doorway.

"Ah, you must be Y/N. I'm Miss. Thornhill, I'll be your dorm mother. I've heard that you'll be staying in the unused storage room, it's nice to meet you, I hope you've heard the rules as well?" Thornhill asked the eccentric boy.

"I think I did? Lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys, question though.. The no boys rule, how do I exactly fit into all of that? Am I an exception or something?" Y/N said still a bit unsure about whether or not he was an exception. His concerns where extinguished when Miss. Thornhill answered his question.

"Seeing as there is a shortage of rooms in the male dormitory, you are an exception, but no wandering into other dorms, okay?" Miss. Thornhill said which put you own mind at ease as you didn't have any other questions you left it at that and Thornhill left the room. Wednesday went back to her typewriter to continue on her novel, Y/N was curious as to what she doing, only to be met with a glare, suggesting that he should back off, Y/N getting the message and doing exactly that, Enid informed Y/N that she was writing on her novel. Y/N understood and grabbed a chair, Only to be surprised by Enid for she asked him a question he didn't expect to hear.

"Didn't your family come see you, seeing as it's your first day here at Nevermore" Enid asked Y/N. Wednesday was typing away on her novel, but she would lie if she wasn't curious about him, seeing as she hasn't seen anyone else apart from the eccentric boy when he appeared at Weems her office. So she stopped typing and listened to what the boy had to say.

"Oh uhm, No, They're not really around anymore, I never knew my mother and my father died in a war, but that was a pretty long time ago" Y/N said while looking sad at the memories, but quickly put on a façade to hide the sadness, It didn't go unnoticed by Wednesday for she was observing him, but she decided that she would ask him about it at another time. As Y/N was in thought he was quickly snapped out of it by Enid.

"I'm sorry Y/N I didn't know" But Enid was quickly cut off by Y/N for she couldn't have known.

"It's okay Enid you couldn't have known, I'd be surprised if you did, because that would've been strange" Y/N said while putting on a forced laugh to not make the girl worry too much about it.

"I'm fine Enid, honestly. Anyway it's starting to get late, I should go. I'll speak you guys tomorrow again, Have a goodnight Wednesday, Enid." Y/N said while closing the door and walking back to his room, but he could still hear the conversation the two girls were having.

"Do you think I was being inconsiderate towards him?" Y/N heard Enid say towards Wednesday, only for Wednesday to respond that he said he was fine and that she shouldn't worry too much.

Y/N entered his room and closed the door behind him, thinking back to the times he had with his father. He shook his head to stop thinking about it and went to lie down on his bed and fell asleep.

Wednesday POV

As Y/N left the room Enid asked me if she was being inconsiderate towards him I told her that he said he was fine and that she shouldn't worry, but I knew better, there was something strange going on with Y/N L/N. The first meeting where he spoke of Ophelia like he was actually there and the mention of him being around for decades as well, even though he doesn't look all that old. Whatever secrets you're hiding Y/N L/N I will find out.

(Time Skip Towards The Next Day)

Third Person POV
As we hear the sounds of foils filling the room, we start to see two figures appearing in the room, these two being Wednesday and Y/N. Wednesday wearing her black fencing gear, while Y/N is wearing the plain white one, While Wednesday was observing the other fencers, Y/N wasn't paying much attention and was lost in his own thoughts only to be interrupted, when he saw a boy fall down on his mat.


"Coach, Coach, she tripped me." The boy said franticly towards his coach only for the coach to respond to the boy with a professional tone in his voice.

"It was a clean strike, Rowan." The coach said to the boy known as Rowan. Only for Bianca to return with a snarky remark.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck, Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition?" Bianca said with a confident tone in her voice.

"Anyone else want to challenge me?" Bianca said while looking for someone else to challenge, well I say challenge, she probably wants to humiliate someone else and show she's superior to the others

"I do." Wednesday said probably wanting to humiliate Bianca herself.

"Oh, you must be the psychopaths they let in." Bianca said with a mocking tone.

"At this given point she only proved my point further with royalty having an inflated ego." I thought to myself

"You must be the self-appointed Queen Bee." Wednesday said following it up with.
"Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers, they drop dead." I let out a small chuckle at the comment against Bianca. How it filled me with joy seeing her smirk drop.

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense, He's not helpless, he's lazy." Bianca said trying to regain her composure.

"Are we doing this or not?" Wednesday said wanting to get this done, but before the match began I told her.

