Sunshine & Roses ~ A Sun/Moon...

By lemon_squeezed

545 17 4

You applied for this job on a whim, but so much more came from it than you could have ever imagined. ~~~~~~~~... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: First Day
Chapter 2.5: After Work
Chapter 3: No Alcohol in the Daycare!
Chapter 4: Rises the Moon

Chapter 5: Misunderstandings

64 1 0
By lemon_squeezed

You squeezed your eyes shut, bracing yourself for your inevitable demise...

"Wha-?" You slowly opened your eyes, hesitantly looking up at the being in front of you.

With the little bit of light the battery-operated lamp had bestowed upon you, you were finally able to see your assailant better. Physically, he was very similar to Sun, but he was missing the signature sun-rays. He seemed mildly bewildered as he stared at you. You stared back at him blankly.

"Um..." You vocalized.

You weren't sure what was happening right now, but it was fucking WEIRD. He flexed his fingers slightly. His staring was getting unnerving. You started to say something about it, but he held his hand out to you before you could get it out. You stared at his hand for a few moments before you slowly grabbed it. He pulled you up from the floor, letting go as soon as you were stabilized. He seemed at a loss for words.

"I, uh..." He began. He cringed at his awkwardness and facepalmed. "Fuck- Um-"

His cussing caught you off guard. This definitely wasn't Sun. He tentatively met your confused gaze, smiling sheepishly at you.

"...Sorry." He said finally.

You raised an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms. "'Sorry?' That's all you have to say?" You spat at him. You had just spent the last 10 minutes running for your life and thinking you were gonna die, and all he had to say was sorry?

He winced at your aggression and gave you an apologetic look. "I thought you were an intruder. My facial recognition software couldn't pick up your identity in the complete darkness." He seemed ashamed of himself for putting you through so much trouble.

You sighed, rubbing your temples lightly. You wanted to be mad at him, you really did, but it was difficult to argue with his explanation. You took a deep breath, attempting to calm your anger. You were still very much feeling the effects of the adrenaline pumping through you. You took this moment to examine him properly in the dim light. He definitely looked like an off-brand version of Sun. The main difference was his color scheme and the sleeping cap on his head, but otherwise it was very much so Sun-like. Of course, there was the red eyeball light too, but you already noticed that before. He shifted uncomfortably under your gaze.

"Who... are you?" You asked slowly.

"Moon. Sun's counterpart. Yaknow, like- like the, uh, the- sun and- moon," He babbled. He laughed sheepishly. It was clear he wasn't used to interacting with others in a normal setting. 'Moon... Why does that sound familiar...?' You furrowed your brows and stared at the floor as you wracked your brain for where you recognized him from. It took you a bit, but it finally clicked.

"Right! I read about you on the website. Aren't you supposed to be the naptime animatronic?"

He tensed at your question, nodding solemnly. "Yeah. I- I was, at least."

You frowned, scooting closer to him. He flinched at your sudden movement, but relaxed when he realized you didn't mean any harm.

"What happened?" You asked quietly.

He sighed, slumping down onto the floor. You joined him.

"There was an... incident," He responded. "I-I scared a child. I didn't mean to! I just-" He sighed again, rubbing his face with his hands.

Your frown deepened. He seemed really upset about the event. It was almost sweet how much he cared. "Is that why Sun didn't want me to turn the lights off?" You were sure you knew the answer already, but you decided to get some clarification nonetheless.

He nodded, leaning his head back against the wall. "He understands it wasn't my fault, but he's still hesitant to let me out around the children," He explained further. You listened carefully, examining his facial expressions as you did. Were those... tears in his eyes? Could robots even cry to begin with? You honestly weren't sure.

His weak laughter shook you from your train of thoughts. "Sorry. Didn't mean to dump all that on you." You shrugged. "I asked. You're alright," you reassured him.

His eyes scanned over you for a moment before he frowned. "You're hurt," He said simply.

You examined your arms and legs with confusion. "What? Where?" You didn't see any injuries. You didn't feel any, either. Did you have internal bleeding? You hoped to God that wasn't the case.

He poked at your knee, causing you to hiss in pain. You looked at where he had poked you.


You weren't sure how you hadn't noticed it before, but you scraped your knee pretty badly. It wasn't a horrible scrape, but it was bad enough that there was a bit of blood.

You waved it off. "Eh, I'll be fine. Just a scratch."

He shook his head, standing upright. "Let me help you."

You began to protest, but he cut you off. "Please? It's the least I can do after..." He trailed off, but you knew what he meant.

You sighed in defeat, sitting upright. "Fine. You really don't have to though."

"I know that," he said as he helped you up. "I want to though."

He looked around for a moment as he thought before he decided the desk was good enough. Without warning, he grabbed you by the hips and picked you up, placing you down on a clean space. You yelped at the sudden movement.

"Hey!" You huffed. "God, you're just as bad as Sun!"

He chuckled. "Sorry. Stay here, I'll... I'll be back." He waved his hands in front of him, emphasizing his point of staying.

He swiftly disappeared into the darkness, leaving you alone once again. You sighed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. There was that eerie feeling again. You hoped he wouldn't be gone for long.

Moon's POV (kinda)

(Quick A/N: The italics mean they're talking internally. No italics means they're speaking out loud.)

"Oh gosh, we really screwed up!" Sun whined. Moon winced, shaking his head.

"It's fine, Sun. They didn't seem too upset about it." He reassured Sun, but it didn't seem to work very well.

Sun continued to ramble on as Moon slipped behind the playplaces to a secret room.

"But what if they actually ARE upset over it?! What if they quit and we never see them again! Oh golly, it'll be all our fault!"

Moon groaned. He was starting to get a headache from how much Sun was whining.

"Sun." He said sternly, shutting Sun up fairly quickly.

Moon sighed, searching the drawers for anything useful. "It's gonna be okay. They seem tough, it'll take more than this for them to quit."

Sun huffed quietly, thinking for a moment. "I guess you're right, Moony. I just... I don't want to drive off another friend, yaknow...?"

Moon nodded solemnly. "I know, Sun. I don't want to either."

They sat in silence for a while as Moon continued to search for the first aid kit.

"Come on, where is it...?" Moon grumbled under his breath. He was growing frustrated. He took a few steps back.

"Maybe it's in the storage room? I think I saw something there," Sun suggested.

Moon shrugged. "Yeah, maybe. Lemme check."

He left the secret room quietly, making his way back over to the desk. (Y/N) looked up at him curiously.

"Wasn't where I thought it was. Checking the storage closet," He explained simply as he walked past.

They nodded, going back to idly staring at the ceiling. Moon entered the storage closet, searching the shelves there instead. His search was beginning to seem futile until he came across a particularly stubborn drawer in one of the plastic storage shelves. He tugged on it gently. Still stuck. He tugged again. Still stuck. He growled.

"Be careful, Moony," Sun warned.

Moon waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I got it." He wasn't gonna let a plastic drawer get the best of him. He yanked on it harshly.

Your POV


You sat upright, turning your attention to the noise.

"What the hell?"

You stood, wincing as the wound on your knee stung from the pressure. Slowly limping your way over to the closet, you opened it. Whatever light source was in the closet seemed to be on a different power source than the rest of the daycare, as the lone lightbulb inside illuminated the room. Moon stood like a deer in headlights as he stared at the plastic dresser laying on the floor, various little knick-knacks sprawled around it. You couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"Ya good, Moon?" You asked, amused.

He turned to you and laughed sheepishly. "Erm... Yeah." He held up the single plastic drawer he was holding. "I, uh, found the first aid kit."

You burst into another fit of giggles. "Congrats."

You sat down on one of the spare chairs that was back there. You watched as Moon tentatively picked the dresser back up and placed it upright. He looked around at the spilled knick-knacks before deciding not to deal with them right then. He pulled the first aid kit out of the drawer and placed it back inside the dresser before he made his way over to you. You smirked at him.


You shrugged. "Oh, nothing."

He eyed you skeptically as he kneeled down in front of you. He proceeded to open the first-aid kit and pull out a few items before closing it again.

"This may hurt a bit."

"What will- OW!" You hissed in pain as he wiped your wound with an alcohol wipe. Your knuckles turned white from how hard you were gripping onto the sides of the chair. "MotherFUCKER-!"

He smiled apologetically, cleaning it as quickly as he could.

"A little bit more of a warning would've been nice," you huffed.

He merely snickered in response as he placed a white pad of gauze on the area. You watched as he wrapped the bandages around it, securing it in place. He gave it a gentle pat as he finished, most likely an instinctive thing from helping children. You examined his handiwork. It was impressive how neat it was.

"Thanks, Moon. You did great!" You said with a smile.

He waved you off, seeming a bit flustered at the praise. "It's nothing, really. Just part of my programming."

You stood slowly before you gave him a hug. Ηe tensed up at the sudden contact. You assumed it had been a while since he last got any sort of affection. Your suspicions were further supported by the way he gripped onto you as he hugged back, his face buried into your shoulder.

"You're always welcome around me," you whispered to him.

His grip on you tightened. A silent thank you. The two of you sat like this for a few moments before you let go.

"Oh, uh, by the way..."

"Hm?" You tilted your head.

He held up a keychain. "I think these are yours."

"Oh, my keys!" Your eyes widened in realization. "Thank you!"

He nodded, handing the keys to you. You patted your pockets to make sure you had everything you needed. Once you were certain you had everything, you nodded and looked up at him.

"Goodnight, Moon. I'll see you later." You waved at him as you exited the closet and made your way to the door.

"Goodnight, (Y/N)."

Word count: 1816 words

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