Azur Lane reacts to Movies, V...

By Ninsor

582K 6.1K 15.8K

The Kansens (shipgirls) from all factions/nations are transported into a theater, where they will watch poss... More

Characters invited
Where are we?
Midway 2019 (Part 1)
Midway 2019 (Part 2)
Midway 2019 (Part 3)
Midway 2019 (Part 4)
Future plans and next reaction (Please read)
More characters in the future? (Please read)
The next generation of warships (Part 1)
The next generation of warships (Part 2)
The next generation of warships (Final part)
Epilogue surprise/Future reaction plans (Please read)
The ship that would not die
Battle of Tsushima
OUR granny Avrora
Young granny Mikasa
Contain the Bismarck
The Falklands Oversimplified
Devotion (Part 1)
Devotion (Part 2)
Devotion (Part 3)
Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update
Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?
Epilogue reflections/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 1)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - First half)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
How to Atago (#BigSisterEnergy)
WW1 Oversimplified
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 2
Genshin Impact
Greyhound Battles
Tank Fish: Dead Ahead
Bismarck Sabaton (I have announcement)
Success or Failure? Germany's Navy in WW2
Battleship Final Battle
The New Order
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 1)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 2)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 3)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 4)
The Great War of Archimedes (Final Part)/Future Plans
Epilogue of thoughts/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 1)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 2)
Tank Fish: American Blitz
The Chaos Legion of Tank Fish
The Fallen of WW2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Tiberium
Kantai Collection (Part 1)
Kantai Collection (Part 2)/Message
Kantai Collection (Final Part)
How to Hood/The Kaga Experience
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - Second Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
The World of Kaiserreich
Kamen Rider and some trolling
"I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 1-2)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 3-4)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Part 5)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 1)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 2)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 3)
Future/Modern Warships (Final Part)
Therapy Time with Texas (Special)
How Nuclear Power Works
High Free Spirit/Voting
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 1)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 2)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 4)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Final)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 1)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 2)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 3)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 4)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Final)
Epilogue (Update)
Tank Fish: Da Hood
Halo (Part 1 / Update)
Halo (Part 2)
Halo (Final)
The Story of Desmond Doss (Simple History)
OC Gangsta (Part 1)
OC Gangsta (Part 2)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Lunch, Drama, Gaming (Special)
Genshin Impact (My Money is Gone)
Red Baron & Ghost Division (Sabaton)
SCP-3000: Anantashesha
The Pig War - Oversimplified (First Half)
The Pig War - Oversimplified (Second Half)
WEEB POWER | MUSASHI / How to Tirpitz
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Parts 1 and 2)
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Part 3 and Finale)
Tank Fish: Trenches
What sunk the Moskva (First Half)
What sunk the Moskva (Second Half)
Alter-Versions and QnA (Special)
HMS Formidable Launched Herself
Naval Legends: USS Texas / Voting
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 1)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 2)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 3)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 4)
The Angry Birds Movie (Final)
Transformers 2007 (Part 1)
Transformers 2007 (Part 2)
Transformers 2007 (Part 3)
Transformers 2007 (Part 4)
Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)
Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)
Epilogue: Review, short Beach Episode, etc.
Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)
Tank Fish: Space Wars (Second Half)
Life Update and my own Middle-Earth
February the 14th of 2024
Glory 1989 (Part 1)
Azur Lane Cheers
Update w/ Nevada
Tank Fish: Roblox REQUIEM (GONE WRONG)

Midway 2019 (Final part)

4.9K 57 46
By Ninsor

Scene continues back to the dive bombers in McClusky's plane

He continues looking out until.. he sees the siren destroyer heading back

"I've got a ship! Siren destroyer at flank speed! Do you wanna bet she's trying to catch up with the carriers?" McClusky says to his radio

"Sir, we've been in the sky for almost two hours! What if we run out of fuel and the whole squadron has to ditch?" The tail gunner asks as McClusky looks at the fuel range

(Come on.. make the right choice...) The shipgirls thought

"Then I'll probably end up scrubbing potatoes at Leavenworth. To hell with it, follow me boys!" McClusky says as he turns his plane to where the destroyer is heading as the rest follow behind

"I hope you're right McClusky. Bombing Six, on me" Dick Best says to his radio as he turns his plane to follow McClusky's squadron

"Now we just have to hope for the best" Arizona says

Back to Observer's carrier

she spots about 6-7 more Azur Lane torpedo squadrons as some text appears

"9:55 AM


(In Japanese)

"Think they've seen us?!" A tail gunner asks

"When they see us we'll know" The pilot replies

suddenly multiple siren planes from behind shoot at them destroying four planes out of seven as they continue shooting at them. The tail gunners try to shoot back but to no avail.

"Brace for impact!" An eagle union pilot says as his plane crashes into the water surprisingly surviving as he swims up. A siren plane comes near and tries to shoot him missing every shot.

