The Cursed Quirk | DabiDeku

By i_write_horror

33.2K 1K 266

Izuku Midoriya has been bullied his whole life for having a 'useless quirk'. People use him as a punching bag... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI

Chapter XVI

1.2K 44 10
By i_write_horror

Morning had arrived, and Izuku had packed the lovely gift into the box, with a small letter on there side. The box was labelled with a sticker that read 'To: Katsuki Bakugo. OFFICIAL MATTERS. PLEASE OPEN IN SECURE ENVIRONMENT.' He was sure to buy that. If he didn't, Izuku would just have to find other ways to deliver this gift.

"Kurogiri, would you mind placing this on the dining room table of the Bakugo's house?" Izuku walked up to the bar Kurogiri was behind as he asked the question. The purple man placed a glass of orange juice on the counter and turned to face Izuku. Twice came and took the glass before walking away. After taking a few steps away, he turned back around to face the mist man and panicked saying, "Thank you!! I forgot to thank you! Thank you Kuro!!"

Kurogiri just shock his head and sighed, saying, "You're welcome, Twice," before turning back towards Izuku.

"Just give me an address and I'll do that for you, Midoriya."

Izuku recited the address he'd been at many times before, and smirked when Kurogiri opened the portal. Izuku handed him the parcel, and it was placed onto the counter. Izuku smirked when Kurogiri closed the portal. Now all they had to was wait. There was probably going to be a news report on shortly.

A spiky haired blonde sat up from his bed as the sun shone through the open crack of the crimson curtains and the birds sung their early morning songs. His eyes were red and bloodshot with black and purple bags sitting beneath, signifying his recent tears and a lack of sleep.

After rolling over a large amount of times trying to make his body fall into a sleep, he finally gave up and rose to a sitting position. He rubbed his tired eyes and stood, however feeling dizzy as he did so.

Sloppily, he made his way downstairs, tripping over his own feet as he went. He smelt a sweet scent roaming around the house, originating from the kitchen. He followed the aroma to eventually find his Mother making a lovely breakfast in the kitchen. She had probably been making it due to her sons recent trauma, to comfort him and make him feel better than the day before.

Mitsuki turned her head as she heard the floorboard creak, indicating someone coming towards her. She smiles softly seeing her son, however she felt sympathy seeing his current condition.

"Go sit down at the table," she said. "I'll serve you some breakfast in a couple of minutes."

Katsuki looked to the floor and nodded subtly, continuing to walk along solemnly, dragging his feet as he did so.

He reached the table, pulled a chair, and sat. He twiddled his thumbs, reciting the recent events of the day before in his head. He clenched his eyes, trying to forget it, not wanting to remind himself that he was the one had been tormented by his childhood friend whom he had bullied for years and years for no reason except fame and a laugh. But that's not the case now.

Katsuki stopped looking down as he rubbed his left eye with his hand. That's when he saw it. The box. The very box that Izuku had dropped off only around an hour ago. But Katsuki didn't know that.

He picked it up. He shook it to hear a sound. It was only a small box, and something rolled around inside. Turning it around, he found a label on top. You know what it read. And Katsuki believed it, just as planned.

Clawing the tape with his nails, he ripped it open. He did the same on the opposite side, before unfolding the first cardboard flap. Then the second. Then the third. Then the fourth.

Peering inside, it took Katsuki less than a second to register what he was staring at. The splashed blood covering the inside of the box, and a slimy organ sitting there, waiting patiently to terrify him, and only him.

His vision blurred as his eyes widened. He tried to scream, but his voice was horse and nothing escaped his mouth. He fell of the chair, crawling backwards as far as he could. He had to get away from that.. thing. That horrific sight.

His breath quickened, along with the rate of his heart and thoughts running through his head. Hands shaking, he slapped himself, wanting to get rid of this feeling and forget about everything. Can he apologise? If he said he was sorry, would this all go away? Or was it too late?

"I'M SORRY!!" Katsuki screamed, hoping and praying that these two words would solve everything. "FORGIVE ME!" He continued pleading. Izuku was watching him yesterday, so maybe he was now. Katsuki hoped he was watching and listening, considering to forgive Katsuki.

After Katsuki had screamed, his Mother rushed into the room he was in. She found him curled up on the floor, his hands clutching his hair and pulling, his eyes clamped shut. Tears were running down his face as he sobbed, choking on his own breath. She saw the open box on the table, and immediately knew what had happened. She didn't even need to look inside to know what sort of item she would see. She just went and hugged her son, wanting comfort him as much as she could. But he pushed her away.

"GET OFF!" Katsuki shrieked. He shoved his mother off of him, stopping the hug. He wiped the tears from his face, only for his cheeks to become soaked with tears seconds later. "I NEED DEKU!"

Now that was something that shocked Mitsuki, and it was also the point that Masaru had ran into the room from hearing the commotion. He ran towards his wife and son, opening his arms and hoping to give them both a hug, but Mitsuki held her hand out to stop him, knowing their son didn't want any of their help right now.

"Give me Deku.." Katsuki asked, a quiet voice this time. No one knew why he wanted his childhood friend, but he did. Even though everyone at this scene believed that it was Izuku who was tormenting him, Katsuki wished for him to be in his presence.

"Katsuki, hun, that isn't going to happen.." Mitsuki finally spoke. She looked at her husband and gave him her phone, signalling to him to call someone, preferably the police. He walked away, dialled a number and put the phone to his ear.

