Questions And Answers...

By NikkityNakNoo

25.4K 690 288

A collection of stand alone chapters of what, if, when and why's of Chicago Fire episodes that have left more... More

What About Rene?
Take My Breath Away
The Scars We Hide...
The Lieutenant's Test..
Whose Shadow You Walk In.
We've Come A Long Way
The Man You Deserve
It's Her Home Too...
Give Me Everything I Need
My Girl..
Funny The Things You Get Used To..
You Were Made For This..
Pictured Rocks
Wake Up The Rest Of The Building
Lieutenant Kidd
Not Like This...
Don't Ever Let It End
Just Give Up
Saving Water
Sub Zero Temperatures....
Important Person Stuff
No One Like You.
I can't go through this again...
Help Me Forget
At Last
I've Got You
.................The Epilogue...( to the last chapter!)
Mistletoe And Wine
Christmas Wish List
The Perfect Christmas Gift
Happy New Year, Babe.
You've Lost That Loving Feeling
The Bachelor

Put My Focus Back Where It Belongs...

880 22 4
By NikkityNakNoo

S8 E10- Hold Our Ground

So... love her or not...... Seager....

Let's face it, Stella knew and we knew.....that the O.F.I Lieutenant just gives off a bad vibe where the Squad 3 Lieutenant is concerned....

So did Stella ever say anything to Kelly?.....


Stella couldn't help but curse under her breath as she got out of her car and saw Kelly leaning back against the front of a squad car.... and Wendy Seager. Her relief on hearing that he was o.k a few minutes ago was quickly bypassed by a surge of irritation and a little red mist, seeing the OFI Lieutenant, her hands resting around Kelly. Wasn't holding Kelly Stella's job?

Striding towards them, her face betrayed everything she had gone through on the ride after Boden had relayed that Kelly was trapped in the basement with the arsonist.

" Hey, You've got company." Seager saw Stella heading towards them and stepped back from Kelly, a little guiltily.

Stella ignored Seager and threw her arms around her boyfriend, feeling the familiar comfort of him as he automatically put his arms around her and buried his head in the crook of her neck.

"You scared the hell out of me." She said pulling back as he looked at her a little sheepishly.

"I'll give you two some space," Seager muttered, not being able to help but register how tightly Kelly had been holding onto his girlfriend, his eyes closed.
A sense of disappointment and jealousy stabbed at her. She wasn't going to lie, she had a 'thing' for Kelly Severide and had had from the moment she had first set eyes on him when she had gone to see him at firehouse 51, his blue eyes blazing in denial when she had told him about wanting him to join OFI. But even she knew that despite her trying pretty much every overt flirting tactic in her book while they worked together, he remained immune to her. Stella Kidd was one lucky girl!

Stella turned towards Seager, her eyes telling the other woman silently that her presence was surplus to requirements. And Wendy Seager was no fool. Stella Kidd had staked her claim.
Seager backed off a little awkwardly knowing that Stella had seen through her.

Turning back to her boyfriend Stella kissed him and then gave him an exasperated look.

"Seriously, can you stop doing this to me! My heart cannot take it!"

Kelly laughed softly, his eyes crinkling in apology.

"Sorry." He murmured in that way that always had her as putty in his hands.

Stella rolled her eyes in mock exasperation but inside she was just relieved that he was o.k. She was supposed to be going to shift but right now she had decided she wasn't going to let Kelly Severide out of her sight. And she certainly wasn't going to leave him to be taken care of by the over-eager Lieutenant.

"I'm taking you home so I can lock you up in the apartment to stop you from getting yourself in any more trouble "

"Yes, Chief." Kelly brushed his lips against hers and then. "Let me just go tell Seager, I'm going home."

Stella gave him the look that she used whenever she was skeptical but he just grinned back at her. Her pride wouldn't allow her to follow him to where Seager was, but that didn't mean that she didn't let her eyes wander over in their direction. Seager's disappointment was visible as Kelly filled her in. To give him his due, Kelly was not doing anything to give Stella any cause for concern but then again all he had to do was smile and most women could convince themselves that he had reserved it entirely for her.


"I need a shower. I can even taste the smoke in my mouth." Kelly threw off his jacket walking into the bedroom.

