Love or Not

By AranyaAltair

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To love is a choice! But it is more than that for Zee Pruk Panich. It was his life's mission. He had a succes... More

Chapter 1: The Rise of Zee Prologue
Chapter 2: Zee, "Where are you?"
Chapter 3: NuNew's Life Detours
Chapter 4: Can It Be Real
Chapter 5: The Dream Becomes Reality
Chapter 6: Misunderstandings
Chapter 7: To Catch a Faen
Chapter 8: Shippers Paradise
Chapter 10: Zee's Fate
Chapter 11: Zee's Capitulation
Chapter 12: The Trials of Zee
Chapter 13: The God Bond
Chapter 14: The Magnificent July
Chapter 15: Finding the Balance
Chapter 16: A God's Choice
Chapter 17: Letting Go
Chapter 18: Family
Chapter 19: To Catch a Primordial God
Chapter 20: Family Mysteries
Chapter 21: Settling Old Scores
Chapter 22: Consequences
Chapter 23: Is This The End?

Chapter 9: You Make Me Forget to Breathe

706 25 2
By AranyaAltair


They are finally together, Zee and Nu. But now is Zee's true test. The royal family will tell the DMD family who Nu is. Will Zee be able to handle all that his Faen is, or will he walk away and leave his faen's heart broken?

Full of life and light, Nu is ready to give his heart entirely to his faen. After a very tiring show and an emergency that must be handled, he is exhausted and run down when he finally reaches Hia's arms and falls asleep. Will Hia stand the test that is laid before him and be there when Nu wakes up, or will he break his faen's heart for all time?

Will the DMD boys understand, or will this family be too much to accept even for them?


Zee never once let go of Nu while he was sleeping. Sometimes looking at his face, he forgot to breathe. He was so breathtaking and so lucky that he belonged to him.

He never wanted to live without him. When they were apart, he felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest. Some people may say he is whipped and would agree with them wholeheartedly, and he was OK with that.

When Nu moved, his face slid from his neck to his shoulder. He had been restless this whole time, shifting position over and over. Zee wondered just how much good rest he was getting.

Suddenly Zee felt a jolt and a buzzing feeling. Something happened with his shoulder. He was worried that Nu lying on it might be pressing against a nerve, but then it went away. He forgot about it since there was no pain, and he didn't want to let go of his Nu.

Zee realized his siblings had put him to good use when he was here for the show. When Nu was not flying on the wires, he sang and danced on the stage. It seemed he was everywhere and then nowhere.

He was the star of the two shows. He still had one more, the after-party. He wanted to talk to Xīyáng Qi to find out precisely what the after-party entailed.

Nu was so tired, and he was concerned. He hadn't woken up since he asked him to move in with him. He knew he was not this restless when they first slept together, and he wondered why.

The door to the family box opened, and workers quickly and quietly cleared an area, set up a table, and left.

Aya, Qi, and the rest of the family came in a few minutes later. Both looked at Nu sleeping in Zee's arms and quietly sat down in a lounger to wait for the food and for Nu to wake up.

"Why does Nu look like he hasn't slept in a week, is there something wrong with him," Zee whispered to Aya.

Everyone was whispering and staring at Nu. He had dark smudges under his eyes, and everyone was concerned. They had all wondered the same thing as Zee, was Nu sick? Aya sighed and knew that it was time to help her baby brother.

Aya closed her eyes and sent her thoughts to her brother Nate to watch the door and make sure no one entered until they were done. The food should arrive shortly, and they did not need any uninvited guests for what was about to happen.

Nate nodded, beckoned Vincent, and they left the room, shutting the door quietly behind them. Aya knew Nate would guard the door until she gave him the all-clear.

"Zee, whenever Nu is around many people, it takes a lot out of him. It is why we try to limit his appearances in the family shows. He can't stop himself from sending his life and light to the ones that need it the most."

All the new family members and Zee looked at them strangely. They had no idea what Aya meant but hoped she would explain more of what this light and life meant. Zee watched Aya reach for Qi to hold his hand, and she had it for courage for what would come next.

"Everyone, can you please stand up and join hands? We know that Zee is Nu's lifemate and will be with him until the day the gods call us home. You are all part of Zee's family, just as we are Nu's. We are all a package deal. Our people are special and have special skills. We will talk about others' skills later, but we must talk about Nu. Nat, join us. You are family, not by marriage, fate, or blood but by love. My brother loves you like a brother, and so you are family," Aya smiled at Nat as he held his faen's hand and P'Aof's.

