glitter stickers || rottmnt x...

Від unknownshedevil

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"When you see Y/n, tell her that we love her, and she meant the world to us. All of us." Більше

before you begin


802 32 9
Від unknownshedevil

"What are you doing here?"

   The group fell into silence, watching Y/n take a step forward to investigate closely, not believing her eyes. "It's you! It's all of you. Together! I never thought I'd see you again! I'm so happy I could hug you!" The stranger went to lean forward completely unaware that he was still tied to a chair, he fell down and grunted causing Y/n to take a step back. Raphael growled, taking the lead by lifting the boy up from the back of the chair whilst— conveniently, a projector fell from the ceiling and flashed a bright light at the two.
   "Who are you, and why do you have a picture of us?" Raph asked, shoving the picture in the stranger's face, Leo stepped in, flipping the tails on his mask before he strikes a pose, "Yeah, who took this? Cause I look great." Mikey bumped himself in, holding his phone to his smiling face. "What's your favorite pizza? 'Cause I'm ordering right now." Yet again another interruption was caused by the middle child, Donatello, who forcefully made his way through Raph and pointed at the teen's face, "And why are you wearing genius build apparel? That's trademarked!" Donnie activated a grappling cable by pressing the button on the wrist gear's screen. The cable zipped through the room and hooked onto the ceiling, causing the stranger to hang upside down and swing from side to side.

   "He's trying to escape!" Mikey exclaimed, the group of friends panicking as they threatened to both knock him out and cry out to each other. Y/n and Splinter looking at the chaos beforehand, Y/n still having a hard time believing that he was real. That he was on this earth.

   Y/n couldn't just see the potential future...
   She could see it through the eyes of others.

   "Wha— WAIT, STOP! I'm a friend. Let me explain." The room once again fell silent, all eyes on the teen who was now hanging upside down. "Let's start over." He sighed. "My name is Casey Jones, and the reason I have this photo and your tech is because you gave it to me, but not yet, because I'm from the future." Oh my god. So he is, Casey.
   Everyone but Y/n and Casey were laughing, "This isn't a joke!" Donnie stood up, the metallic arm from his battle shell unhooking the grabbling cable and settling the boy down back the right way up. "Oh please, if time travel is possible, future Donnie would have come back and already given me all the lottery numbers like we planned." Donnie smirked acting as if he got Casey right where he wanted them.

   "It's true! I need you to believe me. Humanity depends on it. In the future, an alien race decimated the planet. We were hunted. We lived in caves. We ate leaves and rats. No offence..." Casey leaned to the side to aim the apology to Splinter, who only brushed it off and claimed that his species was delicious. "I know how this sounds, but Master Leonardo gave me a mission." Now it was Leo's time to smirk, nudging Raphael's arm. "I do like how he calls me Master."

   "Where is, Juno?" The group turned to face Y/n, who was clutching onto the collar of her hoodie, the look of worry and fear slowly rising. Casey pursed his lips together, small tears pricking his eyes. "I saw her, she was with you, wasn't she?" Y/n walked up to look down at the teen who kept his head sorrowed in shame. "She died alongside... I'm sorry." But it didn't make any sense, in the vision she saw Juno and Casey being thrown into this world. "Hate to interrupt this moment, but uh— Who exactly is, Juno? Also why does Y/n even know about them being with you?"  Leo questioned, earning the curious looks from the rest.

   "Juno was Y/n's kid—"

   "WHAAA?—" The turtles shouted in unison, the four pointing and yelling at each other as they went to accuse someone of getting the future Y/n 'Preggy' as they called it. "No! She was adopted!" Casey raised his voice, letting the four brother's argument to come to an end in a sigh of relief. "So, future boy is really from the future?" April muttered out. "Like I said, Master Leonardo sent me here on a mission—"

   "I still like the way he calls me Master."

   A spark of sincerity reached Casey's eyes when he  looked at Leo, "Of course I do. You're the greatest ninja the world has ever seen. You told me to find the key and stop the Krang." Once again, Y/n and Splinter looked at each other, their eye's widening. Raph raised a brown bone, curious on what those two even know about what's going on, "Pops? Y/n?" Splinter settled his body into the chair, facing his boys with a frown.
   "The Krang? I have heard that name. Powerful, barbaric, creatures worshiped by the Foot clan. Legend says they came from the stars. Ruthless, unmerciful with one desire, to enslave our world like so many before us. All seemed lost, until great mystic warriors forged a mighty weapon. A key that was used to lock them in a prison dimension beyond this realm. Over the centuries, the mystic key remained hidden to protect humankind and prevent the return of the Kraang." Splinter sighed, his stress levels rising as he took a glance at the h/c haired female beside him before he continued. "The other night, Y/n came by to tell me about a vision she kept on seeing."