"Wednesday, you better break that ego of hers" I told her, she turned around to me and showed me a slight smirk of confidence, as I cleared away to make room for the coming fight.

"En garde." The coach said. As the both start duelling I observe Wednesday's fencing form. I was more then impressed by the way she was duelling, I'm pretty sure she would even give Henry de Sainct Didier a run for his money, seeing as he was known as a Fencing Master back in the 16th century. My train of thoughts are cut short when I hear the Coach announce that Wednesday got a point, apparently I was so lost in thought that they are now even in points.

"That first point was clearly beginner's luck." I hear Bianca say in a cocky tone. I was about to make a comment, only for Wednesday to speak up.

"Let's finish this, For the final point, I would like to invoke a military challenge."
"No masks."
"No tips."
She said while the crowd makes themselves known once more.
"Winner draws first blood." Wednesday said

"It's your decision, Bianca." The coach said waiting for an answer from Bianca.

"Let's see if you bleed in black and white." Bianca said while both toss their fencing helmet away from them. Once again I observed their duel, only to get this strange sensation that this wasn't going to end the way I wanted it to be and I was correct, because Wednesday seemed to get a little cut on her forehead by Bianca. Bianca of course had to rub it in showing.

"Your face finally got that splash of colour it so desperately needed." Bianca said chuckling and showing a smirk on her face. I approached Wednesday and told her that she should get that patched up. I looked Bianca deep into her eyes while shifting my expression to a more serious one and told her.

"You know Bianca, I misjudged you." She thought that I was complementing her as she was increasing her smirk, but I continued my sentence showing no mercy.
"I actually thought your ego was very inflated, but it appears I was incorrect, I'm pretty sure it's as big as the whole universe" I said not breaking eye contact, I watched as her smile dropped and quickly turned to frustration. As I was walking away I gave her some words of advice.

"Trust me when I say this, You don't want me as an enemy" as I continued walking away.


As I was waiting for Wednesday at the infirmary who was currently getting her cut patched up. I start to hear Rowan speak
"You're Wednesday, right?" Rowan said,

"Rowan." He said while introducing himself to Wednesday

"I know how you feel." He said while having an understanding of how the raven haired girl felt. Only for Wednesday to

"I guarantee you don't." Wednesday said with a sharp tone.

"My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts, But it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money." Rowan said as I started thinking out loud looking at the ceiling. Both turning their attention to me.

"Being able to fit in somewhere is never easy, some people accept you for who you are and others run away when they discover the truth, being afraid of something that's different, it never gets easy when that happens" I say while starting to look at the ground. "Sorry, didn't mean to bring the mood down so much"

Rowan proceeds to look at Wednesday and apologized for the cut on her forehead. Wednesday said that no good deed goes unpunished and we proceeded to walk away from the infirmary. Only to hear the sound of stone scraping and a statue falling towards us.

And what followed was darkness.

It felt like I was floating around in some sort of void, unable to move my own body, only able to observe my surroundings. The area around me started to change to a battlefield. Of course I had to relive the memories of the one war my father fought in and in return he gave his life to protect those on that distant planet.
I still remember that one word he said when I was running away as a kid, The one thing he's been doing for all his life.

"Run" he said

I tried to run towards him in the hopes that I could've changed the outcome, but I wasn't running towards him nor was I running away. I was running in place, no matter how hard I ran, it didn't make a difference. I was blinded by a bright light, only to start hearing voices.
Connecting the dots that I was starting to wake up.

"... now we're even." I heard someone say, only to wake up to the source leaving the room.

I looked at Wednesday with confusion unaware as to what exactly happened.
Wednesday informed Y/N on what had happened and went their separate ways both returning to their own dorm room.

As Y/N returned to his dorm, he started his search for vast amounts of Energy in the hope that he could find the one thing he trusted the most, unfortunately he had no success, no leads and left unsatisfied to these answers. He proceeded to lie down in his bed and do some searching in Jericho, hoping that maybe he could find something.

(The Next Day in Jericho)

Y/N has woken up from his sleep decided to start exploring this little town, He did like exploring. It was one of the things he got from his father, always being curious about new discoveries. I proceed to enter this little café called The Weathervane looking for a place where I can sit quietly and grab my diary to write down my findings and strange occurrences that I've discovered. I mean, I haven't really seen anything out of the ordinary yet, but I'm pretty sure it will happen, I hope. As I'm lost in my own train of thoughts I started seeing a familiar face in the corner of my eye and my suspicions were correct as it was indeed a raven haired girl standing at a broken down espresso machine. As I start to approach Wednesday I hear her comment about drip coffee, just Wednesday being Wednesday, I guess.

