(2) Patrimony (H. Potter)

Por Lone-wolf-fanfics

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Daughter of the legendary Grindelwald, Rhiannon has attended Durmstrang Institute for three years. But now ye... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Rhiannon Grindelwald

1.7K 54 3
Por Lone-wolf-fanfics

Name: Rhiannon Grindelwald

Nickname: Rhian (Most)

Alias: Daughter of Magic

Born: between July 23 and August 22 1980.

Born: Austria

School: Durmstrang Institute (Formerly) Hogwarts (Currently)

House: Hufflepuff (Eventually)

Blood status: God-blood/Pure-Blood

Species: Demigod (Seer)

Portrayed By: Jenny Boyd


Gellert Grindelwald (Biological Father)

- Bisexual. So his former relationship with Dumbledore remains.

Hecate (Biological Mother)

- Goddess of Magic, Mist, Crossroads, Necromancy, Ghosts, Night and the Moon. Queen of the Witches. The Dark Lady

- Teleported via Mist to gain entry to Grindelwald's cell.

- It is unknown why Hecate decided to do this. (It is possible The Oracle of Delphi had some part in this; maybe she just has a thirst for power and assumes that one day, once Rhiannon is older, that she could control her into aiding her)

- She has been present, in a way, in Rhiannon's life. Gifting the young witch her wand after gaining her acceptance letter to Durmstrang, but also trying, in Rhiannon's younger years, to provoke her magic.

- I imagine that she was a follower of Grindelwald before his imprisonment, maybe fascinated by the idea of magic ruling the world.

- (Her personality is a mix of Hecate from Hercules (Tv Series) and Hecate from Riordan's universe.) Hecate is a dark, embittered goddess who has always wanted to prove her skills to everyone. Hecate has no qualms about cheating or deceiving others to get what she wants. Hecate is a lover of solitude. And is protective and worrisome of Rhiannon.

Bathilda Bagshot (great-great-aunt)

Perses (Grandfather)

Asteria (Grandmother)

Leto (Great aunt)

Lelantos (Great uncle)

Pallas (Great uncle)

Astraeus (Great uncle)

Eos (Great aunt)

Styx (Great aunt)

Viktor Krum (Best Friend/Surrogate Brother)

Attila (Companion/'Bound')

- Attila may look like a muggle world snow leopard but he is much more than that. Attila is an intelligent, sentient being, capable of speech and emotions, though he prefers not to talk to anyone except for Rhiannon. Whilst he has no memories of much of his life, he does claim that he was human once upon a time. It has been theorised that he was possibly an animagus that just got stuck, or perhaps forgot how to change back and just evolved speech to compensate. Attila often remarks that he has no interest in returning to his human form, that he enjoys life as he is.

- Many believe it to be some form of Dark Magic that bound Attila and Rhiannon together, but it is much simpler. She saved his life after finding him gravely injured close to Durmstrang, she healed him, when she didn't have to, in return he declared that he owed her an unbreakable life debt he intends to pay off. This is as powerful as a blood pact.

Wand: Unknown (But gifted to her by Hecate and is aesthetically very beautiful; possibly just as powerful)

Patronus: Phoenix


Rhiannon Grindelwald was born in Austria at some point between the summer of 1979 and the summer of 1980, the daughter of Hecate and Gellert Grindelwald, Rhiannon is considered a magical protegee.

Rhiannon was raised in a muggle orphanage in Austria, life here was hard for her, as she struggled with loneliness, her magic, and being bullied by not just the children but the adults as well. She is often called strange and weird.

Rhiannon was invited to attend Durmstrang Institute where she excelled. Becoming the Institute's best student.

Physical Appearance

Rhiannon is a beautiful, young woman with light skin and blonde hair. She also appears to have inherited her father's heterochromia. Having one blue eye and one grey eye.

Personality and traits:

Rhiannon is a good-hearted, bubbly, sweet, fun-loving, spirited and optimistic individual, despite her history and the hardships she suffered at the orphanage. With regards to other people, Rhiannon is described to be kind, warm, sympathetic, caring, compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and self-sacrificing. Rhiannon has shown that she makes a very loving, devoted, loyal and caring friend. Rhiannon could be considered to be a very spiritual person and she originally identified herself as a psychic before discovering her identity as a witch as well as her witch heritage.

Rhiannon is rather strong, especially in the face of danger and adversity. She has shown that she is willing to put her own personal pain on the back burner in order to pay attention to the needs of others.