Back to Observer's carrier

"We can't launch our planes because of these constant attacks! Our damn fighters need to stop hunting for glory, those planes will be destroyed by our anti-air guns anyway! And they're all flying too low!" She says annoyed

"But judging by those planes, they came from two carriers not Midway. We need to initiate an attack immediately" She states as one of the sirens nearby go to report the situation to the other siren commanders

"Not good, not good!" Denver yells

Scene changes to Tester's carrier

"A message from Observer Alpha, consider it advisable to launch an attack force immediately" A siren reports to Tester

"What does she think I'm trying to do here? You there! Get both the status of Purifier and ours!" Tester says

"Yes, right away! Are the preparations ready?" A siren says to the hangar deck

"We're loading as fast as we can, but the problem is that it takes time to change from land to sea weapons! Purifier's carriers also have that situation!" A siren in the hanger reports

"You and Purifier have five minutes" The siren states

"Hopefully the dive bombers arrive" Montpelier says

Back to the dive bombers, they continue flying in the sky until..

some of the siren fleet is seen down below with Purifier's and Tester's two carriers as the sky fades away

"God damn it.. that magnificent son of a bitch actually found them" Dick Best says

"All right boys, Bombing Six we've got the first bastards in line" Best says to his squadron over the radio as the planes go down to the fleet

The shipgirls tense, they've seen the torpedo squadrons didn't stand a chance but the dive bombers however..

"The planes are almost ready" A siren says to her

"Good, we will launch a full attack and crush the enemy fleet!" Purifier yells but.. the sound of planes are heard above as the sirens realize that those planes aren't theirs

The siren anti-aircraft guns start firing again as the Eagle Union dive bombers from Enterprise and Sakura Empire dive bombers from Akagi start their runs

"What the hell? McClusky was supposed to go for the far carrier! At least the Sakura Empire knows where they were supposed to go!" Murray yells

"Stay on me!" Dick Best orders to his two wingmen as they start heading for one of Purifier's carriers while McClusky's squadron heads for Tester's carriers

Anti-aircraft fire continues as some planes get shot down

"We're at 4,000!" McClusky's tail gunner says

Another plane gets shot down as the rest keep on diving


Scene changes to the Eagle Union pilot that survived earlier

"How is he still alive?" King George V asks shocked

"He must be having the time of his life, how lucky" Kaga says

as he is in the water watching the greatest show in his life

"Do it baby come on! Come on!" He yells

Scene changes back to McClusky's plane

"2,000! Eighteen hundred!"

McClusky after a while launches the bomb as he pulls up, the anti-air fire getting more tense

We see the bomb fall, but.. it barely misses as the sirens on the carrier cheer

"Seems he didn't practice enough" Yorktown says feeling a little bad

"Damn sirens are celebrating too early when there are literally other planes coming for them" Enterprise says

McClusky looks at where his bomb landed as he sighs in annoyance but he hopes the other planes could land hits

We see Dickinson's plane next as some planes get shot. He's in range, he readies his bomb

"I'm gonna do what I'm paid to do!" He yells as he launches his bomb as he pulls up and the bomb falls

A direct hit! One of Purifier's carriers is hit on the left deck causing a chain reaction as it explodes everywhere. Another plane lands a hit in the right deck causing the entire carrier to explode

(for those who don't know siren carriers have two decks, one in the left and one in the right as the bridge is in the middle)

"WHOO!" Dickinson yells as we see the Eagle Union pilot still in the water cheering and laughing enjoying the show

"One destroyed! Five to go" Javelin cheers as the shipgirls have their hopes up

Back to Observer's carrier, she sees the sight of Purifier's carrier, she looks at the siren carrier where Purifier is in as it suddenly explodes by three of Akagi's dive bombers as she sighs

"Look! One of Tester's carriers is being attacked!" A siren says

Observer moves to another window as she sees one of Tester's carriers destroyed thanks to Akagi's dive bombers again. That leaves three carriers for the sirens left.

"That leaves just our two carriers and the carrier Tester is in" A siren states

"Unless those planes strike" Observer says with her confidence slowly wavering

Scene changes to Dick Best and his wingmen with the carrier Tester commands in sight

"Feeling a little lonely sir? Wish we'd brought more planes to the party?" A wingman asks over the radio

"You always wanted to be a hero Kroeger, and now's your chance" Dick Best replies as the anti-aircraft guns on Tester's carrier start firing

Tester hearing the anti-aircraft fire and plane sounds goes outside the bridge and sees the three dive bombers as they start their runs

The shipgirls get more tense

Anti-aircraft fire is intense as Dick Best activates the flaps of his plane causing his two wingmen to go first

"Okay Murray! We put that carrier out of action even if we have to crash onto it's deck!" Best states

The planes keep on diving as the anti aircraft guns keep on firing

"4,000!"Murray yells as inside the carrier the sirens are still preparing the planes

"We need more time! We're still rearming the planes!" The siren in the hangar reports

The dive bombers are still diving


Anti-aircraft fire is getting more tense as Best's wingmen launch their bombs as they pull away

We see the bombs falling to the carrier as Best still hasn't launched his bomb and is still diving

On the carrier we see Tester looking at the bombs falling as her eyes are full with fear and she has never been afraid before

The first bomb lands in the water barely missing the bridge as the sirens take cover as water spreads all over them. The second bomb lands near the right bow as water spreads again.