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their lives have no real purpose or meaning." Wednesday said as a man was pouring the coffee into a cup only to hear the comment and walk away from the coffee. I decide to make my own presence known to the two.

"Good Afternoon, Wednesday fancy seeing you here" as she turns around and looked at me with a glare.
"Are you here to keep an eye on me as well?" She said while still glaring daggers at me. Confusion shown on my face.
"I don't know what you mean, I'm actually exploring Jericho a bit and have been sitting there for a good 15 minutes or so" Answering her question with full honesty.
"I don't believe we've met. Hello I'm Y/N friend of Wednesday" As I go to shake the barista's hand.
"Tyler" as he accepts the handshake.
"We're not friends" As she continued glaring.
"Acquaintances?" as I suggested. Only for her to completely ignore my comment and move on towards the machine.

"So, What's wrong with your machine?"

"It's a temperamental beast with a mind of its own, and it doesn't help that the instructions are in Italian." Tyler said with a slight bit of frustration in his voice. Wednesday grabbed the instructions and told what she was needed to fix the machine.

"I need a tri-wing screwdriver and a four-millimeter Allen wrench." She said while waiting for the tools.

"Wait, you read Italian?" Tyler said surprised

"Of course. It's the native tongue of Machiavelli." Wednesday said informing the barista.

"Here's the deal. I'm-" As she was cut off by Y/N reminiscing of his days in Italy

"Niccolò Machiavelli, I almost got my own head cut off by the man himself. He thought I was a spy, while in reality I actually was just enjoying the sights, just glad he was a reasonable man, if not I'm fairly sure I wouldn't be standing here." Y/N says while letting out a nervous chuckle.
"He was quite loyal though to those he trusted" as Wednesday returned to her conversation with Tyler offering him a deal.

"So, Here's the deal. I'm going to fix your coffee machine, then you're going to make my coffee and call a taxi." Wednesday offered Tyler.

"Uh, no taxis in Jericho." Only for Tyler to break her the news that there are no taxi's in Jericho Wednesday tried to make a deal to get him of work early, only for him to reject the offer.

Wednesday decided to wait out the time, only to be joined by Y/N as they both sit at a table.
Wednesday observed the boy and it looked like he was writing something in what looked to be a journal, but the most notable part was that the journal looked old and tattered, like it was decades old.
While she wasn't sure what to think of Y/N she knew he held secrets and knew more then he showed.

"Why are you joining me at this table" Wednesday said while becoming a bit annoyed at the boy's usual behaviour, she didn't like it one bit, He didn't really show any form of fear when she threatened him and it annoyed her, but she also found the mystery surrounding the boy intriguing. She was cut from her thoughts as Y/N spoke while still writing in his journal.

"Believe it or not Wednesday, I actually enjoy your company, you don't beat around the bush and you don't really care what people think about you. I admire that." As he showed a warm smile towards the raven haired girl.

Wednesday didn't expect to hear that from him. Even though he keeps speaking of these mad tales and nonsense, Wednesday was slowly starting to tolerate this mad fool.

The two of them got interrupted when three boys started entering the café and make mention of the two sitting at the table.

"What are Nevermore freaks doing out here in the wild?" one of the boys said

"This is our booth." said another boy.

"Good for you, sorry it's occupied, but there are still other places in here" Y/N said hoping that it doesn't escalate any further.

"Why are you dressed like religious fanatics?" Wednesday said while making a comment about their outfits.

"We're pilgrims." Said the boy

"Same thing" Y/N said towards him

"We work at Pilgrim World." The boy said while flipping over a piece of paper that was laying on the table. Only to be greeted with a snarky remark from Wednesday.

"It takes a special kind of stupid to devote an entire theme park to zealots responsible for mass genocide."

I let out a slight chuckle at the comment Wednesday made.

"My dad owns Pilgrim World, Who you calling stupid?" said the boy while becoming frustrated at the raven haired girl.

"If the buckled shoe fits." Wednesday quickly said back

"Guys, back off." Tyler said trying to defuse the situation only for it to escalate more.

"Stay out of this, Galpin." Only for Tyler to be shoved back and his efforts in vain.

"Yes, stay out of this." Wednesday said towards Tyler. I was starting to feel sorry for him. He tried to diffuse the situation only to be shoved to the sides.

