his little doe eyed boy ❐ luc...

By -bykazaldrizes

38.7K 1K 146

a boy who has a little and caregiver relationship with his uncle. in which lucerys velaryon regresses around... More

his little doe eyed boy


1.7K 50 2
By -bykazaldrizes


ONCE LUCERYS WOKE UP FROM HIS NAP, he realised that he was on his own bed, he was no longer at Helaena's and couldn't exactly remember what happened after he told her that he was practically getting bullied; his head was full of cotton balls and he'd completely forgotten what happened. Lucerys noticed that Jace was sitting besides him watching a movie on his bed, his older brother must have heard him move as his attention was now on his. "Hey, you alright?" He asks softly – Lucerys blinked while nodding.

"Yeah," he mumbles, "don't remember much though."

Jace grimaces causing Lucerys to side eye him, "well, something happened, but you're not to worry about!"

"What? What happened?" Lucerys questioned nervously, "Jace, what happened!" His brother was seriously creeping him out, "just tell me, already!"

"Aegon knows." He spat out, Lucerys was appalled, he grew pale. "But not to worry, he won't tell anyone! You actually cling to him all day yesterday and he had to get involved because of something that Helaena didn't explain."

Lucerys looked down; eyes widened, hands clenched into his quilt. This wasn't supposed to happen, he shook his head, why was Aegon willing to not say anything to Aemond? He couldn't even believe anyone anymore, Aegon was sure going to tell his brother and they both will make his life so bloody miserable to the extent of that he wouldn't be able to regress anymore.

"Luke, Aegon's not going to say a word. He promised Helaena he wouldn't, and I know you don't trust him, but he as well as I know that regression is fragile to anyone and he wouldn't take that away from you." Jacaerys says, "here, let me go get you something to eat, and we can watch a movie together tonight." He says leaving the bed with one last look to his brother who'd now shut down once again.

Lucerys couldn't believe what was happening at this moment in time, he knew that he should've just stayed in school, this was bad, this was really fucking bad! Yet, Jacaerys had said that Aegon understands and that he would never tell anyone, but how could Lucerys trust him after everything? The man could literally blurt it out like he always does whenever he's drunk. He would just have to avoid being around Helaena for awhile, he couldn't trust himself – not anymore.

Not even twenty minutes went by and Jacaerys came back into his room holding potato shaped smiling faces and dino nuggets, and a can of Fanta Orange. They ate in utter silence, but Lucerys did talk at one point claiming he understood which was an absolute lie, but it got his brother off of his case.

They both sat quietly, curling up on each other and just sat watching the movie.


The next day came by quickly and Lucerys once again sat in class next to one of his bullies to do their project together. The boy next to Lucerys kept mumbling stuff to him and looking back at his other friends laughing about him. Luke had promised himself last night that he wouldn't think about it, and that he would need to stop regressing just for a little bit until he stops getting pestered by Aegon and Helaena about it.

The bell had already went as he was still in his thoughts but the boy next to him stayed in his seat too. "You'll come to my house for the project, oh and don't think this makes us friends, freak, as soon as this is finished we never speak again, got it?" The boy said lowly into his head, he nods and stays quiet as the boy walks away from him.

Lucerys was very anxious, he stayed in his seat and began to eat his lunch there, they were back in this classroom anyways, and then he had History last. His phone dinged loudly causing him to jump, he looked and saw it was from an unknown number, he cringed as he read it.

Hey Lucerys, it's Aegon. I hope you are
doing okay from yesterday. Helaena
has been worried about you since you
didn't call last night to tell her you were
okay and ig I had something to do about it?
I'm not going to tell anyone I would never
take away this from you, and I hope you
will talk to us about it whenever you feel

His heart pounded loudly in his chest, his heart ached as he saw the message, he wanted to talk to them, trust them, but he couldn't. He couldn't even trust himself which is why he's going to stop regressing, and just get on with his dad life he hated so much. As soon as he got home he was just going to bin everything, he was done, and yet he knew what repressing the little could do but he didn't want it anymore; it was ruining his life and he couldn't do it any longer. Besides, he wasn't truly going to find anyone that would care for him, Helaena...she was just his Auntie, but still he couldn't find anyone even if he wanted to.

Truth is, no one knew that he was gay, only Rhaena, Baela and Jace knew. They'd known before the whole school had found out, but his family hadn't the slightest idea about him and he knew he would be disowned and looked down upon, he would be the families biggest disappointment, but wasn't here always?

The bell once again went, and he couldn't believe he was so long in his thoughts that he'd forgotten about his lunch, he stuffed his lunch away and sat looking upon Aegon's message before leaving him on read. The class started filling up and once again the boy sat down next to him, Lucerys could feel his stare, he didn't even turn to look at him.

"My house after school today." The boy mutters lowly, and Lucerys glanced at him and found that the boys friends weren't here yet, and watched as the said male besides him pull out his own stuff while sending Luke a smile?

Lucerys knew it was a fake one, he along with his stupid friends have tormented him ever since, and always made him feel alone, he knew not to trust the boy, but he agreed anyways and decides to turn off his phone for the rest of the day.


The rest of the day was silent, he avoided Rhaena who shouted on him asking for him to come with her, but he blew her off. He walked quickly out of the school wondering why he didn't ask the boy where his house was, he flinched when a hand lands on his shoulder, he pulls himself away and turns to see the boy holding his hands up with a smirk. "Woah, easy loser." He says, "I just realised I didn't tell you where I lived so I'm taking you, don't worry none of the guys are here." He chuckles while walking forward, Lucerys stays behind slightly looking after the boy.

Lucerys then began to follow, he didn't fall into step he kept his distance, he clutched onto his bag tightly and anxiously look around. He noticed the taller boy look back at him probably making sure that he was following, but neither of them talked.

