Don't Be Foolish (Naruto Mal...

By MarilynneCadance1218

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Hadeki has a curse on his family that he intends to break. The thing is, his family isn't a normal Leaf Villa... More



676 25 0
By MarilynneCadance1218

It doesn’t take long for me to swim back up. With the blade in my arm it's more difficult but it’s nothing I haven’t already done before. My head breaks the surface and I gasp for air. I pant and keep myself afloat but just a little to stay hidden. 

I grab the yoyo from my belt and fling it up. It wraps around one of the posts on the bridge. I grow even angrier as I climb. The pain in my stomach is nothing to the rage I feel. 

I fell unconscious underwater at one point but I don’t know for how long. When I woke up I was just floating. I can feel that my contacts have fallen off but I’m not going to go swimming to find them. 

I grunt as I hold myself with my good arm. I hate this fog, I can’t see where I am. 

Finally I make hand signals and lift my hand to my mouth. I blow out harshly and the wind becomes a huge gust. The fog gets blown away aggressively and I know they noticed. 

“Zabuza!” I yell. I climb up on the bridge and see everyone staring at me. 

My hair is wet and lays down over my face unlike what it normally does. I reach over to the knife in my arm and pull it out. I glare at the ground then look up at them with my eyes flashing. 

Zabuza stares at me and I can see his shock and horror as he stares into my eyes. 

“Your eyes!” Zabuza gasps. 

I give him a scary stare as I say "Did you think you could kill me like that?" 

Zabuza’s body trembles as he stares at me. 

“What’s the matter? Afraid of a cold stare?” I ask, flicking the knife around my hand. 

Kakashi stares at me in shock and looks at my arm. It's already starting to heal I can feel it. 

“The Jubaku Eye” Zabuza says under his breath. 

My eye shares the colors purple, red, and yellow in sections with my left eye completely silver. 

I smirk “Oh, so you know about the Jubaku Eye?” 

He nods and says “Everyone knows the story. They say the yellow is a sign of immortality, the red is said to be able to look into someone’s soul and cause an instant death curse. But the purple can see into the future. The silver eye though, nobody knows” He growls “I just didn’t think they were a real thing” 

I run the knife through my fingers and chuckle inwardly. 

"Oh they're real alright" I smile at him "And quite valuable I hear" 

Zabuza takes a step towards me. "Then why do you show me? You know how skilled I am" 

I smirk and step closer as well "Because," I start. I raise the knife up to my face for it to shimmer in the light. "It really won't matter who I tell as long as they don't live long enough to share the story" 

His eyes widen as I suddenly disappear. 

He looks around but doesn't see me. 

Suddenly I appear above him. I bring my foot down in him hard and it hits his shoulder. 

There's a cracking sound as I disappear again. 

I hide in the fog. "Isn't it funny Zabuza, that the fog you created to help you is working against you?" 

My pupil dilate as I appear by his side. 

I pull my hand back and fling my arm to the side. It hits his liver hard and he hunches over his stomach coughing. 

He tried to grab me but I was gone. 

I kick him off of his feet and he falls landing on his back. 

His sword slides across the ground. He rolls over and reaches for it. 

When his hand wraps around the handle I step on it. 

He cries out as I put more pressure down on it and crouch down. 

"I'm gonna kill you" Zabuza shouts. 

I smirk and get close to his face as I say "You already tried that" I kick him and pick up his sword. 

He flips to his feet to catch his breath. 

I make wide gestures with the sword as I watch him. 

"If you're so powerful, why did you let me kill you?" He asks. 

I sigh "I usually give people to many chances, but once I'm done-" my silver eyes sparks suddenly "I'm done" 

I jump forward and grab him. There's a sudden flash as my right eye stares daggers into the eyes of my opponent. 

But to my surprise, when I see the soul, it's not dirty like Zabuza's should have been. 

I hear a soft gasp as the eyes I'm staring into, don't match Zabhza's. 

