Harry potter and Gemini pott...

By BreanaScott2

91.4K 1.8K 328

The past, present and future watch what goes on in harry and geminis life. How will they react to there paren... More

Marauders era cast 1
cast 2
Harry potter cast
Author note
Door step Delivery
The vanishing Glass
Keeper of the Keys
Diagon Alley
The twins who lived
Platform 9 3/4
Author note (ranting lol)
New friends
Please vote for couple
Decided couples Please read!!!
Welcome to Hogwarts
Reason with the couples
Ghost residents
First day of class
Break plus meeting soulmates
New seeker
Three headed Cutie
Author note
Training and Feathers
Author note
Fighting a Troll
Christmas Break!!!
Author Note: Crying!!!

Letters from no one

3.9K 81 10
By BreanaScott2

Outfit for chapter

[Back at the dursleys Petunia and dudley come in]
Petunia; Its all right, sweetheart. Its alright.
[They walk in the living room. Harry, gemini and vernon enter. Vernon slams the door and shoves harry and gemini into the wall by their hair.]
Geminin: let go of me you oversized elephant

"They better let go before i explode" Lili said while james nods his head shaking with rage.

Vernon: What happend!
harry: I swear i don't know!
Gemini: ome minute the glass is there and the next its gone.
Harry: It was like magic.
Vernon: There's no such thing as magic.

"Yes there is you walrus" Everyone screamed

[he shoves them in the cupboard and blackens the vent on the door.][An owl flies into view and lands intelf on one of the houses roof.]

[The camera slowly pans up to reveal Dudley in his School uniform, Posing and smiling for the camera.]

Petunia: Aww smile [She takes a phot of him. Gemini is in the back about to throw up.] Vernon just look at him. I can't believe it. in just a week you'll be off to smeltings.
Vernon: Caveat Smeltons. Proudest moment of my life.
Gemini fakes gag
harry: will we have to wear that too?
Petunia: what, you? Go to smeltings? [Harry nods confused]
Vernon Ha!
Petunia: Oh, don't be stupid, You're going to the state school where you belong. [ she comes back with two wet grey shirts] And this is what you're going to wear when i've finished dying it.
Gemini: There is no way that thing is going to be put on my body.
Harry: But that's dudleys old uniform. It'll fit me like bits of old Elephant skin.
Petunia: It'll fit you well enough. Go get the post.
[Harry heads to the hallway]
Petunia: Go!
Gemini: he is you old Hag

[Harry leaves the living room area into the hallway and picks up some letters, One of which had his and geminis name on it with their address and where they slept. Uncle Vernon and Dudley sit at the table while Aunt Petunia is busy fixing breakfast. Harry walks in with the mail and hands it over to Uncle Vernon, then walks over to his seat with the two letters.

"Why do the letters have Cupboard under the stairs on it. If you knew why didnt you do anything." Remus yelled. "The letters are self written we never checked them but now i see we should. Don't you think Albus?" Said minnie with anger to Albus at the end.

Vernon: [After reading a postcard] Oh, Marge is ill!
[Dudley suddenly notices harry's letter and runs to grab it and gives it to his father]
Dudley: Dad! Look! Harry and gemini got a letter.
Twins: Hey give that back! Its ours.
Vernon: yours who would be writing to you?
[The family gathers to look at the address. There is a broken seal on the letter. The family look up at harry and gemini and share a gulp. Much later, Another owl flies by with a letter and drops it off. Inside, Vernon grabs a handful of letters and rips it up. In the closet, Harry hears a whirring noise. They open the door alittle to see Vernon drilling wood over the letterbox opening.]

Vernon: No more mail through this letterbox.

[Harry quietly closes the cupboard door. The next day, Vernon and Petunia are outside the door. Vernon is about to head off to work. Petunia kisses his cheek.]

"Oh my eyes moony help me i can't see. I need bleach stat. Help! Help! james said. Over at the slytherin table regulas said the same thing to his friends.

Gemini: Oh my eyes Harry help i can't see. I need bleach something i dont care. Help! Help me!

"Like father like daughter" Remus said.  While regulas blushes because they said the same thing. Gemini Smirks because she heard Regulas but He doesn't need to know that for now. "Man hes the same in the future too." Gemini whispered about Reguals.

Petunia:Have a nice day at the office dear.

[She stops and looks to see a bunch of owls.]

Vernon:Shoo go on!

[She notices something and pats vernon on the shoulder to get his attention, and what they see is more letters addressed to the twins.]

[Latter, Petunia is cracking a egg into a bowl, and what instead comes out a folded letter. She crackes another after another to find more letters. She stares at the letter and then hears more owls making noises. She draws her attention to the outside window, and what she sees is four owls sitting on some garden chairs. Petunia then screams and runs off.]

Much later, Vernon is tossing letters into the fireplace, The twins come around the corner. Vernon Grins evilly and tosses more in. The scene then fades To the next day, the family are sitting around, Harry is serving cookies while Gemini serves lemonade.]

Vernon: Find day Sunday. In my opinion, best day of the week. Why is that Dudley?
Harry: [When dudley shrugs and didn't answer harry answerd for him]  Because there's no post on Sundays.
Vernon: ah, right you are, Harry no post on sundays. Ha no blasted letters today. No sir not one single bloody letter, not one.
[The twins see a shadow outside the window. Outside millions of owls are perched.]
Vernon: No, Sir, not one blasted, miserable-

[As vernon is talking, a letter shoots out of the fireplace and zips across vernon's face cutting him off. There is a rumbiling and then millions of letters come shooting out of the fireplace. The family Shrieks in horror as harry watches in amazement.]

Dudley: Ahh! make it stop! please make it stop.
[He jumps on Petunias lap as she and Vernon contuine screaming.
Vernon: Go away!
Dudley: What is it? Please tell me wht's happening!

[Harry jumps on the table to grab a letter while Gemini grabs one off the floor while shaking her head at Harry.

"Well, at least one of the kids has Lilys brain" Said someone.

[Harry finally gets a letter and the twins take off running. Vernon Jumps up as well!]

Vernon: Give me that! Give me the letter!

[He chases Harry and grabs him before Harry gets to the closet.]

Harry: Get off!
Gemini: Get off him before you loose something of yours.
[Vernon restrains harry as serveral letters begin to shoot everywhere around the house.]

Vernon: Ahh!
Twins: They're our letters!

[The wood plank naid in front of the letter box breaks from the pressure of the letters.]

Vernon: That's it! We're going away! Far away! Where they can't find us!
Dudley: Daddy's gone mad, Hasn't he?

"You mean he wasn't mad beofre?" The twins say causing laughing in the Great hall.

[Petunia watches with a horrified look on her face, knowing that Dudley may be right.]


Hey i hope you liked it.

Proud of myself for double chapters tonight wooop.

Getting closer to my favourite chapter im so excited.

                                                                      xoxo bree

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