We choose our demons | a BNHA...

By Pixel102

216 21 2

An updated version of my other fic our demons When you have the ability to see dead people, it would be unner... More

The Phoenix's flame - 1
They're out already!? - 3
S.C.C.R.E 0.7 - 4
Rebirth - 4.5
Maka - 5
New You - 6
First Impressions - 7
New persona - 8
Incorrect quotes (you can skip!)
Questions - 9

The Day - 2

23 1 0
By Pixel102


"Five more minutes..."
"OH FUCKING-" I felt my covers being pulled off me. The cold air touching my bare skin. "HEY!" Nox playfully scoffed, "well you needed to get up at some point." I got up to take a shower and lightly pushed my sister away from me. "See ya! Have fun being beat the fuck up! Summon me when you need to!"

I grumbled and got into the shower after taking everything off. Soon, I went back to when I was smaller, weaker.. with Nox..

"Okay! And this is how you make the seams seem invisible!" Nox showed me how to sew together my clothing after I had ripped my favorite scarf on accident. "Now you try!" She handed the need and thread to me as I repeat what she did a couple seconds ago. "Nice! I knew you could do it!"

Having four arms did have its perks... "and this is how you sew the button back on!" "Otay!" "Heh! It's Oh.." "oh.." "kay!" "Kay! "Okay." "Okay!" "That's my button!"

"This is how a voodoo doll works. You first have to get the DNA of your victim. Then you put it into the doll." "Okay!" I heard it giggle. "Then you sew the name of your victims name on the doll and stuff the doll with stuffing or rice." I hummed. "Now!" Smoke erupted from the doll. "It has the features of the victim." It waved at me, having the features of a rabbit. A patchie.

"Bavo! Big sis!"

"Thanks, button!"

I chuckled at the fond memory. I turned off the water and slowly got out as to not slip and fall. I looked down to see what today's treasures were and it was sausage with a side of buns. Fantastic. I hate everything. I sighed, grabbed my towel, and went to get dressed into my school uniform for the exam.

The exam?

What exam..?




I hastily dress myself and dashed downstairs after seeing that there was a mere hour until the exam started. I didn't even greet the rest of my family who looked absolutely confused (I'm sorry mom). I started to try and take flight but remembered... my wings aren't fully grown. And I don't know how to fly yet. I can only hover. A flaw in my design.


I just sprinted towards the school that was miles away (and on the other side of the city) and had about 30 minutes before the exams were to start. "Why do you always sleep in?" I asked myself with a whine. I was wheezing. "I didn't bring my inhaler." "There you are! You had me worried sick.." Izuku came up to me from behind. "You weren't at the bus stop.. did... did you sleep in? Again?"

"Guilty's charged..."

"You did, didn't you?" I looked down in shame. "Hey! I made it so cut me some s-l-a-c-k!" He laughed. "True true." He took in a deep breath and tripped on himself. I didn't have time to save him as a blonde girl started to drag me along away from him. My jaw dropped. Who would just drag a random person. "Hey girl! I hope you're, like, totes excited to become hero's and everything!"

I turned to look back at Izuku as I was still being dragged away. He looked terrified. "Let me go!" I made no effort to escape this girls grasp due to utter shock. "AM I JUST PARALYZED NOW??" She started to ramble on and on about how great she was and how rich her family was, but had to prove her worth without tasking the recommendations.

"There's recommendations? What? There's a thing where I don't have to put in much effort? What the fuck!?"

"Anyway," she looks to me. "Everyone knows that being a hero means fame and money! You understand that, don'cha babe?" I nod to her, not wanting to upset her. I'm clearly lying, but she doesn't look past the nod. "Glad to know that someone here is smart!" I don't want to be here. Not with... I don't even know WHAT or WHO she is! Who just grabs a random person and starts talking to them as if you're their best friend??