Dick Best is still diving getting closer to the carrier as anti-air fire gets more intense the more he gets nearer

"Eighteen hundred! Sixteen hundred! Fifteen hundred" Murray yells as Dick Best's front view is covered in black smoke due to the very intense aircraft fire

Dick Best still hasn't activated launch as his plane gets covered in black smoke until his plane exits the smoke making the bridge clearly seen

Dick Best finally launches his bomb aimed at the bridge and the right deck as he pulls up and...

the bomb lands and explodes! Causing some of the bridge to be damaged and the entire right deck explode. This causes a big fire on the siren carrier as Dick Best's plane nearly touches the water and manages to pull up

The shipgirls breathe a massive sigh of relief

"I stand corrected.. you really are like Dick Best Enty..." Hornet says

"S-shut up" Enterprise said

"She is not wrong.." Vestal supports

"I-I need a breather" Illustrious says

"Don't we all" Taihou says

The scene continues

"That was a beauty sir! Right on the bridge and the deck!" Murray yells as anti aircraft fire still continues. A siren battleship fires its guns in the water trying to hit Dick Best's plane as he dodges every shot barely

The shipgirls tense again

He heads towards the siren battleship as he starts shooting the anti-aircraft guns and he pulls up

"Any fighters on our tail?" He asks

"No sir, they must be chasing someone else!" Murray replies

Scene changes to Bruno Gaido shooting his gun

Two siren planes are going after them as they try to shoot the plane down

The pilot tries to evade but the sirens keep on shooting as Bruno finally shoots a plane down causing it to crash in the water. The two planes keep on continuing their little dance as the siren plane locks on and shoots the plane's left wing as it slowly falls into the water

"We're going in!" The pilot yells as the plane crashes slowly into the water but both the pilot and Bruno survive.

Scene changes to McClusky's plane which is also being chased by the sirens

"O'Flaherty and Gaido are down sir!" The tail gunner reports

"If you don't hit them damn Sirens, we're gonna be joining 'em!" McClusky yells as he evades and the tail gunner tries to shoot them down

One siren plane comes in front at them however and tries to shoot McClusky who only gets hit in the shoulder as he groans in pain and the tail gunner shoots it down.

"Are you okay sir?" The tail gunner asks

McClusky looks at his shoulder

"Radio our position! We gotta get a ship out here to pick up Gaido and O'Flaherty" McClusky says

"So it's either the fleet or the sirens get to them first." Javelin says

"If the sirens arrive first, they will definitely execute them" Shoukaku says while holding Zuikaku's hand

Scene changes back to Purifier's two carriers which both are on fire everywhere as a Siren plane flies around it

We see the sirens who are stuck back inside as

"The gasoline is vaporizing! We can't activate the CO2 and we have no power!" A siren says to another as they both look at the hangar which is a burning wreck

The fire further spreads however and touches the fuel

We see from Tester's carrier a big fire, and the explosions of Purifier's two carriers.

Graf Zeppelin smiles, seeing the destruction

"We must go" A siren says to Tester

"No, I have to save the ship" Tester replies

"It's my job to save the ship, your job is to lead along with the others. You can't do that from here." The siren replies back

Scene changes to Pearl Harbor planning room

"Do you want us to contact Commander's Spruance and Yamaguchi?" An officer asks

"No he can't break radio silence" Yamamoto says as an officer hands Layton a paper as he looks at it

"Rochefort intercepted a siren signal. He can't translate the body, but look at the call sign. That's from one of their commanders Purifier, but she's not transmitting from her carrier, she's transmitting from a knight cruiser" Layton says

For those who are confused:

Pawns are destroyers, Knights are light cruisers,  Bishops are heavy cruisers, Rooks are battleships and Queens are carriers

"Now why the hell would Purifier leave her carrier?" Nimitz asks as Layton looks at him. Nimitz and Yamamoto look at him back realizing what's wrong.

Scene changes to another siren fleet as some text appears

"4:30 PM



Akagi and Kaga get mad at the sight, now they know the sirens were just going to make the Sakura Empire waste their materials even though the sirens could've just finished the project themselves. The other shipgirls are shocked at the sight

"I-It's massive!" Admiral Hipper says

"Unlike your chest my dear sister~" Prinz Eugen teases while FDG holds Hipper back who is currently trying to charge at Prinz Eugen, everyone sweatdrops at the sister dynamic

Inside the bridge we see the Empress as another siren comes into the room

"From Purifier,

Fires are raging aboard four Queen carriers in the fleet. Two coming from my command, while the other two from Tester"

the siren reports as the Empress gets the paper

"It seems.. Azur Lane knew we were coming, and we walked... right into their trap. Don't worry, there are still two carriers left under Observer Alpha's command.. we can still win this, but we must know what we are facing." The Empress states with confidence as she looked outside

