Trust no one. (Sequel to 'Wha...

By GoCrazy611

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This is book 2 of 3, Sequel to 'what's next?' Years after the final battle, Rumi has finally become a pro her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - epilogue
Authors thoughts

Chapter 2

127 3 1
By GoCrazy611

December 31st 2257

"Mirko! You ready?" I lift my head up, moving my hair out the way as I do. I see Red Riot standing at the door ready to leave.

"You bet Red!" I do a quick jog to catch up with him and walk outside my agency. I look to see the sun close to the horizon, painting the sky as night time nears. "Come on, I want to be able to at least catch a glimpse of Alecto." I let out a grunt as I say his name.

A couple hours later, we're both sat on the edge of a building eating a small snack. As I take another bite, Red speaks out to me.

"Come on! There's got to be one guy that's caught you're interest?" His voice stays loud as he questions me.

"And I'm telling you, there's no one." He lets out a sigh. "I just haven't found anyone that... interests me?" Red lets out a small sigh as he pauses.

"It's about Izuku, isn't it?" I keep quiet, not even eating my food. "I understand you love him, we all did. Maybe not as much as you did." He lets out a small chuckle while I feel a smile infect my face. "But you gotta move on. It's been 8 years. He wouldn't want this for you, he would've wanted you to be happy. Even if that meant finding someone else." I let myself droop in place.

"I know you're right." I bring my spare hand up to cover my eyes. "It's just, after everything we went through, how could I just move on?" We sit in silence and finish our food. I hear Red rustle as he's about to say something but before he can, I hear something. Something distant, causing my ears to twitch.

"What do you hear?" I stand up straight.

"I'm not sure." I take a few steps in the direction. "Let's check it out." My few steps turn into a small sprint, Red Riot trying his hardest to follow behind me.

I reach an alleyway and peer down to see a group of men surrounding an elderly couple. I hear them both pleading to the group and without speaking to Red I jump down, slamming my foot into one of the thugs.

"Ganging up on an elderly couple, someone should teach you some manners." I feel a feral grin spread on my face. Before I can begin my attack, a noise draws my attention. At the end of the alley, countless more thugs come out from the shadows. I bring my arms up in a protective motion for the couple.

"Watch out!" I hear Red's panicked voice reach me and before I can react, a blinding pain erupts in my back.

I take a sharp breath in as I try and jump away from the group. I end up near the end of the alley, just a few meters away from the group. Red drops down next to me, trying to make sure I'm okay while The thug near the front lets out a laugh. I look behind him to see the elderly couple melting into different people. A shape shifting quirk?

"Haha! We were expecting a hero, but Mirko! And Red Riot! This is too good of an opportunity to pass up." His crazed smile sets me on edge even further as I feel my rabbit instincts yelling at me to run. I grip the handle sticking out my back and pull. Grunts escape my throat as I feel my glare harden.

I move into my stance, ignoring the pain in my back, and motion for Red to do the same. His concerned glance stays for mere moments before focusing on the group ahead of us. I take a deep breath, trying to slow my heart.

The muscles in my legs tense and with one big push, I spring towards the closest thug with Red following behind me.

Punch after punch, kick after kick. They kept getting back up after each hit. The wound on my back was starting to ache and my moves were getting sloppy. My vision was getting blurrier by the second and soon enough, I was hit. I flew through the air and slam into the wall. I hear Red shout to me as he tried to sprint to me but gets blocked by more thugs. One of the thugs approach me.

"Looks like this is your end." His hand seems to morph into something sharp as I close my eyes and prepare myself.

This is it. I'll finally be with you, Izuku.

After waiting for seconds too long, I open my eyes confused.

The man Infront of me was laying on the floor, unconscious. I tilt my head up to a silhouette standing above the thug, unmoving. None of they're features could be made out except it was towering over us in height. It had something on its back that resembled a bow but I wasn't too sure. The glint of a blade from the moon shone into my eyes revealing a black blade. I let out a small gasp and look closer to their hand to try and make out the handle of the blade, noting that it was Wrapped in black and red fabric.

