I See You (Neteyam/Y/N/Aonung...

By wordforever

118K 1.9K 691

FEMALE READER! Boys if you want a p.o.v let me know and I give you one. Give this story a chance. Okay let me... More

1. The New Home!
2. Training!
3. Hide N' Seek!
4. Ball Chase!
5. The Plan!?
7. Ilu
8. Tuk on the cliff!
9. The nightly swim.
10 Confession!
11! Is this a dream too?
12! Reef Swimming!?
13! Why are you so tempting?
14! Strip?
15! Virgin, Who?!
16! Tauri finds out!
17! Y/N where are you?!
18! Do not see them again!?
20! Dinner?!
21! Daddy!
22! Safe word!
23! Dinner!? Parents!?
24! That Guy?!
25! Mine!?
26! Knees?!
27! Birthday!?
28! Surprise!?
29! Aonung day?!
30! Aonung part 2!?
31! Watch!?
33! Beach
34: GIRL!
35: What happened?!
36: Neteyam day!?
37. Neteyam Day 2
38. Girl
39. Come on Darling
40. Last Time?!
41. Leader.
42. Months.
43. Month 7 May.
44. Fuck Neteyam!
45. Came back.
46. Baby names.

6. Fruit!

3.4K 64 31
By wordforever

Your p.o.v

Alo and I head out to get some food. "Do you like them?" I look down at Alo. "No, I don't" I mumble "not in a way you are thinking." Alo looks up at me "Good because I'll hate for them to be like the last one." We go silent again, I find a tree with fruit hanging off of it. "Wanna climb it?" Alo looks at me and shakes his head 'no'. "I don't even know if we are aloud to have these fruit's." "Wanna go ask someone?" I replied.

Alo nod in agreement. We head up to the chief hut. We walked in and see the Sully family and the chief's family. "Sorry to interrupt, but we were wondering if the fruit on the trees could be eaten." I say look at Tonowari. He chuckles "Yes, the fruit can be eaten." Alo gives me a smile and nods at them. "Thank you" I say and both Alo and I start to leave.

"Stay and eat with us" Ronal tells us. I look down at Alo, Alo doesn't give an emotion or response. Alo punch me in the arm "Stop looking at me like I always need to answer." I whine and start rubbing my arm. "I just want to make sure you are comfortable, we give what the youngest wants." Alo looks at me "What is that suppose to mean!" "It means once you get upset you don't know how to stop pouting about it."

"Oh yeah? Says the girl who-.." before Alo can finish a hand is wrap around his mouth and mine. We see Calian and he is giving us intense looks. "Will both of you shut the fuck up!" Calian moves his hand from our mouth. "Sorry sir and lady, my idiot brother and sister shouldn't be acting this way." I cross my arms and hear people start laughing a little. "They are siblings, it's what they do best" Ronal says.

Calian looks at us "What are y'all doing here in the first place." "We wanted to know if the fruit on the tree was okay to eat, so we came and asked these lovely people. They said 'yes it is'. We went to leave and they told us 'to stay and eat with them'. I wanted to make sure it was okay with Alo first but he got upset with me. Than we had this little disagreement and-..." "Y/n I get it" Calian tells me. I take a deep breath, "Nice going over explainer" I hear Alo's voice. I look at him and narrow my eyes at him.

Calian takes a deep breath and looks at the two family members that are present. "I rather them not stay, they can be a handful." "Oh, please I have two kids that fight a lot too. Come sit" Ronal say. "I don't mind if I do." Before I could walk over to them, Calian puts his arm out in front of me. Stopping me from making my way over to them. "What do you say y/n?" "Thank you" I give Ronal a smile. All three of us sit down. I'm sitting next to Neteyam, Alo is sitting next to Tuk, Calian is sitting next to Kiri.

Tonowari hands me a purple fruit. I look at it and take a bite of it. My eyes widen, I feel the juices run down my face. "Omg that's so good." I say through a moan. Alo reach over and take a piece of the fruit. I watch him eat it and his eyes widen. "See I told you." Calian sigh and shakes his head. "I promise they do have home training." Everyone laugh and I pick up another fruit that looks just like the last one. Neteyam leans down and whisper "It's not going anywhere, slow down a bit Principessa (princess).

I look a Neteyam and he gives me a smile. I slowly lower the fruit down from my mouth. Knowing I have the fruits juices on my mouth and chin. Calian chuckles and shakes his head. I look at Alo and he is the same way. I look at my fruit and bite into it again. I finish the fruit and so does Alo. "Damn that was god" I say out loud. "Have you never ate fruit before?" Jake asked. I look over at him. "Nothing like that, we move around to much to enjoy fruit like that" I say, Calian looks at me.

"Why do y'all move around so much?" Calian looks at Kiri and take a breath. "Wouldn't y'all want some place to call home?" Lo'ak question. Alo stands up and leaves the hut. Calian stands up and looks at me. He shakes his head and walks away, going after Alo. I feel everyone's stare on me. "I'm sorry but-" I stand up "I have to go. Please don't mention us moving or home. It's still a sensitive topic for my brothers. Thank you for the fruit." I run after my brothers and meet up with them. I see Alo looking down at the ground.

"Alo, Cal, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." My brothers stay quiet for a moment. "It's okay Y/n just watch what you say." Alo mummers, Calian nods in agreement. I grab my brothers hands and pull both of them into a hug. "We got this okay?" Calian and Alo smile. "We know" Calian says. "Race y'all to the hut." Alo screams before taking off towards the hut.

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