"I don't understand why we all must stand in a circle holding hands like we are going to say a prayer. How could this help us understand why there are dark circles under Nu's eyes? We should be calling a doctor, P'Aof barked.

Zee gave a stern look at P'Aof, and he stopped talking. The other DMD brothers looked concerned at Zee and then at the new family members. All big stars, rich, and royal.

They knew that they needed to listen before they passed judgment. They were stand-up people. No matter how weird they are, they are family, end of discussion.

"We are here for Nu if something is wrong, and we will help him get better," Tommy exclaimed confidently.

The rest of the brothers shook their heads in agreement. They all reached out to hold each person's hand. Even P'Aof, after Tommy's declaration, looked determined to help Nu in any way they could.

Jax, Wilder, Luke, and Jake were standing with their eyes closed and had put their hands on Nu's back. The rest of the people in the room noticed that the color returned to Nu's face, and the dark circles began to fade.

After a few minutes, the four boys removed their hands, and Nu's skin, which had that deathly gray, was now blushing and pink. All the others looked at the four boys with their mouths open.

"Come, brothers. We are not finished here; the explanation cannot be us, and it must be about Nu," Jake said, taking Luke's hand and walking back to where Qi and Aya stood.

"My brothers transferred their energy to Nu, and it was because his energy was low. There was a little girl in the crowd who was sick, and during the whole concert, Nu was trying to heal her enough that she would survive her treatment and live a long healthy life. He never thinks of himself, always of others, and it is why we protect him so," Qi swung his gaze to Zee.

He is our light in the darkness. He is hope, life, and a gift to us and the world. He is ours to protect and love. He heals without thought or question because he can, because he must. There is no us without him. He is the one that saves us all," Luke smiled, looked at Nu with devotion and love, and reached for Jake's hand, who had a tear running down his cheek.

Jax stepped forward, "This is why it is vital as his lifemate, his strength to keep him in check. To boost his powers, to be an amplifier of his gift, so he doesn't drain away his energy, life, and light. We cannot lose him. His light cannot diminish. If we lose him, we are all lost. The worlds are lost. Children can see his brightness and mistake him for an angel. The very young have no preconceived ideas that adults do. They can see Nu for the beautiful special light that he is. Nu is drawn to sick children. He can't help but want to help them. His bodyguards are of our people and can recharge him when he does things like this."

Jax gently lifted Wilder's hand to his lips before reaching for his brother's hand with the other. The royal family looked at each other and then at each of the new family members in turn and said simultaneously. "You are our new family born from love. Join us."

The new family members looked slack-jawed, trying to comprehend what they heard and saw. Zee was rolling his shoulder when something dawned on him. His back no longer hurt! He always had back pain, and now there was nothing. He broke the circle. He took off his shirt and stood with his back facing P'Aof.

"The bruise, is it still there, P'Aof? Tell me," Zee demanded.

P'Aof was shocked that the massive bruise on Zee's back from the last few days was nowhere to be seen. He shook his head in disbelief and then turned his gaze to the sleeping boy in the recliner.

"Zee, we both know the answer to that question. You no longer have a bruise, P'Aof blew out a breath he was holding.

"Zee, please get back in the circle, place your hand on Nu's back, and Aya will put her hand over yours, " Luke said softly, knowing they were shocked by what was happening.

The royals focused the group's energy on Aya, and Aya pushed the power through Zee's hand into Nu. As this happened, Nu began to glow, the light becoming brighter. The royals smiled, knowing the energy they had just passed was a fraction of the power they gave Nu to recharge him before they started.

Zee increased the strength of the energy and allowed Nu to receive and convert small amounts of this new, more potent energy into more. It would take less energy for Nu to heal those who were highly sick or had terrible injuries.

They hoped that in the future, he could heal organs and other ailments he could not heal on his own unless all the people on the island were assembled. Zee could be the answer to that energy problem.

If the seers were correct, Nu could push a small amount of energy into Zee and pass it back to Nu to recharge him if he was low. Even in his sleep, Nu pushed the power back out through Zee and to those holding hands.