"I hope those lowly animals find those carriers before that 'Orochi' thing arrives" Deutschland says with Graf Spee chopping her head

(Great, probably another sister dynamic) Everyone thought

Scene changes back to O'Flaherty and Gaido in a rubber boat

"They taught us about dehydration in flight school. Your skin starts to crack, liver fails-

"Knock it off" Bruno says cutting off O'Flaherty

"Thank you, I didn't want to hear that" Junyo says as other shipgirls agree and have different reactions

For example with Hood and Queen Elizabeth spitting out their tea as Belfast comes to help them

"What if nobody finds us?" O'Flaherty asks

"I know. We swim back to Pearl" Bruno says

"Well good luck with sharks, and we'll need something to eat" O'Flaherty states

"Exactly, that's what the sharks are for. At least we won't be like San Diego when she encountered a shark" Bruno says


if she was here then she would scream for the rest of the movie) The Eagle Union shipgirls thought

"Wait. Wait, I see something, looks like a destroyer" Bruno says as the ship is shown in the distance but it's too far to see clearly

"Azur Lane or Siren?" O'Flaherty asks

Scene changes on the destroyer. There we see Gaido and O'Flaherty tied up with sirens on board

"You! Tell us your ship or we throw you overboard!" The siren says pointing to Bruno

(Oh no..) The shipgirls thought

"Cigarette?" Bruno asks as a siren out of nowhere puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it

Gaido nods in thanks

"That was.. weirdly nice" Prince of Wales says

"That siren probably wanted him to have one last cigarette" Bismarck says

"That's the kindest thing a siren could ever do for a human, and you know guys? I had a lot of friends at Pearl Harbor, so how about you bastards fuck yourselves" Gaido says

The siren snaps her fingers as two other sirens throw Gaido into the water, then they drop an anchor down as it was tied to the rope. The sirens smirking, were the last things Gaido saw as he suddenly drops down into the water as the weight of the anchor forces him to drown deep into the ocean.

The sirens go to O'Flaherty who is fearing for his life as the scene changes

The shipgirls bow their heads once more, knowing he too is going to die

Back to Observer's carriers

"Azur Lane has six carriers! We are the last intact aircraft units in the fleet! The fate of this battle rests on your skill! The Empress expects you to do your duty!" Observer Alpha states with the Siren pilots going to their planes

Scene changes back to Enterprise as Dick Best and Murray exit their plane

"Murray, get something to eat. I bet we're going back out there" Best says as Murray leaves

"We have to go upstairs to report to commander and Enterprise" McClusky states as Best sees his left shoulder bleeding a little

"What happened?" Best asks

"I got strafed by a siren" McClusky replies

"Hey, how'd you know to follow that Pawn destroyer?" Best asks again

"I played a hunch" McClusky says

"Well your hunch might have won us this battle, but I gotta tell ya.. that looked like some cowboy bullshit to me" Best says

McClusky looks at him

"Now that you say that, I think Hornet would be proud, and you can't beat 'em, join 'em"  McClusky says

Hornet laughs

Scene changes on the deck on Enterprise as we Yorktown, Akagi, and Kaga's positions but there is something wrong with Yorktown and Kaga's ships as there are three fires on the deck of Yorktown while one with Kaga in the stern of her ship. The USS destroyer known as Hammann is seen near Yorktown while IJN Ayanami was near Kaga helping with evacuations just in case and fire control as we Akagi undamaged and the siren planes leave.

The shipgirls are shocked at the scene

"B-big sis" Hornet says

Enterprise is just silent staring at the scene while Yorktown is hugging Hammann who wanted comfort

Akagi hugs Kaga as she hugs back, both of them cannot imagine losing each other since they already lost Amagi

"Kaga-senpai..." Zuikaku says silently

The shipgirls all feel an anger soar through them

"Yorktown and Kaga are hit, what have we got left?" Commander Spruance asks Enterprise who is silent

"A couple of SBD's just returned.. the pilots are coming up to report...." She says silently still staring at her sister's ship as the door opens and Dick Best and McClusky are shown

"What's the news from the siren fleet?" Spruance asks Best

"Four carriers down, two to go" Best reports

"And our air group?" The commander asks again

"Only three torpedo bombers from Eagle Union came back, while five from the Sakura Empire, and they're all shot up" McClusky replies

"What about the dive bombers?"

"We can probably scrounge up two dozen" McClusky says

"McClusky, you've been shot, and don't tell me you can still fly. Get your ass down to sick bay" Spruance states as McClusky salutes and leaves the room

"Best, put the pilots you trust in any plane that can fly and drop bombs" Spruance says

"Yes sir" Dick Best says as he salute and he too leaves the room

Spruance walks up to Enterprise and puts a hand on her shoulder for a moment and leaves her alone

Scene cuts to Akagi's ship and in the bridge, she's also looking at Kaga's ship as Yamaguchi comes up and speaks

"Don't worry, your sister is a strong woman. She'll be fine"

"I wish I can think that sir.. I've already lost my big sister... I don't want to lose my little sister as well" Akagi replies as a tear drops down her eye and looks away from the window

The shipgirls are silent, some are shocked learning Akagi and Kaga have a big sister. Her not being here however says a lot of things.

