I'm Pregnant with the Hope of...

By ijustwannaread2301

928K 46.1K 2.7K

After a one-night stand, a normal human named Jian Luo found out that he was pregnant. Not only that, it was... More

All-Round Well-Off
Puffed Food
Marshal is a Picky Eater
This Woman Dares to Defy Me
Iron-Bone Stern
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Lu Shifeng is a Soldier
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Bring Food to Grace
Who's Delicious
I Have a Boyfriend Too
Lu Shifeng is Old
Lu Shifeng is a Boyfriend
How Old is Lu Shifeng
Dragon's Estrus
I'll Take you Into the Room
Spring Breeze
Absolutely Can't go Home
He Took a Shower
Don't come again!
Pregnant Woman Eats
Full of Dragon Flavor
Pregnancy Reaction
Experience Morning Sickness
I'm Going to Kill the Child
how many cubs
or I will showdown
Global Hope
dragon cub found
Who the Child is With
how to pursue people
You and the Marshal
prenatal education
Chaptery Soup
Packet Capture
Relationship with Mr. Nie
Who is the Spouse?
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I have Nothing to Do With Lu Shifeng
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come to vote
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So Hurry
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Space Ring
Three Eggs
Don't Touch Him
I Scored Twice
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I'm Sorry
My Husband Had An Accident
Your Dad Is Stupid To Death
Blood Inheritance
Send To Dragon Valley For Training
I Can't Save All Beings
Regained Memory
End Gracefully
I Want To Go Home
Domineering Dragons Fall In Love With Me
I Am Also Afraid Of The Dark
I Can Sleep On The Sofa
Back To Dark Star
Compete For Favor
Human Liberation
Ornate Cage
Marriage Law
Why Don't You Get Married
Haven't Touched Me In A Long Time
Not Going Back Tonight
Property Division
Go Home
Education Of Dragon Cubs
Excuse Me
Dragon Scale
Reverse Proposal
The Realm Of The Cubs
I'm Still A Child
Wedding Gift
Getting Married
Wedding Ceremony
I Love This Land
Magic Potion
The Cubs Enter The Fantasy
Potato Limited Edition
God Will Not Answer You
Daddy's Eldest Son
Questions From Your Majesty
Kidnap Child
We Go Home

Is Hope

6.2K 334 35
By ijustwannaread2301

After sending the news, Jiang Jiang began to consider Jian Luo's information bracelet. It is almost unbelievable that this bracelet is not a new type. This style is almost no longer seen in the market. It is probably the first generation bracelet, or even even the waterproofing is not well done. It is hard to imagine how Jian Luo persists every day. It is estimated that even the Internet speed is slow.

When Jian Luo came out of it, Jiang Jiang was still doing archaeology: "Luoluo, this bracelet of yours is of the antique level, and you are older than me."

? ? ?

Jian Luo was shocked: "No wonder I always feel bad contact."

"If you have the conditions, you can change it." Jiang Jiang returned the information bracelet to him: "I can help you choose a good value for money, by the way, there was a harassing message just now, I returned it for you, you can see for yourself."

Jian Luo was very curious: "What are you harassing?"

Jiang Jiang scratched his head: "It seems that he is going to take you to the house on No. 1 Huangcheng, or a single-family villa, hahahaha, you are not funny, now the fraudulent sales actually start from No. 1 Huangcheng, he I thought I was the military Marshal, and I would always go to the villa..."

Jian Luo fell silent for a moment.

Jiang Jiang looked at his increasingly solemn face, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: "Could it be that he is really the Marshal of the Army?"

Jian Luo stroked the somewhat spent screen and sighed, "Jiang Jiang..."

Jiang Jiang quickly said, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Jian Luo patted him on the shoulder: "Maybe it's time to adjust the rocket."

? ? ?

Jiang Jiang suddenly felt terrified. He suddenly remembered that when Jian Luo was at his home before, he received a phone call that seemed to be Lu Shifeng, but wasn't it a one-night stand? Could it be that Luoluo is still in touch with the Marshal?

It's very possible to think about it. The last time Luoluo's body was injured, he was shocked to see it. Can you imagine how much suffering Luoluo suffered? Lu Shifeng's family has a great business, and it is very likely that he wants to use this villa as compensation.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jiang took a few steps forward, walked quickly to Jian Luo, and said hesitantly, "Luoluo..."

Jian Luo turned back: "Huh?"

Jiang Jiang glanced at him incessantly, and finally couldn't hold back: "Could this villa be the compensation for you? Did I accidentally say too much, will there be no bones left?"