Everyone in the circle closed their eyes and felt the joy of the energy flowing through them. It was like nothing they had experienced before, even the royals.

If the seers were correct, twenty-two royals of the prophecy would push their energy through Zee to Nu to heal the worlds. How that happened, they did not know, but now that Zee and Nu are together, they can work on trying to find out.

They would get the seers and oracle working on a plan of action immediately, but first, they had to ensure everything was on track. They needed to bring Zee more into their world for that to happen.

The energy increases tenfold, creating more energy, light, and life. This is what the many worlds would need for Nu to heal them. He needed more, and Zee gave him that.

As Nu pushed the energy out in this new form, it instantly healed all who were in the circle. Those with ailments, cuts, bruises, dental issues, and even hair loss were all repaired. Abnormal cells in the body were made healthy and whole.

The royals shut it all down, and Aya took Zee's hand off Nu's back, patted his hand, and led him back to the chair so that he could curl up with Nu and process what he had been told. He was in shock, and Nu's light will soothe him, and he needed to hold his lifemate and feel comforted by it.

"Breathe," Aya whispered to Zee.

The rest of the family had all fallen to the floor once the energy had stopped flowing through their body. Aya knew she needed to converse with them about what had just happened.

"We are family. Nothing can change that now. You have shared our energy. You are part of us because our energy now resides in you, and your energy resides in us. As you continue to be around us, you may notice changes in yourselves. The abilities that you have will be enhanced. We do not know why this happens, but when a large amount of our energy enters the human body, it boosts what is already there. Body damage, scars, ailments, and diseases are healed. If you take medication, you need to stop taking them. You no longer have that affliction. Nu's energy has healed you, and as you interact with him now, his energy will continue to heal you of any new ailments, just like it heals our people and us. This is what being part of my family entails. It is the gift we give—Brother, sister, family, love, health, comfort, and peace. We stand against The Dark. Love of family and friends is the reason we must fight. You all are the reason we must win," Aya smiled, and they all got up and returned to their seats.

"Let's all take a moment. We need to all recover from this amazing thing that happened here, and the only person oblivious to this is Nu," Luke laughed.

The rest laughed, too, looking at Nu with love. He was theirs. No matter how weird this all was, they didn't care. They knew they would help Zee protect this special person for the rest of their lives.

Aya sent a message to their grandfather about Nu's lifemate, and the abilities already being displayed. They were not even married, sealed by the gods, and Zee hadn't even been converted.

The emperor told her to watch over them. He was delighted. He rushed to tell the children the good news. He would make a special stop at Nu's parents, whom he considered his adopted children, and tell them the glorious news of Nu's new lifemate.

Zee looked back at them and growled at them. They almost fell over, laughing at how possessive he was. The boys walked by the recliner, and Max was about to touch Nu on his back on his way to his seat.

"Don't touch him," Zee said in a low menacing voice.

Zee pulled Nu against him tighter and gently touched his face. He was pale again. He needed to help him. He was his lifemate, and that was his job. He tried to figure out how to share his energy but failed miserably.

Max was holding on to Nat, watching the whole thing. Nat whispered in his ear, "Don't be mad at Zee. Nu is unique, and even I have issues with people touching him when I feel protective of him."

"I know, babe. For some reason, I wanted to comfort them both, and I knew how he felt right then and realized my mistake. If someone touched you right now, I might growl at them too," smiling down at Nat, he kissed his forehead and looked back at the couple. Max was still concerned for the health of Zee's lifemate.

Aya got up and walked over to Zee, seeing the distress on his face. Understanding how it feels not to be able to help your lifemate when they need it.

"Relax and breathe, Zee, close your eyes, search yourself, look for the part of Nu inside you, see how it swirls and sparkles. Focus on it and push." Aya said softly.

Aya closed her eyes to observe, shocked that he could grasp the concept so quickly and was finally sending the much-needed energy to his lifemate.

With Zee's ability to make energy more potent, it took very little before Nu's face was shining and healthy. The dark circles were gone, and Zee breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone in the room instantly brightened. Aya looked around and saw that Nu was now the center of their universe, just like he was to theirs. He found a wonderful family to add to their own, and she could not wait to take them home to the island. Aya patted Zee on the back and got back up to go back to Qi.

A few minutes later, there was a slight knock, and the food they had ordered for dinner had arrived. Aya let Nate know that it was safe to let them in. Nate and Vincent rejoined the family. They would all eat, rest, and relax here before heading to the after-party.