"So tell me, freak... you ever been with a normie?" Said the boy

"I've never found one that could handle me." Wednesday said trying to make the fire into an inferno, Seeing this unfold I stood up in front of Wednesday and looked the boy in the eyes, while maintaining my serious face.

"Trust me on this one, this won't end good, it will end up with you three on the floor." While still maintaining eye contact with the boy in front of me.
"Please, back off. You really don't want to do this, unless you want some broken bones" Only to notice the boy not backing down, knowing that it was a lost cause I stepped aside and let Wednesday handle the situation and as I foretold, there they were on the floor in pain with a few broken bones.

"So where'd you learn those kung fu moves?" Tyler asked.

"My uncle taught me. He spent five years in a Tibetan Monastery." Wednesday informing the other two.

"Prisoner I presume?" Y/N asked

Wednesday didn't give an answer for she only nodded at the comment

As I walked over to the three boys on the ground I gave them a piece of my mind, in the hopes that they will stop doing this. Wednesday took notice of this action and listened closely.

"You humans never seem to amaze me, you lot always fearing things that are different, It seems somethings never change." Y/N said while looking at them with a sad expression.

Wednesday made a mental note the what Y/N just said and wanted to question him when they were alone.

Tyler, Wednesday and Y/N heard the front door of The Weathervane open and noticed someone enter the building.

"Dad!" Tyler said

"Tyler, the hell's going on in here?" Tylers father asked wanting to know what happened.

"They were harassing two customers, and she put them in their place." Explaining the situation to his father

"This little thing took down three boys? Did you help her?" as the sheriff looked at his son,

"Dad, I swear, I wasn't involved." His son quickly explained that he wasn't involved.

The doors to The Weathervane open once more and this time to reveal their Principal.

"Apologies, Sheriff. This one slipped away from me." Weems said with an apologetic tone.

"Come on, Miss Addams, time to go." Wednesday started following Weems, only to be stopped by the sheriff.

"Wait a minute, hang on. You're an Addams?" the sheriff said questioning.
"Don't tell me Gomez Addams is your father? That man belongs behind bars for murder.
"Guessin' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I'm gonna keep my eye on you." The sheriff said

"Okay." Weems said leaving with Wednesday in tow as they were walking towards Weems her car, she got interrupted by Y/N.

"Hi Principal Weems, Sorry, but could I maybe get a lift back towards the academy?" giving the boy a nod of approval, he opened the door of the car and took place on the backseat of the car.

(Skipping towards Y/N sitting in his room)

"Still no success on finding her!" he said quite loudly for his emotions were slowly starting to get the better of himself. He was starting to get frustrated at the lack of results he was getting. As Y/N was trying to cool of he was able to hear a familiar song being played outside.

He started to open his window and realized it was the song Paint it Black on a Cello, following the sound to the source he realized that it was Wednesday playing on the Cello.
As she was finishing up the song, he noticed that she was talking to someone, but he couldn't see who. Y/N heard the opening of the window and noticed that Enid joined Wednesday outside, seeing as this was my time to make my landing known and show off, I did just that. There was a small problem that surfaced as Y/N slipped from the roof and fell face first onto the ground, getting a gasp of shock from Enid and a smile of amusement from Wednesday.

"Ow!!, Darn it.. That really hurts" he said as he was stretching while trying to lessen the pain. "Hello there ladies, just thought I'd drop by" He said trying to act smug. only to be greeted by a glaring Wednesday and a shocked Enid.

"What are you doing here" Wednesday asked Y/N. He was about to answer only for him to get distracted by a walking hand, A literal walking hand. Y/N asked Wednesday how it worked not hiding the curiosity in his voice. Wednesday only responded with.

"Thing is one of the great Addams family mysteries."
"I see" he said with an understanding tone in his voice.

As there was audible howling in the distance Wednesday asked Enid.
"Why aren't you wolfing out?" This question got Y/N curious as well and started paying attention to the blonde.

"Because I can't. It's all I got." Enid said while showing her claws as she continued.

"My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanologist."

"I had to fly to Milwaukee, would you believe it?"

"Yeah, she says there's a chance I may never..."

"you know." Enid finished not wanting to become upset.

"What happens then?" Wednesday asked.

"You'd become a lone wolf." Y/N said answering Wednesday's question.

"Sounds perfect." Wednesday said failing to understand the point.

"Are you kidding me? My life would be officially over. I'd be kicked out of my family pack with no prospect of finding a mate."