My eyes widen as I look down. 

Haku, stands in front of me. He took in all of my Jubaku's eyes power. 

I let go of Haku in surprise and step back. 

Haku's eyes are lifeless as he falls to the ground slowly. 

His body hits the ground and bounces before lying still. 

I stare at him. He really did serve Zabuza to the death, just like he always said he would. 

I can't help but feel bad. I didn't want to kill Haku, just Zabuza. 

What is this feeling? Suddenly as I look at Haku's wide lifeless eyes, I don't feel like killing Zabuza anymore. Haku was a great fighter and I respected that, he was also a loyal companion to Zabuza which meant something. 

Right now my Jubaku eye is completely red from the aftermath of the kill. I only had one kill in my eye and I used it on Haku. I could still kill Zabuza normally but that seems like such a waste. A waste of Haku's last efforts. 

I crouch down and close Haku's eyes then stand back up. 

I stare at Haku as I say "Zabuza," I can hear him breathing heavily "Count yourself lucky that Haku gave you this last fleeting moment left to live" I tilt my head up and look at him. "I'll give you one chance to save your miserable pathetic life"

Zabuza opens his mouth but I say "Do you remember, Daichi Nakamura?" 

He's quiet. 

I stare at him emotionless as he thinks. 

He looks down at me "Yes I do, he was a ninja I wanted dead" 

"He was my brother" I start. "The only one who made me believe that there was more to life than being a solo killer. I still believe that even now and you killed him" I glare "Why?" 

Zabuza stares at me. 

"He killed my lover," Zabuza says quietly. 

My face softens and shows my shock. 

I can tell he's not lying either. 

"You're brother killed my lover when she tried to help me out of a mess I had created. He ended up killing her so I vouched to kill him" 

I'm quiet. 

"Hadeki!" Naruto suddenly yells "Kill him!" 

I hold the knife in my hand tightly. 

I stare at him as he stared down at me. 

My brother killed his wife? I only knew my brother from when he came back from missions. I didn't realize that maybe he also killed people. 

I'm fighting my thoughts. My brother killed his wife and in return he killed my brother. 

"Kill me now" Zabuza suddenly says. 

I stare at him in surprise. 

Zabuza leans down and gets into my face. 

"Kill me for killing your brother then. That's what you want isn't it?"

I stare at him. 

"Come on do it!" Naruto urges. 

"Naruto quiet!" Kakashi says. 

I'm quiet, Zabuza is quiet. 

I glance over to the side and see something that settles my decision. 

I drop the knife. It falls and sticks in the ground at his feet. 

Zabuza looks at it in shock then at me angrily. 

"Consider us even" I turn and walk away. 

"Hey!" Zabuza yells after me "Finish what you started!" 

I glance back at him as a breeze goes by "I'll let them handle that" I say nodding over to the side. 

He turns his head and I walk away. 

At an end of a bridge twenty assassin ninja's wait with Gato, the gangster lord. 

I can hardly hear them talk as I look for my squad. 

I see Sakura suddenly, crouched over Sasuke's body. 

Tazuna is standing with her as she sobs. 

My eyes widen and I quickly run over. 

"Sakura!" I call. 

She jumps up and turns to me. She plants her face in my chest as she sobs. 

"You're alive!" She says between sobs. "But Sasuke! He-he" 

I look down at Sasuke but downs see his chest rising or falling. 

He's implanted with many needles, probably from Haku. They've hit him in many spots. 

I'm surprised but see what is really going on. 

"Sakura, calm down" I say. I look at Tazuna for help but he's scowling at me. 

"Her boyfriend died and you want her to calm down? You're heartless!" 

Tazuna says. 

"What?" I ask surprised "No I'm not-" I stop and roll my eyes. 

I grab her shoulders and move her to teh side. 

"Sakura, he's not dead." I say crouching down. 

"What do you mean? Of course he is" Sakura says, choking on tears. 