Stella picked up his jacket from the bed. " Give me the rest of your clothes and I'll put them in the washer."

"Thank you." Kelly planted a kiss on her cheek as he walked around her towards the bathroom.

Stella couldn't help but stare at him, getting undressed as he moved, his shirt coming off first, muscles moving in his upper arms and back, and then his trousers before he walked into the bathroom and the shower. Despite herself, and that she had seen him naked dozens of times, her mouth went dry. No wonder Seager wanted him. Who the hell wouldn't?!
And just like that Stella's face broke into a mischievous smile. There was one way she could rid herself of feeling antsy about Wendy Seager. Seeing as she had him all to herself there was no point wasting the precious free hours that Boden had granted her to check on Kelly. Stella reached for her shirt and unbuttoned it, pulling it over her head, dropping it on the floor at the same time as kicking off her shoes.

Kelly let the water run over him and lathered up his shampoo in his hands. As much as he loved his job he still disliked the stench of smoke, especially when it seemed like it had penetrated even his pores and into his blood. He had just raised his hands to his head to start washing his hair when he felt her hands reach for his scalp and her soft warm flesh against his back. He smiled in pleasant surprise and turned around to find himself looking into the softest brown eyes, black curls tumbling all around a face that he found himself picturing a hundred times a day.

"Hey." He whispered.

"Hey." The spray of water splashed down on her and she blinked it away. Her hands reached into his scalp and her fingers kneaded his head.

How could something so simple feel so amazing, Kelly was thinking? How could one person make him feel like this? He closed his eyes and let her wash his hair and then as the water washed it clean, he pulled her up against him needing more than just her gentle ministrations. Blue eyes, framed by spiky dark lashes had darkened with lust, one leg sliding in between hers. Stella pulled his mouth down to hers sighing deeply. This was what they had between them, this incessant need to get closer. And it never stopped getting better.


Later that week, Stella stood at the end of the bar at Molly's making herself busy but failing as Wendy Seager invited her boyfriend to lunch on the pretext of 'looking over' an OFI case. Seager was bloody determined to keep Kelly working with her it seemed. Stella tried not to listen, but she couldn't help herself. She hated to admit it but she was jealous, despite Kelly having assured her the other day that it was "just work'. But as Stella had confided to Sylvie she also felt like a hypocrite even thinking bad thoughts, particularly after what had happened with Tyler last year

"Listen I need to put my focus back where it belongs, Squad 3, house 51...Sort of keep myself tied down to one thing."

Did Kelly just say that?!

Stella watched in barely concealed delight as a disappointed Seager slid off her stool and left.

Stella beamed at him before she walked back to where he was sitting watching her with a little smile playing around his mouth. She reached out and placed her hands on his.

" Hermann will probably let me sneak out early if you want? Just the two of us....." She offered sweetly.

Kelly smiled tenderly. "I'd love that."


"Thank you."

"What for?" Kelly's voice was drowsy.

They were lying in bed, with Stella curled back into his naked length, his arms wrapped around her, her fingers playing with his.

"For tonight.... Seager. Not agreeing to more investigating. I know you guessed that I was getting a bit of a bad vibe from her... "

"Yeah....I kinda sensed that."

"You don't think I'm a hypocrite after everything that happened with Tyler?" Stella was nervous bringing up that time. Even now she found it difficult to think about the torrid time they'd gone through after Tyler had played her and caused such serious issues between them culminating in Stella breaking it off with Kelly, citing his jealousy about Tyler as one of the things that she couldn't deal with. Even though Kelly had been right about Tyler after all.

"I get it. I guess she's a bit obvious." Kelly's voice sounded a bit embarrassed so Stella turned around.
She was still wearing the flush of post-sex, soft and sated. Looking up at him, her jealousy about Seager seemed a universe away. But she felt she needed to explain herself. His agreeable response had not been what she had expected at all and instead, Kelly Severide had surprised her once again by being so surprisingly understanding.

"I guess I'm a little insecure about know.... " This time it was she who felt embarrassed admitting this.

"There's no need to be..... " He traced her mouth with his thumb. "I love you."

Stella sighed helplessly, losing herself in the depths of bottomless eyes.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

Kelly didn't say anything, but just stared into her eyes and it was then she realised that he didn't have to say anything at all. It was all there in his eyes.

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