Chapter 3

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Piper walks back over to the table and sits down

" He wants me to come over but I can stay just a little longer. " Gavin smiles. " So... Secret admirer.. May I ask you some questions."
" Yeah Sure. " She scoots her chair over to him. " What's your favorite thing about me? " He throws his head back for a second then looks at her. " That's a hard question my love. Can I call you my love? " She nods her head yes and smiles. " Well, Everything. I love your sweet soft voice, and your long hair... And your bright smile... " Her smiles widens and she starts blushing really hard.
" Your personality... and I could stare at that beautiful face all day. Come on, seriously. You've got wifey written all over you. " She leans back in her chair and hides her face. He lifts her chair back up. " Careful, I don't want you to get hurt. " She smiles at him.
" And your protective!! " she says. She gets out of her chair.
" Is that an issue my love? "  she sits back in her chair. " No issue, I think it's cute when people are protective. I've never had someone be protective of me. Expect for my besties, Gav and Ellie. " 
" Tell me about your friends. ”  She scoots even closer to him.
" They've been my friends since we were all eight- "  He mistakenly cuts her off. “ Tell me about this ' Gav '. "  She jokingly rolls her eyes at him." Well sheesh I was talking. "  He stutters nervously as he responds because he thinks he upset her. " Oh S-sorry. " 
" No, It's fine. I was joking. But um, Gavin is an amazing, sweet  talented person. And he's funny but I'd never admit that to him.
( Little does she know she just admitted it to him🤭 )
( btw I might use a dash to separate what diff people are saying )

" Would you ever date him? Y-you know, If you didn't have a boyfriend? "  She puts her hand on the table and thinks for a second. " That's a very interesting question. And I think I definitely would. He's the light of my life. Life would be nothing without Gav, Ellie, and you of course. "  You can see his smile through the mask. " I want to see your face. " He laughs. " Well then, You'd know who I am. "
" Why can't I? "   He slowly grabs her hand. “ I'd never be able to love you the way I want to, so it might as well be a secret. "  She looks at their hands touching. He tries to let go because he thinks she's uncomfortable. She grabs his other hand and they stare in each other's eyes. She begins to speak. “ You have some really beautiful eyes. ”  Her secret admirer stares her up and down.  “ I'm not even gonna lie... I wanna kiss you right now. But I know I can't.  "   They sit in silence for about three minutes then she says... “ What time is it? "  He checks his watch. " eight-thirty-five. "  Piper starts to panic.
" Oh my gosh I'm late! Walker's gonna be so mad at me. ”  Her secret admirer grabs her chin and looks her in the eye. " It'll be fine my love. "  She smiles and hugs him. " I hope I'll see you tomorrow. "
He smiles at her. " You will. Have a good night my love. " They both smile and she walks away.

- To Be Continued


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