I sigh and shake my head "No, he's not. Haku just hit him in a pressure point that knocks him out until the needle is removed" 

I take a needle out of his throat and almost immediately his eyes open. 

"Hadeki?" He asks in a hoarse voice. 

Sakura gasps "Sasuke! You're alive!" 

She throws herself on top of him in a hug. 

Sasuke grunts from the sudden weight. 

I sigh and look down at him. 

"I suggest you don't do that again Sasuke" I say smiling a little "She was about to try to wake you up with a kiss" 

Sasuke looks surprised but Sakura swats me. 

"No I was not!" She yells angrily. 

Sasuke looks at me "Thanks" He says. 

I nod and hold my hand out to help him up. 

He takes it and I pull him to his feet. 

I put one of his arms over my shoulders so he can stand easier. He puts some of his weight on me accepting my help. 

Sakura runs to tell Kakashi and as she does I help Sasuke over. 

"So, the Jubaku eyes?" Sasuke asks. 

I sigh "Yeah, and what about you? Sharingan eyes?" 

He nods. I look ahead and smile a little "Cool" I say. "Kakashi Sensei, you, and I should start a club" 

"No." Sasuke deadpans. 

I smirk "I was joking," 

"Oh" He says. He's quiet before he sighs and says "No one except you know right now so let's keep it that way" 

I nod. "Yeah and not that I don't trust you, but don't tell anyone outside of Kakashi about my eyes either" 

"Sakura didn't see them?" Sasuke asks in surprise. 

I shake my head "No, she didn't. She was crying to hard to pay attention to anything" 

I see Zabuza laying dead besides Haku. I guess he died in the end. 

"How do you plan on keeping it a secret?" Sasuke asks. 

I reach into my belt "I always carry extra contacts" I pull out a little container with contacts. "Unlike you, my eyes don't just return to a normal color and my eyes are valuable to every single ninja in the world right now so you know" 

"But aren't you immortal?" Sasuke asks. "That's what the yellow does right?" 

I scoff "Uh no. Everyone always gets that mixed up for some reason. It takes over in case my normal body gets too tired to fight. Then I shift into a completely dangerous and crazy animal of a person. It's not something I like using often. I don't normally correct people because if they think you're immortal then they don't try to fight you since it's a losing game. That's why I faked my death with Zabuza, to from a kind of proof that I couldn't be killed to make him doubt himself. "

Sasuke nods" I see, but the others are true then?" 

I nod then shake my head "Well my silver eye is for seeing the future while the purple doesn't seem to do anything, or I just haven't found it out. I always tell my enemies that the purple is to see into the future while the silver does something crazy and intimidates them" 

Sasuke grunts as he almost trips over a weapon. I help him get his balance back as Kakashi walks over to us. "I'd put your contacts in if I were you," Kakashi says quietly. 

I nod and make quick work of hiding my Jubaku eyes. 

"We won! Yeah haha!" Naruto yells running over as I finish. 

"Sasuke you're alive, cool!" Naruto then slaps Sasuke's back making him grunt from the pain.

Sasuke shoots him a glare as he chuckles sheepishly "Oh right, sorry" 

Sakura walks over "You're an idiot Naruto! Sasuke is in a lot of pain right now!" 

I scoff and say "Uh Sakura, I got stabbed in the arm, stomach, and leg. I also almost drowned" 

"And I was stabbed too," Kakashi pipes in. 

"The only people not hurt and in pain right now are you guys" I say. 

"Oh right" Sakura says sheepishly. "It's just, I forgot you were hurt because you walk around just fine"

I roll my eyes and help Sasuke walk back to Tazuna's house. We make it back and our both tired. 

"Sasuke" I say. 

"Yeah?" He ask.

I sigh and say "I'm about to pass out from loss of blood and overuse of chakra" 

"Me too," Sasuke says in strain

"Cool" Is the last thing I say before my knees give out and we both fall to the ground. 

Before we even land I'm unconscious.

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