Jian Luo smiled: "No."

Jiang Jiang breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"It's too exaggerated to have no bones left." Jian Luo frightened him: "I will definitely plead for you and leave your ashes."


Not comforted at all.

Jian Luo found a quiet place to call Lu Shifeng. He sat in a chair and looked at the scenery outside through the hotel glass mirror.

After a while, the phone was picked up.

"Huh?" Lu Shifeng's voice came: "Come and tell me the style of the rocket?"

? ? ?

The Marshal is very humorous.

Jian Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Just now, the information bracelet was with someone else."

"Really?" Lu Shifeng's voice was flat: "Your family."

Jian Luo said smoothly, "Friend, I apologize to you for him."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

This deadly silence made Jian Luo feel a little clueless.

Could it be that the Marshal is really angry? No, no, no, Jian Luo's heart unconsciously raised.

Lu Shifeng's voice was questioning: "I remember you said you were going to be with your family at home today."


Jian Luo froze.

"Have become friends again?" Lu Shifeng seemed to chuckle: "Mr. Jian's schedule is very busy."

Jian Luo fell stupid.

He completely forgot that he had just fooled around with Lu Shifeng last night!

Jian Luo was very guilty: "That, that..."

"Do you need me to make up a story for you?" The Marshal was very leisurely: "I'll wait for you for a while?"

Jian Luo panicked inexplicably: "Well, I was wrong."

Lu Shifeng didn't grab him: "Where?"

"It's outside." Jian Luo was honest this time: "I was eating just now, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Lu Shifeng responded: "Be careful, don't eat unclean things."

Jian Luo assured him: "I ate in Moonlight, so don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm not a child anymore."


You are.

Lu Shifeng didn't talk to him any more, and hung up after telling some things.

After hanging up the phone, Jian Luo breathed a sigh of relief. You really can't lie easily these days, especially if you lie to Lu Shifeng, there is a 90% chance that you will be caught.

The meal that followed was very peaceful, and Wen Sheng was very tangled and embarrassed.

A table full of Moonlight's signature dishes was served long ago, but Nie Yan didn't move his chopsticks. As the most honored person at the dinner table, he didn't move his chopsticks first. Wen Sheng didn't even dare to move her chopsticks, and was forced to just be honest.

Until Jian Luo came back.

Jian Luo sat down again: "Sorry, did you wait for a long time?"

Nie Yan let him sit down and looked around Jian Luo again: "Where did you buy the clothes, the size is wrong."

This was taken casually by the waiter before.

Jian Luo is not the kind of person who pays attention to people, and doesn't care: "Whatever you take, as long as you can wear it."

Nie Yan still wanted to speak.

Jian Lou was afraid that the boss would say that he would buy another bunch for himself, just the one that Lu Shifeng bought in the palace, he might not be able to wear it all in his life, so he hurriedly said in advance: "Eat, or it will be cold for a while. "

Nie Yan turned the wrench on his fingertips: "The ice cream made from holy dragon fruit, try it."

Jian Luo's eyes lit up, and he reached out and took one and put it in his mouth to taste. This ice cream is really good. It's fluffy and soft, and the entrance is cold and pleasant. He sighed, "It's delicious."

The corner of Nie Yan's mouth twitched into a smile: "The new products developed by Li Hou Kitchen yesterday will be prepared for you when you come over in the future."

The richest man has come this far after so many years, it is definitely not a vain reputation, but he still has a lot of skills.

After finding that calling people to have lunch every day was ineffective, he quickly changed his combat policy, and really got things in place.

Jian Luo was very moved, and under Nie Yan's expectant gaze, he agreed: "Okay!"

Because this ice cream is really delicious, Jian Luo just stared at the ice cream and ate more than a dozen of them at one table, and no one followed him at the whole table.

During the period, Wen Sheng flattered: "I heard that the holy dragon fruit is very precious, but I didn't expect it could be made into ice cream. Today, thanks to Mr. Nie, I can actually see it once. It's really a blessing."

Nie Yan drank the porridge slowly, and said slowly, "It's not my luck that you entrusted to me."

Wen Sheng was stunned.

"You are entrusting his blessing." Nie Yan glanced at Jian Luo slowly: "If you want to thank someone, thank him."

Speaking of this, Wen Sheng felt that he actually had some taste.

Her eyes swept back and forth between Jian Luo and Nie Yan, and she felt as if she had noticed something was wrong.

There must be a situation with these two people. It is true that Nie Yan is the richest man, but he is definitely not a philanthropist for poverty alleviation. This man is very shrewd.

Finally, the meal was over.