We can see best walking in a hallway until he suddenly coughs violently

"Are you okay sir?" One of the men running buy asks

"Yeah I'm fine" Best replies as the two men keep running down the hallway. Best stops coughing and looks at his hand as its filled with some blood

"Whatever he has been breathing was definitely not a good thing.." Illustrious says as Unicorn hugs her. Unicorn during most of the battle was hugging Illustrious wanting comfort. She is still a child after all, and no child should have to experience the horrors of war.

Dick Best continues walking down the hallway until he arrives in the briefing room where all the dive bomber pilots are, then he looks at the board revealing his squadron's members. The first three names on the board being Best, Kroeger and Weber are still alive. Roberts is down, Halsey is MIA (missing in action, and this Halsey is not the commander), Penland is down. The next three names being Schneider, Green, and Ramsay are all MIA, Hopkins is still alive, Van Buren and Vandiver are MIA, Goldsmith is down, and the list goes on.

The shipgirls pray in silence and respect

"Has anybody heard from Dickinson?" Dick Best asks

"No, not yet" One of the pilots reply

"Look, I know you boys have just been through hell, but.. we gotta go back and hit the last two carriers." Best states

(They just can't catch a break..) The shipgirls thought

The men start to stand up from their seats and leave the room, Best has a face of pity and tiredness

"I'll see if I can find more men" Another pilot says

Scene changes to Murray who is currently washing his face in the sleeping quarters as Dick Best coughs some more

"Hey.. strap up. We're going back out" Best says to Murray

"I'm sorry sir, but I think you need to find somebody else. You don't know what it's like to be in the back seat sir. You fly like you don't care if we come home or not" Murray says

Dick Best sits down on one of the beds as he coughs a little

"I wanna go home too, I wanna spend more than a few days at a time with my wife, and see Unicorn grow up.. You're right, if we got out there... we probably aren't coming back, but this is our job, and we're the guys who have to hold the line till the cavalry arrives-" Best tries to say but Murray stands up as he stands up too

"Look.. if you really can't fly... I'll find someone else, but if you could.. get back in that plane, then you'll remember this moment for the rest of your life, and if you know that you came through when people were counting on you, then you'll be able to face anything" Best finishes as he walks slowly

"We've come this far Murray.. so please don't make me go back out there without you"

The shipgirls in their own ways are inspired in this scene

"I'll warm her up sir" Murray says

Scene changes back to Project Orochi

The shipgirls feel anger again

"The enemy has two unavailable carriers and their air wings are weakened. We will draw them within range of our battleships and destroy them, radio Observer Alpha quickly" The Empress says to a few sirens

Scene changes to Observer Alpha

"Telegram from the Empress herself" A siren says as she gives Observer the paper

"It seems.. the Empress is ordering us to charge. Like true warriors who want to save their honor." Observer says as she then crushes the paper

"So it shall be" Observer states

Scene changes to the planes heading towards what remains of the siren fleet with big amounts of smoke in the sky from the four siren carriers destroyed. Some text appear

"4:56 AM


sakura empire + eagle union = sakura union

"Get ready Murray, we're not sneaking up on them this time" Dick best says as suddenly Siren planes appear and shoot at them

"Here they come!" Murray says as he readies his gun

The shipgirls tense once more

(This is it..) they thought

We see some planes already destroyed as Murray starts shooting and Dick Best evades some siren planes and shoots some down

The siren fighters are trying their best to shoot the planes down to no avail, the Sakura Empire planes start going for one carrier as Eagle Union goes for the the carrier where Observer is in

Scene to the siren carrier

"They're here! They're here!" A lookout siren warns as Observer goes outside the bridge and sees the planes. The anti-aircraft guns start firing.

The Sakura Union planes start making their runs to destroy the two carriers as anti-air fire again fills the sky with smoke.

We see Murray who is shooting until he accidentally turns is gun near him and his hands accidentally touch the barrels as he burns his hands but doesn't hurt much thanks to the leather gloves but he still screams in pain. The siren planes start diving as well as they try to shoot down the planes and Murray ignoring the burns turns his gun back on the siren planes and begins shooting again bringing one down.

"Altitude!" Best yells

"We've got sirens on our tail!" Murray replies as Dick Best notices a destroyed plane going towards him and evades just in time.

We see from a distance, planes from both Sakura Empire and Eagle Union dive onto their targets as anti-air fire becomes more intense

"FIRE!" A siren says as the gunners keep firing trying to defend their carriers. Observer for the first time has fear in her eyes as she looks at the diving planes.

Dick Best back in the cockpit is looking at the picture of Illustrious and Unicorn as it almost flies out. The falling Eagle Union planes crash into the water.

Dick Best pulls up, some other planes do the same as the target is clear in sight. Dick Best looks to the bridge and sees Observer looking back.

Dick Best looks back and says..

"This is for Pearl"

He says as he launches his bomb onto the middle of the siren carrier as it lands.. and explodes as some flames engulf Best's plane as he yells. Two other dive bombers strike the carrier as well in the stern and the left deck.

We can see in the distance Sakura Empire planes land two hits on Observer's other carrier in the bridge and the middle as well causing it to fully explode and erupt in pieces.

Most of the shipgirls cheer while the others are still in silent

Scene changes back to Enterprise as a plane crashes onto the deck with only one wheel, there are small fires. The men start running to help the pilot and put out the fire.

The pilot is revealed to be one of Dick Best's wingmen as he has some blood dripping down his face as the medical people help him get out

Dickinson climbs on board the ship with some help as he walks to McClusky who has his left arm on an arm sling

"What happened to you?" McClusky asks

"Ran out of fuel about 20 miles out, ditched next to the USS Phelps" He replies

"Where's Best?" Dickinson asks

"That's one of his wingmen, he hasn't come back yet. He's probably just taking a victory lap" McClusky replies

"Yeah.." Dickinson says

"Hey.. Men like Dick Best are the reason we're gonna win this war" McClusky states as Dickinson walks away

"Come on Best.."

Some of the shipgirls are worried

Scene changes to Illustrious and Unicorn arriving at one of the shipgirl's house

A shipgirl opens the door and it reveals to be Cleveland

"Any news?" Illustrious asks

"Shoukaku heard a rumor back in base, there's a big battle. Two of our carriers have raging fires aboard them but she says fire control is manageable for one of them" Cleveland says

"One of them?" Illustrious asks

"She says a siren submarine came out of nowhere and ambushed one of them, we just don't know who is sinking" Cleveland replies

The shipgirls are more worried now, the sister/s of Yorktown and Kaga hug each other, the others felt bad for the alter of Illustrious as they knew she was going to ask about the pilots situation

"The pilots?"

"It sounds like we lost a lot of them.."

"..I-I'm just going to go to the b-bathroom real quick" Illustrious says while running, as she reaches the bathroom she immediately closes the door and starts breathing shakily.

Scene changes to Akagi's ship

"The sirens might charge with their battleships, and commander Spruance has told me to withdraw the fleet for the night" Yamaguchi says

"Would their fleet be out of range in the morning?" Akagi asks

"Nimitz ordered us to be judicious, we won a great victory today, so let's not blow it" Yamaguchi states

Scene changes back to Enterprise with Dickinson and other men waiting for more planes

Dickinson starts to leave until he hears distant engine rattling

He sees a plane with Dick Best inside as he does the exact same thing he did in the opening scene

"God damn it, Dick Best!" Dickinson yells as the men start running. Dick Best starts the engine again

"Hang in there kid, we're almost home" Dick Best says as he starts pulling up

The plane shows up once more as it jumps and lands onto the deck, landing on the first wire. Dickinson climbs on board

The shipgirls cheer again, but a few were silent

"And here I was thinking you were dead" Dick Best says

"Yeah, and they said the same thing about you" Dickinson says

Dick Best shakes his head

"I'm glad they were wrong" Best says as he gets out of his plane

"Commander's orders" Dickinson says as he shows a Hip flask

"Give it to Murray, he earned it" Best says

Dickinson then offers the bottle to Murray but he denies

"Give me a hand" Best says as Dickinson starts to help him but Best starts coughing with some blood

"Corpsman! I need a corpsman!" Dickinson yells as a corpsman arrives and helps Dick Best

Scene changes to sunset.. to Yorktown's ship as it is still burning wreck with a destroyer ship down below. We can see Kaga's ship nearby with fire still but is being controlled. We can see the surviving crew on deck with Yorktown standing on a box

The Yorktown sisters have their eyes widened as they all start to shake and have small tears. The other shipgirls, even when they knew alter Cleveland mentioned that one of them is sinking, still feel sad

"You have all fought valiantly! But we must unfortunately abandon this ship so that it doesn't fall into siren hands! I am linked to this ship, but know that the cause of my death is none of your fault! I command you to carry on your loyal service to Azur Lane.. for humanity!" Yorktown says with a face that says even the bravest, fear death

"I wish.. to stay with you!" An old officer says

"Very well, your wish is granted" Yorktown says

"Abandon ship!" The officer says as the men start to leave, but.. one young officer turns back and faces Yorktown

"I wish.. to please let me stay with you too!" The young officer says trying not to cry

Yorktown slightly smiles

"I am touched by your offer, but.. your still young. Young men like you.. must continue to live on for humanity's future... that.. is my final order" Yorktown says

The young officer salutes, as Yorktown salutes back

The young man starts to leave, having small tears in his eyes. Yorktown's smile fades as a tear falls from her eye and she pulls out a picture from her coat. This picture has her, Enterprise, and Hornet smiling happily.