Zee could not let go of Nu and never wanted to let go again. When Nu opened his pretty little eyes, he fell into them. Zee leaned in and pressed his lips softly to his. Zee's voice was gruff with emotion when he said, "Mine."


When NuNew opened his eyes, he saw his Hia, his lifemate, his world. Zee's lips descended and captured his in the sweetest kiss that was the opposite of the possessive declaration of "Mine" he made before his lips touched his. It made his heart sing happily.

NuNew, still smiling, looked at Zee and tilted his head. His smile faltered when he saw that Hia looked like the world's weight was on his shoulders. He reached up with one hand and massaged his brow.

"What is on your mind? What is making you think so hard that your brow is furrowed? Let's enjoy today and not worry about tomorrow; We are together. That is all that matters now, right?" NuNew said softly while continuing to massage his brow.

Hia kept staring at him, and he started to squirm. Though he had no idea why he was looking at him like that. Did something happen when he was asleep? He pulled him into his arms, and NuNew held him tight. He was getting worried that Hia looked so distressed.

"I am fine, baby. I was just worried you looked so tired," Hia pulled back to look at him, smiled, and moved his hair out of his eyes.

NuNew loved when Hia played with this hair. Hell, he loved when Hia touched him anywhere. He was a skin shipper, after all. A touch from one of his family or friends could make him feel calm and secure. His affinity amplified those feelings.

Being the only one of his people to have the spirit affinity, he had no one to talk to or who understood how he felt when someone touched him.

When Hia touched him, it was more. His whole world shifted. There were no words to describe the feelings, but it was something he had never experienced. His body had been waiting for his touch.

He was afraid to tell Hia how he felt when they were in the dressing room. He feared he would scare him away with his intense feelings for him. However, the way Hia talked, he felt the same way.

After the after-party, he would tell him everything about himself, his affinity, and his family, and he hoped he would accept him for who he was. Could he accept what was to come?

If he could accept him, he would tell Hia exactly how he felt about him and ask him to be his forever. He had wanted to make love to him so badly since the dressing room, and after he talked to him, nothing was going to stop him from claiming his lifemate.

NuNew still couldn't believe this was happening. He had dreamt of being his for years and was in his arms, with his beautiful eyes staring into his. He would give his man anything he wanted. All he had to do was ask. He was his.

"Ok, lovebirds, it's time to eat, we still have one more show, and we are all tired and need some energy, well, food energy," Aya laughed and skipped to the table full of food.

Everyone else followed her, laughing like they shared a private joke Nu wasn't part of.

NuNew sat up when he realized there was food in the room. Besides Hia being his favorite person, his other favorite thing was food. Any food, it didn't matter. He was hungry.

Hia helped him up, it was like he was afraid to let him go, and NuNew did not care. He loved it. He felt a little weak and wobbled. He was glad that Hia held him.

Suddenly NuNew felt Hia push his energy into him and tried to yank away. Hia pulled him back against him, refusing him the distance. He put his arms around his neck and held him, and he didn't want Hia to think he was rejecting him.

There was no way that Hia knew what he was doing and relaxed against him. There was no escaping the talk they needed tonight if Hia instinctively pushed his energy into him. He needed to protect him. Tell him the rules, or they need to avoid touching.

He needs to watch his energy reserves to ensure he doesn't overdo it. NuNew pressed his cheek against Hia's chest and released his healing energy back into him.

He heard Hia sigh and lay his chin against his shoulder. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Hia's energy entering and the converted energy leaving his body, restoring his lifemate. It felt amazing. They forgot that anyone else was in the room and only cared that they were in each other's arms.

The rest of the room remembered Zee and Nu. They were both shining like the sun, a bright light in the middle of the room. They were breathtakingly beautiful, but each wondered precisely what this all meant.


Zee had never felt so fantastic, but he thought it was from the love of his lifemate and family, and finally, all being together. When he pulled away from Nu and took his hand to take him to the table, he looked around as his family all gawked at them.

Thinking it was because they had put on a public display blushed and pulled Nu with him to the table to take a seat. The rest of the family sat down too. The family began talking and eating.

P'Aof sat down but didn't eat, "Are you all going to not talk about the elephant in the room and act like nothing just happened? Seriously, that shit is not normal! They both glowed like a star that went supernova, and we will forget about it and eat, really?"