I have a best friend! And you dragged him away from me! Could this get any worse? I then heard her make a sound. "Whose the hot guy with the spikey blonde hair?" I looked in the direction she was pointing. It was fucking Bakugou.. just great. His posture is slouched as normal while in the plain uniform our school uses. It's so basic. And his hair.. please just fucking comb it. And if he did.. HOW MUCH GELL IS IN HIS FUCKING HAIR? Probably the whole fucking bottle..

Wait.. hot? Out of every descriptor she could have chose... hot? She doesn't even know his quirk how could she have possibly known it could be described as hot?

She seemed to have an odd look in her eyes. "Look at him! He's the classic bad boy!" Bad at being a decent human yeah. "I think I see my future! With... with him! We'll have the biggest of houses and cameras all around us! Behind closed doors, he'll be soft and gentle towards me but in public he only shows his bad boy persona! We'll be known as the power couple in the hero business! I can picture it now!!"


"Three no! Six kids!"

Okay she's insane.
Who would want kids? They take money, cry a lot, and are just so loud... Not only do teachers need to be paid more, but single parents do as well. Fuck hero's, teachers are the hero's.
Wait, what's happening again? "Oh. It seems that I can't sit next to you. It's by school. Oh well, I had a nice chat with you, Bethany!" She walked off into her row.

Bethany? What? That's not even creative for I don't.. okay maybe I shouldn't say that.. I can't even be described as a girl.. how the hell?

I blinked and looked for Bakugou again. Once I found his rats nest of hair, I walked towards his row and sat next to Izuku. "Are you okay?" He said in a hushed tone. I nodded. "Some girl dragged me and started to talk to me as if we were friends. She has a c-r-u-s-h on dog." I signed with a quick glance towards the "dog".

He sputtered as he turned pink. "Ah ahn on K.. Kacchan!?" The Boy in question looked over. "Hah?" "Nothing!" I heard a low "doesn't sound like nothing" as he looked away. Izuku took a deep breath and looked back at me. "How? Why?" "Looks. Bad boy she said" he started to fidget around and his eyes flickered from me to Bakugou. He seemed... yeah I can't describe it. Never can when he's as frantic as this.

"Why the fuck are you looking at me?" Bakugou muttered not wanting to draw too much attention.

With frantic waves of his hands, Izuku tried to divert his attention away. With various results. I could only laugh as I pointed towards the girl who called him hot earlier. "What about her?" Oh.. I don't think he knows– "just sign." Oh. He understood the whole time? "Some girl called you hot. Said she has a c-r-u-s-h on you. What does that mean?" "Tch. Of course.." I only look at him. "What? Can't go two steps without people dropping for you?" He only averted his eyes a muttered again. "Just want one person dropping dead."

Odd. Very odd. And somewhat specific in a way.

"HELLLOO LISTENERSS!" shit my ears! Izuku puts his hands over my ears quickly. "Sorry! I should've saw this coming.." he quickly got some headphones from out of his bag. Noise canceling. "Thank you." He nodded. I remember the first time this issue came up. Poor Izuku.

We were small. Our ears were small. But I grew big quick and with that, my senses were heightened. It wasn't a problem at first. I remember hanging out with the other kids just fine. We always explored the forest nearby. I climbed the trees to be a "look out" of sorts. The others always let me play despite me being unable to properly speak their language.

When we were ambushed by an animal, it made this horrid noise. It hurt. I seemed to make an equally terrible noise in return as it paralyzed it. Which gave everyone ample chance to deter it. My name was called worriedly, "are you okay?" It was Izuku. Everyone else came up to me afterwards equally worried. I could only nod. My hands were taken to cover my ears. That was the first time I was scared. I was crying it seemed.

Everyone tried to make me forget the incident quickly afterwards. Slowly, my hands fell to my sides over time. They were.. kind.