"I'm not said.. I'm actually happy... we've just claimed a glorious victory. Soon, the names of all the men and kansens that took part in this battle.. will be praised by future generations as legends. I believe this war will end soon.. humanity will rebuild, and keep on venturing this ocean hand-in-hand. We are born to fulfill humanity's ideals, and this has been worthy of our devotion.." Yorktown says while having tears roll down her face trying to smile

The shipgirls, while extremely sad at the thought of losing their own siblings were at the same time very inspired

Enterprise and Hornet go and hug their elder sister tightly while crying as Yorktown hugs back

"Shh.. shh... I'm okay. I'm here" Yorktown says while a few tears go down her face

"D-do you have any regrets?" The old officer asks

"No.. I don't have any regrets at all. My greatest pride is to have seen my little sisters and allies grow into the unstoppable forces they are now..." Yorktown says while closing her eyes

Other shipgirls like the destroyers and friends of Yorktown cry. Some others like the maids were sad, but some just had one tear and that's it

Scene changes to Enterprise

"What happened to Bruno?" Murray asks

"PBY flew over his last known position, and they spotted an empty life raft" An officer says

Murray walks to his bed and lies down

Scene changes back to Yorktown and the destroyer from earlier

"Battle station torpedo port side! Target Yorktown bearing 90 degrees! Fire!" The man over PA says while two torpedoes were launched and making their way to Yorktown

The destroyers and the Yorktown sisters look away

The men at the destroyer look at Yorktown as Yorktown and the old officer look at the setting sun

The two torpedoes keep on going until.. they hit, one hitting near the bow and the other near the stern causing massive explosions. Ultimately causing the entire ship to explode taking.. Yorktown with it

The shipgirls that looked away looked back on the screen to see the next scene, they were really sad and angry

Scene changes back to Orochi

"Empress, our scouts found nothing. Those pesky Azur Lane carriers must have withdrawn for the night. We should bombard Midway! Those humans have no battleships and their pilots are worn out! We can still win this battle!" A siren says

The Empress looks at the siren

"You've been playing too much war games. We cannot gamble the rest of the fleet just because of a withdrawal" The Empress states

"Then.. what are your orders?"

Scene changes back to Midway with a typewriter heard clacking as the writer finishes typing and gives it to an officer who leaves to go to headquarters

The officer arrives at headquarters and gives it to Rochefort, then he gives it to Layton who puts his mug down

Layton after a while looking at the paper runs outside to the car

Scene changes to headquarters

Layton runs to the planning room

"The sirens are retreating!" Layton yells

The commanders and the shipgirls shake hands, no cheering

The shipgirls are happy too, but with the last scenes they saw. There was also no cheering.

"We won.." Yamamoto says as he shakes Layton's hand

"Yeah" Layton says with a smile on his face

Nimitz arrives next to Yamamoto and puts a hand on Layton's shoulder, as both of the commanders leave the room

They both stop to look at Layton and smile seeing him happy but this marks the end of the film as text appears


commanded the Sakura Union Fleet until their ships finally defeated the sirens with them surrendering on September 2nd, 1945"

The shipgirls eyes widened, their alter world's war with the sirens ended four years from now since their timeline is in 1941

Scene changes to Nimitz in his office as he starts calling someone

that someone picks up the phone and it's commander Halsey

"God bless those boys and kansens.. turns out all they needed was a fair fight" He says as more text appears


returned to duty and became one of only four men to be rewarded the rank of Fleet Admiral in the Eagle Union Navy"

Scene changes to the Empress


was shot down and killed in the final battle of Tokyo Bay"

(I know it's the second battle of Kure for the IJN in actual history)

(Rightly deserved) The shipgirls thought

Scene changes back to Doolittle


received the Medal of Honor from Admiral Roosevelt upon his return to Eagle Union. His 80 Raiders held a reunion every year until the last man died in 2019"

The shipgirls smiled a bit, knowing the men returned safely home

Scene changes in the briefing room in USS Enterprise

We see Dick Best in a robe and Enterprise enter the briefing room as they saw Dickinson and the board of names

"Half our men.." Enterprise says in a silent voice

"Dead or missing" Dick Best finishes for her

"Yeah.." Dickinson says

"Hey what happened to that Whiskey?" Dick Best asks

"I was waiting for you to sneak out of sick bay" Dickinson says as they both laugh with Enterprise just smiling a little seeing their friendship

Dickinson gives it to him and Best drinks it as he coughs a little. Dickinson drinks the rest

"We did it.." Dickinson says as text appear again


became a Rear Admiral and was the first pilot in history to receive three Navy Crosses, Eagle Union's highest decoration for valor in combat"

Scene changes to McClusky on the deck


eventually commanded his own aircraft carrier known as 'USS COREGGIDOR". To this day the most outstanding attack squadron in the US Navy receives the Wade McClusky Award"

Scene changes to Best in Pearl Harbor leaving Enterprise and on a wheelchair. Layton who exits a car, notices this and helps the people who have a difficult time lifting the wheelchair.