Mitsuki continued trying to calm him, but Katsuki was having none of it. He wanted Izuku, and no one knew why.

In less than 15 minutes, the Police arrived. They took the box and had a look at the contents. Along with the human heart, the found a letter. The letter had stated, 'Hope you enjoy your present Kacchan~'.

Katsuki had fallen asleep from exhaustion, still calling out for Izuku before he did. Police found the organ, and later got a call from a family who stated that their son had been murdered; his heart stolen from him. There was no doubt that the two things were connected, and there was only one suspect. Well, that was until a certain hero got himself involved in the situation.

"I saw the boy," All Might announced. "We had a chat, and it isn't him that is doing the killing, the torturing, any of it."

Some police officers scribbled down some notes on that the Hero said and others put on thinking faces, trying to come up with questions or responses to his protest. Currently his protest wasn't that strong as he had only said that the two had spoken with each other, which wasn't a very convincing argument.

"And how do you know it was truly the boy we're looking for?" One officer spoke up. He had a stern look on his face, almost as if he was trying to say that he didn't like the hero.

"Green hair, green eyes, admitted to his name," All Might thought back to the recent encounter with the boy, trying to remember everything about him and what they spoke about. "He was scared out of his mind. He even knew the Bakugo kid that he has supposedly been targeting. 'Kacchan' is what he called him. The villains must have been doing something to make him do these things." He sounded as convincing as he could. He knew he wasn't lying, but other may think he was.

"Toshinori, how are you sure that the boy is involved with the villains? We need to know everything about last night." A tall brunette man walked forward slowly, almost taking the spotlight in the room. The Hero looked at him, knowing that he needed the investigator to believe him.

"The portals that have been reported. It's the villains who are making them, correct?" Toshinori asked.

"Yes," Was all the investigator replied with.

"Izuku Midoriya was pulled into one of them. It happened when I was trying to persuade him to come with me, but he said something about risking Katsuki Bakugo's life if he was caught with a hero." He took a breath. "I'm wondering if the reason children that Young Bakugo know and was friends with us the reason of the murders. This may be the villains' way of torturing Young Midoriya for being seen with a Hero; Midoriya doesn't want to hurt the Bakugo, but they're forcing him to do so and it hurts him to see his childhood friend in pain."

Note takers kept on writing, listeners kept on listening. The investigator stayed silent, rubbing his temples as the thought.

"Tsukaichi, you know I wouldn't lie about something like this. The kid is being forced to do this fucked up business, and he's being tortured. He's being abused. We need to do something about this," Toshinori continued, slightly annoyed at this point. It was his job and passion to save people, and these people weren't being very helpful currently.

"Of course, I'm just trying to figure out a reason why they would want to torment these kids," Tsukaichi pondered the answer, but he didn't have the think about it anymore when All Might began explaining.

"The kids quirk. It's immortality, and the villains wanted it. However, from the information I gathered, they couldn't take it. So, instead, they're taking advantage of him. He's tried to stand up to them, but he hasn't succeeded. We need to help Young Midoriya." Toshinori was doing his best to persuade the police forces to help him rescue this boy.

Tsukaichi smiled softly at the Hero, before speaking. "We'll help you. This would also contribute to the cause of finding the group of villains that have been pestering cities for months now," he turned to one of the note takers that sat at the far end of the table. "Add the fact that we're saving this boy to the agenda. We need to make Heroes aware of this boy," he ordered. Toshinori smiled in relief and satisfaction knowing that the Heroes were going to save this boy from the villains. But was that really the best thing for them to do?

"Toshinori, may I speak to you outside?" Tsukaichi asked, gesturing to the door. All Might nodded in response, questioning what they would need to speak about considering they'd figured out their course of action already.

"Dismissed," Tsukauchi stated, while he and Toshinori walked out of the door and the officers because to pack up their belongings.

The two men entered a separate room, and All Mights large form was relaxed. The now skinny man sat on one side of the sofa, while the detective sat at the other.

"You struggled to control your quirk when you first received it from Shimura, didn't you Toshinori?" Tsukauchi broke the silence with the question.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Toshinori questioned. He knew that Tsukauchi was one of the very few people that knew about his power, let alone know how he struggled to control it for so long. Bones were broken and it was a difficult learning process to avoid that sort of injury.

"Let me just ask a few questions about your encounter with Izuku Midoriya," The detective said. It was true that his job included questioning and interrogating people, but Toshinori didn't see how he was the one that needed to be interrogated. Especially when the topics changed from his quirk to Izuku Midoriya so quickly.

"You said he fought back against the villains correct?" Came the second question.

"That is true," All Might replied, recalling the moment that the boy Izuku had said it himself, and the time he explained it to the rest. "I'm sure he wants to get out of there, and he seems like the type to fight for what's right considering he didn't want to risk his friends life after he tried escaping."

"And you also said that his quirk was immortality, correct?"

"Yes," he replied again. "I don't know if it allows him to live forever, but his what I do know is that it allows him to be invulnerable to anything that may harm his body. It cannot be stolen either; he mentioned the villains already tried doing that."

"He's a brave kid for doing what he's doing, I'm sure," Tsukauchi stated. He was smiling as he spoke.

Toshinori nodded in agreement. "He is. We need to save him soon."

"Toshinori, have you considered this as an opportunity?" Tsukauchi chuckled as he spoke, coming up with another of his many ideas.

"And what sort of opportunity are you talking of?" His face showed confusion, but interest towards the man's words.

"All Might, I think you might have found yourself a potential successor."

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