Secret Admirer

By pavinstoriesss

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Secret Admirer More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

88 5 3
By pavinstoriesss

She steps a little closer to him and he puts the guitar down. " You look beautiful my love..." She blushes. " Thank you..." She realizes Gavin isn't there and she wants him to see her secret admirer. " Gavin! Gav, hurry!"  She shouts.  "it's getting late. I think you should get some rest my love. " Without warning, he picks her up bridal style and carries her inside. " which one is your room beauty?" She points in the direction of her room. When they get there he lays her on the bed and tucks her in. " Aw, I see you still have the stuffed animal I gave you..." She smiles. " Of course. I sleep with it every night. " He picks up Carl and hands it to her. She whispers to him. " a little closer..." He laughs. " Why? Trying to rip off my mask?" She frowns and folds her arms. " I just wanted to give you a hug. " She says. He gets a little closer and she hugs him. " you smell so good. " She says while hugging him. She scoots over. " can you stay a little longer pleaseee. " she says while giving him puppy dogs eyes. " For you, yes I will. " She hugs him. " Yay! What should we watch? " he looks at her. " I'm not sure. " She goes through Netflix looking for something to watch.
" What about.. Boo b*tch. " She says. He cover her mouth and she almost laughs. " Ms. Rockelle..
No bad words!" She laughs. " I'm turning seventeen soon. " He laughs. " Months from now. "   He gets closer and lowers his voice while making eye contact with her. He slightly grabs her chin. " one week without any bad words and I'll give you more clues. "  She claps and smiles. " Deal! "  She hugs him and makes him lay down. " Okay, let's watch. "  She says. She gets an extra blanket and pillow and they watch half of the season before she falls asleep. " So f*cking adorable. "  He says while smiling.

The next day

Piper wakes up and yawns. She looks on her nightstand and sees a note with a ring laying on top of it.
Went home after you fell asleep. Hope you had a great rest. Daily reminder, you're a beautiful, amazing, intelligent girl with the best personality I've seen. I truly do admire you and after 100 years, I will never forget the way you've made me feel. Your special. Now go enjoy your life. Whenever you need someone to talk to or you need someone to hold you, I'll always be right here love. As a matter of a fact, come meet me at the best DQ spot, around the corner from the school. Hope I see you there :)
She wipes her happy tears and slips the ring onto her finger.

She gets ready and heads to DQ

She walks in and sees her secret admirer. She sits next to him.
" That note made me cry. It was beautiful. And the ring... I love it.  I love you. And I'm not sure who you are or when I'll figure out but you make me feel so special, like I can do anything. I love you so much and- "   He grabs her hands and looks her in the eyes. " I love you too... "  He says. They stare for about three minutes. " Those eyes... y-you're beautiful my love. "
She smiles brightly. " Thank you. "
She says. " So why are we here? "
She asks.  " Well I wanted to check on you and make sure your okay, and I thought why not get some ice cream. " You're so sweet. "  She says. He gets up and hugs her.
" Your so warm. "  She says while hugging him back. He smiles as they hug for at least a minute. He grabs her hand. " Oh, I see the ring fit perfectly. "  She smiles.
" Yeah. Where'd you get it from?"  She asks. " Zales. "  He says. " It's perfect. "  She says. " are you. "  She blushes and he notices. " Aw, look. You're blushing. How cute. " She gets closer and blushes as she looks at him " I really do love you, you know? "   He smiles.
" I love you too mi amour. "  They order ice cream and he walks home with her.  "  I had a great time as usual. "  Piper says looking up to him while smiling.
" I'm glad you enjoyed yourself love. "  He says, smiling. " See you at school tomorrow... I think. "  He laughs. " You'll see me, you just won't know it. She hugs him once again. " Be safe, okay? "  She says.
" Don't you worry about me. Enjoy the rest of your day, love. "  As he walks away she stops him.
" Wait!" She says, grabbing his hand. " Yes beautiful? "  She stands on her tippy toes since he's a bit taller than her. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and smiles at him. He tells her to close her eyes so she does. He slowly gives her a kiss on the cheek and pulls his mask back up. She holds onto him then looks up at him. " Do you have to go? "  He laughs. " I don't want your boyfriend to come and think your cheating on him. "  She sighs. " Fine. "  He laughs again and waves as he walks out. She smiles and waves back. He leaves and Piper calls Gavin. " Hello? "
He says. " I love you Gavin. I don't ever wanna lose you, you and Ellie are the best things that have ever happened to me. I love you I love you I love you I love-"  He stops her.  " Where is all this coming from? "  he asks. " I just really love you and I want you to know that. Gav, you mean so much to me. "  He looks up to hr window, but she doesn't know. " I love you too Pipes. You and Elliana are everything to me. " 
" I'm gonna call you back, okay? "
" Okay. " She hangs up and calls Ellie.  " Hey. "  Ellie says. " Hey bestie. Just a reminder that I love you so much. And I don't know what I would do without youthank you so much for being such a great friend to me. "  She says.
" Aww, Pipes. I feel the same about you. And I love you too!"
" Have a great day Ellie, I'm gonna take a nap. "   She says.
" okay, bye. "  They both hang up.
Just as she's about to take a nap, she gets a call from Gavin.
" Hello? "  She says.  " Hey Pipes, I'm outside. "   He put on a new hoodie and put the old one in his bookbag, no hat. And this time he has his Yung Garv chain and his watch.  " Okay, one sec. "  She hangs up and goes to open the door. She jumps into his arms and  hugs him. " Hey Gav! "  she says while holding on to him. " Hey Pipes. "  she smiles. " Hey. What you doing here Gav? " she asks.
" I'm here for you. I just had to come see you, I missed you. "  She plays in his hair. " Gav, your so sweet. "  She kisses his cheek and he carries her to her room. They lay on the bed and talk. " So what you been up to Pipes? " He asks. 
" Just been chilling, how about you? "  she says. " just been thinking about my favorite girl. "  He says with a bright smile. " And who is that? "  She asks. he points to her. She hugs him again and looks at him with a smile. " I'm your favorite girl? "  she asks, still smiling. " You and Ellie. But you're special. "  She kicks her feet and giggles. " Thanks Gav. "  she says, completely turning red. " Can I ask you something? "  she says. he nods. " do you think I'm smart? "
" yes, I think you're really smart. Why? "  he says. " because, I'm doing this difficult history assignment and the way my teacher reacted to my progress, it felt like he was calling me stupid, it kind of hurt my feelings. "  she says.  he laughs then puts his hand on her face. " you poor baby. Your so sensitive. it's cute but you shouldn't give a f*ck what that teacher thinks. You're as smart as Einstein, and I know that for a fact. f*ck that dirty old
hunchback - "  She laughs. " look, the point is, you are smart and you should never doubt yourself over some hater. Don't worry. you got this, love. "  she kisses his cheek. " i love you piper. " he says.
She holds his hand.  " i love you more garvie. "  he smiles. " i love you m- "  they hear a knock on the door.  They both go downstairs. Piper opens the door and sees Walker. " Hey Walker. "  She says as she tries to give him a hug. He slightly pushes her back.  " don't hug me. We're done. Your not prettier enough for me and I got a new girl and your so boring like all you do is talk. Bottom line, we are breaking up. "  he walks away and she breaks down in tears. Gavin hugs her before she can hit the floor.

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