Rhiannon's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good.

She is also extremely charming.

Given both her sinister lineage and the questionable biology that accompanies it, Rhiannon possesses the power to render great harm unto the world if she willed for it, and as such has always been careful about her spells.

Magical abilities and skills:

Rhiannon is an outstandingly talented witch, possibly containing the potential to be one of the most powerful because of her parentage.

Magical aptitude: At Durmstrang, Rhiannon was usually the first to master any spell and could use spells beyond her educational level.

Wandless and nonverbal magic: Rhiannon is highly skilled at non-verbal magic.

Duelling: Rhiannon demonstrated her exemplary abilities in martial magic on numerous occasions, showing remarkable duelling skill for her age. She has very fast reflexes when it comes to wand work.

Charms: Rhiannon is exceptionally talented with charm-work and some of her most impressive magical feats were charms.

Transfiguration: Rhiannon is particularly talented in transfiguration.

Defence Against the Dark Arts: Rhiannon is skilled in this subject,

Dark Arts: Rhiannon is knowledgeable in the theoretical applications and spells associated with the Dark Arts, but has always cautioned herself around these spells because of her father. .

Potions: Rhiannon is gifted in the field of potion-making.

Herbology: Rhiannon is rather skilled in this.

Healing magic: Rhiannon has impressive skills in and knowledge of healing magic.

Study of Ancient Runes: Rhiannon is extremely gifted in translating ancient runes into English.

History of Magic: Rhiannon was very interested in the history of the wizarding world from a young age. Even before starting at Hogwarts, she bought several books and learned them by heart.

Care of Magical Creatures: Rhiannon is gifted at this.

Flying: Rhiannon seems to have a natural talent for flying. She showed immediate command of a broomstick in her first year.

Indomitable will: Rhiannon possesses an unbreakable spirit and though not above depression, she has never truly given up on any task.

Divination: Rhiannon is a Seer and thus had a naturally excellent level of expertise and knowledge on Divination.

- Palm Reading (also known as Palmistry, Chiromancy, Cheirology and Chirognomy): Rhiannon has the ability to tell fortunes by reading the lines on a persons hand, this is possibly an extension of her seer abilities.

Mystiokinesis: As a daughter of Hecate, Rhiannon can cast and perform powerful magic and spells. She is capable of performing powerful spells and using this ability she inscribes runes of power on her clothes, using them for protection.

Magical Runes: Using her wand, Rhiannon can create symbols that grant various magical or supernatural abilities. Karkaroff believes this is something she inherited from her mother, as most other witches and wizards find them too difficult to master. Rhiannon seems to have a natural gift with them. Proving that Karkaroff might be right. These runes can be drawn onto any object though Rhiannon tends to use small stones she can clutch or place on her person. She has also dabbled with body runes.

- Using Magical Runes is frowned upon by the Ministry, and many of the governing magical bodies across the world but not banned or against the law. It is considered to be very powerful and very rare because of the risks and level of skill required.

- While body runes do cause some uneasiness and slight stinging pain, most runes do not actually cause harm against Rhiannon.

- If body runes are drawn incorrectly, they can burn the skin and drive the target insane.

Though most runes have immense power, there are runes that can be purely symbolic, these symbolic runes can be drawn onto an object or the body, but are very much permanent. The love rune, for example, is merely a symbol of two people's love and cannot create the actual feeling. The same can be said for the mourning rune; it cannot diminish the loss that its wearers feel and only honors the dead and symbolizes the pain of their loved ones' deaths. There are also runes of peace, seen in Rhiannon's Rune Book, and can be used to possibly soothe someone's mind to give them peaceful sleep.

Runes can be drawn as a whole while there are runes, depending on its purpose, that can be drawn partially at first and completed when the wearer wishes to activate it.

The strength and efficiency of runes is based on and related to the inscribing magical uses talent for runic magic, specifically the strength and accuracy of the drawn Mark, this is possibly one of the reasons that Magical Runes are so rare. Poorly drawn Marks will have no effect. Likewise, using the wand to draw random, non-runic symbols or writing will only produce the "icy hot" feeling similar to the one brought about by using it to draw Marks, but there will be no effect.

The placement of runes adds to their effectiveness. The closer a rune is placed to the heart, the more effective it is. Some runes are placed on hands and arms and legs because they target that particular area. The force that the rune is drawn with is also a factor in how long it lasts; the harder someone presses when drawing the rune makes it last longer.

