Secret (Jenna Ortega)

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I'm literally gonna die if he keeps talking.

finally, the bell rings. I immediately ran out of the classroom and caught up with my baseball team.

I'm the captain of the baseball team not to brag but I'm really cool. The thing is the baseball team has to hate every other sports team, it's just tradition.

We make out way to the cafeteria and sit down at our table when a member of the volleyball team yells at one of my members.

"Move your ass, bitch." Jenna says pushing my team member out of the way

"I thought I heard an annoying ass voice," I say

"Your baseballs skills are just as bad as your insults," She says back

"Your winning stats are just as short as your height"

"ugh," she says and goes to the bathroom. After 3 minutes or so I get up

"Y/N where you going?" one of the baseball members asked

"Bathroom. I need to wash my hands"

He nods his head and goes back to talking with his friends. I walk into the bathroom and I then immediately got pulled into a kiss.

she pulled back "What took you so long"

"coming after you would make it suspicious" I smile at her and Jenna smiles back

Yeah, we pretend to hate each other but we don't as you can see we just both have reputations to hold.

"You look so hot in that," She whispers in my ear gesturing to my baseball outfit

"Oh really?" I smirk and pull her closer by her waist and kiss her. she puts her hands on my face, pulling me closer if that was even possible.

I guess we were in there for a while because we heard someone coming and ran into a stall. we started whisper arguing about what to do but I ended up hopping onto the toilet.

"Jenna baby you okay?" One of Jenna's friends says causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yes just fine," Jenna says

"Are you sure you don't need me to come in there?" she says making me shake my head and scrunch my nose

"No just wait outside ill be out"

"Okay," she says as she leaves

We both get out of the stall and she looks at me and then kisses me.

"have fun with your creepy ass friend," I say smiling

"fuck you," she says laughing

"I know you want to," I say as she leaves


Jenna and I are now in Math class but we don't sit together, I sit behind her. Right now the whole class was just doing practice work and I looked at her and she looked really confused.



I could help you 
you can just come to my house
And we will talk about it in bed ;)

Weird way to study don't ya think

Okay but I'm serious
you should really come to my house 

before she could respond some guy walked up to her and pulled his chair next to her


"Hi?" she says uncomfortably

"so I was thinking maybe you could help me," The basketball player says licking his lips and looking at her

Jenna Ortega x fem!reader One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz