Son Of The Shadow Monarch

De BlackReaper707

35.4K 577 1K

After defeating the Monarch Of Destruction who had taken over the body of All For One, Izuku Yagi, now known... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Merry Christmas/Happy New Years
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Story Vote!!

Chapter 9

1.6K 31 60
De BlackReaper707

(Hello, everyone hope you are having a wonderful day)

Starting where we last left off

Izuku walked out the door, leaving Blake alone with her thoughts on what he said. Once the door was shut, he gently leaned against the door bringing a hand to cover his eyes, and let out a sigh that one would swear held the world's weight. He rubbed his hand down his face standing straight, and walked to team JNPR's room to see if Eri was there.

He approached the door and knocked but didn't receive an answer. So he knocked again but still no answer. Izuku let out another sigh, and after what happened last time, he opened the door without someone answering. He was very hesitant to go through that again.

Izuku was left with only one option if he was to find Eri, and he was afraid to use it after what happened last time. But regardless, he swallowed and closed his eyes, leaning against the wall and focusing on the soldier that he kept in Eri's shadow at all times.

His dark vision was immediately engulfed by bright light, and what he saw made his face red, and he regretted his decision immediately. In front of his eyes were a naked Ruby and Yang. They were washing Eri, who was humming happily, getting her hair washed.

Izuku was captivated by the sight of the two. Their skin was smooth, and one could see the cords of muscle they had developed over years of training. Izuku was breathless at the two's beauty. He suddenly returned to his senses and dropped the connection with the shadow. He was embarrassed and ashamed of what he had done, even by accident.

Izuku stood up from the wall and walked toward his room to get what he needed and take a bath. After he was done, he walked back toward team RWBY's dorm and knocked. He heard scrambling behind the door, and it was quickly thrown open, and he was met by a speeding white rocket.

"PAPA!" Eri said, rushing into Izuku's legs. She looked up at him and gave a bright smile which Izuku returned.

"Snowball!" Izuku said, picking her up and kissing her cheek, earning a giggle. "How did you know it was me out here?"

Eri: "Big sis Blake said you were here earlier, so I figured you would be back."

"I see that is my brilliant daughter for you," Izuku said and looked over to Blake. "Thank you for that, Blake."

She nodded her head, not looking over at Izuku. He noticed that she had on her bow and gave a sad smile looking at her but accepting her decision looked back towards his daughter in his arms.

Izuku: "so, how was your day with Ms. Olivia?"

"It was so fun! I learned so much from her. She even let me go to Ms. Betty and stay with her to learn more about history!" Eri said, stars in her eyes and pumping her arms in excitement. Izuku was chuckling and happy that Eri seemed to enjoy herself in this new world they called home.

Izuku: "I see. Then I should see Ms. Betty when I see her again."

"are you going to stand out there, Izu, or are you coming in!" Yang yelled from inside the room, causing Izuku to chuckle.

"yes, Yang, I will," Izuku said, stepping into the room and shutting the door behind him. Once he was in, he looked around at the four and gave each a small wave and smile, which three returned with a slight blush on their face. The only one who didn't was Blake, as she was still looking away and reading her book.

"So, were they able to find that-" Yang started to say, then looked at Eri and changed what she was going to say. "Evil person."

Izuku seeing them all looking at him now, sighed, took a seat on the floor, and leaned against Yang's bed, setting Eri between his leg and covering her ears.

Eri: "I can't hear anything, Papa!"

"Good, you don't need to hear this yet, snowball," Izuku said, uncovering her ears for a second and then recovering them, causing her to pout, which the five thought was adorable. "As for your question, Yang, the group was found dead."

The silence in the room was deafening as the four sat looking at Izuku with mixed emotions on their faces.

Weiss: "was it you?"

Izuku: "would you like the truth?"

Weiss: "of course!" Izuku looked at her, seeing the resolve in her eyes. All he could do was sigh.

Izuku: "(sigh) fine, but before we continue can someone get Jane and her team?"

"I will!" Ruby said and rushed out of the room before anyone could say anything. She returned just as quickly, followed closely by team JNPR who, when seeing Izuku, looked relieved.