Jiang Jiang took the initiative to say to Jian Luo, "Luoluo, I'll take you back."

The richest man next to him suggested, "Take my car."

"No." Jian Luo is still willing to follow Jiang Jiang: "We'll come together, I'll just go back in his car."

Jiang Jiang also nodded: "I can send Luoluo back."

Nie Yan did not insist: "Be careful on the road."

A group of people came out of Moonlight. Jiang Jiang sent Jian Luo back first, and then spoke to Wen Sheng in the back seat of the car again. His face was a little heavy: "Senior sister, I'll take you back."

Wen Sheng hesitated: "Jiang Jiang..."

"If you want me to intercede with Luoluo, you don't have to." Jiang Jiang rejected her directly: "Senior sister, you promised me well before you came, why did you embarrass Luoluo during dinner? He is my friend, you do you have any dissatisfaction with me for taking his face off?"

Wen Sheng felt guilty, and she had to tell the truth: "Jiang Jiang, you know the situation of Senior Sister, I really want to rent a factory, but you suddenly found a human being, I should be a little confused, right? Looking at the famous brand on him, do you think he can afford it as a human being, and if you were me, wouldn't you doubt it at all?"

Jiang Jiang said: "Senior sister, you don't have to say it again, you doubt my friend, you doubt me, there is one sentence that is right, since there was no sincerity in cooperation at the beginning, you didn't trust us, let alone cooperation is not necessary."

Wen Sheng choked.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and Jiang Jiang said, "I'll have something to do with the website in a while, so I won't send you off."

Wen Sheng was so angry: "Your little anchor is not as simple as you seem. If you treat him as a friend, I don't think he will treat you the same way, just wait!"


The door was slammed shut, leaving a slight lingering sound.

Jiang Jiang frowned at the back of Wen Sheng's departure. Although he didn't agree with Wen Sheng's words, he had to say that what Wen Sheng said still made sense. Luoluo should be hiding something from him, hope it wasn't something bad.

The other side.

When Jian Luo went back, he sent Jian Sheng to school.

This time, he was not polite. The troublesome driver drove the car, but the younger brother was very excited on the road. The child could not tell the quality of the car from the bad, but just thought that his brother was very powerful.

When parting, Jian Luo transferred a thousand living expenses to him.

Jian Sheng didn't want much: "Brother, I don't want that much."

"How much are your classmates?" Jian Luo was still calm: "What about their average consumption?"

Jian Sheng said, "I'm not the same as what they bought, so I can't use it."

"Buy what you need." Jian Luo was not stingy: "You are no worse than others. All you have to do is to study hard."

You are no worse than others.

Inexplicably, hearing this sentence, Jian Sheng's eyes were a little red.

"Come in quickly." Jian Luo sighed helplessly: "If you have anything to call home, remember to listen to the teacher's words in class, and you must eat breakfast in the morning. You are growing, and there are prepared potato cakes in your schoolbag. It's okay to be dry food..."

Jian Sheng burst into tears and smiled: "Brother, you are so nagging."

Jian Luo: "Fuck you, go in quickly."

Watching the younger brother leave, Jian Luo sat back down. As the car started slowly, he couldn't help but ponder: "Am I being nagging?"

The driver said: "It's like taking care of children."

Jian Luo thought about it for a while, then smiled: "Children don't like adults nagging, they are annoying, although adults also dislike children being noisy."

He was just talking casually, and he didn't intend that the driver would really reply.

But the driver in front said: "If we can have a child, we will definitely not dislike him for being noisy, Dark Star, it is too quiet."


Jian Luo tentatively said: "I think it's very prosperous."

The little driver who drove the car glanced at the scenery outside: "Those are just illusions, each replica has its own suffering."

"It's a test-tube replica, no matter how prosperous technology is, it still can't make up for the pain it should have." The little driver sighed: "In fact, it's just not talking about it. Although the test-tube replica has indeed inherited excellent genes, but such genes are too domineering, and even the bad habits of the previous generation will be re-enacted."

Jian Luo felt some sadness and helplessness in his tone.

"Sometimes, you think that you are not a person, but a machine that carries a soul." The little driver's voice was low: "A walking corpse is living for others. You said that since you can't become an independent individual, why do you want to what about the birth of independent minds, we can't even choose for ourselves what kind of people we become."

Replicants with high military genes must become soldiers.

Those with high IQs must also inherit the lineage and succeed their predecessors.

The little driver smiled bitterly: "You can't choose your own destiny, because the genes in us all come from the selfless dedication of the previous generation, so we have to deal with them, so we have to live like that, because some things, if appropriate If people don't do it, then no one can stand up to it, and for the survival of the entire planet, they have to do those things."

