I See You (Neteyam/Y/N/Aonung...

By wordforever

118K 1.9K 691

FEMALE READER! Boys if you want a p.o.v let me know and I give you one. Give this story a chance. Okay let me... More

1. The New Home!
2. Training!
4. Ball Chase!
5. The Plan!?
6. Fruit!
7. Ilu
8. Tuk on the cliff!
9. The nightly swim.
10 Confession!
11! Is this a dream too?
12! Reef Swimming!?
13! Why are you so tempting?
14! Strip?
15! Virgin, Who?!
16! Tauri finds out!
17! Y/N where are you?!
18! Do not see them again!?
20! Dinner?!
21! Daddy!
22! Safe word!
23! Dinner!? Parents!?
24! That Guy?!
25! Mine!?
26! Knees?!
27! Birthday!?
28! Surprise!?
29! Aonung day?!
30! Aonung part 2!?
31! Watch!?
33! Beach
34: GIRL!
35: What happened?!
36: Neteyam day!?
37. Neteyam Day 2
38. Girl
39. Come on Darling
40. Last Time?!
41. Leader.
42. Months.
43. Month 7 May.
44. Fuck Neteyam!
45. Came back.
46. Baby names.

3. Hide N' Seek!

4.1K 84 55
By wordforever

Your P.O.V

I make my way through the island, looking for Tuk. 'Where is she?' I think to myself. She has to be somewhere. I turn a corner and see a dark blue tail, I smile. "Now I wonder where she could be?" I say out loud for Tuk to hear. I hear Tuk giggle, I move my way behind the corner. "Found you!" She screams and starts to giggle. "It's Hide N' Seek freeze tag!" Tuk shouts while taking off running.

"Hey!" I run after her, for a little girl she is fast as hell. We run all the way into a hut. I watch Tuk wrap her arms around some lady's leg'. I stop running and my smile slowly goes away. The lady gives me a cold stare. "Why where you chasing my daughter?" The lady asked me. "We was playing a game" I say, the woman looks at Tuk.

"It's true mom we was playing Hide N' Seek tag." Tuk tells the lady. The woman softens her expression. I hear footsteps come into the hut. I turn my head to see Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, and a random man I assume is their father. "What's going on?" The man says, "Uhh..-" I bite my lip again out of nervousness. "MeandTukwasplayingandsheraninhereIchasedafterher." I say fast and quick making it hard for anyone to understand me. The man gives me a confused look.

"We was just playing." Tuk says and I nod my head agreeing with her. The man looks at his daughter than back at me. "Alright" the man says. I look down at Tuk, "I should be getting home, my brothers are probably looking for me." Tuk gives me a sad look. "We can play tomorrow okay?" She gives me a big small "Okay!" I tell her bye. I walk past Neteyam to hear him whisper to me "You did it again bad girl." I make it out of the hut, than run off.

(Arthur: Am I moving things to fast? Maybe I should take it slow.)

I make it back to my family's hut. I walk in and I see my brothers aren't here yet. I set down in the corner of the hut. I hear Neteyam word's run through my head. I take a breathe and lay my head back against the wall. I close my eyes and take a breathe again. Trying to control my thoughts and emotions. 'Bad girl? I'm not a bad girl. I'm well behaved. I have manners. Just because I'm biting my lip over a nervous tic, that makes me a bad girl? Wait why the fuck am I thinking about this?' I hear footsteps and I open my eyes.

I see my brother walk in. "Oh, hello little sister what are you doing back so early?" Tauri ask me, I just shrug my shoulders. Tauri looks at me and stays silent for a moment. "What's wrong?" Tauri asked, I take a breath. "Nothing, just getting use to my surroundings." Tauri looks at me and walks over to me. He holds out his hand towards me. "Wanna play ball chase?" I smile and take his hand. We head outside, we start looking for our other brothers to play.

We see them talking to Tsireya, Aonung, Rotxo, Kiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Tuk. "Aye!" Tauri says, everyone looks at him. "We are about to play ball chase." My two brothers smile. "I call Alo!" I put my hand in the air and Alo smiles at me. "No, you got Alo last time, it's my turn" Tauri says. I cross my arms and roll my eyes. "You are just mad cause we won last time." "I'll go get my griffen" Alo says walking away from us.

"Wait, we have to make a plan" Tauri says running after Alo. Calian looks at me and gives me a grin. "I'll get the ball and my griffen. Stay here and I'll come to get you." Calian runs off and I look at the rest of the people. "What is ball chase?" I look at Rotxo and give him a smile. "It's going to be fun, wait and watch." All of them look at me. I notice Neteyam whispering something to Aonung.

I watch his glaze turn into a flirty one. I hear my brother 'whooping' in the sky. I smile and put my hand in the air. When my brother fly's by he grabs my arm and throws my over onto the griffen's back. We fly high into the air. I see Alo and Tauri flying towards us. I grab the ball and drop it down. Got to wait 5 second's before jumping off.


Both Alo and I jump off the back of the Griffen.

Author: sorry this one is short.

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