Nate, the blunt one of the family, stared at P'Aof, then glared at him when he didn't look away.

"Are you hysterical? Do you need assistance? Nu, everyone knows about you and your affinity. While hugging Zee, you guys lit up like thousands of Christmas trees on a dark night. The siblings, now me included, have told them about you and a little about us. Now can we eat?" Nate grumbled and went back to eating. Vincent absentmindedly rubbed Nate's back to calm him.

Zee patted Nu's hand when Nu's head whipped around to stare at him.

"It's okay, babe. I am fine. Right now, I need you to eat and take care of yourself. That is my main concern. It is distressing to me that your needs are not being met. You looked terrible until we helped you with your energy needs. Please don't do that to yourself again unless I am there to help you, "he kissed his lifemate's hand and tried to feed him another spoonful of rice.

Glaring at P'Aof over Nu's head, Zee gave him a look that said. "Quit scaring my lifemate." He made P'Aof, come to his senses. He realized there were things that no one could explain, and this was just one of them. The universe had him here for a reason.

After P'Aof's outburst, Jimmy smiled and shook his head. The most fantastic thing in their lives happened in this room, and he still questioned the awesomeness of their future brother-in-law. Jimmy patted him on the shoulder and pointed at everyone at the table.

Everyone was talking like they had been family for years, and the feel of it all softened P'Aof immediately. His boys were essential to him, and now he had others who cared about them too. How bad can that be? Especially ones with superpowers.

P'Aof looked around and saw the happiness and smiles on everyone's faces and realized that this was now his family, as fantastic as it all may seem to him.

He will now work hard to keep his newfound family safe. He smiled, grabbed food, and joined the conversations, his earlier reservations resolved.

Nu had taken to feeding himself. He smiled, watching Nu trying to get to every dish on the table. His baby loved to eat, and he didn't care if he had to fight his brother for the last chicken wing. It was given freely and happily, so there was no bloodshed.

He would ensure that there was always plenty of food and various dishes for him daily. Nu's happiness is now his. He needs to figure out what to do. This was his first and last relationship, and Nu deserved the best.

Zee only had eyes for Nu until he excused himself to go to the bathroom and took his time to look around the table. His family and Nu's family were now "a family," their family.

He realized this was another thing he had missed since he left home. He needed to call his parents when he returned to Thailand, and he was always so busy that he didn't have time to go home.

But he never wanted those stares from his parents, and he didn't know how to deal with them or address them. He had a reason to go home now and needed to introduce his lifemate to them. He hoped it would go better than when he came out to them before leaving for college.

He wanted his family to accept their relationship. To accept Nu and love him as he did. He could do what he could. The list of talks they needed to have kept adding up, but he knew this one would be hard. Families were always hard for him, especially now since Nu had an intricate family structure and tree.

The table burst into hooting and laughter. All the brothers were gushing and excited. The brothers Luke and Jax were talking about Zee and Nu getting married and that they would have to plan another royal wedding.

The idea hit Zee straight in the heart. Wedding, his family was talking about marriage, and they just got together. They all just met, and they trust him to marry their brother. He hadn't met his family; would they accept them?

Will they find him acceptable due to his profession? Did they think he could provide for him? He would need a dowry, a home, and a car. What about children? Would Nu want them? His mind was overloaded, and he would have a panic attack. Immediately Nu was at his side like he felt his panic and snuggled against him. Zee could finally focus again now that Nu was by his side.

Yes, wedding. He would need a ring, propose, and then offer him a commitment ceremony since Thailand did not allow gay marriage. But he would give him all he could legally give him. He had time to think of all of that. They just got back together, he just wanted to enjoy that.

He would talk to Qi and Aya and see what he needed to do when the time was right. He was sure he would have to jump through some significant royal protocol and hoops, and he was willing to do it all for the man in his arms.

Aya looked at Qi and then at the couple that sat almost in each other's lap. She opened her mind to her husband.