When drawn on the skin, fresh runes appear black. Some runes on objects are drawn in different colors, such as red, silver, and gold, among others. Many runes are temporary and fade with time. These runes will almost always leave behind a faint white or silver scar as if as a reminder of the rune that was once placed there. These runes would need to be drawn again for their effects to be felt again.

Other runes, like runes for weddings and some for mourning, are permanent. These runes never fade and their effects constantly work on the individual on whom they were placed. In the case of wedding runes, though they are permanent, can be broken in half in a very painful process.

- Some believe the dark mark brand/tattoo is a magical rune, though whether this is true or not is unknown.

Spell Removal: She can remove the spells from another person.

Magical Tracking: She can track another person.

Mist Control: As a daughter of Hecate, she can control the Mist. This ability means she is able to use the Mist to alter memories and perceptions, also he can use it to summon a 'Mistform'. This ability includes the following:

She can create illusions.

She can create false memories.

She can disguise and hide people.

She can disguise and hide objects.

She can influence minds

She can teleport using the Mist.

Telekinesis: Rhiannon has the ability to manipulate physical objects with only the use of her mind or an evocation of magical words.


Multilingual: Rhiannon can speak her native German but also English, Austro-Bavarian and Bulgarian, the latter having been taught to her by Viktor.


"Concentrate. Forget about the competition. Focus on tapping into your magic, listen to the sound of your heart beating, the sound of your lungs filling with air." - Rhiannon to Harry during the Triwizard


"Okay, hotshot. Set it on fire."


"Witch business. Super boring."


"I just hope you know I appreciate how hard you fought to get back to me."

"It's what I do. It's what I'll always do." - Harry and Rhiannon


"We really don't need a man to protect us." - Rhiannon about herself and Hermione


"You girls need to learn to fight. When witches don't fight, we burn." - Rhiannon to female students.


"You could offer me a unicorn that pooped galleons and I'd still never give you nothing more than a headache."


"Oh Goddess, are you blubbering again? Eternal life and all you can do with it is stuff your face and cry." - Rhiannon


"She done messed with the wrong witch, and she knows it and now you know it."


"Who's the baddest witch in town?"


"What is that thing? It's hideous and weird."


"I don't wanna waste my magic on you, I can do you with my hands."


"Feel the fear and the pain, let it all in, and then let it all go."


"If you love someone, you should never hurt them."


"You can write your own destiny. You can still turn away."


"Life is to short for so much sorrow"


"I think everyone in this world thinks they're either blessed or cursed"


"Messes are always forgiven... the first time..."


"You have a jawline for days..."


"Girls are red. Boys are blue. Don't even try to make purple."


"Face it: you're a badass." - Rhiannon to Hermione


"Magic is what you make of it. It can be dangerous and deadly, or it can be mystical and beautiful. It's up to you."


"Just because something seems impossible doesn't make it untrue,"


"All that children need is love, a grown-up to take responsibility for them, and a soft place to land."


"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary."


"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book. If I hadn't completely struck out?"


"Has anyone ever told you that you're a really bad whisperer?"


"I couldn't resist. You just look so cute when you're in pain."


"Then why are you pillaging and plundering me? Okay, that just sounds weird."


"Ooh, snap! Who's the rarest of them all?"


"Magic for a good cause is automatically good."


"I don't like it. It's too much responsibility."


"I find it fundamentally strange that you're not a dessert person" - Rhiannon to Harry


"Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?" - Rhiannon to Draco


"I'm not convinced I know how to read, I've just memorized a lot of words" – Rhiannon mumbling to herself to the amusement of Ron close by.


"Look! It's a baby bird! Oh, it's a dead baby bird. I need to move on before I get emotional"


Viktor Krum

Viktor was initially very wary of Rhiannon considering her father had been the one that killed Viktor's own grandfather. However over time, Viktor came to see that Rhiannon was the furthest thing from her father, and the two struck up a quick and easy friendship, despite him being a few years older than her.

Viktor has come to think of Rhiannon as a sort of younger sister and is very protective of her.

Notes and Trivia:

Rhiannon is a Leo.

Rhiannon wears a ring on her right thumb that is engraved, "The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them".

Rhiannon likes dandelion tea.

"Mad for Tea" – Rhiannon, sing songing as she waits for her tea

Her favourite flower is the Asphodel flower.

Rhiannon also has a fondness for ravens and cats

Pairing: Harry Potter

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