The walk was very quiet and shorts as they soon reached the boys house, he was nervous and watched as the boy opened the door and looked back at him, motioning for him to get inside. Lucerys clutched his bag tightly and jumped to the slightest of noise, but his attention was caught when a woman suddenly screeched; "Callum you're home, and you've brought a friend!" The short blonde haired woman bounded towards them, "hi, sweetie." She says taking his hand and shaking it, she was a bubbly woman, "my name is Lisa! Oh, finally you have a friend who's not ignorant! What's your name?"

"L–Lucerys," he mumbles slightly taken aback at her kind tone, he looked at Callum who looked very much embarrassed.

"Mom, we have to go do our project, you can talk later." He grumbles grabbing Lucerys' wrist tightly before trudging upstairs, and as they got to the top, he turned to the smaller boy, "tell anyone and I'll kill you."

As they entered Callum's room, Lucerys was amazed at how big it was. His room had band posters all over the walls, and he had a drum kit, his room was slightly plain, but who was Lucerys to judge, his walls were blank. The two sat on his floor, and pulled out the things they were to use for the project, they sat staring at what the paper of words were telling them to do. 'What's bad about bullying?'

Lucerys couldn't help himself, he ended up mumbling, "can destroy someone's mental health." The talked boy looks at him, "and make them insecure." He saw the boy taking down note, "uhm, w-what are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm making notes and then we can write an essay on the notes and then turns it into a PowerPoint." He says making it sound so easy when it wasn't, "I'll write the essay and you tell me about you." He smirked at Lucerys who just wanted to go home, "and if it's good enough I'll think about if I want to tell them all of this stuff or not."

"You're a dick," Lucerys says hiding his face in his knees.

"Watch what you say, I have been very kind in telling the teacher to make you my partner." Lucerys froze, "you're lucky that it wasn't Udda."

"Why?" Questioned Lucerys, "I would've done this by myself, I normally do."

The boy just chuckles at him, and looks at the notes he wrote down. "I don't have all day, Lucerys, tell me more, what's bad about bullying, huh, and why should we tell a teacher about it?"

"Sometimes you don't want to tell the teacher because it'll rain down upon you worse than it already is." Callum looks at him before writing it down, "and bullying someone is bad because the person could be suffering."

Callum writes everything Lucerys says, but freezes on this one thing. "People join in because they don't want to be bullied, so the easy way out is to join in, but even they don't know what the victim goes through. The self hatred they feel about themselves, the bad family life they've maybe had and they just want to be seen and want people to listen and get help, but they feel like they deserve it." He looks at Lucerys who's looking and picking at the thread on his jumper, "is that enough?" He asks the boy who wordlessly writes down.

"Yeah, good job." He praises, Lucerys pushes himself back slightly, "will you make the PowerPoint so I can do the essay, and then we'll fill the PowerPoint in together?"

"Mmhmm, the essay is on a document, right?" He asks, "or are you going to do it with pen and paper?"

"A word document." He says as he writes down some of his own notes, but he keeps staring at Lucerys before writing all of it down.

"C–Can I use your phone to call my family? My phone ran out of charge," he lied, he turned it off, but he didn't want to become grounded either.

Callum nods and shows up downstairs towards the house phone, he gives him one last look before going to talk with his mom. Lucerys types the number in quickly and puts it up to his ear, a few rings go by but soon the phone picks up, "hello?" Rhaenyra's voice comes through.

"Hi, Mom." He says softly before hearing her gasp.

"Lucerys! Do you know how much I have been blowing up your phone! Nobody could get through to you!" She shouts into the phone, she sounded really worried and it made Lucerys feel bad.

"Sorry, my phone died and I had a project so I'm at their house doing it." He says quickly, "also who's 'nobody?'"

Rhaenyra sighs with realist, "Rhaena said that you ran away from her, and Jace was very worried and when he couldn't get a call from you, he alerted Helaena and Aegon. Rhaena alerted Baela who alerted me, you're lucky Daemon isn't here!"

Lucerys could feel dread sink in, Helaena and Aegon were there and also blowing up his phone. He felt so bad that he made everyone worried, "Mom, I'm so sorry! I got caught up in the whole project and didn't realise that I should've called you first."

"Oh, sweet boy, it's okay, everyone makes this mistake." She says with a smile in her voice before the phone was bombarded with so many voices, "his phone died and he's at someone's house doing a project."

Lucerys looks to his left with embarrassment covering his whole face, he spots Callum looking at him confused, "Lucerys," Jace. "When you get home I'm putting you in the corner," he says too lowly for anyone to hear, "you got everyone worried. I've never seen Aegon and Helaena get here so fast."

"It was an accident! Okay, now I have to go, I'll be home shortly, I promise. Okay, okay, bye." He says rushing to put the phone down that he ended up talking over the older boy on the other side of the phone, he then turns back to Callum who's trying not to laugh, "sorry."

"Nah, don't worry about it, you ready to finish up for today?" Why the hell was this boy being so nice to him when he's always been so mean? He nods quickly and walks back up the stairs with him.

"Do you know where the nearest bus stop is?" He asks as he packs his things into his back.

Callum looks up, "yeah. It's near burn street! You always go left, don't go right or straight it's like ten minutes away from here." He says. The tall boy leads the smaller down and out the door, "you Lucerys Velaryon are not bad."

Lucerys looks at him with a small smile, he wasn't trusting him. This could be a trick, and then he would spill his secrets away, he knew all of this, he knew and wouldn't fall down into that again. "Thanks," he mumbles before giving a small wave before locking the gate behind him and kept going left down to the bus stop.


thanks for reading!

also sorry for the slightly sad chapter!

vote, comment & talk to someone
if you're being bullied!

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