"Qi, you will need to take Zee to pick up what we know he needs. Luckily we bring them with us. The other mothers were specific that each couple must use them. In their case, I am curious. All of you men have been through this feeling. The longer they wait, the more desperate they become. I feel it rising in Zee, but I do not see it in Nu for some reason. It is bizarre, and he should feel the same way. Maybe it is because he is of the spirit that it affects him differently. I know his attachment to Zee is far more intense than it was for the rest of us at the onset. The other mothers have a significant role in how all of us couples found each other and the part they played in it. But I do not sense the other mothers regarding Zee and Nu. I am not concerned but curious," Aya pondered.

Qi smiled at his wife and knew she wouldn't let this go until she knew. It would seem the other mothers would be paying a visit, and he hoped it was after the after-party or they would be doing damage control for days from previous experience. Aya didn't need an answer from her husband but kept watching her baby brother.


Since he woke up, it had been a dream. Hia didn't run away when he found out about his affinity. He should have known the other mothers would not have picked a faint-hearted lifemate for any of them, nor did he think Hia was like that. It was a lot to take in. Nu stood up and offered his hand to Zee, and he stood up with him.

"I am going to talk to Hia for a few minutes. I know it's almost time that we leave to get ready," NuNew said to his entire family

They all waved them off, enjoying the food and conversation. This was the only time he was glad his family was too busy to pay attention to him. He wanted a few stolen moments with Hia.

NuNew kept pulling on Hia's hand, trying to hurry him up. Opening the door and going to the room across the hall, and pushing him in. He closed the door and threw himself at his Hia.

Wrapping one arm around his neck, his other hand grabbed his hair.

"Kiss me, Hia. I need you to devour my lips, suck on my tongue and make me forget there is a show in an hour. All I want is you right now, and I can't stop thinking about what we will do in our bed tonight," Nu was panting, and Zee hadn't even kissed him yet.

Hia grabbed him by the waist and pressed his body close to his, rubbing his pelvis against his leg until he felt Hia's cock start to harden. Nu moaned, aching to be kissed, but Hia was not giving him what he wanted.

"Hiaaaa," NuNew whined.

Zee pushed him back against the door and held him with his hands above his head. He leaned in and took his earlobe in his mouth, sliding his tongue from his lobe to his ear. Then in his ear, he heard a gruff voice.

"Later baby, if we start now, I won't be able to stop, and your family will be mad at us. I promise later I will show you just how much I missed you. Show you how you make me forget to breathe," Zee grumbled in his ear.

His deep voice sent shivers down NuNew's spine. His Hia gave him a quick kiss and smiled at him. Nu realized he was right and pulled him to the sofa to sit down. He would snuggle against him until someone came and got them.

"But I have a quick question that will bug me all night. If you can heal, and we can pass energy to each other, why didn't you heal me that first night we were together?

Hia stroked his hair, making him even more relaxed but more sexually frustrated than when he dragged him in here. Is there anywhere he can't touch that makes him horny? He would have to test that out later tonight.

"I can also turn it off. If I seeped energy all over the place, I would require a recharge every minute—so much sickness in the world. Before I met you in my office, I healed a woman about to miscarry. She had some damage when she was young. If I didn't help her, she would never have had that child or any child in the future. She was a good soul, so I fixed the damage. She deserved children. So, I shut down my powers and never turned them back on because, well, if you want the truth, I forgot to turn them back on. Also, if I had healed you, you would have run out of the condo screaming bloody murder."

Zee began laughing so hard that even NuNew laughed with him. NuNew was going to sit in his lap and kiss him until it was time, but Qi knocked on the door and interrupted NuNew's grand plan.

"Time to go, Zee. We have something to do before going to the after-party, it's important, and it might take a little time. Your sisters' orders Nu," Qi smiled at Nu as he led his faen out the door.

As Qi and Zee went to leave, NuNew crossed his arms and hmphed at them, giving Zee a pouting lip that he would pay for later.

"Just wait, Hia; by the time you leave the after-party, you will regret not giving me a taste of what I wanted," NuNew whispered and went to get his sister and brothers.


Thank you again for reading. I appreciate every that I can get a chapter written for you. Every week I panic I am not going to make it. But here we are again. This time a bit earlier than usual, but I am glad we got past this chapter. This one was harder than most because you can usually move to a different place or different people. In this chapter, there is nowhere to go because laying down this foundation of the story is essential. This is where their relationship will begin with full disclosure of what Nu and his families love for him and why. I tried to make it boring, but I think my favorite two quotes of the chapter are from P'Aof supernova, and Nate asks if he needs assistance.

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