Suit (Jenna Ortega)

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(the hoes gonna love this)

Jenna's Pov

"Where is she?" I breathe out nervously.

I am about to start my solo for my music class and I need Y/N to be here. I check the time and see that I'm on.

"Great." I walk onto the stage holding my guitar, seeing a lot of faces in the crowd but none of them are Y/N.

I move my hands to the guitar and start nervously playing the melody of (anything you want), I then see Y/N walk in but she has a big scratch on her face, I take a note to ask her about that later.

She sends me a big smile and I smile back at her. I start playing better and faster soon, I finish my solo and everybody in the audience claps for me. I walk backstage and meet Y/N there.

"Sorry for being late but you were really good up there by the way," She says with a cute smile

"Thanks but I think it was just because you were here" I return the smile probably blushing too

"Nah definitely all you" She blushes or maybe it was the irritation of the cut on her cheek.

"Did you run through some bushes or something?" I say softly grabbing her cheek and examining the cut.

"Uh yeah.. a dog was chasing me. You know had to run" She says in a nervous voice 

"Okay..." I say as I almost dropped my guitar

"Let me hold that for you," Y/N says grabbing my guitar


"No problem" we stand there for a while until my boyfriend, Liam walked in

"Come on, Jenna," He says

"Okay," I say and grab my guitar from Y/N

"Bye, Jenna" 

"Bye," I say before turning around again

"But really, Y/N. You should clean that and bandage it" I say pointing to her cut and she nods


We get to his car and I struggle to open the door with my guitar in my hand but Liam doesn't seem to care and is just looking at his phone.

After a while, I get the door open and put my guitar in and sit down

"Finally," Liam grumbles

"Yeah." I breathe out

Y/N would help me. I always wanted her instead anyways.



After Jenna leaves out with her boyfriend I open the door of the Auditorium and head out the front of the school and walk to my house.

I open the door.

"Steve?" I yell and get no response.

I don't bother to yell for my Mom since she is never here anyways. I walk to my bathroom and clean my cut like Jenna told me.

I then walk to my room and grab the familiar red and white suit out of my closet and put it on, then swing out my window


Jenna's POV

Liam and I are sitting on the couch watching the news and it's talking about some spider girl or something.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Liam says

"okay" I smile and he rolls his eyes making my smile drop.

I look and see that he left his phone, I look at it and see him sexting some girl named Jazmine. Tears start to fill my eyes.

"what are you doing!" Liam says and snatches the phone

"Who's Jazmine?" I say on the edge of crying

"Just a friend." He says causing me to shake my head

"Friends don't sext each other" I stand up

"Why were you on my phone!?" He yells

I don't respond and grab my stuff

"Jenna!" I don't respond

"Fine then leave bitch" That's when the tears come out of my eyes.

I leave the house and start running to Y/N's house.



I swing through the buildings until I make it to my house and web onto the wall outside my window and slide my window up then jump in.

As I'm closing my window I hear the door open.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I hear Jenna say, causing me to spin around quickly. 

I pull my mask off, my hair flying around messily


To be continued....?

Jenna Ortega x fem!reader One-ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