"You see, some people don't say it, but they are very envious of human beings. There is no way, there is really no way, there is no way to control this feeling, Mr. Jian, there is really no way." The little driver looked at the busy traffic outside. "You can see that Dark Star is so prosperous, but in fact, the mainland has long been a backwater, and no one is really happy."


For the first time, Jian Luo intuitively felt Dark Star's childless sorrow.

"Actually, we're all pretty good." The little driver digressed from the topic again: "Like Marshal, Lord Nie, even His Majesty the Emperor and the others are much more miserable than us."

Jian Luo sat up straight, curious: "Why?"

Originally, he was really not curious about the life experience of these nobles. Originally, he was thinking, some things, if you know too much, it will be more involved. Originally, he is not in the same world as these nobles. When the cubs are born, he will It's also good to pat the **** and leave.

But once I had the foreshadowing of the previous ones, I suddenly felt that it would be good to know some things.

The little driver was stunned: "Don't you know?"

Jian Luo is very honest: "I don't know."

"Master Marshal's genes belonged to the old Dragon King, but after he was re-engraved, he was a failure." The little driver said very cautiously: "At that time, the entire Dragon Clan was disappointed because the old Dragon King had passed away. If the Dragon King is so weak and powerless, then the Dragon Clan may die."

The extermination of a race is simple.

It may have started from a small failure. That day was sunny and sunny, no one cared, but the death knell for demise had already sounded.

Jian Luo's heart tightened: "What happened later?"

The driver thought for a while: "But the Marshal is a miracle. He trains harder than anyone else, and suffers more injuries than anyone else. He is a well-deserved dragon king."

Jian Luo thought about the Lu Shifeng he had seen, the Marshal was always high, and he couldn't see the suffering in the past.

"Like our majesty, or the priest." The little driver turned the steering wheel: "The moment they were re-engraved, because they were pure blood, there was no other choice."

The genetic success rate is 50%.

A pure blood is a one-in-a-million success, and with such a gene, it is already doomed from birth.

And what a tragic fate you can see at a glance.

What's more, they have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the entire race, and even face the voices of all walks of life:

"If it was the old Phoenix King, he would never do this."

"Isn't he supposed to be so good, the replica is like that."

"If the Dragon King is still there, it will definitely do better."

"Looking at how he likes this, I know that genetic defects cannot be avoided no matter what..."

Replicas can inherit the will of their predecessors, they can inherit the mantle of their predecessors, and they can inherit the continuation of the race, but under their bright and beautiful appearances, they are souls that have long since withered.

The little driver also smiled and said, "I heard before that we seem to have a cub. Although I don't know who was so lucky to have a cub, the baby came so well. It gave hope to the world and the next generation."

Jian Luo leaned against the car mat and said softly, "What if this news is fake, or what if this is just a rare case?"

According to his speculation, his ability to conceive is really due to his personal physique, and the Dark Stars may not be able to.


There was a moment of silence in the air.

"It's good to have a little hope. Our generation is definitely unchangeable. I hope that in the future, healthy babies will be born, and they can choose to be themselves instead of being forced to bear the shackles of their predecessors. The talents and abilities of the cubs will not be affected. The influence of replicas is so great, they have infinite possibilities." The little driver sighed: "Everyone is tired all these years."

His voice was light, but inexplicably sad.

Jian Luo's voice was a little dry: "Yes."

I got used to it these few days. The driver took him back to the palace and took him to his exclusive room. Jian Luo went back to wash up, and finally lay down on the bed to rest.

Almost at the moment when he was about to touch the bed, an abdominal pain suddenly came from his stomach. Jian Luo frowned fiercely and almost fell on the bed. It's a little overwhelming.

After a while, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Jian Luo's body.


The cub in the belly felt that the mother was not good, and therefore began to feel uneasy. The entire silent palace was suddenly covered by the uneasy atmosphere of the cub, whether it was asleep or not. All the vampires woke up.

The pain hit like a tide, Jian Luo struggled to open the information bracelet, found Lu Shifeng's number, and pressed the dial button.

There was almost a second answer: "What's wrong?"

Jian Luo gritted her teeth and breathed lightly: "I...my stomach hurts."

Lu Shifeng frowned immediately: "Is it in the palace, I'll go right now."

In the conference room of Sky City, Lu Shifeng picked up his jacket and walked outside, while the other adjutants who were still in the meeting were dumbfounded.