"Hang on boys" Layton says as he helps carry the wheelchair

"Thanks" Dick Best says

"Of course" Layton replies

"Hell of a job you got" Dick Best says as he offers his hand for a shake. Layton shakes his hand

"You intelligent boys really came through for us" Best says as Layton smiles. Best coughs a few times as text appears near Layton


stayed by Nimitz's and Yamamoto's side through the war. He published a book in 1985 that finally explained the vital role played by Rochefort and his codebreakers leading up to the Battle of Midway"

"If they didn't had those codebreakers, Azur Lane would've lost" Zuikaku says

Scene changes in the gate area

"Daddy's here!" Unicorn says holding her U-chan as Illustrious takes her hand and walks with her to where she can fully see her husband in the wheelchair

Unicorn runs up to him

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"Hey sweetie, I missed you" Best says while carrying her up

He stands from the wheelchair while coughing as Illustrious hugs him tightly

"Thank God.."

Illustrious doesn't blush this time, glad to see alter self and alter Unicorn happy

"What happened?" She asks

"Apparently I inhaled caustic soda" Dick Bests says

"What does that mean?"

"My lungs are shot, my flying days are over"

"Well.. get good at something else. You have the rest of your life with me to figure that out..." Illustrious says as she hugs him again

Enterprise, and Hornet are seen in the distance smiling at the site


Three legends of Eagle Union. These kansens served throughout the entire war with only Enterprise surviving till the end. In homage to Yorktown and Hornet, Eagle Union made two carriers known as 'Yorktown II' and 'Hornet II' who also became legends by the end of war"

The shipgirls are shocked at the mention of Hornet's death

Enterprise is very shocked, but she couldn't let this information bring her down. She will swear that whatever happens to Yorktown and Hornet won't happen in her world. Hornet is shocked as well but like Enterprise, this information won't bring her down. Yorktown was sad for her siblings in the alter world, but she will make sure this won't happen in hers.

Scene continues as Akagi, Kaga, Zuikaku, and Shoukaku show beside them. Kaga has a few bandages around her head and Shoukaku has recovered but has a few scars

"Are you okay Kaga?" Hornet asks

"I'm recovering, I still need to rest though" Kaga replies

"How was it? The battle? You don't have to answer" Shoukaku asks as she hugs Zuikaku

"It was.. tiring..." Zuikaku replies while being squished

A few shipgirls laugh while Zuikaku gets embarrassed

"I see.." Shoukaku replies while letting go

"This battle was a victory much needed, but it had its losses..." Enterprise said

Akagi puts a hand in her shoulder

"Everything will be fine" she says

"You think so?" Enterprise asks

"I know so" Akagi replies as text appears



these kansens served throughout the entire war like the Yorktown sisters, but Akagi, and Shoukaku haven't lived to see the end of the war. Zuikaku got promoted to third carrier division by August of 1944 while Kaga remained in the 1st carrier division commanded by Yamaguchi alongside 'Shinano' the first shipboy of the world who is her and Akagi's fully biological little brother

(I know Shinano is a girl in Azur Lane and Yamato Class but I'm the author, I can do whatever I want)

The shipgirls are shocked again, especially the shipboy part

Zuikaku hugs her big sister again while Shoukaku hugs her back, she is happy that her younger sister got promoted. Zuizui deserves it.

Akagi and Kaga are shocked at the mention of Akagi's death, but to learn that their alter world versions got a little brother truly is something

"A shipboy? Why does he get to be Akagi and Kaga's little sibling" Atago says while pouting

"The first shipboy huh..?" Taihou says hiding a giggle

"Well, he seems interesting to learn about" Hood says

"The first shipboy.. and he is developed by the Sakura Empire... and I thought Iron Blood engineering was superior" Bismarck says while the Royal Navy shipgirls got slightly insulted while the Sakura Empire shipgirls were proud

(D-dear sister, has my alter self failed taking care of her like A-Amagi requested? However about Shinano.. Me? A big sister? I wonder.. what that feels like...) Kaga thought

(It seems my alter self died.. if I died while serving Azur Lane and protecting Kaga.. then I'm not sad at all. To think our alters got a little brother.. how lucky, and no doubt Kaga would be a good big sister) Akagi thought

Scene changes back to Best hugging Illustrious


won the Navy Cross for his actions at Midway. He is one of only two pilots in history to hit multiple enemy carriers in a single day

The citation said his "boldness, determination, and utter disregard for personal safety" helped turn the tide of the war in the Pacific

He never flew again"

The shipgirls bow their heads in respect for all the people in this movie

"This film is dedicated to the Eagle Union and Sakura Empire sailors who fought at Midway. The sea remembers its own"

The movie ends


Some text appear on the screen

"Sooo.. how was it the movie?"


enjoy this everyone, they will be reacting to... idk yet I need a break

my last day of break before school starts again is tomorrow soo yeah, I want to take a break from writing and enjoy my last day of christmas break tomorrow but don't be afraid to leave comments

Sayonara and goodbye! Take care, I do read the comments. You can also request for new characters to be added.

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