One kid shouted my name "look at this flower!" Bakugou looked at it. He was more tame at the time. Rambunctious. He held the flower delicately. A lavender rose. I made the sign for "mom" "oh yeah! Because your mom is purple!" Izuku comments. Bakugou just kept looking at the flower then his eyes widened and looked at me. Looking back, it was cute. His face was that of a puppy.

I wonder... when did he learn sign language?

"And you! With the unruly hair!" What did I miss?? I felt Izuku shift. Unruly hair is a way to describe that yeah.. "would you stop your muttering? It's distracting and–" let me kill him please :). "Duh.." ah he stopped. That it? Good.


"Damn. Can't beat you up.." "seems as we're in separate zones so we can't team up.." I shrug. Kind of anticipated that. "Your mom went to UA right? Did she tell you anything?" I shake my head. "Left it to a surprise, huh?" I got up and started to walk toward where we're supposed to go... alone. I Hope Izuku will be okay.. he might get hurt. Killed even.

I then reached a dilemma. The changing rooms. "I didn't check! I was rushing to be on time that I never checked! Shit shit shit shit shit shit! Would I pass as a girl or a boy!? The top!" I pat my chest a bit. It was a flat day. "I'm saved! Go to the boys room. DONT LOOK ANYWHERE" I then walked with Izuku who had saw my panic before. "You never checked.." he sighed my name and laughed. "This keeps happening! You should learn how to get up." He smirked a bit.

"Shush! I didn't have time to check" he laughed a bit more and maneuvered me to the bathroom stalls to change. I got out my "work out clothes" (a tank top with [shorts/sweatpants/capris]) and changed. He has a point though.. I need to get up at a reasonable time for once..

I pushed open the stall and followed Izuku out of the bathrooms. Never. A fucking. Gain. I sigh and look around a bit as I follow the crowd to Ground.. something. I have to separate from Izuku, but with a pat on his head. I gave him good luck.
It better come in handy.

As I stood in front of the behemoth of a gate, I felt a mild ache in my chest. I was overwhelmed. I moved into this too quickly, got cocky. Looking around, everyone seemed more prepared and equipped. Me? I don't even have any souls to help me. What about Nox? She could help.. she wants to help. So.. I'll let them. "Nox." I breathed in. She does work, yes. But she took the day off specifically for this. "By my power that was gifted to me.." the gates. They were so loud creaking open. "Help me with this great task and lend me your power."

"Of course, button."

With light blue mixed with vermilion. I gained an extra pair of eyes and arms. My teeth grew and with their signature tail and horns, the summon, the fuse, was complete. We grew taller in size and height. "You just had to have claws?" "Cuts through fabric!"

We looked towards the gate. "Let's go." Nobody had gone through the doors yet, they were waiting for instructions that would never be given. Seeing this, we just walked through the gate and started to sprint into the field.


Pulling at the fabric that held some of our body, we extended the seams to a longer length. "Give the threads of fate a bit of pulling will you?" Spotting a target off in the distance, we used the string to grapple onto a pole and fling our body towards it. "Heed my warning and give me strength! Follow my lead!" We then cut the machine using the string and dropped to the ground in search of more.

"Your hooves feel so weird to run in.." our mouth only made a "Tch" and carried on. Swinging from lamppost to lamppost, we covered more ground and sliced robot after robot. When we were confident we stopped and started to calmly walk back to the gate. "You know, this feels odd." I said aloud. Nox laughed, "well this is the first time we've fused in months! Should've trained more." We moved one of the four hands to glide against a building, scratching the cement walls. I looked closer at the stitches. Different colors and textures. Hell some different fabrics. It made me curious.

"In all my years of knowing you, I've never asked my your so mismatched all the time?" Some of the arms twitched. "Oh? You asking now?" Coming across a shattered window, the broken prices of glass glistening in the suns reflection. They looked beautiful. "You don't have to tell me, Nox. Just curious." "Curiosity in humans can be dangerous, button. Be careful. Leads ya' to bad places." I knew this conversation wouldn't go anywhere. Worth a shot..