Lily: "Izuku, it's good to see your back. What happened to Cardin and his group." Jane flinched slightly at the mention of his name and rubbed her arms.

Izuku: "take a seat, and I will tell you everything."

The group nodded and took a seat. Jane sat on Izuku's right while Lily sat on his left. Nora and Pyrrha sat in front of him, leaning against Blake's bed, who was sitting up now and looking at Izuku along with everyone else. Izuku, not wanting to sit with his hands over Eri's ears the whole time, grabbed Yang's headphones and put them on Eri, who started to bob her head to the music playing.

Izuku: "now, to get everyone on the same page since team RWBY already knows. Cardin is dead, along with his team." The four that didn't know gasped in shock, although Jane looked slightly relieved.

Weiss: "ok, now that we are all on the same page, answer my question. Was. It. You?"

"yes," Izuku answered without hesitation and looked directly into Weiss's eyes.

"WHY!?" Weiss yelled, looking at Izuku while the others stared at Izuku in shock.

"Weiss, calm down. I am sure Izu had a good reason. Right?" Ruby said, trying to calm her teammate.

Weiss: "no, Ruby, I won't calm down. What possible reason could he have for killing him? I know Cardin was a horrible person who deserves to be locked up for life but death, don't you think that is too far?"

"how about we ask the person in question instead of going right for blaming him right off the bat?" Pyrrha asked, with Lily and Nora nodding in agreement. While Jane was still sitting in shock, staring at Izuku. Weiss, unable to argue with that, sat down in a huff and stared at Izuku.

"Fine, what possible reason could you have for your actions?" Weiss asked, taking a seat and staring at Izuku, who was undisturbed by Weiss's outburst, fully expecting it to happen.

Izuku: "the answer is simple. I saw no other way that did not end with someone I care about getting hurt" all their eyes widened. Izuku then explained how Cardin talked about breaking Jane and coming after the rest of them. "I will always say people deserve a second chance, and I know you all are strong enough to protect yourself. Still, knowing him, he would use underhanded tactics to get at all of you and do unspeakable things, and I could not take that risk."

Weiss sat their silent head down, feeling ashamed of her outburst now, knowing that Izuku didn't only do that for Jane but for the rest of them. She was about to apologize to Izuku when the group all heard a yawn. They looked down and saw Eri nodding off in Izuku's arms.

"I should put Eri to bed, and the rest of you should go to bed as well," Izuku said, standing up with Eri and taking off the headphones, handing them back to Yang, who accepted them. He walked toward the door and stopped looking back at the gathered group. "Think of me as you will, but my place in life is not as a savior, contrary to what people believe, but as the demon who takes care of others' problems, so more don't get hurt. Good night all of you."

Izuku said, then walked out the door, leaving the group in silence, contemplating what Izuku said.

Izuku left the room, not looking back, and walked toward his room. Eri slowly fell asleep in his arms. They arrived at the door to their room, and Izuku opened it walked in, and shut it behind him, locking it and letting out a tired sigh through his nose.

Izuku heard light snoring and looked over to see Eri entirely passed out and snoring lightly, which he found adorable. He walked over to their bed and gently placed her down to not wake her. She stirred slightly but soon settled in, and he pulled the blankets up, and she snuggled into them and drifted deeper into sleep.

Izuku smiled down at the small girl sleeping without a care in the world. He pulled the covers back, got under the sheets with Eri, and pulled them up. In her sleep, Eri scooted over, snuggled up to his side, and went back to sleep. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her and tried to go to sleep.

(Three hours later)

Izuku lay in his bed, unable to go to sleep. He decided to get up and go to the roof, unable to think of anything else. He slowly got out of bed so as not to wake up Eri, who was still sound asleep. Izuku heard her stir as he got up but soon fell back asleep. He let out a sigh of relief and slowly walked out the door.

Izuku walked through the halls of Beacon. It was eerie to him how the halls were silent and dead when they were loud and alive during the day. But he found it comfortable and continued to walk towards the roof.