"I'm failing to see the problem here." Wednesday said flatly

"I could die alone." Enid said slowly starting to become upset.

"We all die alone, Enid." Wednesday said to Enid, While she isn't wrong, this was not the time to be blunt about it.

"You really suck at this, Cheering people up." Enid said becoming upset completely.

"Why are you crying?" Wednesday asked not knowing the reason.

"Because I'm upset! Haven't you ever cried, or are you above that too?" Endi said to Wednesday telling her. As Wednesday thought to herself, she decided to speak about a past memory of hers.

"It was the week after Halloween."

"I was six years old."

"I took my pet scorpion, Nero, out for his afternoon stroll, and we were ambushed."

"They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion for a pet."

"Two of them held me down and made me watch...

...while the others ran Nero over until..."

"It was snowing when I buried what was left of him."

"I cried my little black heart out."

"But tears don't fix anything."

"So I vowed to never do it again."

Enid and Y/N were listening closely to Wednesday's story. It was at that moment Y/N thought it was only fair that he shared some of his.

"Your secret's safe with me" Enid said.

"Only seems fair that I share some secrets too" As both Wednesday and Enid turned their attention to Y/N.

Y/N walked over to the stone railing and leaned over it looking over to the moon as he starts his story.

"This story starts on a planet filled with war, death and no safety" Y/N said as he thought back to the dead planet.

"I was born on a planet filled with war, never ending bloodshed and always being on the run" He said with a sad look.

"My father fought in a war that lasted for over 900 years. He defended this little town for so long. I witnessed 100 years of that war myself, I was just a kid back then" Y/N said as he was remembering all of the pain and suffering that filled the fields.

"To put an end to the war he.... He gave his life, to save mine, he told me to run, but I wouldn't let him have it, Of course my father still had one trick up his sleeve. The one thing he trusted the most came around and forced me to safety. I wanted to go back, but she wouldn't let me, she took me as far away from that planet as she could"

Wednesday was surprised to say the least for she knew Y/N held secrets, but didn't expect him to be from another planet, of course she wasn't showing it on her face. Enid on the other hand was shocked at what she was hearing and was starting to tear up at this reveal of this information.

"The amount of lives he saved and this is his reward" Y/N said while showing sadness on his face.

After a few minutes of silence Y/N was starting to recompose himself and turned around to face Wednesday and Enid.

"It's just me now, The last of my kind" Y/N said only to be interrupted by Enid who essentially crushed him with a hug, although unexpected he still appreciated the gesture. As the two broke the hug Y/N asked.

"Questions?" He said. Wednesday felt as this was the moment where she could ask him about the things he said. So she did just that.

"When we were walking around the quad while Enid was giving the tour. You said that you know what it feels like to be around for decades" Wednesday said to the surprised boy for he didn't think anyone heard him say it.

"I'm surprised you picked that up. Your question?"

"How old are you?" Wednesday said

"I've been around for a long time, a very.. very long time.. Close to 600 years"

The was a silence surrounding them, as you would only hear the wind and some distant howling from werewolves.

The girls were shocked to say the least. They didn't expect to hear something like this, someone that looks 18 actually being 600 years old. They got snapped out of their thoughts when Y/N spoke to them.

"I should probably return to my room, It's starting to get late" he says as he walks away, only to stop and turn around to tell them.

"Thank you" he said, but both girls were confused as to why they were being thanked, Y/N saw the confusion on their faces and continued to clear that up.

"Thank you for listening to my story" as he starts to walk back to his dorm room.

They watched as Y/N was walking back closing their door behind him. Both girls weren't expecting this to happen tonight, but they were glad, for they finally had some answers to this eccentric boy's past.

(Time Skip to Harvest Festival)

After the whole rollercoaster from yesterday night the three of us are now standing at the Harvest Festival.

"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked being unsure as the three of them watched Tyler with his dad arguing about their presence.

"Dad, I didn't know they were gonna be here." Tyler said

"I trust that I can handle myself." Responded Wednesday to Enid

As Tyler was still arguing with his father, Enid decided to break the silence.

"Well, good luck and safe travels" As Enid decided to go for a hug, she got rejected once more.

"Still not a hugger. Got it." Seeing as we probably won't see her again after this night, I said my goodbyes as well.

"You know Wednesday, it's been fun. I hope you'll take care of yourself" I said as I was going for a handshake. Surprising enough she accepted it.