My thoughts were cut off when I felt a massive shake occur from under our feet. "What the fuck is happening?" "I don't know! Mom never told you??" "No?! She wanted it to be a surprise!" Soon, a crowd of people started to sprint towards the starting gate. Some even looked at us as if they were saying "why the hell are you standing there!?" and, I don't know why neither of us never moved our body. Curiosity? Fear? Maybe both. It held us in place. Watching the zero pointer emerge from who knows what.

"That's the zero pointer!?" "The fucking what!?" We finally moved. We ran away as fast as we could, but we cover less ground than something that massive, that we knew. It was better to try than to–


Our head perked up and looked around.. where did that come from? "PLEASE!" There were sobs, "I DONT WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS!" "Oh shit–" "what's happening!?" We sprint over where we heard the noises. The screams.. "fear." Nox hummed in delight.

We turned one singular corner and saw a guy trapped under a rock about to be massacred by a two pointer along with the approaching zero pointer.

"Well shit" "he's fucked." "Not if we help it–"

We twisted our body as we flung a bit of string on a lamppost and used another arm to cut the robot with some more string. We landed to the side of the now dismembered robot. "You.. saved me.." we looked over to see a boy with bright yellow hair and a brown bolt detailing it. "How cool!" Nox stayed quiet as I chuckled.

Nox spoke up. Out of the two of us, only she could speak human.  "We don't want a child to be massacred now do we?" "We?" Oh.. right.. that's not important right now. "Let's get you out from under that... how did this even occur?" As we cut the rock in bits to save him, he described that the machine dropped a rock on top of him after the zero pointer emerged. "Huh.. that's odd. Guess they aren't really looking for lawsuits so.." a laugh came from Nox. Two arms crossed, seemingly theirs, and the tail flicked back and forth. "Anywho... the exam will end soon, make sure to go to the nurse." How soon? "Like five minutes from now." We unfused at their words.

I'm now just me. "Woahh. What was that?" I looked at him. My phone. I pulled out my phone.

"I fused with my sister. She was talking."

His eyes widened, a lot. I didn't really want to explain any further so I left. Doesn't mean he didn't follow me for questioning. "How does that work?" Or "is that a part of your quirk?" "What's your name." I showed my phone which had it written. "Can I get your number? It would be easier to talk to me that way." He laughed a bit seemingly shy.

What's the harm? I gave him my number and I texted him as we conversed, one sidedly. It was fun honestly. It was different. But it was also cut short. "We should, like, run?" Oh yeah. There's still a titan huh? And we need to get to the gate. I grabbed the kids arm and dragged him towards the gate looking back at the now deactivated Goliath of a robot. When we were safely at a distance from the exam site, we finally exchanged our names.

"I'm Kaminari Denki. Nice to meet ya'!" I typed my name into my phone and showed him the screen. He repeats it a couple times and smiles. "Has a nice ring to it. It's [cute/cool/unique/pretty/ pick fucking any descriptor]." A car then pulls up and Kaminari starts to walk to it. "Hope we're both in the hero course! See you," and he says my name again with a wink before getting shoved into the car.

I wave him a farewell and wait for Izuku.

It's been two hours. I don't know what happened to Izuku, but I know that it wasn't good. I wanted to check up on him, but he never left UA.. he got hurt. I couldn't go find him because mom finally came to pick me up. She never questioned why I was still there. She knew. She always did. She sees how much I care for him, how I protect him. She tells me he can take care of himself.
But this world is against those who are quirkless.

I hate it. Shouldn't they be more protected? More worried over? Not just seen as useless or weak? Aren't we all human in a way? Despite varying appearances.. we have the same flaws. Right? Apparently not everyone sees that. Bakugou is a great example of this. Always pestering him, hurting him, mocking him. He gets away with it because of how powerful his quirk is. He's seen as exceptional.
In reality, he's just another face out in a far better and more unique crowd.

What happened when we were kids?

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