Once Izuku arrived, he walked over to the edge and leaned against the railing, looking out over the city. Even with his past, he always found being in high places comforting. He pulled out a cigarette from his storage, lit it pulled in a significant drag, and blew it out, smiling into the night.

He stood there for several minutes smoking and pulled out another when one went out.

???: "you know smoking is bad for you, right?" Izuku didn't bother turning around and continued to pull the smoke into his lungs.

???: "ignoring me won't make us go away, Izuku." Izuku let out a sign, a puff of smoke coming with it.

"Not like it can kill me. I am immortal, after all, isn't that right, Nana? Plus, this is my special blend. All the benefits, none of the drawbacks even smells good." Izuku turned around, looking at the group of gathered people.

In the lead was a woman with raven black hair down to her shoulders. She wore a skin-tight suit with yellow gloves, boots, and a white cape wrapped around her shoulders. Behind her stood the rest of the vestiges that dwelled Within OFA.

"Hello, 10th. It is good to be able to meet you properly, finally," said a man with long white hair

Izuku: "you as well, Yoichi Shigaraki," he gave Izuku a soft smile. "Now, what can I help you with?" Izuku asked, pulling in another breath of smoke and releasing it toward them.

Toshinori: "we wished to talk to you so-"

"Shut the fuck up, Toshinori Yagi. I was not talking to you," Izuku says, glaring at him and Izumi, who was hiding behind him.

Toshinori: "now you listen here. I didn't teach you-"

Izuku: "your right. You only taught me how to be strong on my own!" Izuku says, his glare intensifying. "I was just a child, and you and the rest of your family destroyed me! Ruined me!"

The two shrieked back, seeing the barely controlled anger directed at them.

"Izuku calm down, please?" Nana said, walking over and standing before him to break his eyesight with them. Izuku sighed and turned around, still glaring off into the night, the cigarette's tip burning an angry red.

Izuku: "so why are you all here now?"

Yoichi: "well, after your rage broke the seal you put on OFA, we thought it was best to come and talk to you."

"If you are looking for an apology for what I did, you might as well return to OFA. I will only apologize to Banjo for using his quirk in a way he would not like." Izuku says sighing

"won't hear a complaint from me. The bastard got what he deserved and should have done worse to the fucker." Banjo said with a laugh, only to get slapped on the back of the head by En. "OWW! What was that for!"

En: "you're a hero. You can't support murder."

Banjo: "no, I'm dead, so I can do what I want! And I know most of you agree that the bastard got what he deserved."

Nana: "I mean, he's not wrong. He did deserve it."

Toshinori: "MASTER!?"

"What, Yagi" Nana said, shooting a glare at the man. He backed down at the glare from his master, not saying anything more.

"whether he deserved it or not is not why we are here. We came to say hello, nothing more if you ever wish to talk, call our name, and we will be there and more than happy to talk. And with that, I will take my leave." Yoichi said and disappeared with the second and third users.

"See ya around, kid. Don't do anything I would do!" Banjo said, smirking at me

"If some of the stories I heard were true from when you were alive, that is a very short list which probably got shorter when you died," Izuku says, turning around and laughing, causing him to blush in embarrassment. He disappeared with a huff and stuck his middle finger up toward Izuku, making him laugh harder.

"be safe out there, kid," en said, then disappeared with Hikage, who smiled at Izuku with a sad look. Leaving Izuku there alone with Nana and the trash family

Toshinori: "Son-"

"I AM NOT YOUR SON TOSHINORI YAGI!!" Izuku yelled. The shadows around him shook violently and seemed to shrink away. " my father was Sung Jin-Woo he was the one who took me in when I had nothing. He was the one who saved me after you broke me, and I tried to kill myself."

Toshinori And Izumi's eyes widened upon hearing this, and Nana covered her mouth, tearing up. They had seen in his memories what Toshinori had said to him, but shadows blocked them out whenever they tried to look at what happened after, and no matter how hard they pushed against the shadows, they could not break through.

Izuku: "so you, Toshinori Yagi, will never be my father."

"There must be some way for you to forgive us!!" Izumi said, tears in her eyes.