"Woah, Y/n has mystic powers?" Mikey asked, butting into the conversation with a smile on his face. Donnie covered Mikey's mouth. "Someone finds the key, today! They steal it and use it to open a doorway and free the Krang. That's why I came back to find it first. Master Leonardo drew a picture on the back of that photo. So to stop the krang, all we have to do is find the key before it's stolen." Casey smiled widely, feeling hopeful that he made it on time before all hell broke loose that day. However, his smile dropped when he saw the three brothers glare at Leonardo who was currently sweating. "What?" Casey asked. Leo coughed and comically slid over to stand in front of, Casey, anxiety in his ton of voice.
"Yeah, did future, handsome, amazing me tell you what to do in case that already happened? Cause that already happened." Casey was horrified, "Oh no, we're too late!" Raph patted Casey on the shoulder. "No, we're not. Cause we know who has the key. The Foot Clan." Raph pounded his fist into the palm of his other hand, a heroic smirk on his lips as he turned to face the team. "Okay team, we gotta find them before they use it. And this time, we do it together." He growled out the last part, aiming it towards his brother who was still hiding his fear with his ego.

   Landing softly onto the glass roof of the abandoned building, the brothers and friends peaked down to see the Foot guiding Warren and Hypno. Y/n got on her hands and knees to try and take a closer look at what the Foot clan held in their hands. It was the key. Y/n's hand slipped off the edge as she let out a little yelp. Before she fell, Raph grabbed her ankle and pulled her back, holding her close to his plastron. The villains from down below hummed in response, looking around to see if anyone was there. There wasn't.
"Tonight, we liberate our masters from their dimensional portals. With this key, we shall free them to lay waste to this world and enslave its people." The Lieutenant's scratchy voice always made Y/n cringe. It was so hoarse and chalky, like nails scratching on a chalk board. The worm mutant took a quick glance at his Hippo roommate before looking back at the Foot clan leaders. "thought we were just gonna rob a bank and be, you know, crime buddies."

"Crime buddies?" Y/n mimicked, her body was now free from Raphael's grip.

"We shall follow the Krang as they lead the Foot clan to glory—" "Booored." Fuck, LEO! Y/n glared at Leonardo, turns out she wasn't the only one who was ready to push him off the roof.



"What? I was waiting for a good spot to jump in, but they just kept blabbity blab-ing." Y/n continued to glare at, Leo. "There it is! There's the key!" The Foot Lieutenant snarled, pointing at the group on the roof. "Get them! Don't let them interfere with the ceremony!" A large sum of soldiers fell from the walls, surrounding the villains as they went to continue with the ceremony. Casey jumped down from the roof knocking over a soldier before landing to the ground, Y/n looked back at the turtles, Raphael gave her a look that was basically convincing her not to jump into the battle. He knew how fragile she was. "Y/N!" The brothers called out, watching her take a leap of faith.

   Y/n landed not so gracefully on top of a paper ninja, grunting she ducked, watching another ninja launch over her small frame and get sliced in half by Casey's hockey stick. Y/n turned back to look at Casey in shock before smirking and giving him a thumbs up, which he replied back to by doing the same.
"No! It's started! He's unlocking the doorway! We need to get up there right now!" Y/n stood up ready to attack, only to get piled by those pesky ninjas. The brothers jumped down from the roof of the warehouse, Leo aiding Casey by allowing him to get the key, whilst Raph, Donnie and Mikey helped Y/n. Casey scurried over to reach for the key only to be too late as a purple glow emitted from where the key was. The blast caused everyone to be pushed back as large, veiny tendrils reached out from the light.

   "Oh no... They're here."

   "Then let's make sure their visit's short and sweet." Raph said in a demanding tone, helping Y/n back to her feet. The alien like creature emerged from the portal. He was tall, he was scary, looking into his eyes could put you into a state of paralysis, which is exactly what Y/n was feeling. It was all too real, all too— "Welcome to Earth! I hope you don't enjoy your stay!" Raphael began to lunge at the creature, leaving Y/n behind. The creature reached out one of his tendrils and wrapped it around Raph's neck tightly, this was when Mikey and April jumped in, swinging their mystic weapons at the creature whilst in mid air. Without any sign of hesitation, he snatched the two and threw them to the ground as if they were just garbage. Leonardo began swinging his sword, striking. However this did not stop the Krang from striking, Leo.

