When Fire Meets Coffee

By AnAuthorForChristina

88.4K 2.1K 141

Ever wondered, "What happen when a fire fighter goes to a café?" No? Well neither did I. Until I saw her come... More

Chelsea I
Chelsea II
Jordyn III
Chelsea IV
Jordyn V
Chelsea VI
Chelsea VII
Jordyn VIII PT. I
Arizona VIII PT. 2
Chelsea IX
Chelsea X
Chelsea XI
Jordyn XII
Jordyn XIII
Jordyn XIV
Chelsea XV
Chelsea XVI
Jordyn XVII
Jordyn XVIII
Chelsea XIX
Jordyn XX
Christina XXI
Jordyn XXII
Jordyn XXIII
Chelsea XXIV
Jordyn XXV
Jordyn XXVI
Chelsea XXVII
Chelsea XXVIII
Jaydyn XXIX
Chelsea XXX
Chelsea XXXI
Chelsea XXXII
Chelsea XXXIV
Chelsea XXXV
Jordyn XXXVI
Chelsea XXXIX
Chelsea XL
Chelsea XLI
Jordyn XLII
Chelsea XLIII
Chelsea XLIV
Chelsea XLV
Chelsea XLVI
Chelsea XLVII
The Goddess Of My Heart
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Epilogue III
Epilogue IV

Chelsea XXXVII

1K 23 0
By AnAuthorForChristina

So, it's now March 16th. One day until Jordyn's birthday and five days until the wedding. We're super hyped.

After Jordyn's birthday, we'll be separated until the wedding. I'm not looking forward to that but it's fine.

We decided that we would chose a house to buy before her Jordyn's birthday and buy it and maybe show Jaydyn and Fender around. And we will move in after we're married. We've finished the contract on the apartment and we've packed up and moved to Jordyn's parents until we decide. It was hard for Jordyn to say goodbye, but she got there in the end.

We celebrated Jordyn's birthday on the same day as mine February 14th, and we also celebrated Valentines Day all in one. A fun yet romantic day to remember.

We've been thinking long and hard about the house we want.

We would like at least four bedrooms, spacious bathrooms and someplace where it would be flexible to move things around. We've narrowed it down to three houses. So we're sat in the middle of the living room floor, with pictures of each of the houses and it's pros and cons. Trying to eliminate two of them. But these three houses are beautiful. They all fit the criteria and are in our budget.

"This one doesn't have a pool. But then we'd have more space in the back yard to do stuff." Jordyn says.

"I'm afraid of water. I fell in a pool once and almost died."

"So maybe we should highly consider the one without the pool?" she suggests.

"Yeah. We should. With more space in the back yard, we could have room for soccer and a trampoline."

"You want to get a trampoline before we have kids? That's out there, Chels."

"Who said it was for the kids?"

She chuckles at my remark but I wasn't kidding.

"But even though this one has a pool, it has a killer view. But it was too warm so I'm not too sure." I comment.

"If it's too warm, then how will we cuddle?" Jordyn asks, a serious tone in her voice.

"Exactly. That one is out of the question." I conclude as I move the info about the house to one side.

"This one was too far away from the city. I have to work and when we have kids it'll be like a twenty minute drive to get there. But it is a really nice house. Is it worth all the fuel and money to get to and from places?"

"No. I wouldn't say so. Out of the question?" I inquire.

"Out of the question." Jordyn agrees.

"So. That leaves us with the house with no pool." I finalise.

"I can just imagine little kids playing around in the yard while we watch from the patio." Jordyn smiles.

"Yeah. And we'd chase them around and tickle them. We could watch the stars at night with them and lay in the grass. Tell them we love them. Tell each other."

"We'd have space for gatherings. Barbecues every spring and summer month."

We both stare at the pictures of the house we have chosen and daydream about our future in it.

"I'll call up the agent then." Jordyn announced as she got out her phone and dialled our real estate agent.

"Thank you." she finished at the end of the call.

"We got a house!" she exclaimed and stood up to jump up and down.

"We got a house!" I exclaim too and join her in the victory jump.

Luckily we were alone in the house. Otherwise, we'd spoil the surprise. The surprise that we chose one, finally, that is. Everyone was so invested in our house hunt.

After we finished our celebration, Jordyn said that we had to meet the agent so she could hand over the keys and whatnot. I'm just so stoked.

We clear up our house hunt plans and hop in the car to our new house. It was only a ten minute drive Jordyn's parents but it felt like hours as we drove.

We finally arrive and we see the agent already there. The sign now says 'SOLD' and I want to cry.

"Congratulations! Here are the keys to your new home. I'll leave you two to acquaint yourselves."

"Thank you." we both say. She leaves us and we're left with our new house.

We head inside. Jordyn walks around in a thoughtful silence and traces the walls with her fingertips.

"What're you thinking?" I ask.

"We're gonna start our lives here. We are gonna start our family here. Next time we see the inside of this place, we'll be married. I'll have a ring on my finger and you'll have yours. I'm just so happy." she tells me.

We finish our nostalgia mop of the house and head back to Tina and Kate's.

We can't wait show everyone our new home. Even though right now it's just an empty vessel, it'll be filled with us and our love pretty soon.


The next day

Right now, everyone is gathered in the living room of the RogerMont household, looking at us expectantly.

"So. We bought a house." Jordyn announces. Everyone cheers and claps.

"We're gonna move in after the wedding. Then we'll settle down for a bit. And during Spring break, we're going in our honey moon to Bora Bora for one week, then Wales the next." she finishes. Everyone seems happy with our honeymoon choices. But I don't care about their opinion, just as long as we have fun.

We said to everyone that they can't see our house until we're done moving in. Mainly because it is so embarrassingly empty and there nothing to see. Just a few rooms.

They understood though.

The only thing I'm upset about is that the separation starts tomorrow. I'll be staying with my Mom, Auntie Mary and all of my bridesmaids and Jordyn will stay here with hers. I don't know who her bridesmaids are and she doesn't know mine.

We also have no idea what the other is wearing, we were given a specific colour to get and that was it. But I don't mind. It'll make it more special if you ask me.

And I can't wait to have all of the photos given back to us so we can hang them on our empty walls. This wedding is going to be one of the biggest moments of our lives, so we'll make it count.

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