"Look who finally speaks the disgrace of a sister," Izuku says, clapping his hand's cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. Izumi started to cry slightly.

Toshinori: "HEY, YOU CAN'T SAY-"

Izuku: "SHUT UP!!"

???: "I-Izuku?"

Izuku's head snapped to the side, looking at who had just talked and saw Lily and Ruby standing in the doorway. A look of fear and concern was etched on their faces. They saw their friend talking to himself. Izuku took a deep breath to calm his nerves and let it out, grabbing the cigarette and putting it on the ground.

Izuku: "Ruby, Lily, what are you doing up this late?"

Ruby: "I was going to get a midnight snack when I saw Lily standing outside your door. I asked what was wrong, and she said she had to ask you something, but you were not answering, so I asked her if she wanted to join me, and she agreed."

Lily: "after that, on our way back, we heard yelling and followed it to find you standing here yelling at thin air. What's going on, Izu?" Are you ok?"

Izuku stood there momentarily and then collapsed to the ground with his back against the railing. The two rushed over, thinking something was wrong but stopped when they heard laughing.

Izuku: "hahahaha everything is fine. Just the stupidity of the situation made my legs give out. As for your question Lily, what is going on is I'm having a conversation with a bunch of dead people, two of which were my ex-Family."

This statement only worried the two women even more, thinking that the person they liked was going insane. They crouched next to Izuku, looking at him closely, making sure everything was all right. The look of worry never leaving their faces.

Izuku: "quit looking at me like that, you two. I am not going insane. It is a cost, and Ruby, you know about this already."

Ruby: "I do?"

"(Chuckling). You probably weren't paying attention because you were too busy stuffing your face with cookies. But when we were brought in before Beacon, I told you, Glynda, and Olivia about getting a quirk from my ex-sister," Izuku said, laughing gently. Ruby pouted only to have her head petted by Izuku, which she melted into, causing Lily to giggle but look at the two with a hint of jealousy.

Toshinori: "you are not allowed to tell them about OFA. What if they tell someone, and that person tries to steal it!"

"Will you shut up, Toshinori Yagi?" Izuku said, glaring at the ghost with a look that could freeze water. "Unlike you, I trust these two with my life if need be, and not to mention that I am possibly the strongest person on this planet, so no one can force me to do anything."

"what if they take someone you care about hostage?" Toshinori said with a smug look

Izuku: "I put enough shadows on the people I care about that they can buy time until I arrive, not to mention the people I care about are strong all on their own."

Toshinori: "but what if-"

Nana: "shut up, Yagi. It is Izuku's decision what he does. If he decides to tell them, we can do nothing about it."

Toshinori: "but master!"

Nana: "shut up, continue, Izuku."

"Finally!" Izuku exclaimed, throwing his hands up in annoyance while the two crouched women looked on as Izuku continued the conversation with the people only he could see.

Lily: "well, since you seemed to come to a decision, can you tell us what's coming on?"

Izuku: "Sure, well, long story short, when I was in the final battle back in my world, my ex-sister passed on a quirk."

Lily: "I remember those. You said it was like a semblance but with a type of drawback."

"Correct, Lily," Izuku said, reaching out and petting her head, earning a smile. Izuku then goes on to explain the story of OFA and AFO and how because he is the tenth holder and quirkless, he can access all the past users' quirks if they allow it.

Izuku ends the story by saying that he sealed it away because he didn't want to deal with the spirits that resided in OFA, but during the fight with Cardin, he accidentally unlocked the seal.

Lily: "so what your saying is that because of you taking this quirk, you now have nine other spirits living in you, and they can communicate with you at their pleasure?"

Izuku: "yeah, pretty much."

Ruby: "That sounds exhausting, so what are you going to do now?"

"Well, now I am going back to my room and sleeping. It has been a long day, and now I am exhausted." Izuku said, standing up and dusting himself off. He reached out a hand towards each woman, which they accepted, and he pulled them to their feet. "By the way, Lily, I was wondering what were you doing outside my door?"