Izuku? Is that really you're blade?

I blink in confusion and the figure disappears in a burst of speed. One by one the thugs fall to the ground, meeting the same fate as the other. I try to sit up but my injury stops me in my place.

I can do nothing but watch with blurry eyes as the figure swiftly takes out each and every thug. Just moments after it arrived, it was gone. Everyone was lying on the ground unconscious while Red limped his was over to me. He patched me up quickly and called for back up.

We just sighted Alecto.

1st January 2258

"In total honesty, I only really saw a silhouette of Alecto and couldn't get out much details." I shake my head in slight disappointment, grunting slightly as I move around my injury. I was laying in a hospital bed, just after getting professional medical help. "But I can say, Alecto has the same sword that Izuku used to carry." Naomasa looked confused as he speaks up.

"How is that possible? I mean, not even the heroes could find the blade after he passed." I recall a memory I had with Izuku.

"It's as I told you, it's looking for it's new owner. I guess it found one. We're just unlucky that it wasn't a hero." He lets out a sigh.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about Alecto?"

"I saw what I thought was a bow. Alecto didn't use it but I'm sure it was a bow." He nods slightly at the information.

"What about the rumour of Alecto having a sidekick? Was there anyone else?" I shake my head 'no'. Naomasa looks down in disappointment. "I guess it really was just a rumour. Either way, thank you. This information is really useful." He reaches his hand out to shake mine so I return the gesture. "I'll talk to you at a later date and go see if Red Riot uncovered anything about the Interaction."

I give him a small nod and lie back down into the bed, watching as he leaves the room. I try and close my eyes for some rest but the image of his blade flickers in my mind. I let out a small growl and snap open my eyes. I reach for my phone and quickly tap a few times before calling a number. After only ringing for a few seconds, he picks up.

"Hey Rumi, what's up?"

"Bakugo, I need you to meet me in room 304 in XXXX hospital. I was injured and managed to get some info." I bite at my nail and wait for his response.

"I'll be there in a few. Traffic has not been fortunate today." I give him a small thanks and end the call, letting out a sigh as I do.

It took Bakugo just under an hour to arrive and I told him what I knew. He rubs his chin at the information and thinks for a few moments.

"How do you feel about it? We already knew he was elusive, but to also have an almost indestructible blade." He shakes his head at the incoming headache. "Capturing him is going to be hard, even if he's only half as good as Izuku was with that thing." I look into his eyes.

"That's the thing, I think he might be better. The way he moved, I couldn't even see him it was that fast." I clench my fist at feeling so weak. "I'm not sure we'll be able to capture him unless we figure out his identity. And I feel that will be just as hard." Katsuki nods his head in agreement.

"In other news, I'm having a meeting with the our old friends from UA. If you'd like to come, it'll be at  my house in a couple days. I'll send you the details. I have some things I would like to share with everyone." His face held a grin as he patted my arm. I keep looking at him in confusion as he stands up and move out the room. "I hope you'll be there. Oh, just a word of warning, that asshole Ryuichi Kaji is outside so be careful when you leave." As he leaves the room I can only stare at the door in confusion and mild annoyance. That damn journalist, how does he always know when I'm in hospital?

I lean back down into the bed and try shutting my eyes once more, hoping to get some sleep. Luck seemed to be on my side as I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. As I fall I continue thinking about the sword. How Izuku would protect me and the class with that same blade.

If only you were here, Izuku.

4th January 2250

My fist knocks against the wood. I look up to the house and take in its contents. Arched roof, light coloured wall. Overall, it was quite a homey house, a bit large for two people but still quite nice. I stand awkwardly as I wait for it to open and soon enough, Bakugo greets me.

"Ah, Rumi. Thanks for coming. Camie is just finishing up dinner, hope you're hungry." I nod my head and follow him into his house.

