Wishes (Au sans x reader

By ScribbleDaDragon

10.3K 350 92

Loneliness is something many humans hate. You especially dislike it and sometimes just wish that you had peop... More

Doesn't make sans
Batter batter on the wall- oh. You need more food.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chilling here all alone...
No one likes Caroline.
Barbecuing With skeletons
Peace and quiet. Well. Not really.
Calming is required.
Best friends and confusing crap.
The Truth or Dare Cliché
Hospital visits.
Coffee shops.
Driving home.
Save the skeletons.
Horror Story
Magical sleep
Outer space and stars
Winter chat
Snow day


468 18 9
By ScribbleDaDragon

The next morning you awoke to the feeling of being watched. You sat up and looked around to see what you assumed to be the last skeleton from the trio that decided to drop in. Haha. No pun intended. He had a long purple coat and a scar over one eye. He had brown boots and a weird expression on his face, a mix between a derp and a smile.

"Hi?" You say although your words came out as more of a question.

The Sans seemed to snap back into reality, his grin growing wider as he did a casual wave. "Sup' Bruh."

You blinked. So there was another strange talker. You grin back. "Not much."

You stood up, and your head rushed. Briefly sitting back down you got up again, ignoring the headache, and stretched. You noticed that Horror had gone, but his jacket was still there. You picked it up and bundled it under one arm. You should take this upstairs to him because after all, this is his.

"Anyways, I need to return this jacket to its owner." You say to the skeleton. "What's your name?"

"Epic. Just call me Epic, bruh." Epic said shooting finger guns at you.

You nod and make your way upstairs for some reason mentally counting each step. Then once you got to the top of the steps you wrinkled up your nose. Walking up to Horror's door you opened it quickly scanning the room. He wasn't there so you set the jacket down on the bed.

You hadn't seen Classic for a bit and the last time you saw him was a few nights ago when you and others were playing video games. That got you concerned. Standing up you shut the door behind you as you walked over to Classic's room.

Opening the door you peek in to see Classic awake and staring at the wall. "Hey." He said lightly as you entered. His eye lights seemed a bit fuzzy.

"Sans." You sit down on the floor next to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be." He pulled a confused face.

You cross your arms and rest your chin on the mattress. "Don't pull that on me, Sans. You haven't been coming down and no one has seen you for a long time." You narrowed your eyes at him. "What is wrong."

Sans shook his head. "No, it's fine." He looked away. "Plus we've only known you for like four days. I still don't-"

"Trust me! Yeah, that's fair." You nod your head standing up. His posture relaxed. Hah. "But you will be coming downstairs with me."

You grab his left arm and lift him up much to his yells of displeasure. You adjust him so he could be more comfortable as you carried him downstairs. Red and Killer were in there talking and when you dropped Sans on the couch it looked like they were holding in laughter.

"Shut it. He was being sad up in his room. I don't want him up there until it is time for bed." You point your finger at the two. "So stop."

You walked back to the kitchen and you immediately noticed a weird glob of something on the stovetop. Blue was sitting at a chair at the table looking at it. You assumed it was his creation. When he saw you enter he waved enthusiastically.

"Y/n! I made you something!" He pointed at the glob. "It's a pie and I left it in the oven overnight so it wasn't raw!"

Ah, that's why it was pitch black.

"Wow!" You say looking at it. "Let's put it away. For dessert!"

Blue's face fell and he muttered, "Can you try a little bit right now?"

"Fine." You say rubbing your eyes. You weren't in the mood to be poisoned but Blue's sad face was probably worse. "But not much, it's still really early."

Blue smiles. Was that all an act?! "Great!" Blue grabs a pizza cutter from a drawer to his left and began cutting the 'pie' into several small slices. "Now I did add a little bit of chili powder for a sweet-spicy flavor, so just warning you!" You felt your face go white at this.

You reached up to get a plate and wincing you grabbed a small one. Ahh. This would be an experience. Bringing your hand back down with the platter your doom would be settled on you held it out to Blue before looking away. Soon a glop could be heard and also a weird cinnamony smell met your nose.

Looking at the plate again you saw a fork had been stabbed into the pie, and a weird flakey outside crumbled inward on itself. Maybe, just maybe it could be good? Sighing you put the plate down on the table and looked up at Blue. An idea is formed in your mind.

"Go get the others in the living room. We will all sample it together." Payback for Classic! "But let Classic be. He needs to stay down here at least."

As per usual Blue eagerly left and returned in record time with Killer and Dust in tow, a grin spread across his face showing he was proud of himself. He let go of the duo once they were in (and all exits were blocked) the kitchen. Despite being against their will they didn't complain.

"YOU will try my delicious pie!" Blue declared, pointing at the blob. "Y/n decided that you two would be picky enough to try it."

You decided to ignore the looks of annoyance you received from the two, instead, you were staring at the pie and holding an excited smile was plastered on your face. "Yup! I can have the tip of it, so you guys can have more." You say reaching for the knife but before you could grab it a gloved hand snagged it.

"I will cut it!" Blue grinned at you.

You watched with increasing horror as he put the largest piece onto your plate. Amused chuckles came from Dust and Killer looking up from your plate you saw Blue was staring at you expectantly. You knew you went white, but you quickly covered it up by stabbing the fork into the pie and taking a bite.

You wanted to spit it out right away. It was sugar, salt, and chili powder mixed with a weird crunchy thing, almost like onions but sweeter, along with the flavor of ash and it had the same texture as well. Your eyes widened and you hastily swallowed.

"Wow Blue!" You smile at him, wanting to get water. Or soda. ANYTHING TO GET THAT FLAVOR OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. "That was amazing! We should try cooking again sometime, I might be able to learn something from you!"

Blue stood like a superhero that just saved a bunch of citizens from a falling building. "WHY OF COURSE DEAR Y/N! YOU COULD LEARN ANYTHING FROM THE MASTER CHEF SANS!"

You give him a thumbs up. "I bet I can!" You turn around. "Anyways I need to go do work now. See you at dinner!"


Cross POV


What a strange human.

They were walking out of the kitchen frowning slightly. Looking over to Cross they waved smiling now. Cross waved back. Wasn't their name Y/n? Did one of the others tell them his name? Classic had been in the living room not too long ago, where they talked about the situation and decided on the nickname Cross.

How amusing. Cross grimaced at the cruel irony of the fact he had the same nickname as the one Chara gave to him, but it would have to do.

For some reason, the purple one recognized him, even though he had never seen each other in Cross' lifetime. Either way, they hit it off instantly, and currently, they were sitting in the living room together, each one speaking up or starting a conversation from time to time.

"They are something." Cross muttered trying to make sure Epic didn't hear.

"You betcha, bruh." Epic grinned. "They tried Blues food!"

Cross blinked.

"Apparently Blue isn't... that okay at cooking bruh. Have they tried it just now? That's why the other two were dragged off by shorty, bruh." Epic elaborated.

"Ooh." Cross said plainly.

Eventually, more skeletons came into the living room, basically making a skeleton assembly. Cross mentally counted... 13 skeletons and then the two humans (one of which was hiding in her room out of spite and the other because of work). Meant a total of 15 people in this house.

"How long have you broskies been here?" Fresh asked his glasses changing to a few question marks.

"Dunno." Red shrugged.


Ink's hand rose into the air. "Guys I have a theory." Waiting until most of the skulls in the room were facing him he continued. "I believe every time someone or a group of people arrive the weird barrier decreases in size. So by the time we get to maybe 20 skeletons, we might be able to get out of here."

"Wait really?!" A different voice came from the steps. It was Y/n holding a bunch of stuff for the Nintendo switch. "Great! Anyways I brought down all my games from you guys to mess around with. Let me go get started on dinner okay?"

A few skeletons nodded the others were just trying to process what just happened or where they materialized from.

"Perfect." They nodded and went back into the kitchen.

Blue reached into the small jar that held what looked like plastic chips and began rummaging around. He got too impatient and just dumped out the jar, much to the amusement of Nightmare, who laughed for some unknown reason.

A few of the chips fell onto the floor and one bounced under the couch. Ink, who was sitting on the couch went under bent down, and grabbed it, his eyes widening as he looked at it, gaining the intrigue of the rest of the assembled skeletons.

"What is it." Nightmare asked or ordered, Cross couldn't tell.

"N-nothing!" Ink smiled and curled his hand around the chip. "No big deal nothing important- HEY!"

A blue string grabbed Ink's wrist and made him rise in the air. Error grinned at the frustrated expression on Ink's face and because he laughed the chip dropped, being caught by Classic, who promptly flipped it over and read the label and looked at the chip confused.

"Why is this interesting?" He asked Ink.

"LeT mE sEe." Error grabbed the chip with strings, to avoid contact. "Oh WoW."

"What?" Red asked, looking bored.

"It has the name of the original universe on it." Nightmare said looking over Error's shoulder.

"WHO'S UNIVERSE?" Blue questioned.


All eyelights turned to Classic who looked shocked, dumbfounded, and slightly betrayed.


Your POV


"Hey guys, would you rather- what's going on?" You poked your head into the room, now with an eyebrow raised. You walked into the living room further suddenly aware of the fact that you had many skeletons in your house.

"What is happening?" You ask genuinely confused.

Ink stepped forward his posture suggesting anger. "What do you think? You have a game that is his universe!" At the word, his Ink pointed at Classic who seemed to be confused. "Plus you didn't tell us! That is a huge betrayal of trust for some measly human!"

Your eyes widen at his words and you took a step back. "W-what?" Did they find the game? When? We're you really that careless that you forgot to take it out of the box? "What do you mean I didn't tell you? It's my personal business..." Your voice trailed off as you looked at the carpet under your feet.

"Your personal business?!" Classic spoke up. "Your personal business is what games you play. Not if there is a game that has someone who appeared in your house in it!"

You force back tears from appearing in your eyes. You back up and grope for the railing, eventually, you made hand contact and you used it to let yourself sit down on the steps. Wiping the corners of your eyes with your sleeves, someone's arms wrapped around you.

Wincing you turn to look at who it was, and it was no surprise that it was Blue, but it was surprising that he was glaring at the skeletons assembled in the living room. He really did seem mad but you found yourself relaxing in his hands.

"Yeah, because keeping a secret that would cause you guys to react like this is a terrible crime." Nightmare rolled his eyes at Ink. "Idiots, that's what you are all, idiots."

"That doesn't excuse the fact that they could have information that could be used against us." Killer pointed out.

"I- I didn't know about any of you- you guys." You muttered with your eyes closed. "Just Classic. It was just him."

As you were talking you noticed the Blue shifted you so you were on your side facing him rather than the living room. His phalanges tapped against the wood in some random pattern. It kind of sounded like music, just very very repetitive.

"None of us?" Dust asked his eyes widening.

You shake your head weakly. At this point, the pressure was all releasing itself in the form of tears over Blue's clothes. You would have to apologize later for that. Remembering the fact dinner was still going you begin to stand up but a slimy appendage stopped you.

"No." Nightmare said, smiling maniacally. "Sit down."

You do so without question, your hands working furiously at trying to get the slimy residue off your shirt. It was weird and sticky and you didn't like it. The smell was okay, kind of like apples and mint. NO! You didn't sniff it directly but some of the scents drifted up to you.


You smile gratefully at Blue she returned the smile softly as he fingered with his gloves.

Dream seemed deep in thought and opened his mouth to speak when Epic cut in. "I don't know them that well bruh, but from what I can tell they are really cool." Epic shrugged. "But you guys have known them longer than I have so I don't know."

"Yeah," Horror chimed in. "I... don't think they can do... much."

You nod then pause. "Wait was that an insult to my strength?!" You shake your head in mock disappointment. "Jeez, Horror I thought we were friends."

Horror snorted and grinned which you thought made him look like a happy pit bull. Super scary because of his outside appearance and the personality he gains from it but actually very sweet and kind on the inside. Wow, that was slightly poetic. Good job Y/n.

"Well," Dream said scratching the back of his skull, obviously not wanting to pick sides. "Maybe we could forget about this?"

"Forget. As if." Red hissed. "Forgetting a version of you was in some game that people all around the world play! I bet there are people who have crushes on him!"

You said absolutely nothing.


Classic's POV


It was midnight and Classic was still up.

Images were flashing through his mind any time he closed his eyes each one different than the last. There were genocide routes and Frisk and Y/n. A lot of Y/n. Now he didn't want to sleep, because the dreams were often times disturbing, to say the least.

He heard footsteps from outside his door but they seemed too light to be of the skeletons, and this theory was confirmed when someone knocked on his door and spoke in a voice that was not that deep or scary l, which both traits most of the skeletons had.

"Sans?" It was Y/n. "Can I come in?"

Sans grumbled out a no, but apparently to Y/n that meant a yes because they walked in soon after. They sat down next to him, their legs in a crisscross formation and guilt written across their face. Sans backed up a bit looking at Y/n with a mix of anger and annoyance.

"I said no. Or are you brain-dead?" Classic hissed at them.

They looked up at him their face wrinkling up. "It's my house."

Classic just rolled his eyes, anger still bubbling inside him. "Yeah, I know."

The two sat in silence which was awkward at best and hostile at worst, mainly because both of them wanted to talk but didn't. Y/n was looking down seemingly lost in thought while Sans was grateful for the distraction although one of the other skeletons was preferred.

"Look I am sorry-"

"I don't want to hear it." Classic said glowering at them. "What you did was wrong and YOU KNOW IT."

Y/n blinked and nodded. Classic was hoping they would leave after that but instead they began talking again. "The other night... I came up here to check on you." They sprawled across the floor sighing. "You were having a night of restless sleep and you began talking. Asking about Papyrus."

Classic's eyes widened. "W-what?"

"Yup. You thought I was Papyrus." Y/n giggled lightly. "But my point is, is what we're you so worried about?"

Classic thought this over by himself a lot so he didn't waste any time responding. "Papyrus dying."

Y/n raised one eyebrow. "Are you sure? Or is it possibly something else. Perhaps... I don't know... you dying?" They shrugged as they stood up. "But I don't know, anyways try to go to sleep now okay? See you in the morning."

Sans' immediate reaction was to deny it, but they walked out too fast. That wasn't the case at all. He knew it wasn't. Hey were just some dumb human that knew too much about him and where he came from. They didn't know ANYTHING about him.

But maybe that's a part of it. The voice at the back of his head whispered. Maybe it was that at first. But now you consider yourself more- NO. He would NOT give in to those thoughts.

Classic looked at the messiness of his floor and decided to try going to sleep again, so he took off his jacket and got under the sheets. He clamped his eyes shut and to his surprise, he fell asleep almost immediately.


Spam posting chapters today! Be prepared for an onslaught of cringe.

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