"W-w-well I-I-I w-was w-worried after you left so quickly earlier. I decided to come and check on you to ensure you're ok." Lily said, looking down embarrassed and tapping her fingers together

"thank you for your concern, Lily. I am much better now." Izuku said, smiling at her, causing her to blush and give a small smile. Ruby looked at the two with jealousy and jumped on Izuku's back, hugging his neck.

"RUBY!" Izuku exclaimed in surprise

Ruby: "Izu, is it ok if I sleep in your bed like I did when you stayed with us before Beacon?"

Izuku: "you mean when you and yang would sneak into my bed at night?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ruby said, looking away and whistling. "But answer my question!"

Izuku: "sure, do what you want."

"YAY!!" Ruby said, dropping down from Izuku's back and jumping up and down in happiness. Izuku smiled at her childishness and how she enjoyed the little thing in life. Lily looked at the happy girl with a hint of jealousy but mustered up her courage to ask Izuku if she could join.

"Come on, let's go. I am tired now, and Nana, if you ever want to talk, don't hesitate. You can tell the others that as well." Izuku said and turned around to walk away.

Before Izuku could go more than a step, he was stopped by two things. The first was Lily, who grabbed his shirt sleeve, tugging it. The second was Toshinori yelling out.

Toshinori: "what will it take for you to forgive us!"

Lily: "would it be ok if I joined you two as well, Zuku?"

The sound of the two talking at once confused Izuku for a moment. But after his momentary pause, he processed what the two said. Izuku first looked at Lily, who was looking worried, seeing how long Izuku was taking to answer.

"Sure, if you feel comfortable enough, I don't mind you joining," Izuku said, smiling at her warmly. Her face brightened up immediately, and she returned the smile.

"As for you, Toshinori Yagi," Izuku said, his warm smile fading quickly into an icy glare. " I'll tell you when I will forgive you. I'll forgive you both when you, Toshinori Yagi, forgive AFO for killing your master, your wife, and your daughter in front of you. The day you forgive him is the day I forgive you. Never speak to me again, or I will rip your soul from OFA and cast it into the void where it should have gone since the beginning. And sorry, Nana, for bringing up your death."

He gave the woman a sympathetic look which she returned with a warm smile.

Nana: "it's fine Izuku. I understand why you did it."

Izuku: "thank you. Let's go, you two I am tired."

"It's going to take some getting used to you talking to thin air and not being crazy because of it," Ruby said, jumping back onto Izuku's back and wrapping her legs around his waist, laying her head on his shoulder.

"I agree it is quite weird knowing you can see and talk to ghosts and not be crazy for it," Lily said while looking at Ruby with Jealousy wanting to be in her position.

"yeah, well, try being in my shoes," Izuku said, leaving with the two women leaving the three ghosts standing on the roof. Toshinori looked down at the roof along with Izumi, who had tears running down her face knowing that Izuku would never forgive them.

Nana: "quite crying, you two. You're the only ones to blame for how he treats you."

Toshinori: "but master, we are sorry for what has happened. What else could we do!"

"There is nothing you can do. What has been done is done, and nothing will change that. You must live with your choices and respect Izuku's wishes." Nana says before disappearing, leaving the two standing on the roof.

"There has to be something we can do, dad, to gain Izuku's forgiveness?!" Izumi said, looking at her dad with a desperate look in her eyes

"I don't think there is, sweety. You heard Izuku. He will never forgive us." Toshinori said, looking down, causing Izumi to tear up even more. "Let's go, Izumi."

Izumi nodded solemnly and disappeared with Toshinori Leaving the roof a vacant place.

(With Izuku)

The three were walking down the dark hallway back towards Izuku's dorm, all looking forward to putting this day behind them and continuing their school life. They arrived at Izuku's door, which he quietly opened after peaking in to ensure Eri was still asleep.

Once in the room, Ruby quietly jumped down from Izuku's back and walked toward the bed seeing Eri asleep and cuddling Izuku's pillow.

"oh my, Oum, she is just adorable beyond belief!" ruby said quietly while barely controlling her excitement from seeing such cuteness up close.

