Lorien legacies- his girl

By jo07daty7

347 10 44

Nine, is hard core, fierce loric. Freya, is kind, stubborn Starganan. They both have one thing in common. The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

10 0 0
By jo07daty7

We march right in the building. Taking out every mog we see. The guy at the front desk runs off. We shrug it off, and walk into the elevator. Exspecting a fight when we get off. There is no fight. Somethings not right. Four must notice my look of concern. Because he nods at me. "Come in." We hear an old man say, as we get to the outside of a door. We all look at each other. Walker goes first. Gun raised. Then the rest of us. "Lower your weapons. Unless you plan to use them against an old man." We surround an old man sitting in a chair. He turns the tv off. Walker, nods to us. So we all lower our weapons. He turns to face us. That's when we notice the black vanes.

"You're no longer mogpro." I say,

"No," he responds,

"But we need you to exspose it all on tv." He laughs at my words.

"Kid there is no meeting, the second I set foot on that stage. The invasion will start. The city's will fall. There is no winning this. Now if you're done I would like one of you to shoot me." He says,

Four walks towards him. "I might be able to heal you."

"Son, there's no healing me." Four shrugs. Then places a hand on the sentors face. He closes his eyes, and focuses. Nine somehow ends up next to me. He takes my hand. He interlaces my fingers with his. I rub circles on his hand with my thumb. After a minute or so. Four backs away. The old man looks down. "Thank you. If you plan on exsposing him. I might be able to help." Since the cars were all destroyed thanks to nine. We have to walk there. Walkers agents are all around us. As they use their telikonises to push the crowd aside some. The seniror gets on stage. It doesn't matter. It's too late. We start fighting. Of course we can't get to him or Ella. Nine sees five, and they star fighting. We get separated from walker. Sam grabs me by the wrist, and we start running. I know nine is losing. He's in so much pain, or maybe that's my lungs and legs about to collapse. I don't really know. We end up with a group of people behind us. We stop in an ally.

"Go to the bridge. This is our fight not yours." Four manges to say, he's exsasted we all are.he's been healing people constantly, and running nonstop. He goes to stand. Somehow he does. Sam's probably helping him with his new found telikonises. They leave, and we stay in some apartment. The second four sits down. He goes to sleep.

"Is nine still alive?" Sam asks, as he practices his telikonises.

"Yes, but fives beating him up really bad. I don't know if he's going to be ok. He can be such a hot head sometimes. I guess I can be too."

"We'll find him."

"You don't know that."

"You really do love him."

"Yeah," four wakes up, and we try to find nine. We find a new alli In the process, and join the military.

Sorry this one is so short.

To the end of the world, and to the idiots. Who thought they could save it.

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