Jenna Ortega x fem!reader One...

By fruityforsadiesink

112K 1.9K 1.1K

A one-shot book of Jenna Ortega. I accept the request (depends on what it is) MALE READERS THIS ISNT FOR YOU More

Info and Requests
Bully (Jenna Ortega)
Sick (Jenna Ortega)
i love this view (Jenna Ortega)
For the Sadie Sink and Jenna Ortega lovers
Attracted (Jenna Ortega)
Attracted Pt 2
Secret (Jenna Ortega)
Setup (Tara Carpenter)
Friends...? (Jenna Ortega)(Requested)
Mine (Wednesday Addams)(Requested)
Smut Decision.
Better (Lorraine Day) G!P
Here (Jenna Ortega)
Better Pt 2
Stranger (Jenna Ortega)
Stranger Pt 2
requests, please
Feel it (Wednesday Addams)
Requests needed (NOW)
Suit (Jenna Ortega)
Suit (Part 2)
Oh! (Jenna Ortega)
Problems and Solutions (G!P Jenna Ortega)
Bathroom (Katie Torres)
Requests (once again)

Bully Pt 2

4.7K 78 160
By fruityforsadiesink

I sit in my spot at the conjoined science table and put my books on the table. I don't like this class too much but, I'm just glad Jenna isn't in this class

my teacher Mr miller starts his lesson by saying something about studying and homework blah blah blah blah boring.

I start to plug in my headphones but someone busted into the classroom

"wheeler, you are late."

"I know " he grumbles

oh god is he coming over here? kill me now.

listen mike wheeler is the biggest uptight annoying bitch ever, he thinks every girl likes him and then brags to his friends about it. why does he pick the seat next to me out of them all??

he sits down next to me and I don't even look at him.



I quickly plug in my headphones in an attempt to tune him out and look up ahead.


class is finished and now I'm in my free period probably gonna go to the library with Will and just talk about life.

I head to the library to meet up with Will but, nothing ever works out for me so I was stopped by a tall raven-haired boy.


"hey y/n" 

"hi?" I say confused

"I know you are confused. why would I talk to you out of the other girls?"

i cringe.

"I wanna give you a special offer that you can't pass up"

oh, shoot me in the head.

"i actually have to go so-" i try to say before I'm cut off

"your gonna come to the party with me tonight"

is he for real? God, strike me down.

"yeah no," I say about to walk off but he puts his arm beside me

for the second time getting pinned against a locker today. this is going so great yippee.

"what do you mean 'no'?" he says confused

"I said no. have you never been rejected before?" I say finally getting out of his pin, leaving him there shocked.

I speed walk to the library and when i got in i saw Will

"hey," he says


"are you going to the party?"

"why would I? who has fun on a Monday?"

"people who wanna forget that it's a Monday?"

"true but I have never gone to those parties, why go now?" I say

"come on please just once?" he says begging

"mm fine" 

this couldn't go bad at all.


for the party, i just put on a red hoodie and matching red baggy pants. Steve agreed to drive me to the party

"have fun- but not too much NO DRINKING," he says as he pulled up to the house

"so that means yes to smoking a little weed?" I say jokingly

"definitely not. call me if anything bad happens and you wanna come home okay?"

"okay" I say closing the car door

I head into the house and look at the dancing drunk teenagers

Will comes up to me 

"hey let's go to the kitchen," he says


we go to the kitchen and there's a guy serving drinks

"want some?" he says

"what is it?" i say

"pure fuel." he winks

"ill have some" will says

"you sure?" i say

"yeah it's only a little bit" will says

"okay ill have some too" 

he pours us both drinks

"okay here goes" i drink and so does Will

we both start coughing and laughing

"oh god that's r-really strong" will says

"tell me about it."

"let's go dance"

"alright" we go to the living room and dance 

after a while, we sit down

"i got to go to the bathroom, ill be right back" will says

i nod and watch him get up

i start looking around and see Jenna looking at me with a cup in her hand

oh god

i get up and get to the kitchen to avoid her

"back for some more?" the guy serving the drinks says

"uh yeah sure"

i end up drinking 4 more cups than i intend to

Will comes up to me

"there you are I was looking for you"

"whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa" i say looking up at the ceiling

he looks up at the ceiling "what's up there"

"itsspinning" i say slurring my words

"wait Y/N are you drunk" 

"no mom i don't even drink lalalalalalala" i say laying down across the kitchen chairs

"uh oh steves gonna get me," he says scared

"ihave topee," i say falling off the chairs

"okay get up come on" he takes my arm and goes to the bathroom
" go in there. you know how to use the bathroom right?"

"yah" i say and go in

will shuts the door for me and i use the bathroom and wash my hands

i open the door and come out but Will is gone

"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllll" i say loudly in the hallway

mike comes up to me

"hey, so you came?"


"i knew you would. let's go" he grabs my arm and leads me down the hall

Jenna's POV

i come out one of the bathrooms when I saw mike going with Y/N down the hall. tears start to form in my eyes and i go to the kitchen to get another cup.

i see Will looking around with confusion and worry and he comes up to me

"have you seen Y/N?"

i roll my eyes "yeah she went to a room with Michael fucking wheeler" i take a sip of my drink

" WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" he says scared

"yup they in that room" i point to the room they went in


"wait really?" i say getting worried also and put down my drink


"oh hell no" i say heading to the room where they went with Will following me

i open the door and see michael on top of Y/N

"hey! we are in the middle of something" mike says

"like hell you are. get the fuck off her" i say pushing him off

"shes fucking drunk" will says

"so?" he says shrugging his shoulders

"so she doesn't know what shes doing!" i help her up  "fuck you wheeler" we leave the room and go outside on the curb

"are you okay," i ask her

"yeah" she says still drunk

"ill call steve-" will says

"noo he cant know i'm drunk" she says slurring her words and laying her head on my shoulder adn i get a funny feeling in my stomach.

"okay fine" we hear a car pull up " oh shit thats my mom. Jenna your gonna watch her right?"


"okay i trust you" he goes off to his car

i look down at Y/N and find her already staring at me with adorable eyes

"your really cute," she says innocently

"oh uh thanks," I say getting flustered

she looks back and forth at my lips and my eyes and my heart starts to beat faster

she leans in and connects our lips and she puts a hand on the side of my face and gets on top of my lap

i pull away with a sigh  (god i wasn't gonna let you guys get it on while on top of a curb I'm, not evil)

"your drunk we can't do this plus you don't mean it"

"I do" she says looking at my eyes

"i really like you, Y/N"

"i like you too, Jenna"


"yes really"

i look into her eyes and i could tell she really meant it 


i smile at her and she smiles back and i kiss her again but this time it was soft and delicate

"I'm gonna call steve now"

"okay" she says smiling


I said bye to Jenna and got in steves car 

"how was the party?" 

"it was really really good" i say all smiley and looking out the window

and we drive back home

okay guys thats the end of this oneshot 

i hoped you all liked it please leave a comment or a request on what the next one should be

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