"it is very adorable," Lily said, stepping beside Ruby and looking down at the sleeping girl smiling.

"you're not wrong about that, but let's head to bed," Izuku said, pulling the covers back and getting under them. In her sleep, Eri crawled onto Izuku's chest, cuddled into it, and then settled back into sleep.

"That was the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life," Ruby said, gently crawling under the covers on Izuku's left while Lily did the same on his right. Once they were both settled in, they snuggled into Izuku's sides, using his arms as pillows.

"Good night, you two sleep well," Izuku said, pulling the two close to his side, causing them to blush even though he couldn't see it

"Good night, Izu/Zuku. Sleep well," the two said, cuddling into Izuku's side and falling asleep almost Immediately. The sense of security that Izuku brought the two of them put them at ease, and they found themselves drifting off into sleep. Izuku soon followed them, enjoying their presence.

(Timeskip brought to you by Eri making friends with all the Grimm)

It was the following morning, and Izuku woke up to pounding on his door. He groaned and tried to turn over but found he couldn't. He opened his eyes and looked down, finding a sleeping Eri on his chest, her tiny fist grabbing his shirt.

Izuku looked to his left and right and found Lily and Ruby still asleep, their faces buried into his neck and side in that order. Izuku found himself in a predicament, commanded a shadow to rise and stand by the end of the bed, and used shadow exchange to get out of the bed, canceling the summoning and leaving the three still sleeping. Not feeling Izuku's warmth Lily and Ruby would scoot closer together, bringing Eri in between them and wrapping an arm around the sleeping girl.

Izuku seeing the situation, found it adorable, brought out his scroll, and took a picture of the three. This cute moment was brought to an end by pounding on his door. Izuku walked over to the door pulling it open to see a worried yang and Nora standing in his doorway.

"Finally, you answered the door. We got a problem!" Yang said, looking worried

"what could be such a big problem that you come banging on my door at," Izuku says, holding back a yawn and looking at his scroll. "5 in the morning?"

"that doesn't matter right now!" Yang said, grabbing Izuku's shirt and shaking him. "RUBY IS MISSING!"

"same with Lily! She said she would see you last night but never returned!" Nora said, taking Yang's place and shaking Izuku awake

"WILL YOU TWO CALM DOWN!" Izuku said, pulling the two frantic women off him. "You don't have to worry about those two. They are safe."

Yang: "where are they then!?"

Izuku: "they are currently asleep in my room."

Yang/Nora: "WHAT! WHY!?"

"SHHHH," Izuku hissed, silencing the two, "quiet, they are still sleeping along with Eri."

Yang/Nora: "sorry."

"(Sigh)It's fine." Izuku sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "As for why they found me on the roof last night, and after talking for a bit, they asked if they could sleep in my room, and I saw no reason to say no, so I agreed."

The two let out a sigh of relief, finding out that their teammates were safe. But they were slightly jealous that the two got to sleep in Izuku's room, and one of them was going to make their thoughts known.

Yang: "that's not fair. How come Ruby gets to sleep with you!"

"she asked, and I saw no reason to refuse. Plus, I got this adorable picture out of it." Izuku said, showing the two the picture he had taken of the three, which the two agreed was adorable.

Nora: "so you're saying if we wanted to sleep in your room, all we had to do was ask?"

Izuku: "sure, as long as I don't see a reason to say no, but if that's all, I am going back to sleep until I need to wake up again, so if there is nothing else, I will see you both later."

"Fine, but I am sleeping in your room tonight—no exceptions," Yang said, poking Izuku's chest while having a blush.

Nora: "me too!"

"Sure, not like you would listen even if I said no, Yang, and it wouldn't be the first time you snuck into my bed. Now see you both later." Izuku said, turning around and walking back into his room, leaving a blushing yang and Nora, who was staring at her with a hint of jealousy, knowing that she got to sleep with Izuku before.

"Well, let's go back to our rooms," Yang said quickly, turning around and walking away, leaving Nora alone, staring after the retreating Yang.

"I wonder why she was so eager, but who cares? Let's go back to bed," Nora said, shrugging and walking toward her room

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