"So when is everyone else getting here?" I sling my hands into my pockets as I relax and follow him into his dining room.

"Well most people are already here. We're only waiting on Todoroki now." Halfway to the room, we're greeted by Camie who gives a small kiss to Katsuki.

"Hey Rumi, it's been a while huh? It's good to see you." She walks closer to me and wraps her arms around me in a hug. I stand awkwardly and slowly wrap mine around her.

"It's good to see you too Camie."

Eventually she pulls away and I follow them both into the dining room. I give a small greeting to everyone and stand around the table. I look around the room and find several photos of themselves hung around the walls. My eyes catch one in particular though. It was of two children, one had sharp pointy blonde hair, much like Katsuki. The other, had bushy green hair and freckles in the shape of a diamond. Subconsciously, I move closer to the photo. Everyone paid me no mind, knowing it was my first time inside the home. My hand makes its way up but I stop myself.

Not now. I'll look at it after the evening.

My legs move themselves back to my seat and sit down. In less than a minute, Shoto had knocked and was sat down with us. As food was served, Bakugo had stood up from his seat. Camie stood next to him, lightly hugging his arm. Being the first to notice I gather everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I think that Bakugo would like to say a few words." I let out a small smirk. "Does this have to do with why you had a stupid grin on you're face?" He sends me a small glance and ignores me.

"Anyway. Me and Camie have some news we would like to share." He looks down to her as we all watch her pull her left arm infront of them both.

"We're engaged!" Camie shouts out before Bakugo can finish. My eyes widen in surprise as I feel myself fill up with excitement. As everyone says they're congratulations, I couldn't help but feel a small pang off sadness. I roughly shove that feeling to the side.

This is they're night, I won't ruin that.

A couple hours later, I would find myself sitting in one of they're lawn chairs, quietly sipping on my drink. The door behind me opens and the person takes a seat next to me. My eyes cast to the side to see Bakugo before looking back to the sky.

"Hey." I hear the chair squeak as he sits. "How are you feeling?" I take a deep breath and look at him with a content smile.

"I'm really excited for you." The same pant of sadness reaches my heart as I speak. Bakugo, who seemingly knew how I was feeling, places his hand on my shoulder and gives a sympathetic look.

"You don't need to hide the truth from me Rumi." I take another deep breath.

"I am excited for you Bakugo. It's just, seeing what you have. It reminds me off what I used to have, what I lost." I shake my head at myself. "I know, it's selfish to feel like this." A quiet growl escapes my lips.

"You're not being selfish. It's normal to feel this way Rumi." After this, we simply sat in silence until I spoke up.

"You know, I constantly look at the video he left for me. Hearing his voice, hearing him say 'I love you' again. I think it's the only thing keeping me afloat." My back presses up against the chair further as I lean back. "The photo in the dining room, of you and Izuku as kids, what was he like when you were young?"

Bakugo looks up to the stars as he recalls his memories.

"He was... enthusiastic. Sadly I don't remember much of him before everything, but I remember him being very energetic. One of the things you could never forget about him. He carries this notebook, taking notes of any hero he could get his eyes on." He releases a small chuckle. "You would've hated him." His chuckle turned into a laugh at his remark. I give a small slap on his shoulder at the comment.

Once his laughter stopped he looks back at me, staring me in the eyes and continued talking.

"I regret acting the way I did to him, everyday. The amount of nights before I met him again, praying that one day I would get to see him again, to talk to him again, to protect him. And this time, I wouldn't let him down." A sigh escapes his lips. "Then I got it, and I still failed him."

"Bakugo, I-" he cuts me off before I can continue.

"The point I'm getting at, is that we can't keep wasting away for something to happen. It's as he said, we all deserve to be happy. We shouldn't let his death stop us from doing something that could make us happy." He rests his hand on mine for seconds before standing back up and leaving.

My back digs deeper into the chair as I'm left with my own thoughts. But one question kept coming back to me,

Am I truly ready to love again?

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