Lu Shifeng put down the words: "Wang Yong will take a group of people to evaluate the E-star thing first. If necessary, I will go there in person."

Adjutant: "Then..."

Lu Shifeng glanced at him sideways, the man's dark eyes were full of threats, if his subordinates dared to say a word of nonsense, it seemed that they would be executed in situ.

The adjutant hurriedly swallowed all the words and said very wisely, "Understood."

Lu Shifeng nodded, then opened the door and left quickly.

The meeting room was quiet, and several adjutants glanced at each other and felt very strange, even a little gossip.

"What's wrong with the Marshal?"

"My lord hasn't been so anxious for a long time."

"The last time His Majesty was assassinated, he even got up after making a cup of tea."

"That's right, it's so hot, can't it be the wife who gave birth?"


Royal Palace.

There was a knock on the door, and Jian Luo answered in a vain voice. The attendant waiting outside broke into the door, and when she saw the human curled up on the bed, her heart skipped a beat.

The attendant bent over: "Are you all right?!"

There was a layer of sweat on Jian Luo's head: "A little... uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, we have a doctor ready at any time." The attendant said quickly, "The doctor will be here soon."

Jian Luo responded casually.

At this moment, it's not just that the room is a little chaotic, the entire vampire's palace is very restless. Originally, some vampires didn't know about the cubs, but once the breath of cubs came out, no one could sit still.

"Am I crazy?"

"I seem to smell cubs?"

"It seems like a red flag."

"? Who dares to harm cubs in the palace!"

"My God, does His Majesty have a little prince?"

The little emperor, who was talking about it, got up from the coffin. The uneasy smell of the cub made it impossible for any Dark Star to sleep. The bones of the beast group have the nature to protect the cubs of the race, and every child is them shared responsibility.

The doctor arrived quickly, stood by Jian Luo's side, and supported him: "Are you okay, I'll check your body now."

Jian Luo nodded weakly, his face was pale and sweaty, he looked like a crippled person at the moment.

The doctor scanned the whole body with the instrument, and fell into deep thought after scanning the symptoms.

Jian Luo continued to curl up and asked weakly, "What's wrong with me?"

"From all aspects..." The doctor put away the instrument, frowning nervously: "Your current situation seems to be because of a bad stomach."

? ? ?

The room fell into silence.

Marshal Lu, who had just entered the room, stopped, and his eyes fell on Jian Luo, who was guilty of a guilty conscience on the bed.

Jian Luo felt guilty and shrank in the quilt: "Is there nothing major?"

The doctor nodded: "No, it should be labor pains, just wait for a while, it has no effect on the cubs."

"...Oh, I really don't feel that pain anymore." Jian Luo said in a lower voice, "Thank you."

The doctor smiled and shook his head: "It's okay."

Lu Shifeng walked in. The man in the orthodox suit seemed to have the coolness of the night. He stood in front of Jian Luo's bed and repeated it with a half-smile: "Eating a bad stomach?"

Jian Luo completely shrank into the quilt.

The doctor didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Actually, according to common sense, Dark Star people have very developed stomachs and do not need to be taboo, but Mr. Jian is a human and his stomach is very fragile, so if you don't pay attention to some food, it is indeed easy to cause such a situation."

Lu Shifeng nodded: "Got it."

Looking at the tranquility of the Marshal before the storm, the doctor had to sweat for Jian Luo.

Half an hour.

Lu Shifeng said, "You go down."

The doctor also wanted to go on, but he still wanted to say: "Well, my lord, it was a little early, but according to Mr. Jian's physical condition, I think it's basically okay, you can consider taking him with you. "

Lu Shifeng hadn't spoken yet, when Jian Luo stuck out his little head: "What do you bring?"

"Don't you know?" The doctor also sighed at Jian Luo's ignorance: "The growth of the cub is not all about the mother, it also needs the comfort of the father. The breath of two people can ensure the healthy growth of the cub. The current month is not used, but according to the test, your body is relatively weak, we recommend that you can start now."


No that's not the point.

Jian Luo tried to struggle: "I mean, the one you just said, take me, means how to lead, do I have to follow behind the Marshal every day?"

Thinking of this may make Jian Luo's whole heart very tired!

The doctor smiled: "Of course not."

Jian Luo let out a sigh of relief.

"Just try to stay together as much as possible." The doctor gave an example, and the smile began to gradually become uncontrollable: "For example, rest at night, usually eat and drink, all together, and after two months, the fetus seems to be stable, you can have sex, but you have to be restrained~"

This "restrained" was said by the doctor so that the ending was elongated, and Jian Luo almost didn't recognize these two words.

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