Chapter 1

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“ Ellie I don't know how to tell her I like her. ”  Ellie puts her hands on his shoulders and looks at him. “ Gavin you got this! Maybe there's a way to tell her you like here without actually telling her. ”  “ Like a.... Secret Admirer? ” Ellie smiles. “ Yes, exactly! That's a brilliant plan! ”  Gavin smiles. “ Thanks for the help. ”  He walks away and starts planning. He bumps into Piper in the process of walking to class. She smiles at him and waves. “ Hey bestie! ”      He smiles and hugs her. “ Hey Pipes. ”  He looks her up and down and tries not to bite his lip. “ Piper, you look gorgeous! ”  She blushes and moves her hair out of her face. “ Thanks Gav. ” 
“ Not that you can't just look beautiful everyday... But what's the occasion? ”  She points to some lockers and he sees some girls doing their makeup and some guys fixing their hair. “ Gavin did you forget? It's Picture day! ”  He looks surprised. “ Oh sh*t I'm not ready at all. ”  He starts fixing his hair. She moves his hand and lays it down for him. “ Gav it's fine! You look absolutely amazing. You're gonna rock this! ”  He hides his face because he's blushing so hard. She doesn't even notice. She hugs him tight.
“ I'll see you later Gav, I'm gonna go do my makeup then find Walker. ”  He sighs. “ Okay, bye. ”  She walks away.

Gavin's POV

She doesn't need any makeup, the makeup needs her. She's so f*cking beautiful.... And smart... And sweet. Walker is her boyfriend. She wants me to be his friend so bad but I'm not his biggest fan. He treats her like garbage. She deserves way better. She's so nice to everyone and there's only a couple people that actually deserve her. Ellie is one of them. I've known Ellie and Piper since I was eight years old. We've been bestfriends since the day we met. We met in gym class. Ellie was beating everyone in basketball and she taught me how to do a jump shot. And Piper was so tired of running the daily lap she fell on the floor so I let her get on my back and I ran with her holding on to me. We've all been besties since that day. I've had a crush on Piper since the first day of middle school but I thought maybe it was just a phase. I was hoping it was just a phase because I don't want to ruin our friendship. But it wasn't. I fall harder for her everyday. Just thinking about her makes me wanna scream. But a good kinda scream, as if I won the lottery or something. She makes me so happy. Ellie makes me happy too, that's why I was so confused about having a crush on Piper in middle school but then I realized, I think of Ellie in a best friend way. I think of Piper that way too, but everytime I say her name I can't help but to think of how life would be if we were a couple. I would give her the world. She deserves it. She deserves everything. Everything good that is. And what makes her even more perfect is that she has great taste in music. That's it! I'm gonna sing to her! I'm just... Not gonna let her know it's me. I hope she doesn't tell her boyfriend. But If she does maybe I'll get over my crush on her... Or not. Its not a little crush, it's a gigantic crush. Anyways.....

Gavin gets in the line for pictures. Piper comes out running and hugs him. She looks up at him. “ They said they'll let me take a picture with you and Ellie. Where is she by the way? ”  Gavin looks around while Piper is still holding onto him and staring at him. “ She must still be in the bathroom doing her makeup.” 
“ Well then... I guess it's just me and you. ”    She grabs his hand and they go to take the picture. They sit in the same chair and she holds one side of his face while she kisses his cheek, making him smile as hard as ever. She gets on his back after they take the picture and they walk out. “ We killed it! ”  She says as she gets off his back. Ellie walks up to them with a picture in her hand.
“ Sorry I didn't get to take a picture with you guys, I was still fixing my makeup. ”  Piper puts her elbow on Gavin's shoulder. “ It's fine Ellie. Look at the picture I took with Gavin. ”  She shows Elliana the picture. “ Aw! That's so cute! ”  Piper and Gavin both smile.

11:00 PM

Gavin sneaks out and goes to Piper's house. He starts throwing rocks at her window then she opens it. He's wearing a hoodie and a face mask. He's holding a guitar. She comes outside holding a blanket over her arms. He starts singing  
" What makes you beautiful "  by One Direction.  When he's done she starts clapping. “ That was amazing! You have a wonderful voice. But uhh... Who are you? ”   He steps a little closer and gives her a big pink teddy bear and some chocolates. “ I'm you're secret admirer. Have a goodnight beautiful. ”  She smiles. “  You too. ”   He walks away. “ I've gotta tell Ellie about this! ” She runs inside and grabs her phone.

Secret Admirer Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora