Vittori ✔️

By unconsentingsoul

1.1M 34.6K 10.3K

When good meets really, really, really bad. ****** Daniel Harper is down on his luck as he struggles to pay f... More



39.7K 1.4K 1.1K
By unconsentingsoul


It's been two weeks since I've started selling. And as of right now, it's not enough. I'm not the only one in New York who's selling drugs to pay for college. In fact, there's about a hundred others like me who need to find a source of income. And you know what? I applaud them for deciding to not go the loan path.

The interview process to get this job was a bit weird. I had to meet with some sketchy guys in Little Italy and go through an interview process. Creepy guy from before was correct, and the suppliers really liked how clean my record is and my 'twink-ish looks'. Said it makes me look innocent.

I ended up telling my aunt and uncle that I found an internship under my professor for computer science and I'll be earning an extra income.

A few people found out I was dealing. I would carry it in my backpack around school and during my breaks I would set up on a bench in the quad and wait for people to come and buy. I got the occasional invite to some parties and made huge profits.

But it wasn't enough.

I still got an email from my financial advisor that I was in danger of getting dropped from my classes. I talked to one of my few friends, Angie, and she expressed her sympathy for me. She wanted to pay for my education but I refused. I kinda feel like she's taking pity on me since I have no one else here. But I still consider her my closest friend.

With no other options left, I felt like dropping out would be my best choice. I talked to my aunt and uncle, who supported my decision, and made sure to tell me that it wasn't my fault. Though I do feel bad because they took out a mortgage on their home. Not to mention, I sold a lot of my parent's stuff to raise money. And it was all for nothing.

Which then left me with a bag of MDMA in my backpack. Since I'm not planning on staying in New York and will have to move back home soon, I'll need to talk to whoever is in charge and resign from my role.

Shouldn't be too hard.

I looked at the card again and called the number and said that I need to quit. Rather than let me quit on the spot, they asked me to come to a certain location for an exit interview. The address given to me was not a townhouse or home, but a restaurant in Tribeca. An Italian restaurant to be exact.

I dressed nicely and had my backpack with the goods inside. My plan is simple: walk in and tell them that I'm quitting and I'm returning home.

I told the waiter my name and he left to the back of the restaurant and came back a few moments later. Rather than seat me at a normal table, he led me to a secret room.

The vibe here changed. It felt like I was entering a secret society. Velvet lined the walls, and a dark crimson color took over the interior. The dim glow of yellow lamps barely allowed you to see what's going on.

In front was a set of double doors guarded by two strong men. The man who had been leading me here turned around. "Reminder. Don't speak unless spoken too. Don't offend him or his wife. If he offers you food, take it and eat it. But if he winks, it's probably poison. And don't try to attack him. There'll be at least 10 guns pointed at you at all times. Got it?" He asked.

"Uh, no-" Before I could finish, the doors were opened by the guards and I was pushed into the private room.

I almost fell on the floor but managed to save myself. I finally came to see what was behind the door. It's a private dining room in the shape of a circle. The room still had the dark red velvet walls but there were old photos lining the walls of people. In the center of the room was a table lit up by a light from above, similar to a spotlight. Sitting there was an older couple who were feeding each other. Behind them on the other side of where I stood was a curtain that probably leads to somewhere else I don't want to know about.
"Scusi?" Someone said. I snapped out of my trance and saw that the older guy was giving me an impatient look.

"Sorry, sir." I muttered out.

"Just get on with it. I was told you were quitting. Why?" He asked. He never looked away from his wife. But even though he wasn't talking directly to me, his voice carried a dominant aura.

"I started selling to pay for my education but it's not enough so I'm dropping out and moving back home." I replied.

There was a bit of silence. The only thing I heard was the sound of knives clanking and small giggles from the couple.

"Marco!" The guy yelled. "Bring me his file!" He yelled and quickly a bus boy from behind the curtain came in holding a manila folder. He handed it to the guy and soon left the room.

I kept standing here and kept looking around me. I looked at the buttons in the velvet walls and could see some of them were hollow. Upon further notice, I realized that many of them were empty and had something on the other side. It might be the guns the waiter told me about.

"I read your file." He said. He finally turned to look at me and I got to see who he was. He had a muscular frame, with bright hazel eyes and gray slicked back hair. He kinda reminded me of an old Greaser. He wore a white button up with suspenders. If you're into hot old guys, this guy would be perfect.

"You live in Phoenix, Arizona. Graduated top of your class. Both your parents died when you were 12 and your mom's sister took you in. You're in your sophomore year at NYU. And you joined my business two weeks ago." He said. I don't remember telling the suppliers all that.

"How do you know all that?" I asked.

"We like to recruit some of the computer science majors after they graduate to our workforce. By the way, you might want to stop using the same password for your Netflix and Disney+ account."

"All due respect, Mr..."

"Vittori. Sylvester Vittori."

"Right, Mr. Vittori. With all due respect, I just came here to quit." I said. He looked at me like I had just disrespected him.

Suddenly, his wife leaned over to him and started whispering in his ear. I didn't know what she was saying because it was so soft spoken but also it sounded like it was in another language. But as he listened, he began to pick up on what she was saying.

Sylvester then cleared his throat when his wife was done speaking. He stood up from his seat and easily towered over me. Despite his age, I could easily see he was over 6'. While I was only 5'10''.

"Have you told the school you're dropping out?" He asked.

"No. I was planning to after I finished here." I responded.

"Right. So... I have a personal question to ask you." He said. His wife gave him a nod.

"Go ahead, Mr. Vittori."

"Are you uh... a backwards mechanic?" He asked. I stood confused.

"A what?" I said puzzledly.

"You like to roll in the mud?"

"Hmm?" I was even more confused.

"For crying out loud!" His wife said. That's the first time I heard her talk. When she spoke, her husband cowered. "Are you gay, Daniel?" She asked.

My breath stopped. I stared at them in disbelief. Were they really asking that? Is there a wrong answer? I've known I was gay since freshman year of high school but never really came out. But people knew because I "gave off vibes" or whatever that meant.

"Y-Yes. I am." I stuttered out. A smile came on both their faces, and they turned to give each a mischievous grin.

"Here's the deal, piccolino. I have a son who is also into men. Came out a few years ago. I'm planning to step down soon and my son will be taking over." He explained.

"I still don't know what this has to do with me?" I asked. That's when his wife stepped out from the table and walked towards me. She was a beautiful woman. She had black with strands of gray hair. Her lips were crimson red, and she wore a beautiful black dress.

"Mhm." She said as she looked over at me. Her eyes scanned me from head to toe. I started to feel self conscious now. "Yep. He's his type. Small, twinkish, baby face, and green eyes." She said.

"It's a match!" Sylvester cheered.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" I asked.

"Right! I forgot, we need your consent. How silly of me!" He chuckled. His wife returned next to him, giving me a huge smile. "You're gay..." He pointed at me. "And my son is also into men, especially your type." He said.

"For sure his type!" His wife added.

"I'll give you a deal. I'll pay for your education for this year if you agree to go on a date with my son." He said. My eyes bulged out of my head.

"Wha- you'd do that?!" I asked.

"Yeah. Why not? My son is a bit of a, no offense, bitch. He needs a kind person like you to tame him. You don't even have to sleep with him. Just be with him and take him out. I'll pay for your education in the snap of a finger." He explained.

I stared at the ground, completely shocked. Here is a rich guy, offering to pay for my education, if I agree to go out with his son.

"In case you're wondering, yes he's well endowed. He got it from his dad." Sylvester's wife said. Sylvester blushed and kissed his wife on the forehead and slapped her ass.

"What do you say, Danny?. Go on with my son and leave debt free? Or drop out and return home empty handed?" He asked.

I watched the two and contemplated my decision. I know it's wrong that they're using money to find a date for their son, but at this time, I'm desperate. I've already sold drugs. And I had a draft on my laptop for a Craigslist ad where I would be selling my virginity.

I don't even know what Sylvester's son looks like. He could be a goblin!

This truly is a confusing situation.



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