"Have a good life, Wednesday Addams" I say with a smile.

We broke the handshake and went our separate ways.

"Are you okay?" I asked looking over to Enid.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why you ask?" as we continue to wander the Festival.

"Because, You know, goodbyes are never easy, they're always sad" I told her as we continued to roam around.

"Sorry about yesterday night I really killed the mood then and there" I apologized for yesterday, gaining a look from Enid.

"It was a bit of a mood killer and it was quite shocking to hear what you went through yeah, but I'm glad you told us, that just means that you trust us enough to tell us this information and how many people can say that they are besties with an alien from another planet!"

Enid said as I looked at her not expecting to hear her say that. I got interrupted from my thought when Enid started to give me a hug, This took me by surprise, but I accepted the hug.

"Thank you. Thank you Enid" I told her with gratitude in my voice, as we broke the hug she started dragging me along the Festival. It was... different so to say. Being born and growing up in a war, these things... These festivals and parties were so strange to me.

(10 Minutes Later)

Enid and I joined some of her friends as they were just sitting around enjoying the festival waiting for the fireworks to start.

All of a sudden I started getting this loud ringing in my head, I held my head trying to subdue the pain,but it didn't work. Enid looked at me and grew a concerend look on her face.

"Are you okay?!" she said with concern lingering in her voice.

She tilted my head up so she could look me in the eyes, only to be shocked when she saw that my eyes were glowing with an orange sort of mist.

I wasn't very sure what was happening. I could definitely feel the familiar sensation of the glow, something was definitely reacting to the energy inside of me.

I started to see multiple things, a book, a raven, the quad of the academy being on fire and Rowan screaming in pain as he is covered in blood. The regeneration energy subsided and I was brought back to my senses. It felt like an eternity to me, but only mere seconds passed by.

"What was that, a vision?" I asked myself, unsure what was happening, but my gut was telling me that something was about to happen in the forest and Wednesday was going to be involved.

"Wednesday" I said to myself while quickly standing up and running towards the forest, hoping that I'm not too late for whatever was going on.

As I approached the forest I saw Rowan lift Wednesday up and he held her pinned against
the tree. I ran up to him and tried to defuse the situation for whatever was going on.

"Rowan, calm down, okay. This won't get you anywhere" I said while trying to remain calm only to be greeted with a strong grip around my neck and be pinned against the same tree as Wednesday.

"What are you doing?" Wednesday said panicked wanting to know what was going on.

"Saving everyone from you, I have to kill you." Rowan said while still holding us up against the tree

"Good luck with that one, you'll find out that I'm quite hard to kill" Y/N said while trying to get out of the invisible grip around his throat.

"The gargoyle, that was you?" Wednesday said not believing it.

"Yeah." He said responding to the question.

"It's always the quiet ones." I hear Wednesday say as picture starts to float towards us.

"The two in the picture. It's you two" Rowan said while still showing us the picture.

"You want to kill us because of some picture?" Wednesday said not believing this nonsense.

"My mother drew that picture 25 years ago when she was a student at Nevermore, She was a powerful Seer. Told me about it before she died." He said

"Rowan, put us down." Wednesday said wanting to defuse the situation.

"Rowan, please. Put us down, Time can be rewritten, trust me. I know the laws of time, I can help prevent this" I said franticly not wanting this to escalate any further.

"No! My mother said it was my destiny to stop this girl if she ever came to Nevermore, because she will destroy the school and everyone in it." Rowan said desperately as he put more force into the grip. I could feel the regeneration energy inside of me acting up once more.

"Rowan, Rowan." Wednesday said trying to gain his attention

Only for the boy to be grabbed by something and dropping us to the ground. We look on in horror as Rowan is being mauled to death by a creature. The creature turned around and looked at us. I decided to stand in front of Wednesday and look the creature in the eyes trying not to show any fear towards the creature. The creature ran of and a sigh or relief left my mouth. Wednesday quickly went to Rowan's body only to discover that he was dead. The page that he showed us floated down onto his body.

Wednesday looked at me surprised about my eyes.

"What is wrong with your eyes" she said as I felt the energy dissapear once more.

"I'll explain it to you later, right now we need to get out of here"

We ran into Bianca Barclay and asked her to get help, after that we went to our respective dorm rooms.

Exhausted from this day. I looked to my Artron locator hoping to see any news, but nothing. So I decided to lay down in bed and sleep the night away.

Only for the locator to show a faint light indicating that it had found a weak signal from something.

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