Y/n watched it all happen. Again. She was frozen in her spot. Dammit! Why did she feel so useless? Get moving you idiot, he's hurting your friends!! "Y/n! Look out!" Shit.

Y/n felt a tight grip around her waist, slowly sliding up around her neck where the Krang began cutting off her air ways.

"You!" Me.

"Enough tricks!" Large gills were soon exposed on the creature, Y/n continued to slowly struggle only to stop when ear bleeding sonic waves bellowed out. Leo went to guard, only finding out that his Ninpo was beginning to seal into an orb. His brothers, Donnie and Mikey, feeling their energy being drained along with April, Splinter and Y/n. Casey felt just as useless. "Mikey! Donnie! NO!" Raph jumped into immediate protection mode, covering his younger brother's up. Only to watch their energy drain more.
Raphael's head turned, his eyes widened when he noticed Y/n passed out, but still in the arms of the alien. Wait. Where is, Leo? The boys noticed the screeching came to a halt and Leo being thrown onto the ground harshly, the alien taking one look at Y/n who was fighting for her life and threw her into the direction of Leo, who grunted when he caught her.

   "Y-Y/n! Are you okay?" Leo fixed his position by settling the coughing girl onto the ground. "Brother, sister, join me. Time for us to finish remaking this universe in the image of Krang!" Leo trapped Y/n under his body to protect another harsh light from harming them. Once the light dimmed down, Y/n blinked back her tears, her neck was sore, her eyes were dry and itchy, she was already exhausted. "Indeed. Brother, widen the portal and receive our ship, the Technodrome. Once it is here, this world will kneel before us." The sister Krang chuckled at her leader's plan, her feline like eyes whipping its way around the building, only to land on Raphael.
   "Oh, if you two don't mind, I haven't killed anything in ages." Sister took a leap towards, Raphael, easily towering over him as if he was a minuscule bug. Without a hesitation she ruthlessly knocked him back. Meanwhile the brother Krang made his way out the portal and into the living realm, watching the already chaotic nature, he loved it. He loved the way the red one was tearing up over the rat mutant, the way the blue and purple one was panicking over the h/c haired girl, how the orange one and the kid with the mask was helping the girl in yellow and green.

   He fed off of pain, off of misery.


   Leo stood up, looking his older brother dead in the eye. He's joking, right? "Retreat? We don't retreat!" Leo was challenging, Raph. He was not having it with, Leo. "Leo, we need to leave. They're too strong and look!—" Y/n raised her hand to gesture behind them.
   "Leo, for once, listen to me. They're too powerful and Dad's hurt." Raph argued back, Casey jumped into the argument, standing up to, Raph. "You don't understand. If we don't close that doorway, it's only gonna get worse!" Raphael stared down, Casey causing him to back off. "Raph?" Leo turned to his brother, hoping to get some sort of support or some way to have him change his mind. "I'm not gonna argue with you, Leo. Donnie, escape pods, now!" Y/n was getting anxious. She saw the way Leo held her, he was just as scared everyone else, he needed to stop putting on a brave face and acting as if nothing can go too wrong.

   Leo wanted to protect everything and everyone. But it's days like this where he can't just run on in head first and not expect some sort of consequence. Y/n stood up, ready to activate the escape pod, noticing that everyone else was already being taken away from the alien disaster. Raph placed his dad into the pod, watching everyone escape safely as a relieved sigh escaped his throat.
   Y/n limped her way towards Raphael, noticing that he was second guessing himself. Her hand slipped and hooked onto his upper arm, Raph focused his attention solely onto her face, wincing when he saw the bruise and scratches. His other hand reached towards her face as he gently caressed her cheek, removing the hairs sticking to the bloodied parts of her. She was so strong, so beautiful. Without a moment of hesitation he lightly pressed his lips against hers, holding back tears as he pulled away. Raph pulled out the pod from her sweater pocket and sticking it to her chest.
   What are you doing? Y/n gripped onto his arms, her eyes wavering. "What are you doing?!" Y/n attempted to leave the pod, only to be held back from the bounds that stuck tightly to her. Lifting up her legs she started kicking her feet against the doors of the machine, huffing and crying out as her kicks got weaker. What the fuck is he doing? Before flying away all she saw was Leo escaping his pod to make a last minute run to the key, Raphael noticed this and hurried over to his brother in panic. No! "No! NO! NO!!" Y/n screamed loudly, hurting her own ears. "Leo! Come back, LEO!" Y/n continued to kick and scream, she felt so embarrassed, so stupid as the pod flew away.

   Her begging never stopped, only getting louder the further she got from Leo and Raph.


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